How Much Power Do Words Have?

How Much Power Do Words Have?

How Much Power Do Words Have?

Words are so important to human beings. We get so excited when a child speaks their very first word or something that sounds like a familiar word to us like mama or dada. One of the most common ways that we communicate with each other is through our words. How much power do you think words have?
Our words carry energy and are very powerful. We must learn to speak intentionally, consciously, and impeccably and not speak words that are not true when we communicate with others and ourselves through our internal dialogue.
Words can impact people both negatively and positively. Positive encouraging words can help people heal, and influence them to have healthy perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to feeling good, behaving well, forming healthy habits, and reaching the desired results and destiny
So, you may be wondering, how can your words have a negative impact and hurt someone? Let’s discuss that next.

How Can Words Hurt Someone?

Negative verbally abusive words can be hurtful, make people have lower self-esteem, image, and confidence, and formation of limited perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to not feeling good, behaving inappropriately, forming unhealthy habits, and not reaching the desired results and destiny
Now that we know the power and impact of words let’s discuss the next 10 toxic things that parents should never say to their kids.
The earlier we can start impacting our children positively the better it is for them. They will have a better chance to function well in society as an adult and raise better kids and positively impact our future generations.

10 Toxic Things Parents Should Never Say To Their Kids

I have a lot of compassion for all the parents out there. Most of them love their children and mean well however we all know that parenting is not an easy role. Sometimes in moments of anger, we react to our children inappropriately and say things that we did not mean to say or use words that are not good for them. 

Most of the time we are not even aware that we are doing that and perhaps it’s something that we heard and were told when we were little.  It has become a part of our perspective, and beliefs, and runs like a program in our subconscious mind on autopilot.
What you experience as a child shapes you and becomes part of you and then influences you as an adult. Let’s bring attention to 10 things that perhaps you have said to your children without realizing that it is not good for them below.

“You Look Like A Freak”

You look like a freak or you look terrible. Even if you do not agree with what they are wearing, how they look, or the color of their hair, you can choose better words than the above-mentioned. Always remember words have energy and they can hurt and affect the recipient of those words. 
You should always give your honest opinion when asked however a child should be encouraged to express themselves freely, especially once they reach the appropriate age and can look after themselves.

“I Never Wanted You”

No parent should ever say that to a child even if you were not planning to have them. Express gratitude because children are a blessing that your creator has chosen and trusted you to raise. Your child is a soul that is here now to fulfill its purpose and calling. 

“I Will Send You To The Boarding School If You Do Not Listen”

It is not good to threaten to send your child to a boarding school if they do not listen to you. This is very terrifying for a child. They will start believing that if I do something wrong, I will be sent away and never see my family again.
This fear will stop them from believing in themselves, having the confidence to try new things and become independent and authentic. Instead have an open and honest conversation with your child, teach them, and express how you feel and why you are upset with them.

“I Am Leaving And Never Coming Back”

I am leaving and never coming back is the scariest thing for any child to hear. Abandonment is one of the biggest wounds that a child can have.  Your child will feel anxious and pressured to be perfect to prevent you from leaving and never coming back.
It will be very difficult for your child to be authentic and independent. No one should have to live that way. A child should feel seen, heard, understood, and accepted.

“Do As I Say Or…”

Do as I say or …. this sounds like a threat too. When your children are younger and you want to keep them safe of course you’re going to have some rules for them to follow however as they get older you have to trust that you have raised them well and that they will make the right choices.  There is no need to threaten them. Take the time to hear and value their age appropriate perspective and opinion.

“You Are Terrible At This”

No one wants to hear that they are terrible at something from their parents. Instead, put your attention and focus on their efforts. Encourage, support, and celebrate their best effort. Do not judge their capability by your comparisons, standards, and dreams. Let them be okay with their results and not feel judged once they believe they have given their best effort.

“You Are The Worst Student”

Do not say you are the worst student. Emphasize your child’s efforts and stop comparing your child to others or by the standards that the schools set by the grades received. There are many different types of geniuses and our schools do not value all of them equally. Your child may be gifted in areas that are not recognized and honored by their school.
Your child has been blessed with a unique gift, natural talents, and wisdom that is within them that is required for the fulfillment of their purpose and it does not matter whether it is recognized by others or not. Help them identify and discover these gifts.

“I Do Not Have Time For You”

When you say I do not have time for you your child will interpret that as you they are not very important to you. It is okay to check and make sure that what they need you for is not urgent and then be honest and say that you are busy at the moment.
Explain to them what is it that you are doing and tell them why. Tell them you would love to spend some time with them later and go ahead and schedule it. Make sure you keep your word.

“I Wish You Were More Like..”

No one should be compared to anyone else we are all unique, on our own soul journey and path. We are here now for a reason and have our purpose and calling. We have perfectly been made for the fulfillment of our purpose.
Never say to your child I wish you were more like your sibling or friend. Teach them not to compare themselves to others. Help them learn to tap into their inner power and strength. Remind them who they are and that they can always connect, align, and tap into their creator’s divine, mind, intelligence, and strength.

“What Are People Going To Say?”

You should not care about what other people will say as long as you are not harming anyone else by being you and living your true path. When you worry about others’ opinions know that you are listening to your ego’s screams instead of your soul’s whispers.
If your child is happy then that’s what should matter. People will always have an opinion however remember they do not know your child’s purpose. Their way may not be the right way for you.

In conclusion, you now know how much power words have. Our words carry energy and are very powerful. We must speak intentionally, consciously, and impeccably and not repeat or speak words that are not true to communicate with others and ourselves through our internal dialogue.
Words can impact people both negatively and positively. Positive encouraging words can help people heal, and influence them to have healthy perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to feeling good, behaving well, forming healthy habits, and reaching the desired results and destiny
Negative verbally abusive words can be hurtful, make someone have lower self-esteem, image, and confidence, and formation of limited perspective, beliefs, and thoughts, which then leads to not feeling good, behaving inappropriately, forming unhealthy habits, and not reaching their desired results, and destiny
You also now know 10 toxic things that parents should never say to their kids like “you are a freak, I never wanted you, I will send you to a boarding school if you do not listen, I am leaving and never coming back, do as I say or, you are terrible at this, you are the worst student, I do not have time for you, I wish you were more like, and lastly what are people going to say.”
I hope you will remove these 10 toxic things from your vocabulary especially when you’re talking to your children.
Next, read Can Childhood Affect Your Adulthood for further insights and tips.

