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Why Are The Questions You Ask Yourself Important?

Why Are The Questions You Ask Yourself Important?

Everyone that I know has an internal dialogue that is always going on inside their head. One of the ways we communicate with ourselves is by constantly asking ourselves questions. It is very important to pay attention to the questions you ask yourself. Why?
When you bring awareness to the types of questions that you are asking yourself you will get a glimpse of who you are being on the inside, which then will determine the quality of life that you are creating for yourself.
You create your life from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, behaviour, actions and habits. The questions you ask yourself either energize and empower you or deplete you by taking energy away and disempowering you.
So, you may be wondering, why is it important to always ask yourself questions?

Why Is It Important To Ask Yourself Questions?

If you want to live the best life on your terms then it is important to ask yourself some empowering questions so that you can learn who you are, who you have become based on the conditioning and acquired limiting beliefs, and what you want in life.
Some examples of empowering questions that you can ask and answer are:
who am I?, where have I come from? why am I here? What would my perfect day look like and how do I create it? Who do I want to spend time with? Where do I want to live? How do I want to feel the majority of the time? What kind of experiences do I want to have? What impact and contribution do I want to make while I am here?
Next, let’s discuss some questions that you can get in the practice of asking yourself every single day preferably in the morning.

8 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

It is important to have a morning routine to help you begin your day proactively so you can have the strength to respond instead of reacting to outer circumstances and people. One of the things you can include in it would be to answer the following questions to help you stay grounded throughout the day.

What Am I Grateful For?

When you get into the habit of answering what am I grateful for first thing in the morning daily you will be more aligned with your higher self, your creator, and raise your energy and vibrational frequency. You will feel happier, peaceful, loving, and powerful because these are your soul’s true qualities. 

What Are My Goals For the Day?

Live your life more consciously and deliberately. Ask yourself what are your goals for the day and write them down. Try to have one to three tasks to do every day that moves you closer to your life vision and yearly goals.
Focusing on goals that move you closer to your life vision will make it more likely that you will accomplish them.

How Do I Want This Day To Go?

The answer to the question how do I want this day to go will help you live more intentionally and get the results you want. Visualize your whole day and everything going well.

For example, if you know you have a meeting with someone visualize everything going according to your plan and achieving an outcome that is good for both of you. You both leave feeling happy and respected at the end of the meeting.

What Am I Excited About Today?

It is important to live your life, which is a precious gift with excitement. Ask yourself what you are excited about today. Figure out what is it that excites you, and gives you joy, and schedule it every single day.
It could be taking a warm bath, meditating, doing yoga, learning something new by reading a book or listening to a podcast or watching a video, listening to your favorite music, dancing, playing, or watching sports. You deserve to experience some personal joy every single day.

What Am I Creating Today?

Ask yourself what am I going to create today and make it practice to intentionally and consciously to create something every single day.

You can create an offer in your business, a moment of joy for someone by calling them or complimenting them or cooking them their favorite meal, make a video to serve someone, or write a blog to transform someone’s perspective.

How May I Serve Today?

Make it a practice to serve someone every day by asking and deciding how may I serve today. You can choose to serve a customer, a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker, an acquaintance, a friend, or a stranger on the street wholeheartedly.
You can hold the door open for someone, let them in front of you while you’re driving, or buy someone who is behind you in a line up some coffee.

How Will I Connect Today?

Make it a point to connect with yourself, the creator, and someone every day. You can choose to connect on a deeper level with a family member, neighbor, or colleague by asking how they doing and feeling.

You can also reach out and text someone who you have not spoken to or seen for a while and tell them that you are thinking about them, compliment them, and make plans to meet up for coffee. We are social beings and therefore do not do well when we are always alone and isolated. 

Who Am I Sending Blessings To?

Ask yourself daily who am I sending blessings to today? It can be one person or more. Picture love energy leaving your heart and engulfing them and making them feel good and loved. Love is who you are by nature just like your creator.
Love is in you to give to yourself and others. Always remember your creator loves you unconditionally and is always around for you to connect to and feel that love.

In conclusion, you now know why are questions you ask yourself are important. When you bring awareness to the types of questions that you are asking yourself you will get a glimpse of who you are being inside, which then will determine the quality of life that you are creating for yourself.
The questions you ask yourself either energize and empower you or deplete you by taking energy away and disempowering you.
If you want to live the best life on your terms then it is important to ask yourself empowering questions so that you can learn who you are, who you have become based on the conditioning, what triggers you, and what you want in life.
8 questions you need to ask yourself in the morning daily are what am I grateful for?, what are my goals?, how do I want this day to go?, what am I excited about?, what am I creating?, how may I serve?, how will I connect? and who am I sending blessings to?.
I hope you will start answering these 8 questions above every morning, create and enjoy your best intentional life journey that you are living on your terms.
Next read what are life goals? for further insights and tips.

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