What Does Rejection Feel Like?

What Does Rejection Feel Like?

What Does Rejection Feel Like?

You are not alone if you have ever felt rejected. It is fairly common for all human beings to experience a feeling of rejection and not accepted for who we are by others at one point or another.
It does not feel good and causes you to feel a sensation of pain, sadness, shame, grief, hurt, anger, jealousy, anxiousness, depression, unworthiness, and a general sense of not belonging.
It is self-inflicted and brought on by our perspective, the stories we tell ourselves, and the meaning that we give it which then leads to our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and an unwanted destiny that we create for ourselves as a result.

So, you may be wondering, how does rejection change you? Let’s discuss that next.

How Does Rejection Change You?

We will now discuss some ways rejection changes you no matter what type you experience.
Some examples of when we may feel rejected are after a significant other ends a relationship, a child may feel rejected by their peers when not receiving an invite to a party, and when we do not get a deserved promotion.

It Can Make You Have A Low Self-Esteem

Constant rejections can make you have limiting beliefs, think negative thoughts about yourself which then lead to feeling like you do not matter, are not enough, do not belong, and are not worthy.
This can also lead to the urge to pull away from others and experience problems in relationships.

It Can Cause Insecurity

Your confidence can be affected by constant rejections and you might start experiencing physical symptoms associated with it like sweating, shaking, fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, and inability to communicate effectively.
The lack of confidence also leads to a lack of ability to fulfill high standards set for oneself and not being able to perform well on difficult intellectual tasks.

It Can Make You Feel Angry

You may feel angry and experience poor impulse control when constantly rejected. It is okay to acknowledge and feel this anger.

It Can Make You Feel Depressed And Anxious

Constant rejection can make you feel sad, hopeless, depressed, and anxious especially in social settings. You may feel tired, and unmotivated to do anything.
You may feel like staying in bed and sleeping all day long.  It is also probable to worry about the future possibility of rejections which then can heighten your anxiety.
You may not feel like leaving your house and seeing anyone. This can also lead to the urge to pull away from others, experience loneliness, and have problems in relationships.

It Can Make You Feel Jealous Of Others

You may be inclined to compare yourself to other people who are accepted and experience jealousy towards them. This is a normal reaction due to constantly being rejected.

How To Handle Rejection

Always remember that we are on this earth for a short time and so we should live our very best life. It is very important to acknowledge, validate, accept, and process how you are feeling after a rejection. 
Let’s now discuss how to better handle rejections that are inevitable in life, bounce back from them, and not let them have control over us.

Know That You Are Always Valuable

You are whole, worthy, enough, and valuable regardless of your life experiences.  All the pain that you go through in life is necessary for you to learn from and grow.
When you become a better and stronger person, you can fulfill your purpose and serve others in a bigger and better way. So not be afraid to live your life to the fullest and know that you will never lose your value.
You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. Your soul is changeless and it is not affected by anything.

Be aware of the meaning you are giving it

Do not give rejections power over you. Stop suffering by making up stories and giving them meanings that are not true.
Catch and be aware of your resulting beliefs, thoughts, feelings, negative self-talk, and actions that do not serve you.

Remember Hurt People Hurt People

Hurt people are not happy on the inside and therefore hurt others. It is very common and natural for most human beings to judge one another.
These opinions are not necessarily true and are therefore none of your business. What matters is your opinion of yourself. Learn to love your-self unconditionally and practice self-love and self-care regularly.
Aim to live your true life despite other people’s judgement and opinions.  You are here for a purpose and are only accountable to yourself and your creator.
Nobody else has to understand that. If you need support find a loving, accepting, and supportive community of like-minded people to associate with regularly.

Know that your environment does not control you

Learn to live your life from the inside out and do not let the environment control you. Don’t give other people and outer circumstances power over you and affect what path you take in life.
Follow your inner wisdom and guidance (intuition) to fulfill your purpose and live your best life. Spend some time in silence so you can receive loving guidance from your creator.

Know Life Happens For You

Everything in life happens for you including the painful, unpleasant, and challenging moments. The universe is an intelligent system and everything that happens is in divine order.
Know that everything that you’re going through you are meant to grow stronger and learn lessons from so you can fulfill your purpose and serve others in a bigger and better way.

