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Is Starting A Small Business Worth It?

Is Starting A Small Business Worth It?

Recently, a lot of people have realized life that is so precious and can be short. They have been asking themselves what changes they need to make in their life so that they can live their very best life. 
One such change is finding a more flexible, meaningful, and fulfilling way to make a living. One of the ways to do that is to start your own business. Is it worth starting your own small business?
Yes, it is because you get to design a business that you love, which transform people’s lives for the better, is aligned with your best life vision, values, purpose, and soul’s calling and has the potential to earn an unlimited income which you can then use to make an infinite impact in the world.
So, you may be wondering what small business you can start. Let’s discuss some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide that.

What Small Business To Start

We have been going through really tough times in the last couple of years and as a result, more and more people are exiting from their jobs and want to start their own business.
They want to build a business that they love instead of working for someone else, building their dreams, and begging for days off.
People want to be in control of their life and they want to consciously design a life and business that is in alignment with their soul’s calling and purpose.
One of the hardest decisions that you will face once you decide that you will start your own business is what business to start.
Here are some questions to help you decide what business would be good for you to start.
Make sure to write down the answers to these questions so you can review them later and find clues, themes, and breadcrumbs that may lead you to a business idea for you to start.

What did You Enjoy Doing As A Child?

There are lots of clues in your childhood that will help you determine what unique gifts you have been given by your creator. These are the skills and gifts that will help you decide what business to start and fulfill your purpose.
As a child, you remember and know exactly who you are, where you have come from, and what you are capable of.
You know and believe that your life has infinite possibilities.There is nothing you cannot be, do, or have. You have not been conditioned and acquired limiting beliefs from society yet.

What Do You Love Doing?

What do you love doing, get into a flow, and always lose the track of time? Think of a time when you were immersed in an activity because it gave you so much joy and you had no idea how much time had gone by.
This activity has to be aligned to your soul’s true nature which is love, joy, compassion, peace, and abundance, and not something that is not good for you and is misaligned.
Your emotions serve as a good compass for you to follow and know whether you are on the right path or not.

What Problems And Hurdles Have You Overcome

What problem or hurdles have you overcome for yourself that you can now help others with? It could be some kind of health issue, the end of a relationship, or grieving over a lost parent or child.
You were perhaps meant to go through that life experience so that you know how to help others and decrease their suffering.

What Complaints And Frustrations Do You Have

Think of all the areas in your life where you have complaints, frustrations, and have not been able to find a solution. You are probably meant to have these frustrations and come up with a solution for yourself and others.

What Are Your Natural Talents And Skills?

What do you love doing and find easy to do in comparison to others? This is a big clue for you. What comes naturally to you is part of your purpose because you have ease and joy when doing it as it is aligned to your soul’s calling and purpose.

What Makes You Different

What do people tell you that you have a very unique perspective about or way of doing? You are meant to do this type of work, using this skill and that is why you have been given a gift that is so unique and different from others.
It is good to share your gift with others by utilizing this skill and starting your purpose-driven business.

What Compliments Do You Receive Often?

What do people compliment you on? Can you use those skills to serve others and start a purpose-driven business? What you are good at has been given to you as a unique gift by your creator and it could be a part of your purpose to share with others.

What’s One Thing People Ask You With Help

What do people ask you to help them with? Can you start a business and use these skills to help others? This skill could also be your unique gift from your creator and you are meant to utilize it, start a business, and serve others.

In conclusion, I hope you agree with me that it is worth starting your own small business especially because you get to design a business that you love, which transforms people’s lives for the better, is aligned with your best life vision, values, purpose, and soul’s calling.
It also has the potential to earn an unlimited income which you can then use to make an infinite impact in the world.
The bliss, fulfillment and joy that you will experience from starting your own purpose-driven business and serving others are not possible to get any other way.
It is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others. You can use your purpose and unique gifts to create solutions to people’s problems and create products and services to transform their lives for the better.
Your work becomes service and it becomes a part of your purpose fulfillment. You experience joy, love, peace, and abundance every day and when you stay in that energy, life’s journey becomes wonderful.
Anyone who has a burning desire, commitment, and belief in themselves can start a small business for themselves and transform their and others’ lives. It is a journey, however, that will have many challenges and growth.
Download the below the three secrets to starting a business that lights you up to help you gain further clarity with what business to start.

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