How Much Power Do Words Have?
How Much Power Do Words Have?
Words are so important to human beings. We get so excited when a child speaks their very first word or something that sounds like a familiar word to us like mama or dada. One of the most common ways that we communicate with each other is through our words. How much power do you think words have?
Our words carry energy and are very powerful. We must learn to speak intentionally, consciously, and impeccably and not speak words that are not true when we communicate with others and ourselves through our internal dialogue.
Words can impact people both negatively and positively. Positive encouraging words can help people heal, and influence them to have healthy perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to feeling good, behaving well, forming healthy habits, and reaching the desired results and destiny
So, you may be wondering, how can your words have a negative impact and hurt someone? Let’s discuss that next.
How Can Words Hurt Someone?
Negative verbally abusive words can be hurtful, make people have lower self-esteem, image, and confidence, and formation of limited perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to not feeling good, behaving inappropriately, forming unhealthy habits, and not reaching the desired results and destiny
Now that we know the power and impact of words let’s discuss the next 10 toxic things that parents should never say to their kids.
The earlier we can start impacting our children positively the better it is for them. They will have a better chance to function well in society as an adult and raise better kids and positively impact our future generations.

10 Toxic Things Parents Should Never Say To Their Kids
I have a lot of compassion for all the parents out there. Most of them love their children and mean well however we all know that parenting is not an easy role. Sometimes in moments of anger, we react to our children inappropriately and say things that we did not mean to say or use words that are not good for them.
Most of the time we are not even aware that we are doing that and perhaps it’s something that we heard and were told when we were little. It has become a part of our perspective, and beliefs, and runs like a program in our subconscious mind on autopilot.
What you experience as a child shapes you and becomes part of you and then influences you as an adult. Let’s bring attention to 10 things that perhaps you have said to your children without realizing that it is not good for them below.
“You Look Like A Freak”
You look like a freak or you look terrible. Even if you do not agree with what they are wearing, how they look, or the color of their hair, you can choose better words than the above-mentioned. Always remember words have energy and they can hurt and affect the recipient of those words.
You should always give your honest opinion when asked however a child should be encouraged to express themselves freely, especially once they reach the appropriate age and can look after themselves.
“I Never Wanted You”
No parent should ever say that to a child even if you were not planning to have them. Express gratitude because children are a blessing that your creator has chosen and trusted you to raise. Your child is a soul that is here now to fulfill its purpose and calling.
“I Will Send You To The Boarding School If You Do Not Listen”
It is not good to threaten to send your child to a boarding school if they do not listen to you. This is very terrifying for a child. They will start believing that if I do something wrong, I will be sent away and never see my family again.
This fear will stop them from believing in themselves, having the confidence to try new things and become independent and authentic. Instead have an open and honest conversation with your child, teach them, and express how you feel and why you are upset with them.
“I Am Leaving And Never Coming Back”
I am leaving and never coming back is the scariest thing for any child to hear. Abandonment is one of the biggest wounds that a child can have. Your child will feel anxious and pressured to be perfect to prevent you from leaving and never coming back.
It will be very difficult for your child to be authentic and independent. No one should have to live that way. A child should feel seen, heard, understood, and accepted.
“Do As I Say Or…”
Do as I say or …. this sounds like a threat too. When your children are younger and you want to keep them safe of course you’re going to have some rules for them to follow however as they get older you have to trust that you have raised them well and that they will make the right choices. There is no need to threaten them. Take the time to hear and value their age appropriate perspective and opinion.

“You Are Terrible At This”
No one wants to hear that they are terrible at something from their parents. Instead, put your attention and focus on their efforts. Encourage, support, and celebrate their best effort. Do not judge their capability by your comparisons, standards, and dreams. Let them be okay with their results and not feel judged once they believe they have given their best effort.
“You Are The Worst Student”
Do not say you are the worst student. Emphasize your child’s efforts and stop comparing your child to others or by the standards that the schools set by the grades received. There are many different types of geniuses and our schools do not value all of them equally. Your child may be gifted in areas that are not recognized and honored by their school.
Your child has been blessed with a unique gift, natural talents, and wisdom that is within them that is required for the fulfillment of their purpose and it does not matter whether it is recognized by others or not. Help them identify and discover these gifts.
“I Do Not Have Time For You”
When you say I do not have time for you your child will interpret that as you they are not very important to you. It is okay to check and make sure that what they need you for is not urgent and then be honest and say that you are busy at the moment.
Explain to them what is it that you are doing and tell them why. Tell them you would love to spend some time with them later and go ahead and schedule it. Make sure you keep your word.
“I Wish You Were More Like..”
No one should be compared to anyone else we are all unique, on our own soul journey and path. We are here now for a reason and have our purpose and calling. We have perfectly been made for the fulfillment of our purpose.
Never say to your child I wish you were more like your sibling or friend. Teach them not to compare themselves to others. Help them learn to tap into their inner power and strength. Remind them who they are and that they can always connect, align, and tap into their creator’s divine, mind, intelligence, and strength.
“What Are People Going To Say?”
You should not care about what other people will say as long as you are not harming anyone else by being you and living your true path. When you worry about others’ opinions know that you are listening to your ego’s screams instead of your soul’s whispers.
If your child is happy then that’s what should matter. People will always have an opinion however remember they do not know your child’s purpose. Their way may not be the right way for you.
In conclusion, you now know how much power words have. Our words carry energy and are very powerful. We must speak intentionally, consciously, and impeccably and not repeat or speak words that are not true to communicate with others and ourselves through our internal dialogue.
Words can impact people both negatively and positively. Positive encouraging words can help people heal, and influence them to have healthy perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to feeling good, behaving well, forming healthy habits, and reaching the desired results and destiny
Negative verbally abusive words can be hurtful, make someone have lower self-esteem, image, and confidence, and formation of limited perspective, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to not feeling good, behaving inappropriately, forming unhealthy habits, and not reaching their desired results, and destiny
You also now know 10 toxic things that parents should never say to their kids like “you are a freak, I never wanted you, I will send you to a boarding school if you do not listen, I am leaving and never coming back, do as I say or, you are terrible at this, you are the worst student, I do not have time for you, I wish you were more like, and lastly what are people going to say.”
I hope you will remove these 10 toxic things from your vocabulary especially when you’re talking to your children.
Next, read Can Childhood Affect Your Adulthood for further insights and tips.