Is A Recession Bad For Everyone?

Is A Recession Bad For Everyone?

Is A Recession Bad For Everyone?

Most of us have lived through and experienced a recession before. It is predicted by most economists that we will be going through a recession in 2023.
We will see further increases in the price of goods, potential stock markets declining, new graduates having a hard time securing jobs, and people losing their jobs. So, is recession bad for everyone?
Yes, I would say everyone would feel some of the negative impact of a recession directly or indirectly through difficulties experienced by the people they know including their loved ones.
In general, people tend to spend less when a recession is anticipated and therefore certain industries like retail and entertainment get impacted faster and more because people tend to cut these expenses from their budget first.
So, you may be wondering how long does a recession last. Let’s answer that question next. 

When Will This Recession Be Over?

Historically, the majority of recessions have lasted about 10-11 months however the negative economic impact may last and be felt for a few years longer. Let’s hope this recession will not follow the same pattern and will be over much faster.
Next, let’s discuss 5 ways to prepare for a recession.

How To Prepare For A Recession In 2023

So many of us get caught in the downturn of the economy due to many adversarial situations like the pandemic and recession. While we cannot predict the timing of these adversarial situations we can make it a priority to plan for them and take care of our financial health and stability.
Here are five ways you can start preparing for a potential pending recession with your family.

Stop Getting Caught Up In The Hype

Stop watching and believing all the hype and negativity in the news and social media. Do not give your power away and let all the negative news affect you emotionally and cause you to react rather than respond.
What you consume will become a part of your identity, beliefs, predominant thoughts, feelings, behavior, habits, and eventually your destiny.
Assess calmly what really will be the possible financial effects of a recession or a job loss on your family and household. Talk to your family members and discuss your situation so that everyone can be heard, contribute, and be fully informed of the potential impact and your plan to deal with it.

Have Enough Runway

Learn from past adversarial situations like the pandemic and set aside a peace of mind account covering a liquid cash balance that you would need to sustain yourself in case of a job loss. I would recommend that you set aside an amount of money that is equivalent to at least 12-18 months of all your required household expenses.
In case you do not feel like you have a sufficient amount of time to save that amount quickly enough then get an unsecured line of credit which is easier to qualify for and get while you are employed. You can use this line of credit as your emergency funds until you can save enough money that can act as a runway for you to survive.

Have Multiple Streams Of Income

Review and track all your incoming money and the different income streams that you have. Make sure you are not putting yourself at risk and relying on only one income stream like a job.
Having one stream of income is not secure and is similar to an analogy of having a one-legged stool (a job you rely on solely to pay for all your monthly expenses) and when that leg breaks or is no longer there you end up on the floor.
Some of the things you can do to make more money are to invest your money in dividend-paying stocks, and cash-flowing real estate, start a part-time side business, and add a different offer to your business like coaching/consulting.

Be Resourceful

Be resourceful and figure out how much support you have available to you in case of financial troubles like family, friends you can borrow money from, or partners that you can collaborate with on a potential new product launch to make extra cash.

Reduce Expenses

Track everything you spend money on every day for at least 3 months on different categories like food, entertainment, rent/mortgage, transportation, etc to get a better understanding of your outflow of money.
Try to cut down and reduce any unnecessary amounts that you are spending every month like subscriptions, and gym memberships that are not beneficial and you are no longer using, and also start buying things in bulk to save.
Put all the newly found savings towards your peace of mind account. Do not cut things that are investments for your future like marketing your business, and money invested in your self-growth. 
When you show the universe that you are good at managing what you have earned then you will be trusted with and given a lot more money and abundance. The more you can be trusted with, the more you can invest and multiply it, and the more you can endlessly give to others.
So, it is your responsibility to use your talents to make all the money that you can make, manage and multiply it well so that the universe knows it can give you more.  It can trust you with a lot more and you become a trustee receiver for your creator to distribute the money wherever it needs to go.

In conclusion, you now know that a recession is bad for everyone because they would feel the negative impact of a recession directly or through difficulties experienced by the people, they know including their loved ones.
In general, people tend to spend less when a recession is anticipated and therefore certain industries like retail and entertainment get impacted faster and more because people tend to cut these expenses from their budget first.
You also learned 5 ways to prepare for a recession and make your finances recession proof like not getting caught up in the negative hype, having enough runway, having multiple streams of income, being resourceful, and reducing expenses.
I Hope you feel empowered and informed enough to start planning and implementing the above tips in case of a recession and to make yourself recession proof and financially stable and healthy.
Next, read can I start a business with no experience for further helpful insights and tips.

What Is Self-Forgiveness?

What Is Self-Forgiveness?

What Is Self-Forgiveness?

It is much easier for most of us to forgive others than it is to forgive ourselves. Some of us hold on to our mistakes from the past and continue to have regrets and suffer, crucify, and punish ourselves for the rest of our lives. So, what exactly is self-forgiveness and why is it important?
Self-forgiveness is your ability to acknowledge, and accept that you made a mistake, forgive yourself, and take the appropriate actions to rectify what is in your control with yourself or others if your behavior has caused them to suffer and if it is not possible to rectify then letting the resulting resentment, guilt, shame, anger, despair, and all the hurt go by growing, transforming and learning lessons from the experience.

It is practiced as an act of self-love and it is therefore independent and not reliant on the other person’s actions, behavior, capability, and capacity to accept your forgiveness which is not at all in your control. You forgive yourself for your own benefit so you can feel at peace on the inside.
So, you may be wondering, why is self-forgiveness important. Let’s discuss that next.

Why Is Self-Forgiveness Important?

Self-forgiveness is important because it is an act of unconditional love toward yourself. It is also empowering to know that you are not perfect nor should your ever pressure yourself to ever aspire to be. It is a way to accept and take full responsibility for your actions and it is known to improve your confidence, self-esteem, and worth. 

What Happens If You Do Not Forgive Yourself?

The stuck energy of regret, resentment, and anger can lead to other adverse mental and physical health issues and conditions. Without self-forgiveness, it would be very hard for you to be motivated, and hopeful for your future, and to live your best confident, joyful, meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, and impactful life.
It is also hard to fully forgive others and have no regrets or resentment toward them if you cannot practice compassion, kindness, and forgiveness toward yourself.
Let’s discuss next how to learn self-forgiveness

7 Ways To Learn How To Forgive Self

The sooner you can learn to forgive yourself, be at peace with your past, and let go of the resentments and regrets, the better it is for your well-being. It is very important to learn to forgive yourself because it is inevitable that you will make mistakes in life. After all, no human being is perfect. Always aim to be real, and authentic rather than perfect. 
Here are 7 ways for you to learn how to forgive yourself.