In conclusion, since we all go through rejection in our life at one point or another, it is important to know what it feels like and how to handle it.
It does not feel good and causes you to feel a sensation of pain, sadness, shame, grief, hurt, anger, jealousy, anxiousness, depression, unworthiness, and a general sense of not belonging.
It is self-inflicted and brought on by our perspective, the stories we tell ourselves, and the meaning that we give it which then leads to our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and an unwanted destiny that we create for ourselves as a result.
We also discussed how it can change you and can cause you to have low self-esteem, feelings of insecurity, depression, anxiety, anger, and jealousy.
You also learned some ways to handle rejections. Hope you found this information helpful and empowering. Please share this article with someone that you may know that can use this information to better their life.
Next, continue your empowering journey and read How Fears And Self-Doubts Keep You Stuck And How To Overcome It.

Is Starting A Small Business Worth It?

Is Starting A Small Business Worth It?

Is Starting A Small Business Worth It?

Recently, a lot of people have realized life that is so precious and can be short. They have been asking themselves what changes they need to make in their life so that they can live their very best life. 
One such change is finding a more flexible, meaningful, and fulfilling way to make a living. One of the ways to do that is to start your own business. Is it worth starting your own small business?
Yes, it is because you get to design a business that you love, which transform people’s lives for the better, is aligned with your best life vision, values, purpose, and soul’s calling and has the potential to earn an unlimited income which you can then use to make an infinite impact in the world.
So, you may be wondering what small business you can start. Let’s discuss some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide that.

What Small Business To Start

We have been going through really tough times in the last couple of years and as a result, more and more people are exiting from their jobs and want to start their own business.
They want to build a business that they love instead of working for someone else, building their dreams, and begging for days off.
People want to be in control of their life and they want to consciously design a life and business that is in alignment with their soul’s calling and purpose.
One of the hardest decisions that you will face once you decide that you will start your own business is what business to start.
Here are some questions to help you decide what business would be good for you to start.
Make sure to write down the answers to these questions so you can review them later and find clues, themes, and breadcrumbs that may lead you to a business idea for you to start.

What did You Enjoy Doing As A Child?

There are lots of clues in your childhood that will help you determine what unique gifts you have been given by your creator. These are the skills and gifts that will help you decide what business to start and fulfill your purpose.
As a child, you remember and know exactly who you are, where you have come from, and what you are capable of.
You know and believe that your life has infinite possibilities.There is nothing you cannot be, do, or have. You have not been conditioned and acquired limiting beliefs from society yet.

What Do You Love Doing?

What do you love doing, get into a flow, and always lose the track of time? Think of a time when you were immersed in an activity because it gave you so much joy and you had no idea how much time had gone by.
This activity has to be aligned to your soul’s true nature which is love, joy, compassion, peace, and abundance, and not something that is not good for you and is misaligned.
Your emotions serve as a good compass for you to follow and know whether you are on the right path or not.

What Problems And Hurdles Have You Overcome

What problem or hurdles have you overcome for yourself that you can now help others with? It could be some kind of health issue, the end of a relationship, or grieving over a lost parent or child.
You were perhaps meant to go through that life experience so that you know how to help others and decrease their suffering.

What Complaints And Frustrations Do You Have

Think of all the areas in your life where you have complaints, frustrations, and have not been able to find a solution. You are probably meant to have these frustrations and come up with a solution for yourself and others.

What Are Your Natural Talents And Skills?

What do you love doing and find easy to do in comparison to others? This is a big clue for you. What comes naturally to you is part of your purpose because you have ease and joy when doing it as it is aligned to your soul’s calling and purpose.

What Makes You Different

What do people tell you that you have a very unique perspective about or way of doing? You are meant to do this type of work, using this skill and that is why you have been given a gift that is so unique and different from others.
It is good to share your gift with others by utilizing this skill and starting your purpose-driven business.

What Compliments Do You Receive Often?

What do people compliment you on? Can you use those skills to serve others and start a purpose-driven business? What you are good at has been given to you as a unique gift by your creator and it could be a part of your purpose to share with others.

What’s One Thing People Ask You With Help

What do people ask you to help them with? Can you start a business and use these skills to help others? This skill could also be your unique gift from your creator and you are meant to utilize it, start a business, and serve others.

