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What Is Karma?

What Is Karma?

Why do some people seem to go through a lot of challenges in life while others do not? Sometimes we do not understand why good people go through a lot of difficult times. Is it because they have bad karma? What exactly is karma?
Karma is understood by most people as a knowing that you will get back what you put out into the world. In other words, you will reap what you saw. If you put out good then you will get good in return from the universe.
So, you may be wondering, what influence does karma have on our life? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

How Does Karma Influence Our Life?

Karma guides our morality and gives us an incentive and motivation to be more intentional and conscious of who we are being, the words we are saying, the actions that we are taking, and the thoughts we are thinking and sending out because it is without a doubt what we will attract back to us.
Next, let’s discuss the 12 laws of karma that everyone needs to know and how these laws work.

How Laws Of Karma Work

The universal laws of karma are at play and affect everyone’s life whether we understand and are aware of them or not. The universe is run by a very magical, mystical and intelligent system.

12 Laws Of Karma Everyone Needs To Know

Here are the 12 laws of karma that everyone needs to know. The sooner you take the time to know these rules, follow and live by them the sooner you can deliberately create good karma in your life and live your very best life.

Law Of Cause And Effect

The law of cause and effect or the great law means whatever energy you radiate into the world by your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and habits are what you will attract right back to you.
Live life consciously and in alignment with your soul’s true qualities like love, purity, joy, peace, and compassion. Be good, do good, and send good energy out into the world and to whomever you come across including all of the other creations that share this world with us.

Law Of Creation

The law of creation requires you to participate in the creation of your world. Adopt identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and habits that are aligned with the type of life, destiny, and the world you want to create.
You are a powerful soul with lots of wisdom and infinite possibilities to create anything you want. You are always connected to your creator and have access to divine strength, intelligence, and mind. 

Law Of Humility

The law of humility requires you to accept your current state and be humble. Always remember whatever you resist will persist. Learn to accept yourself, wherever you have been in the past, where you are today, wherever you are going, and whatever you are going through in life.

Law Of Growth

The universe through the law of growth provides us with opportunities to grow and expand. As long as you are in this earth school, one of your purpose as a human being is to grow so you can serve others in a bigger and better way.
As you grow and change on the inside your outer reality and world will begin to change too. Learn to seek and take every opportunity to grow, and live your life of freedom from the inside out instead of living from the outside in and reacting to what is happening in your outer world. 

Law Of Responsibility

The law of responsibility is a reminder that you are 100% responsible for the life that you create for yourself. You have been given free will and your reality and life’s results are based on your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and habits.
You always have a choice whether to react or to respond to what is happening in your outer world so choose wisely and do not give away your power to the circumstances and people in your life.

Law Of Connection

The law of connection says that we are all connected. We have all come from the same place and affect each other energetically and consciously.  Also, everything that you have gone through in the past is connected to who you have become and are today, to your purpose, and is in divine order.
You had to go through whatever difficulties and discomfort you have gone through in life so you can become who you are today and serve in a bigger and better way.

Law Of Focus

The law of focus reminds us that wherever we put our focus and energy that area expands. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time so make sure you are singularly focusing on the right thing and manifesting what you want to manifest instead of unconsciously manifesting a thing in your life that you never wanted.

Law Of Giving

The law of giving rewards to those who give selflessly, generously, and without any expectations. Giving is our soul’s true value and nature.
The universe always knows how many good deposits you have made into your karmic account and will without a doubt bring those blessings back to you abundantly. It may not come back from that particular person but trust that your blessings will come from somewhere. 

Law Of Presence

The law of presence teaches the importance of learning to be present and living in the here and now instead of wasting time and regretting your past, obsessively worrying about the future.
Be present and enjoy the moments now that are gifts and are guaranteed from your creator and enjoy them with your family, out in nature, be present with your creator, be present with yourself and live your life consciously.

Law Of Change

The law of change shows you that change and discomfort are always inevitable and expected and very necessary for your growth. Your growth is always on the other side of change and comfort.
Always be open to change. The purpose of every human being is to grow and then serve others in a bigger and better way. The lessons that the change is trying to teach you will keep repeating in your life until you acknowledge and learn these lessons.

Law Of Patience And Reward

The law of patience teaches you to trust the universal timing, persist and be patient. Learn consistently add value, share your unique gifts by serving others and not be impatient, or try to rush the rewards, results, and outcomes. Everything is always in divine order and you are exactly where you need to be. 

Law Of Significance And Inspiration

The law of significance reminds you that are significant and here now because your unique gifts are needed in the world or you would not be here. Focus on adding significance and value to the work that you’re doing and fulfill your purpose and trust the benefits will come to you eventually. 

In conclusion, you now know that Karma is understood by most people as a knowing that you will get back what you put out into the world. In other words, you will reap what you saw. If you put out good then you will get good in return from the universe.
Karma guides our morality and gives us an incentive and motivation to be more intentional and conscious of who we are being, the words we are saying, the actions that we are taking, and the thoughts we are thinking and sending out because it is what we will attract back to us.
The universal laws of karma are at play and affect everyone’s life whether we understand and are aware of them or not. The universe is run by a very magical and intelligent system.
The 12 laws of karma that everyone needs to know are the law of cause and effect, the law of creation, the law of humility, the law of growth, the law of responsibility, the law of connection, the law of focus, the law of giving, law of presence, law of change, law of patience and reward, and the law of significance and inspiration.
I wish you all the best with creating a good karmic account for yourself by joining me and taking every opportunity to do good in the world.
Next read Why giving back is good for you for further insights and tips.

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