Stop Dwelling On The Past

Learn to stop dwelling on past mistakes and wasting your energy and present moments which will never come back. Your past cannot be changed and so learn to accept it instead of trying to control it and reliving it over and over again in your mind and torturing yourself. Spend your energy on focusing on the now moments instead which are guaranteed. 

Remember you create your future from your identity, beliefs, and thoughts that you think today so choose wisely. Always be aware of your automatic habitual thoughts and change them if they do not match your desired future life.

Move Forward

Move forward and do not get stuck in self-hate, impeding your growth, and obsessing over what you did in the past. Life is a gift and it is to be lived with joy every single day that you are blessed with. You are not what you did. Life always happens for you, not to you. Reflect and learn lessons from your past, and grow and transform yourself from these experiences. The bigger and better version of yourself that you become the bigger and better way you can then serve and help others.  

Reflect On Your Consciousness

Know, accept, and reflect on your consciousness in the past when you made a mistake and now. You are not the same person that made that mistake. You have transformed, matured, and grown physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally and are at a different level of maturity and consciousness.
Cut yourself some slack and stop punishing yourself for something that your past lower self did. Remember we are here on this earth to grow and serve. One of the ways to grow is by learning from your mistakes which is simply feedback.

Acknowledge Your Shadow Self

Learn to journey inward and acknowledge that the mistakes you made were a result of your shadow self (which is not good), that every one of us has, expressing itself. Who you are is an individualized expression of your creator. Your value does not diminish because of what you did. Know that who you are at the essence is based on the qualities of your soul and it is always good. 
You are compassion, kindness, love, peace, joy, and abundance by nature and so learn to reflect these in your actions daily. Your soul is a part of your creator and it can never be bad. Your true nature is good. You are a divine soul that is having a temporary human experience.

Having A Creative Outlet

Have a creative outlet available to express and process your grief, resentments, regrets, and its associated negative energy instead of simmering in it forever. You can scream, draw a picture in color depicting how you are feeling, dance and release the negative energy or come up with any other way that you like to accomplish your release of the negative energy.

Figure out Your Unmet Needs

Figure out what unmet needs within you or the unmet needs of your inner archetype keeps coming up and trying to express themselves. Acknowledge it, the lessons learned from the past, and meet these needs by living the true qualities of your archetype. 

Have Regular Letting-Go Rituals

Have regular rituals that help you let go of the regrets from your past. For example, have a morning routine to forgive yourself and picture releasing and letting any stuck blocked energy go from your body into your creator’s light. Any blockage of energy in your body can lead to adverse health conditions, and diseases, blockage of your chakras, and stop the free flow of energy within your body. 
You can also write down how you are feeling on a piece of paper and then burn that piece of paper as you let that feeling go. Don’t waste your present moments thinking about the past. We are not here to live our lives looking backward to the past. Every day is a gift and it is to be lived fresh and not by bringing your baggage from the past. 
Enjoy the moments that you have now before it’s too late because we’re only here temporarily. Your future is not guaranteed however your present is.  

In conclusion, you now know that self-forgiveness is your ability to acknowledge, admit, and accept that you made a mistake and did something wrong, forgive yourself, and take the appropriate actions to rectify what is in your control with yourself or others if your behavior has caused them to suffer. 
If it is not possible to rectify then let the resulting resentment, guilt, shame, anger, despair, and all the hurt go by growing and learning lessons from the experience.
It is practiced as an act of self-love and it is therefore independent and not reliant on the other person’s actions, behavior, capability, and capacity to accept your forgiveness which is not at all in your control. You forgive yourself so you can feel at peace on the inside.
Self-forgiveness is important because it is an act of unconditional love toward yourself. It is also empowering to know that you are not perfect nor should your ever pressure yourself to ever aspire to be. It is a way to accept and take full responsibility for your actions and it is known to improve your confidence, self-esteem, and worth. 
If you cannot forgive yourself then the stuck energy of regret, resentment, and anger can lead to other adverse mental and physical health issues and conditions. Without self-forgiveness, it would be very hard for you to be motivated, and hopeful for your future, and to live your best confident, joyful, meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, and impactful life. It is also hard to fully forgive others and have no regrets and resentment towards them if you cannot be compassionate towards yourself.
You also learned 7 ways to forgive yourself like no longer dwelling on the past, moving forward, reflecting on your consciousness, acknowledging your shadow self, having a creative outlet, figuring out unmet needs, and having regular letting go rituals. 
I hope you will no longer punish yourself because of your past mistakes and have been inspired to love yourself unconditionally and be kind, and compassionate towards yourself. 
Do not let your past actions define who you are for the rest of your life. Live your best life starting today!
Next, read Is it normal to have regrets in life for further helpful and insightful tips.

Can Sadness Make You Sick?

Can Sadness Make You Sick?

Can Sadness Make You Sick?

Sadness is a universal emotion that we have all without a doubt experienced in our life at one time or another and therefore we know exactly what it feels like despite our age, background, social status, sex, and color. What does sadness do to you? Can it make you sick?
Yes, sadness most definitely can make you sick. It affects both your mental/emotional state and physical well-being. Your body, mind and emotions are connected and therefore cannot exist, function, or be treated in isolation.
Sadness can affect you mentally by making you feel unhappy, low mood, depressed, anxiety, and also physically like tightening feeling in the chest, irritating your stomach, insomnia, fatigue, and headaches.
So, you may be wondering, where does sadness come from? Let’s discuss that next.

Where Does Sadness Come From?

Sadness is experienced because of your perception, stories that you make up, interpretation, and assumption about an event, circumstance, or other person’s actions/behavior which then leads to your resulting negative thoughts, unpleasant feelings, unkind words, and inappropriate behavior, and actions.
Always remember any feeling that does not make you feel good is a sign that it is resulting from the wrong thinking pattern which you can work on changing by being aware of it before it results in negative consequences and emotions.
The more you practice this pattern, the sooner you will be able to catch it and stop the resulting negative emotions and actions and consequences faster and faster.
Let’s discuss next 10 other reasons why you may be feeling sad and what to do about it.