In conclusion, I hope you agree with me that it is worth starting your own small business especially because you get to design a business that you love, which transforms people’s lives for the better, is aligned with your best life vision, values, purpose, and soul’s calling.
It also has the potential to earn an unlimited income which you can then use to make an infinite impact in the world.
The bliss, fulfillment and joy that you will experience from starting your own purpose-driven business and serving others are not possible to get any other way.
It is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others. You can use your purpose and unique gifts to create solutions to people’s problems and create products and services to transform their lives for the better.
Your work becomes service and it becomes a part of your purpose fulfillment. You experience joy, love, peace, and abundance every day and when you stay in that energy, life’s journey becomes wonderful.
Anyone who has a burning desire, commitment, and belief in themselves can start a small business for themselves and transform their and others’ lives. It is a journey, however, that will have many challenges and growth.
Download the below the three secrets to starting a business that lights you up to help you gain further clarity with what business to start.

What Is A Spiritual Awakening

What Is A Spiritual Awakening

What Is A Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening comes about either through insights from one’s search for answers to questions like who am I? and why am I here? 
Or as a result of a breakthrough after some kind of breakdown and difficult phase of life like the end of a relationship or some kind of health issue.
I am very grateful for the spiritual awakening journey that I have been in in the last decade. I would not be where I am today if I did not go through it. 
Spiritual awakening is very necessary for us to remember who we are and why we came here. You may be wondering, what exactly is spiritual awakening?

It is a personal experience and journey an individual goes through and begins to understand that their existence goes beyond their Ego (I), limited sense of self to encircle a wider, limitless sense of truth and reality that is part of the unlimited universal consciousness, the divine or their creator.
So, what are some signs of a spiritual awakening? Let’s discuss that next.

What Are The Signs of Spiritual Awakening? 

Remember you are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. The more you align with your soul and let it lead you through life, the better it will get. 
You are here for a purpose and your soul knows exactly why you are here.
The more you connect and listen to your soul, the more you will be able to be crystal clear as to whether you are on the right path and your soul will continue to guide you and let you know when and if you veer off your path.
Spiritual Awakening is necessary for you to fulfill your soul’s calling and purpose. Below are some signs that you are going through a spiritual awakening.

Desire To Connect To Your True Self

You will feel the desire to figure out who you are and why you are here. You will want to connect to your true authentic self which is your soul and let it guide you through life.
Remember your soul is eternal and you are only here for a short period. When you die, your soul is still going to remain intact. It will not be in this world anymore yet it will still exist in a different realm.

Have Heightened Intuition

You will have a heightened sense of intuition which is loving guidance from your creator. Your questions will be answered when you sit in silence, connect to your creator, and ask. You will be able to see signs and be guided.
Some of the guidance will be in the form of signs that you see which are the same messages appearing three different times or you will have a gut feeling guiding your decisions.

Have Vivid Dreams

You will start having vivid dreams and remember the messages, guidance received from your soul, and your creator towards the fulfilment of your soul’s calling, life vision, and purpose which is another sign of spiritual awakening.

Feel Inner Peace And Contentment

You will begin feeling inner peace and contentment regardless of what is happening on the outside. You are going to be able to live your purposeful life by being authentic.  
You will not fear other people judging you. Your purpose is between you as a soul and your creator and no one else needs to understand or approve of it.

Aware Of Reality Beyond Senses

You will be aware of your reality beyond your senses and know and understand that you are multidimensional. You are currently on this earth and your body can only use your five senses.
You are a soul which is capable of so much more than your body and five senses that you’ve been given to use while on this earth. 
There is a whole magical world that you are connected to that is beyond these five senses that we use while here.

Aware Of Spiritual Energy

You will begin to gain awareness of spiritual energy and realize that you are an energetic being. You are vibrating and we are connected to the world that is beyond this earth. We can tune into that world by raising our energy.
The higher our energy the more we can vibrate at what our soul’s natural vibration is and the more you can tune in and connect to that world of magic and access divine mind, intelligence, and strength.
You also begin to realize that you are in this world but you’re not off this world. Someday you will leave your body and will go back to your true home which is where you came from.

Aware Of Creator’s Beauty Creation

You begin to see the beautiful gifts that your creation has blessed you with. 
You begin to notice the beautiful sunsets, sunrise, white perfect clouds, oceans, lakes, mountains, nature and have reverence for all the other creations and living things.

