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Why Giving Back Is Good For You

Why Giving Back Is Good For You

One of the best ways to live a fulfilling and meaningful life is to be of service to others, positively impact their lives, and always aim to leave them better than you first found them. The act of giving back is beneficial for you and the people that you give back to.
Giving back is good for you because it will make you happy, give you a sense of purpose, helps create better quality connections, communities, support systems, improves your health, self-esteem, mood, and helps you naturally fight anxiety, depression, and live a better and longer life.
So, you may be wondering, what are some ways for you to start giving back? Let’s discuss that next.

10 Ways To Give Back To Your Community

When we start living our life in alignment with our souls, we will feel a deep desire to help others because that is the purpose of every human being. It is what gives us the most inner joy and bliss. The good news is that we do not have to be rich to start giving back.
Everyone, including you, has something that you can give back and serve others. Here are some ways you can start giving back and serving others starting today.

Higher Vibrational Energy

You are a vibrational energetic being. Your energy is felt by you and others before you say a single word. You serve them by your energy so the sooner you can raise your energy to a higher vibration, the better you can serve others when they are in your presence.
You can raise your energy at a higher vibration when you align with your creator and live your life in alignment with your soul’s qualities which are peace, love, joy, compassion, kindness, and abundance.
The best way to raise your energy and align with your creator and soul is to have a daily routine of prayers, meditation, and spending as much time as possible in silence and out in nature. The more you raise your energy, the more you will be able to serve and help others raise their energy.
They will feel calm and peaceful when they are around you. So, you have to raise your energy so that you can always serve with your energy without actually speaking a word.

Good Thoughts

When you think of someone, your thoughts carry energy, a charge that reaches them and does affect them. Your thoughts arise from your perspective and beliefs. Learn to let go of any perspective and beliefs that are not aligned with your higher self.
Make it a habit to think good thoughts about people and send them blessings. Our collective good, positive thoughts toward each other as a community can raise the consciousness of the whole society and the world.

Aligned Good Feelings

Your feelings which are derived from your thoughts also affect people. Are you feeling and sending people love, joy, peace, compassion, and kindness? or, are you feeling and sending them anger, jealousy and hatred? which is not at all aligned with who you truly are. 
Learn to align with your creator and soul’s higher vibrational qualities and send people love, joy, peace, compassion, and abundance. Remember you also attract what you are sending out by who you are being right back to yourself. These qualities are who you are by nature.

Beautiful Voice

Use your beautiful voice and words to help others because it was given to you as a gift by your creator to serve others and yourself. You have been blessed with your exact voice for a purpose. It does not matter whether you have an accent or stutter. Remember you are here to serve with your voice.
If you or someone else is being bullied or mistreated, speak up and help them. Sing and let others enjoy your voice if you enjoy singing. Teach, coach, and mentor others with your knowledge, expertise, natural talent(s), and skills.

Use Five Senses

Human beings have been blessed with five senses which we can use to serve others. Use your sight to locate anyone in front of you who needs assistance and help and serve them. Hold the door for someone with a stroller, or help someone carry a bag that is too heavy for them.
If you see that someone has taken some time to look good, compliment them, and make them feel good. Compliment people if they are wearing a perfume or cologne that smells good. If someone has made a meal for you, be grateful and bless the chef for the delicious food and/or drink that they took the time to prepare for you.
Learn to listen to other people attentively without interrupting them with the two ears that you have been blessed with. Give them advice if they are okay with it, otherwise, listen and let them vent.
Use touch to serve others by cuddling, hugging someone, putting your arm around them to make them feel good, giving them a high five, and patting them on their back. Touching someone is serving others as well because it does make them feel good. Touch releases hormones like endorphins which makes them feel good.

Give Time

We all have the same amount of time in a day so can you designate some of it to serve others. You can like and comment on other people’s posts and photos that they shared on social media to make them feel good. Take the time to smile at others and make them feel happy.
You can volunteer and go somewhere physically to serve and help like a tutor, teach a skill, help sort food at a food bank, visit a senior in a home or hospital, clear snow or cut grass for someone who cannot do it, and send people blessings, good energy, and thoughts.

Give Money

If you are blessed with money then give and donate some money to others. Make it a habit to donate a certain portion of your income to a charity of your choice or to randomly pay it forward by paying for the coffee for the person behind you, their toll fees, parking, or groceries.
If you have been blessed with skills and talents and the ability to earn money then help others as well. Strive to make as much as you can and give back as much as you can because you’ve been trusted with this money by the universe. Give back and let it flow from you to others who need it. Enjoy some of it of course but also give some to others and help others.

Donate Unwanted Items

Go through your entire house and locate items like books, clothes, blankets, furniture, etc that do not give you joy and you no longer use. Donate them to the homeless, women’s shelter or a place where they sell them and all proceeds go to a charity.

Give blood

Donate blood so other people can live. Locate areas in your neighbourhood like the Red Cross. It is in you to give to others and save their lives.

Share What You Grow

Make others happy by giving them flowers from your garden. You can also share raw produce, herbs and vegetables that you grow in your garden. You can also make a meal with it and share it with others.

In conclusion, you now know why giving back is good for you.  It will make you happy, give you a sense of purpose, help create better quality connections, communities and support systems, improve your health, self-esteem, mood, helps you naturally fight anxiety, and depression, and live a better and longer life.
You now also have some ideas of ways to start serving others. You do not need to be rich before you can start serving, helping and giving back. Share this blog with others and let’s start a movement of people being kind and helping one another, appreciate everything that our creator has blessed us with, and make heaven on earth a reality.
I am sending you love and wishing you well on your giving back, serving, and helping journey!
Next read what are the principles for living a happy life.

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