10 reasons Why You May Be Feeling Sad

The last couple of years has been tough for a lot of people including myself because we’ve been going through the pandemic. We were isolated for a while and not allowed to see anybody and now we have normalized staying at home.  We do feel like going anywhere and so a lot of us are feeling sad and down at the moment.
Here are 10 reasons why you may be feeling sad and what to do to get out of this emotional state. These are the things that have worked for me and hopefully, they can help you as well.

Consumption Of Negative Information

If you consume too much negativity by watching a lot of news, listening to toxic lyrics of music, and watching violent movies then the chances of you feeling sad are very high.
The negativity that you consume then informs your identity, beliefs, and thoughts and then creates all your results. Be very careful with what you consume every day and make sure you consume more positivity because that will help you have a better mindset and better thoughts and a better life.

Mindless Scrolling On Social Media

If you are always on your phone and are scrolling aimlessly and comparing yourself to others on social media, that will also lead to sadness. People normally post their few good moments on social media that does not mean that they are always happy.
You should not compare yourself to others because you are on your path and are here for a purpose. Learn to take a break from technology and get rid of the fear of missing out.

Lack Of Sleep

Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is very important to function optimally in life and not feel sad and react to other people, circumstances, and situations. Most people need at least 7-8 hours every night. It is good to go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.
Switch off all the devices that emit blue light at least an hour before sleeping. Have a wind-down routine before going to bed every day. Read a book with positive messages, meditate, and practice gratitude as you fall asleep.
You will have a better, peaceful, and restful sleep and you’ll be able to control your emotions better, function better, and react less.

Not Getting Enough Fresh Air

If you do not get enough sunlight and fresh air then you will experience sadness. Human beings function based on the circadian rhythm and therefore need to feel the sunlight on our skin which signals daytime.
Try stepping out every day to get some fresh air even if it’s for 10 -15 minutes. Preferably somewhere nice and scenic like around a body of water or lots of trees.

No Social Connection

Isolation and seclusion can also cause sadness. We are social creatures and need physical contact and touch with other humans. It is important to be around the energy of people who love and support us. Arrange a coffee date with a friend or go out shopping. Visit and invite family and friends over.

Feeling Hopeless

It is easy to feel sad if you feel hopeless and have nothing to look forward to in life. Hope is very necessary for motivation and progress. Know that you’re here now for a reason or you would not be here. Raise your energy by practicing gratitude, and then reach out and make a difference in someone’s life.
The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. Always remember there are plenty of people who need your help. Start by serving the person that is in front of you at the moment.

Not Getting Enough Exercise

You may be feeling sad because you are not getting enough exercise. When you move your body daily, your brain releases certain feel-good hormones. If you do not like exercising, start playing your favorite music to dance to and move your body freely for a few minutes. You will shift your energy and feel better.

Lack Of Hydration

You will not feel good and may feel sad if you are not getting enough water into your body. Your body is made up of water mostly and your organs cannot function optimally without it. Google and figure out how much water your body needs daily based on your weight and stay hydrated.

Drowning In Fear/Worries

You may be feeling sad and getting consumed by fear, worries, and all the challenges that you are facing in your life currently. Know that you are powerful and bigger than any problem that you may be currently facing.

You are a soul that’s having a temporary human experience. You’re powerful and connected to your creator’s mind, intelligence, and strength. Your life has infinite possibilities which you have to believe and begin reminding yourself about daily.

Lost A Loved One

You may be feeling like you’ve lost a loved one during the pandemic or maybe your relationship ended. Always know that this is temporary and it will pass. Life happens for you, you’re going through this for a reason. Look for the lessons in it and know life happens for you and loves you.
You are probably meant to be with someone else (if your relationship ended) who is better for you or perhaps you are meant to be independent that’s why the loved one left you. Be grateful that they were a part of your life however long they were a part of your life.

In conclusion, you now know that sadness can most definitely make you sick. It affects both your mental/emotional state and physical well-being. Your body and mind are connected and therefore cannot exist, function, or be treated in isolation.
Sadness can affect you mentally by making you feel unhappy, have a low mood, depressed, anxiety, and also physically like tightening feeling in the chest, irritable bowel, insomnia, fatigue, and headaches.
You feel sad because of your perception, stories that you make up, interpretation, and assumption about an event, circumstance, or other person’s actions/behavior that you make up which then leads to your resulting negative thoughts, unpleasant feelings, unkind words, inappropriate behavior, and actions.
You discovered the 10 reasons why you may be feeling sad like too much consumption of negativity, scrolling and comparing on social media, lack of sleep, fresh air, exercise, social connections, hope, water, loss of a loved one, and too much fear and worries and how to overcome these.
Next read what to do when you feel unhappy for further helpful tips and insights.

Why Is Money Important In Life?

Why Is Money Important In Life?

Why Is Money Important In Life?

I believe it is extremely important for everyone to learn how money works and how to manage and multiply it. I wish these money skills were taught to our children in schools more than they are at the moment. Most people consider it taboo to discuss money and to share their financial situation and knowledge with their children.
So, why should you teach your children about money? Why is money important in life?
Money is important in life because it is required for us to pay for our basic survival needs like food, shelter, healthcare, and education. Lack of money for these needs can lead to unhappiness, stress, worry, and inability to create a life of meaning, and impact and keep us from the fulfillment of our purpose which is why we are on this earth at this very moment.
So, you may be wondering, what money lessons should parent(s) be sharing with their kids before it is too late? Let’s discuss that next.

7 Money Lessons Every Parent(s) Must Teach Their Kids

Teaching our children about money is very crucial and necessary for their happiness. You have to know how to handle your money in life and it should not be deferred to someone else to do. No one else will care about it as you would. Let’s discuss seven things that you can teach your kids so they can be financially successful in life.

What Is Money

Teach them that money is a tool that helps you sustain the mission and lifestyle that you want to live. It is neutral and does not have positive or negative energy associated with it. You give it energy based on your perspectives, identity, belief, thoughts, and relationship with it.
In other words, if you have limiting beliefs about money and a negative relationship with it then you will attract and get negative experiences with it and if you have a positive relationship with it then you will get positive experiences with it.
If you are scarcity-minded and tell yourself that money does not grow on trees, it is evil, not good, and believe that all rich people are greedy then you will block yourself from being rich. Money amplifies who you are and does not change you and makes you a bad person.
If you have been blessed with the skills then use them and aim to make a lot of money because you can do a lot of good with it. You can give to others endlessly. It is not like giving your time which is in limited supply and there is only so much of it you can give in service to others.