You are in “aah” at what your creator is creating and your connection to your creator which is where you have come from and will return to someday. There is a whole magical world that you are connected to.

Feel Compassion And Sadness

You begin to feel compassion and sadness when you notice all the challenges and suffering people are experiencing in this world. You want to serve and help others because you feel compassionate and connected to them.
You know it is people’s conscious collective energy that’s causing all the suffering and so the desire for you to be of service is very natural. 
One of the ways you can help others is by guiding them to awaken and tap into their inner superpowers, so they can discover and fulfill their purpose.
You feel compassion towards all living things that live in different environments like oceans, forests, lakes and will want to look after everything on this earth that you have been blessed with and trusted to look after.

Know How Powerful You Are

Know how powerful you are. You have been blessed with the inner wisdom that you always have access to. You are also connected to your creator and can always access the divine mind, intelligence, and strength.
You also know that you are responsible for your life. You have been granted free will and you create your life from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, behaviour, actions, and habits that create your destiny.

Increased Inspiration

You will begin to experience increased inspiration and creativity. Inspiration is being in spirit. 
The more you connect to your spirit(soul) the more you will receive guidance, be inspired, and want to create amazing experiences, products, and services to help transform people’s lives for the better. 
Starting a purpose-driven business is one of the ways you can serve others.

Experience Depression And Anxiety

You may experience depression and anxiety as you awaken. Your ego begins to lose its power as you spend more time in silence, and begin to hear your soul’s whispers.
It is also possible to feel isolated because you do not feel comfortable hanging out with the people you once got along with and had things in common with. 
The universe may remove these people from your life. Other Awakened and like-minded people will be attracted to your life.

Need To Cleanse Your Body

You will have a desire to cleanse your body. Your soul is housed inside your body so the healthier you keep your body the better it is for your soul. It can function and do the work that it’s here to do within this exact perfect body.
You will want to eat clean, nutritious food, sleep enough hours, and move your body as much as possible to keep it healthy and fit enough to enable your soul to fulfill its purpose. 
Meditate every day because it has a lot of health and other benefits.

In conclusion, now you know that spiritual awakening is a personal experience and journey an individual goes through and begins to understand that their existence goes beyond their Ego (I), limited, sense of self to encircle a wider, limitless sense of truth, and reality that is part of the unlimited universal consciousness, and their creator.
Spiritual awakening happens either through insights from one’s search for answers to questions like “who am I?” and “why am I here?” 
or as a result of a breakthrough after some kind of breakdown and difficult phase of life like the end of a relationship or some kind of health issue.
Next, read what does meditation mean? to begin your spiritual awakening journey and receive your insights, connect with your creator, and begin hearing your soul’s guidance.

What Is The Meaning Of The Word Reflect?

What Is The Meaning Of The Word Reflect?

What Is The Meaning Of The Word Reflect?

Everybody would benefit from spending time alone, in silence, and reflecting on different areas of their life. It is one of the most useful and valuable ways to spend time that I found so that I can live my best life consciously by design.

I also always take time to reflect upon my last year as I sit down to plan my new year. One of the questions you may be asking is what exactly is the meaning of the word reflect?

It is to pause, focus, think deeply and bring awareness to particular areas of life so that you can gain insights and lessons that can be reused in the future.

So, at this point, you may be wondering: why is it important to reflect on last year in particular? Let’s discuss that next.

Why Is It Important To Reflect On Your Last Year?

It is important to reflect on the last year so that you can gain confidence by celebrating and honouring all of your accomplishments and also grow, gain insights, learn lessons, and receive feedback from all of your failures and mishaps before.

Reflection will help you decide what worked and could be repeated in the new year and what needs to be tweaked and improved for a better new year. It also gives you the confidence to plan and set goals for the new year.

Without reflection, you would repeat your mistakes and not move forward in life and your new year as a better version of yourself.

How To Reflect On The Past Year

As we established earlier, it is an extremely important and necessary exercise to do this exercise for yourself every year so that you do not repeat your mistakes and forget to do what worked well in the new year.

Start reflecting on things from last year to gain clarity and awareness by asking yourself the following questions.

What Are You grateful For?

Even though we have had a tough few years, we all have had some moments and things that we can be grateful for. What are those for you? Recall and write them all down so you can review them again and again.

Write down all the special experiences that you shared with your family, friends, customers, team members etc that you are also grateful for? Did you see amazing sunsets, sunrises, whimsical clouds?

What Are Some Highlights Of Your Last Year?

Write down some moments that you experienced that you are proud of. Did you create something new like a new program to transform people’s lives or did you start a valuable ritual with your family?

Remember all the highlights of your last year? What did you experience last year? Did you serve someone? Did you compliment people? Did you give to charity? Did you make someone smile? Did you make someone laugh?

Recalling these highlights will give you joy, raise your energy, and vibration and help you start your new year with a lot of confidence and with a focus on positivity.

What Lessons Did You Learn?

Write down all the challenges, failures you experienced, overcame and lessons that you learnt. We go through things in life so we can continue to grow, learn and be more compassionate, wiser and stronger.

It is important to acknowledge lessons learnt so that you do not experience them again.

Do You Regret Any Decisions And Mistakes You Made?

It is important to forgive yourself and let go of any regrets you feel in relation to all the mistakes and decisions you made that you are not proud in the past year. We all make mistakes however we are often very hard and unforgiving towards ourselves.

We forgive others for their mistakes however have very high standards for ourselves. Holding on to your regrets can lead to other health issues in your body. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself, let the regret go, and help someone else avoid this mistake if possible.

Do You Have Any Resentment Towards Others?

Did someone fail to meet your expectations and are you holding on to the resentments? Let go of these resentments before they turn into bigger health issues for you.

Always remember not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever. Forgive them and let them go from your life if possible or minimize your interaction with them.

Everything that happens in your life is in divine order. Holding on to these resentments will only harm you. There are no accidents. We live in a very intelligent universe.

What Beliefs Do You Need To Let Go Of?

Do you have any beliefs and thoughts that are keeping you small and not serving you to live your best life and fulfill your dreams? Practice self-reflection and figure out what they are and replace them with beliefs and thoughts that are aligned to your vision and purpose.

How To Plan For A Best And Successful New Year

Now that you have completed your reflection, let’s create a plan for your best and most successful new year. Clarify and decide what you want to focus on creating by asking the following questions.

What Is Your Word For The Year?

Ask yourself what area you want to focus upon and accomplish in the new year. What word would you give your year? For example, Is it the year of breakthrough, year of growth, year of health, year of joy, year of compassion, year of contribution, etc?

It is good to have goals for all areas of your life, however, which area do you want to focus upon the most? Which area do you feel requires your most immediate attention?

How Do You Want To Grow This Year?

What are your growth goals for this year? How are you planning to grow? The more you grow the more you can serve your purpose in a bigger and better way.

How many books are you going to read? Courses you will invest in? Communities you will join? Videos you will watch? Podcasts you will listen to? Equipment you will invest in for your health?

What Kind of Experiences Do You Want To Have?

What kind of experiences do you want to have with your family, friends, customers, the team in the new year?

How Do You Want To Contribute And Help Others?

What are some types of contributions you want to make this year? how do you want to serve other people? how do you want to help others?

is it through financial contribution? Is it with your time? Do you want to help someone and volunteer somewhere? Is it that you want to speak to someone in your family/extended family?

What goals Do You have?

Review your life vision, values, purpose and write down all your goals in the different areas of your life like family, friends, work, financial, health, physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional that you would like to accomplish.

What Actions Do You Plan To Take?

It is important to plan the exact steps and processes to accomplish your goals. Your outcome goals may not be in your complete control, however, your process goals are.

It’s always okay to plan the actions, but always remember to never get attached to those plans and goals. In the end, what matters is the fact that you have grown as a person because you had those goals. Your goals should stretch you and bring you out of your comfort zone.

In conclusion, you now know what it means to reflect. It is to pause, focus, think deeply and bring awareness to particular areas of life to gain insights and lessons that can be reused in the future.

I hope you recognize the importance of reflection so we do not repeat all the things we did not like about our life and past year. Join me and begin to incorporate this practice into your routine more frequently, especially at the beginning of a new year.

Plan and create your best year. Decide what you want in each area of your life, set goals, and start taking the actions required. Good Luck!