How Money Works

They need to know how money works. What is debt, what different types of debt, interest, inflation, and how do credit cards work? How the banking systems and accounts work, how banks operate, and how money gets in the bank and into your account before magically coming out of the machine or debit cards.

Different Ways To Make Money

Discuss the many abundant ways to make money that we have been blessed with in today’s day and age. Going to university and getting a job is not the only way to earn money today. Help them explore ways to earn money based on their interests and passion like starting their own online business.
Guide them to discover their unique gifts, natural talents, skills, passion, and purpose that they can use to do work that they love, and were born to do. Encourage them to figure out what kind of lifestyle they want to live and then calculate what kind of money and work will be required to sustain that lifestyle.
Instead of saying we cannot afford this instead say let’s figure out ways to make money and afford it. We live in a very abundant world that we can attract and experience with the right perspective, identity, beliefs, and thoughts.

Managing Money

Teach them to be responsible with their money and learn to save and keep as much as possible. It is not complicated to learn and educate yourself on money management. You have to commit to it and believe in your abilities. It is very important to form a habit of paying yourself first when you earn the money rather than paying everybody else first and then saving the leftover.
You can automate and save as much as possible at a minimum of about 10- 20% of your take-home income. Create a spending plan and have a category for money going towards your fixed and variable necessities for shelter, food, etc, financial freedom to invest and grow, long-term savings, giving, and some money for fun.

Setting Financial Goals

Teach them to set desired financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. For example, one of their goals could be a big purchase that they want to make like a car. Teach them to calculate how much money they will need to buy, maintain, and insure it.
Create a plan to earn the money, the time frame needed, and how much to save every week, or month and possibly decide on the type of investments to make to earn interest if it is a long-term goal that is more than 3-5 years away.

Multiplying The Money

They must learn investment skills so they can multiply the money that they work for. Your money should work harder for you than you work for it. The more money you can make from your investments the more you will have to enjoy and do good with.
Some of the investments they can look into adding to their diversified portfolio are ETFs, index funds, dividend-paying stocks, and real estate investment properties.


Generosity is a very important value to teach your children. Help them form a habit of designating a certain percentage of their take-home pay for giving. If you have been blessed with skills and the privilege of earning lots of money then you have the responsibility to give back.
The more you give the more you will be trusted to enjoy and distribute to others. There is nothing wrong or greedy about earning as much as you can so that you can share and give more to others endlessly.
Become your creator’s trustee and direct money where it needs to go. Always remember abundance is your birthright. Money is not the root of evil it is the love or obsession with money over and above anything else that is evil. Do not sacrifice your time with family, faith, morals, and values for it.

In conclusion, you now know that money is important in life because it is required to pay for our basic survival needs like food, shelter, healthcare, education, etc. Lack of money for these needs can lead to unhappiness, stress, worry, and inability to create a life of meaning, and impact and keep you from the fulfillment of your purpose which is why you are on this earth at this very moment.
The 7 money lessons every parent(s) must teach their kids before it is too late are what is money, how it works, different ways to make it, manage it, how to set and achieve financial goals, giving, investing, and multiplying it.
Next, read What Causes Money Blocks for further insights and tips

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Developed And Improved?

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Developed
And Improved?

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Developed And Improved?

Are you emotionally intelligent? In other words, how well are you able to manage your own emotions, understand and influence other people’s emotions without getting consumed or triggered by their behaviour or actions?
I am sure you, like others, have had moments in your life where you let your emotions get the best of you, lost control of yourself, and regretted how you reacted, and what you said and/or did out of anger. Is this type of reaction pattern something you have to live with for the rest of your life or can emotional intelligence be developed and improved?
Yes, emotional intelligence can be developed and improved as you go through different experiences, and challenges and learn life lessons. You are not born with a set amount of emotional intelligence which you have to live with for the rest of your life.
When you develop and improve your emotional intelligence, you will be able to better handle your emotions and have fewer regrettable moments of outbursts and reactions.
So, you may be wondering, what are some ways to improve your emotional intelligence? Let’s discuss that next.

5 Ways To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is very important in life because having a high score in the intelligence co-efficient(IQ) is not sufficient by itself. We coexist and interact with ourselves and other human beings both in our personal life and work. I don’t think success is possible without developing and improving emotional intelligence.
Let’s cover below five ways to improve your emotional intelligence

Practice Mindfulness Daily

Start practicing mindfulness, and meditation, spending time in silence every day, and connecting to your creator. You will be better able to hear your Soul’s whispers, and guidance(intuition) and connect to your creator.
You will begin to feel grounded, calm, and peaceful on the inside and will be able to live by the true qualities of your soul which are peace, love, joy, compassion, and abundance.
You will be able to better handle your emotions, pause, and respond when faced with challenging, situations, and circumstances rather than reacting and getting angry.

Have Self Awareness

Take some time to reflect and get to know yourself better and learn to master your own emotions. Recognize some things that people say or do that trigger you and make you angry.
Prepare yourself and learn to anticipate, pause, and respond when you face these possible triggers. Learn to listen to your inner guidance and gut instead of letting other people’s actions control and dictate how you react.

Always Be Empathetic

Practice compassion and empathy every day. Recognize that other people may have a completely different life perspective from you. They may be behaving in a certain way because they may be possibly going through some rough patches in life or have had a very difficult childhood.
Try to understand others and learn to put yourself in their shoes and have empathy towards them. Seek to understand them better by observing their body language and asking them clarifying questions instead of being triggered by them.
Your way of doing things is not the only way or the only right way. They may not have the capacity to do or say things in ways that you expect them to. When we expect others to behave in a certain way, it often leads to disappointment.
However, that does not mean you should not set boundaries around how you should be treated and who you want to have a close relationship with. People who do not make you feel good, or disrespect you do not have to stay in your life or you can reduce your contact with them.

Learn To Master Your Own Emotions

Learn to regulate, master your own emotions, and take the responsibility for your actions and reactions. Instead of reacting right away to unpleasant circumstances or situations and letting the other person’s actions dictate how you behave, take a pause and then respond.
Always be aware of your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, actions, and habits that are responsible and guide your reaction and destiny eventually. Know that you are not your thoughts, and emotions, separate yourself from them and be the observer of the same instead. You are a soul that is having a temporary life experience.

Build Your Social Skills

Work on building your social skills and learn to resolve conflicts in a better way. Show care and talk to people respectfully instead of getting angry, losing your cool, shouting, and talking down to them. Find common ground, and have patience when interacting with different people from different backgrounds.
Not everyone will see things your way and have your exact perspective and experience in life. It is okay for others to live life their way as long as they are not forcing you to do things that are against your ethics, morals, and your soul’s guidance. Remember everyone is on their life path.