It would be helpful for you to read what are life goals article next for further insights and knowledge.

I hope you experience and feel lots of love, good health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year! Happy New Year!

What Is Positive Thinking And Living?

What Is Positive Thinking And Living?

What Is Positive Thinking And Living?

We think 60,000 thoughts every single day. The majority of our daily thoughts are habitual, repetitive, and negative. 
I found learning to reframe, redirect, and change my negative thoughts to positive ones was life-changing for me especially since we create our lives from our thoughts and beliefs. What exactly is positive thinking and living?
It is being aware of your thoughts and consciously choosing to think beneficial thoughts that serve and create a joyful, healthy, peaceful, abundant, meaningful and fulfilling life in alignment with your values and soul’s mission and purpose.
Positive thinkers have an optimistic attitude, focus on the good, and know and trust that everything in life happens for their benefit. They look for the lessons and blessings in every situation, even the negative ones.
So, you may be wondering how do I reprogram my mind for positive thinking? let’s discuss that next

How to reprogram your mind for positive thinking 

It is not difficult to re-program your mind for positive thinking provided you are consciously aware of your thoughts and implement some of the suggestions mentioned below to help you along your journey. 

Remember Who You Are 

You are a powerful soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are an individualized expression of your creator. Your life has infinite possibilities.
Catch, redirect, and change any negative thoughts that are not aligned to your real self (soul), which has the same qualities as your creator which are love, peace, joy, compassion, generosity, and abundance.

Be Aware Of Your Thoughts

Since your identity, beliefs, and thoughts create your life, make sure you are only thinking thoughts that are aligned to what you want to create and manifest into your life.
Change and redirect any thoughts that are counter to what you want to create in your life. Find proof that matches the beliefs and thoughts that are aligned to what you want and against the beliefs and thoughts that you do not want.
Repeat the aligned positive thoughts and beliefs to yourself and form a stronger and positive thought pattern into your brain that eventually becomes automated and natural for you.

Mind Your Body Language

Your negative thoughts often lead to you feeling sad and walking around with your shoulders drooped over or any other posture indicative of someone who has given up on life feeling hopeless and is not confident.
Your body will respond to that and will release stress hormones into your body causing you to have an adversarial physiological response to these negative thoughts.
Instead, redirect and change your negative thoughts and stand tall with your shoulders back signalling to your body that everything is okay. Know and trust that you are bigger and more powerful than any problem out there.

Recite Daily Affirmations

Recite daily empowering affirmations like: “I am a powerful soul, I am a loving soul, and I am a peaceful soul.” 
These will serve as daily reminders about how powerful you are and your accessibility to your creator’s power, strength, and intelligence and will cause you to be less likely to think negative thoughts.
Take the time to affirm and program thoughts and beliefs aligned to things that you want to manifest in your life because when you affirm negative things, that is what will be created and attracted into your life.
What you focus upon expands and attracts to you, so make sure you are affirming things that you want and reflect that you are a powerful limitless soul because that’s who you are by nature.

Choose Your Words Carefully

Words carry a vibration, and you speak things into creation, which will then manifest into your life. 
When you start thinking positive thoughts which will lead to you speaking words with a higher vibration that are true to your nature like: “absolutely, I will for sure.”
Don’t use words like, I am not sure, or maybe, which arise from negative thoughts, have weaker vibrations, are not aligned to your true nature and infinite possibilities.
Speak the words that serve you and help you live the life that you want to live which is your very best life while you are here on this earth.

Seek Out Positivity

Consume positive information instead of focusing on and consuming negative news and messages. 
The negative messages lead to you thinking negative thoughts more habitually and make you feel like the world is a negative place to live in.  
Read books, listen to podcasts, watch videos, documentaries, and movies that are inspiring and have positive messages to make positive thoughts naturally default for you in your life.

Have An Emotional Outlet

If you are currently experiencing challenges and frustrations in life, then it is very easy to think negative thoughts. 
It is helpful to have a few options and ways to release these feelings and prevent the energy from getting stuck in your body and causing further health issues.  
You can tell yourself: “I will experience this frustration for a set amount of time, and then let it go for good” and immerse yourself in a different activity to distract yourself.
You can scream if that helps you let it go. Picture your creator’s love and light filling the area where there is pain and frustrations once resided.
Dancing, singing, playing a musical instrument, or listening to music, speaking to a coach or a friend and borrowing their courage are other ways to deal with it. 
Remind yourself that everything in life happens for your good, reframe your thoughts and stories, and look for the lessons and blessings in every situation.