In conclusion, you now know that emotional intelligence which is your ability to manage your own emotions and understand and influence other people’s emotions without getting consumed or triggered by their behaviour or actions can be developed and improved as you go through different experiences, challenges, and you learn life lessons.
You are not born with a set amount of emotional intelligence which you have to live with for the rest of your life. When you develop and improve your emotional intelligence, you will be able to better handle your emotions and have fewer regrettable moments of outbursts and reactions.
You also learned five ways to improve your emotional intelligence like starting a mindfulness practice, having self-awareness, being empathetic, learning to master your own emotions, and building your social skills.
It will serve you well to start implementing some of these ways to improve your emotional intelligence especially if you want to live your best life with all the people that you may come across in your life journey!
Next what is a lack of self awareness? read for further insights and helpful tips.

Why Is Immersing In Gratitude Important?

Why Is Immersing In Gratitude Important

Why Is Immersing In Gratitude Important

One of the most life-changing, important, impactful, and cherished practices that I have incorporated into my life to do daily is taking the time to remember and/or journal about all the things that I have to be grateful for.
I highly recommend it and do not doubt that you will begin to see its benefits right away if you were to start practicing gratitude every single day. Why is immersing yourself in gratitude important?
The ability to intentionally immerse yourself in gratitude is important because it is one of the best ways to get out of any funk, rut, and feeling sad. When you start focusing on all the things that you have to be grateful for, you instantly raise your energy and start feeling better and happier.
So, you may be wondering next, what things should I be grateful for? Let’s discuss that next.

What Things Should I Be Grateful For

Your creator has blessed you to live on the abundant and precious earth full of gifts and therefore the list is too long for me to be able to mention within this blog post. Here are some things to get you started and I am sure you can come up with many of your own.
You can be grateful for the sun, mountains, trees, bodies of water, beautiful sunsets, relationships with your loved ones, things about yourself that you appreciate and like and so much more. 
Let’s discuss some other things below that are not as obvious and that we often forget to be grateful for.

8 Things We Often Forget To Be Grateful For

Try to remember these 8 things we often forget to be grateful for add them to your list as you learn to practice gratitude every single day. They often do not come to mind easily.

Your Soul(light)

Be grateful for your soul that has been trusted by your creator to come onto this Earth at this moment to fulfill a purpose. You are one of the soldiers of your creator’s army that is a force for good and has come here on earth to do good.  
It is not an accident that you are on this earth right now. The purpose of every soul that is here is to grow and then help and serve others. How you serve your calling is based on the unique gifts that you have been blessed with even though several people could be serving that same purpose, however, no one will be doing it your way.

Your Connection To Your Creator

Be grateful for your connection with your creator. Your soul is a part of your creator’s light and it is within you. You have access to your creator’s intelligence, mind, and strength and you can connect to it anytime and ask for help.
You are here to do your creator’s work and therefore loving guidance and support are always available to you. Take the time to stay connected, spend time in silence, listen to guidance, and meditate.

Your Mother’s Womb

Be grateful for your mother who is your second creator and her womb that carried and nourished you as you were developing and growing. It kept you safe until you were fully formed and ready to be born. 

Your Mind

Be grateful for your mind that was given to you so you can fulfill your purpose. We often let our mind become our master instead of us being the master of it. You can control your mind by watching who you identify as, your beliefs, thoughts, words you speak, your behaviour, and the actions you take which then creates your destiny. 
Do not let your monkey mind dictate who you become and what you do with your life. Instead of listening to your ego’s screams, learn to spend time in silence so you can hear your soul’s whispers and guidance.  

Your Body

Be grateful for your body that was given to you that is currently housing your soul. It’s perfect for the role that you are here to fulfill. It is the right size and colour. Do not give the power to someone else or society to decide what you and your body need to look like to be perfect. They do not know and understand what purpose you are here to fulfill. 

Your Organs

Be grateful for all your cells, tissues, and organs that are working harmoniously in your body for your greatest good. We often forget to be grateful for the organs that have been serving us all our lives.
For example, your eyes that allow you to see, your nose that enables you to smell, your ears that help you hear, your heart that is keeping you alive and has been beating since you were born and helps change your blood from unoxygenated to oxygenated.
Your liver that regulates your body temperature, your stomach that helps you digest your food, your intestines, your kidneys, and all the other organs that fulfill a function in your body. 

People In Your Life

Be grateful for all the people traffic in your life. All the people that came into your life in the past and have now gone away. They either passed on or you no longer talk to them.
This includes all the tyrants and people you didn’t like. They were in your life for a reason perhaps to teach you something. Some people stay forever and some are there for a short season and leave once their purpose has been served. 

Situations And Circumstances

Be grateful for the situations and circumstances of your life that are happening for you, not to you, even though you may not like them. You are not a victim and so you should never say “Why is this happening to me?” Everything is happening for you so you can learn the necessary lessons that you can serve others with or change the course of your life.  

Who You Are

Be grateful for who you are and who you’re becoming because you’re meant to change as you grow. Your body will also continue to transition as you live your life. Your soul is changeless. You will continue to grow and change so that you can serve your purpose in a bigger and better way. 

In conclusion, you now know the ability to intentionally immerse yourself in gratitude is important because it is one of the best ways to get out of any funk, rut, and feeling sad. When you start focusing on all the things that you have to be grateful for, you instantly raise your energy and start feeling better and happier.
Your creator has blessed you with so many things to be grateful for like the sun, mountains, trees, bodies of water, beautiful sunsets, relationships with your loved ones, and many more. 
You also know about the 8 additional things that we often forget to be grateful for like your soul, connection to your creator, your mind, body, organs, all the people in your life (past and present), situations and circumstances, and who you are and becoming.
Next, What are good morning habits? read for further insights and helpful tips.

Are Marketing And Advertising The Same Thing?

Are Marketing And Advertising The Same Thing?

Are Marketing And Advertising The Same Thing?

Marketing and sales are the lifeblood of any business if you want to create a change, solve a problem, and transform as many lives as possible. You have probably heard the terms advertising and marketing both used by different businesses. Are marketing and advertising the same thing or are they different? Let’s find out.
Marketing and advertising both have the same goal to get as many eyeballs on the company’s products and services to maximize sales. Advertising however is used by some companies to market their products and services by using paid ads on different social media channels of choice.
There are also other unpaid ways to market a business one of which is creating regular content consistently and generating organic traffic to your company’s products and services which can eventually lead to sales.
So, you may be wondering, why is marketing so important? Let’s discuss that next.

The Importance Of Marketing To Our Society

It is important for the members of our society who are suffering from problems that you solve and need the products that your company sells to find out about your products and services as soon as possible so they can transform their life, stop suffering, and live their best meaningful, fulfilling, purpose-driven, and impactful life of their dreams.
Can marketing be easier for some businesses in comparison to others?
Yes, marketing is easier for spiritual entrepreneurs. Why? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

Why Marketing Is Easier For Spiritual Entrepreneurs

If you are a spiritual entrepreneur or a purpose-driven business, marketing is much easier for you than if you are running any other type of business. Here are 5 reasons marketing is easier for spiritual entrepreneurs and purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

Your Conviction And Belief

Your strong conviction and unwavering belief in your business’s transformational products and services will make it easier for you to always talk about the products and services that you offer. Your potential customers will be able to feel your conviction and belief You will never try to sell things to people that do not serve them and are not good for them.
Since your business is a part of your purpose, you will persevere and never give up on your mission. You may change certain aspects of your business but never on the problem that you solve for others because it is tied to your purpose and why you are here.

Ability To Easily Attract Buyers

You will be able to easily attract your customers to buy your products and services that they need so they can better their lives. Your calming, comforting energy, excitement, and enthusiasm will be felt by others before you speak a word.
Your customers will be attracted to your authentic energy, conviction, and belief in your products and services and they will be able to easily know, like, and trust you and what you stand for. You will be able to attract people who need your services and repel those who are not ready or not meant to be served by you.

Create Better Products And Services

You will be able to create better products, services, and experiences for your customers and therefore will find it easier to sell and market them. You will understand their problems, pain, and roadblocks, and therefore be able to serve and support them at a deeper level as they go through their transformational journey because most likely your purpose is tied to something that you have overcome yourself.

You Consider It Your Duty To Market

You will consider it your duty to sell and market your products so that you can positively change the lives of your customers. You and your customers will not be able to stop talking about your life-changing products and services because you will know without a doubt that they will help others.
Your products and services are created based on your gifts and your purpose to help others because that is why your soul is exactly here right now which is to learn and serve others. Money and blessings will be your reward.

Open To Listening To Intuition

You will always be able to follow your loving inner guidance(intuition) at the moment and know how exactly to market and sell your products and services to the people that you’re meant to Market to. You could take all the courses, and listen to all the people out there but if you follow your guidance you’ll know exactly how to attract customers to you by using the right messaging. 
Spiritual entrepreneurs take the time to sit in silence, stay in trust, and flow, listen to their inner wisdom, connect to their creator, and learn to tap into their creator’s divine mind, intelligence, and strength. Marketing becomes easy for the spiritual entrepreneur because they know exactly who they are without any doubt, why they are here, and what they need to say to whom and how.

In conclusion, you now know marketing and advertising both have the same goal to get as many eyeballs on the company’s products and services to maximize sales. Advertising however is used by some companies to market their products and services by using paid ads on different social media channels of choice.
There are also other unpaid ways to market a business one of which is creating regular content and generating organic traffic to your company’s products and services which can eventually lead to sales.
It is important for the members of our society who are suffering from problems that you solve and need the products that your company sells to find out about your products and services as soon as possible so they can transform their life, stop suffering, and live their best meaningful, fulfilling, purpose-driven, impactful life of their dreams.
Marketing is easier for spiritual entrepreneurs because of your conviction and belief in your products and services, your ability to easily attract your potential customers, and your best-suited products and services for your customers, you consider it your duty to market your products and services, better able to market due to always being open to up to date guidance and intuition.
Next, read what is a spiritual entrepreneur for further helpful insights and tips.

Why Is A Parent-child Relationship Important?

Why Is A Parent-child Relationship Important?

Why Is A Parent-child Relationship Important?

If you have been blessed with children you know that parenting is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences that you can ever be given. It is however not a very easy role to fulfill because none of us were ever given a manual on how to raise a perfect child.
You simply do your best and hope everything works out. Whether things work out is dependent on your relationship with your child. Why is a parent-child relationship important?
A parent-child relationship is important because your child, a soul, has come into your life for a reason and it is not an accident. Your child may have come to teach you something and help your soul grow and/or to learn and grow as a soul from your wisdom. It is a much smoother experience if you have a good parent-child relationship.
Always strive to intentionally and consciously have a positive relationship with your child as you perform the daily parental functions that you have been trusted with because it directly impacts their development and potential success in different areas of life as an adult.
You may be wondering, can you make a parent-child relationship better?

Can You Make A Parent-child Relationship Better?

Yes, it is possible to better a relationship and it is never too late. It will take some effort and work however it is worth it. Next, let’s discuss some ways to have a better relationship with your child.

How To Have A Better Relationship With Your Child

I know like myself as a parent that having the best relationship with your child is very important to you. I am sharing 7 ways below for you to be able to have a better relationship with your child.  It’s never too late to start doing these and improving your relationship with your child.

Raise Your Energy

Raise your energy by aligning to who you are, a soul with a body, and strive to live by your soul’s qualities: peace, love, joy, compassion, kindness, and abundance.
Spend some time in silence, meditate, and connect to your creator every day.
The more you change and raise your energy, the more the household energy will begin to change and affect everybody in your vicinity positively. All your relationships will begin improving automatically.

Be Self-aware

Become self-aware and figure out what triggers you when it comes to your relationship with your child. What is your identity, belief, thoughts, feeling, speech, and behaviour like just before your get triggered?
Remember you are both equal souls and there is a possibility that your child’s soul may be older than yours and it is here on earth to teach you something. Just because you are the parent does not mean that your perspective is always right in any situation. Be open to learning from your child too.

Love Unconditionally

Love your child unconditionally and make sure your child knows and feels that you love them unconditionally no matter what. Your child deserves to be loved unconditionally without any expectations by you just like your creator unconditionally loves you.
They should not have to do things your way to feel your love even if you don’t agree with the things that they’re doing. You can tell them “I don’t agree with what you’re doing because of the following reasons however that doesn’t mean I don’t love you”.
So many children feel that they’re not loved because of the way they are, behaving, and then they stop being authentic to who they truly are and why they’re truly here as a soul. Children come through you however they are a gift and not your property. They come through you to fulfill their God-given purpose. 