Create Positive Environment

Create a positive environment in your home by displaying messages all around you that are inspiring, and lead you to think positive thoughts. 
Wear clothing with inspiring messages that also signal and remind you to think positive thoughts in alignment with your true nature.
Reduce or eliminate your interaction with all the people in your life currently who are toxic, and negative. You are going to be like the five closest people that you hang out with regularly. So, choose those people very wisely.

Look After Your Body And Mind

eat food that drains your body and is not good for you like sugar and flour, then you will experience negative thoughts and adversarial health consequences.  
Your body is your soul’s abode and so it should be looked after well so the soul can fulfill its mission, calling, and purpose. 
Make sure you drink enough water that is optimally required by your body, get enough hours of sleep and rest, exercise, be energetic.
Think good thoughts and be healthy so that you can fulfill your purpose and have a positive demeanour and outlook for your life.

Meditate Daily

Incorporate a daily practice of morning meditation in your schedule. It will ground you and help you better handle and respond to the challenges of the day rather than reacting. 
You will be better able to live your life from the inside out and utilize your inner wisdom. You will be able to hear your inner loving guidance that is only possible when you connect to your creator via meditation.
The more you meditate, the more you will begin to experience and feel inner joy, peace, wellbeing, and bliss which is your true nature and you will be less likely to experience and think negatively. 

Practice Gratitude Daily

A daily practice of gratitude will help you raise your energy and make you less likely to revert to negative thoughts automatically. 
Drench yourself in gratitude every time you recognize yourself spiralling into habitual negative thought patterns and you will be able to very quickly change your state to a more positive one.

Help Others

Whenever you feel stuck in frustration and negative thought pattern take the focus off yourself, reach out and be of service to someone else. 
This will raise your energy and make you feel positive and better because compassion and service are aligned with our nature and purpose.

Forgive And Heal

If you are feeling hurt and holding on to resentment towards someone else, remember it will harm you and not the other person. Forgive, heal yourself, and let the hurt go from your body before it turns into a health issue.

In conclusion, now you know what positive thinking and living is and how to re program your mind for positive thinking.

It is being aware of your thoughts and consciously choosing to think beneficial thoughts, that serve and help you create a life in alignment with your values and soul’s purpose, instead of having the habitual negative thoughts patterns.
Also, positive thinkers have an optimistic attitude, focusing on the good, and knowing and trusting that everything in life happens for their benefit, looking for the lessons and blessings in every situation, even the negative ones.
Remember we think 60,000 thoughts in a day every single day. Most of these thoughts are habitual, repetitive, and they are negative. It would be more beneficial for you to learn to change these thoughts to positive ones since we create our lives from our thoughts and beliefs.
You are now well equipped, empowered, and know ways to reprogram your mind to think positively even when you are experiencing frustrations and challenges in life while on earth school. Good Luck!
I recommend the next helpful article to read would be what does meditation mean

What Does Meditation Mean?

What Does Meditation Mean?

What Does Meditation Mean?

It is very hard for us to stop thinking. We think around 60,000 thoughts every day and most of these thoughts are automatic, negative, habitual thought patterns that we repeatedly think.
These thoughts then lead to our identity, beliefs, feelings, actions, words, habits, destiny, and unconsciously create a life that we might not have intended to create.
Meditation is one of the best practices to stop those negative thoughts and create the life that you want. My regular meditation practise has improved my life drastically.
I feel a sense of peace, serenity, and contentment on the inside no matter what is going on the outside. I highly recommend everyone to start meditating every day even if it is only for a few minutes.
Meditation is a practice where you turn your awareness from the outer world of noise and activity to your inner world, engage in contemplation or reflection, concentration, focus on your breathing, repetition of mantra, thoughts, feeling and perceptions, and reach a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
You learn to focus and observe your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions non-judgementally, slow them down, and eventually stop them, so you can alter how you perceive and respond to the world around you.
So, now that you know what meditation means, you may be wondering… Why you should consider starting a meditation practice and what are some other benefits of Meditating?
Let’s discuss that next

What Are Some Benefits Of Meditation?