Hear Them Out

Spend some quality time with your child and take the time to hear their perspective on things instead of telling them what to do and that you are being seen and not heard. Have an open and honest conversation with them and share your experience and rationale based on lessons that you have learned in life.
You may not always agree with their perspective and they may not agree with yours. Let them do things their way and learn from their failures as they are not in any danger, and not hurting someone else.

Understand Them

Take the time to understand who they are, what is it that they like and dislike, their personality, unique gifts, triggers, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, words, actions, and habits. Help them be self-aware because they need to know themselves so that they can live their best authentic life and serve their purpose. 

Make Them Feel Seen

Take the time to make your child feel seen. Compliment them if you like what they did or what they are wearing. You may think they know how I feel about what they did or are wearing however it’s important to tell them and make them feel seen. Never compare them to anyone else.
Celebrate and appreciate their uniqueness and know that they are not here to blend in with others. They may not get the same grades as their siblings or friends however they have their gifts that you can take the time to acknowledge.

Accept Them

Accept them just the way they are. They are in a perfect body as a soul that is here to fulfill a purpose. Encourage them to do what gives them joy, be independent of others’ opinions about them, and focus on aligning to their true self, creator, and living a life of purpose as long as they are not harming anyone else.

In conclusion, you now know a parent-child relationship is important because your child, a soul, has come into your life for a reason and it is not an accident. Your child may have come to teach you something and help your soul grow and/or to learn and grow as a soul from your wisdom. It is a much smoother experience if you have a good parent-child relationship.
Always strive to intentionally and consciously have a positive relationship with your child as you perform the daily parental functions that you have been trusted with because it directly impacts their development and potential success in different areas of life as an adult.
You also know that it is possible to better a relationship and it is never too late. It will take some effort and work however it is worth it.
You can have a better relationship with your child by raising your energy, becoming self-aware, loving unconditionally, and making your child feel heard, understood, seen, and accepted.
Next, read what is a high vibration living for further helpful insights and tips.

Can Core Values Change?

Can Core Values Change?

Can Core Values Change?

Whether you are aware and have taken the time to identify what your top core values are or not, you have them for sure and you live your life according to your most important values especially when you have to make choices, prioritize the order of importance, and encounter stressful situations.
Can your core values change or do they remain the same for the rest of your life?
Yes, some of your core values can change as you grow and become wiser from your life experiences and setbacks and move through different phases and roles in your life like becoming a parent, getting married, and starting your own business.
So, you may be wondering, how many core values can a person have? Let’s discuss that next.

How Many Core Values Can A Person Have?

You can have as many core values as you want, however, if you were to examine your life, you will discover that you have your top 3-5 core values that define who you are and that you tend to live by. Make sure you take the time to identify what your top 3-5 core values are if you do not currently know.
Next, let’s discuss why core values are important.

Why Core Values Are Important?

If you want to live your best meaningful, purposeful, authentic, and fulfilling life then you must know your core values. Let’s discuss some additional reasons below as to why values are important.

5 Reasons Why Values Are Important In Life

Act As Guidance

Your core values are within you, always available, and act as your inner guidance. It is easy for you to quickly turn inward, consult your values, and then decide whether to say yes or no to any ask rather than asking someone else to help you make better decisions.

Help You Stay True To Self

Your core values are important because they help shape your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, decisions, words, behaviour, actions, habits, and ultimately your destiny.
Whenever you decide to do something that is not aligned with your values, you will not feel good and that will be a sign that your actions are not aligned with who you are or want to be.

Inform Your Life’s Vision

Core values will help you discover your life purpose, vision, and goals and act like a road map in your life journey. You would not choose a life vision and goals that are not aligned with your core values and which could lead to you experiencing constant inner conflict and distress.
If your values do not serve the vision of life that you want then you will have to change them so you can become the person who can fulfill your desired life vision with ease and flow.

Help You Determine Boundaries

Your core values will help you figure out what you will accept, not accept, your boundaries, and your non-negotiables. For example, if respect is one of your top values then you will not spend time with people who do not respect you or put yourself in situations where you do not feel respected.

Guide All Your Decisions

Core values will guide every decision you make in life. They act as a filter for all decisions you make about yourself and how you treat others like what time you wake up, what you eat, where you work, and who you spend time with and be in relationships with.
Next, let’s discuss why it is important to have core values in your business.

4 Reasons Why Values Are Important In Business

It is beneficial to have values for your company that are aligned to your values so that you can live your best aligned authentic life and do the work that you love. Here are some reasons why values are important in business.

Makes You Stand Out

Your company values will help you stand out from the crowd and predict what customers can expect to experience every time they interact with your brand and company.

Attract The Right Team

Your company values will help you attract and retain the right team members who are inspired, engaged, and aligned with your values, mission, and purpose. They believe in your mission, and purpose and are excited and proud to work by your side to create a movement and make an impact within your company.

Attract Like-minded Customers

Your company values will help you attract like-minded customers who will resonate with your message, and are happy to do business with you because they need your products and services to transform their lives for the better.

Dictate What Your Company Stands For

Your company values dictate what your customers and team can expect from you as a leader/owner, the internal culture, communication, conduct, and behaviour of the staff towards each other and how they make decisions and treat your customers within your company.

How To Find Your Core Values

Google and review a list of values in the chart. Identify your core values by asking what you stand for. What is important to you? Keep asking these questions until you have chosen the values that apply to you. The answers to these questions should help you narrow down the 3-5 core values that you live by.
Then, organize your list in order of most important and relevant to the least. Do you have these values posted somewhere so you can see them and be reminded of them every single day?
In conclusion, you now know that some of your core values can change as you grow and become wiser from your life experiences, and setbacks and move through different phases and roles in your life.
You can have as many core values as you want, however, if you were to examine your life, you will discover that you have your top 3-5 core values that define who you are and that you tend to live by.
Some reasons why values are important in life are that they act as your inner guidance, help you stay true to yourself, inform your life vision, help you determine boundaries, and guide all your decisions.
Values are important in business because they make you stand out, help you attract the right team and customers, and dictate what your company stands for.
Identify your core values by asking what you stand for. What is important to you? The answers to these questions should help you narrow down the 3-5 core values that you live by. Do you have these values posted somewhere so you can see them and be reminded of them every single day?
Next, read what does it mean to be living your best life for further insights and helpful tips to help you live your very best life.