Meditation has been practiced in many cultures all over the world for thousands of years. 
It can be used as a psychotherapeutic technique as well as for a religious purpose. Many people also use it independently of any religious or spiritual practices and beliefs. 
While the experts do not yet fully understand exactly how meditation works research has shown that meditation can have a range of positive effects on overall health.
Some of these benefits are a deep state of relaxation, tranquil mind, emotional, and psychological well-being and many others
Let’s discuss these and all the additional benefits of meditation in more details.

Benefits of Meditation On The Brain

Meditation slows the ageing of your brain and improves memory. Various studies done have also shown an increase in the physical size of certain areas in your brain from meditating regularly.
A Harvard study by Dr. Sarah Lazar in 2011 showed after just 8 weeks of meditation, a physical increase in the size of the Left Hippocampus which is responsible for learning, memory, and retaining information. 
Posterior Cingulate Cortex also grew which controls the ability for your mind to wander and Temporo-parietal junction which is responsible for empathy and compassion.
The same study also found that there was also a noticeable decrease in the brain cell volume in the amygdala which is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress which matched with the self-reports of levels of stress. 
Meditation changes our subjective experience, perception of pain and feelings, and overall psychological well-being.

Benefits Of Meditation Before Bed

Meditation improves sleep especially if it is done right before going to bed. It is easier to fall asleep when you are in a calm, peaceful state and not focusing on the negative things that have happened throughout the day. 
Sleep is very important for us so you’ll be able to function better if you sleep better and wake up with gratitude and excitement to start your day which will allow you to focus on and fulfill your purpose, grow, and serve others.

Benefits Of Meditation on Health

Reduces Stress

Meditation helps better manage stress and reduce the side effects of stress, especially with mindful meditation. It helps you slow down your thoughts or control your thoughts and quiet your mind and which leads to you feeling calm and peaceful. 
It reduces automatic habitual negative and stressful thoughts which unconsciously create a life that you do not want.

Better Management Of Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety

Mindfulness meditation helps you to be in the present moment right now and not worry about the past or the future. 
You are better able to manage the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Anxiety is fear of the future and depression is resentments from the past.
A recent study published in Jama Internal Medicine by Professor Willem Kuyken showed that Mindful meditation was just as effective as commonly prescribed drug anti-depressant drugs when it comes to treating depression and had a 31% less chance of a relapse.

Improves Immunity

Meditation improves your overall immunity. We are energetic beings and meditation raises your energy which makes less likely to catch germs and diseases which exist at a lower vibration. 

Reduces Your Blood Pressure

Meditation reduces your blood pressure. You are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure and all the other health issues that result from this condition. 
You instantly feel calm, peaceful, and less affected by the challenges that arise in your life. 

Experience Of Bliss And Happiness

Meditation leads to a feeling and experience of internal bliss, contentment, and happiness that cannot be compared to anything else. 
You feel internal joy, peace, and love as you connect and align with your creator through meditation and a knowing that you can access the divine intelligence, strength, love, compassion, and abundance which is your true nature. 
When you are fully present you can enjoy moments of your life’s journey rather than worrying about the past or future. 

Improves Your Self-Esteem

Meditation improves your self-esteem and confidence. When you connect and align with your creator, you get to know your higher self and realize who you are which is a very powerful soul. 
You are an individualized expression of your creator. When you come to know this truth and realization you will feel more powerful. This will lead to you having an increased self-esteem and self-confidence and be less affected by bullies. 

Improves Focus And Productivity

Meditation improves your focus and attention. You will be able to stay in the present moment, control, slow your thoughts down, focus, and not get distracted. 
Your productivity, concentration will increase, and you will be able to get into a flow state more often. 

Makes You More Grateful

Meditation makes you more grateful. You realize who you are, where you have come from, and how much you are loved unconditionally by your creator. 
You will be able to notice and be in “aah” of all the things in life, including nature, that you have been blessed with. 
Your Relationships will also improve as you will value and become more grateful for all the people in your life.

Increased Self-Awareness

You will be able to live like your higher self and who you are by nature. You will radiate love, peace, compassion, joy, abundance, and kindness. 
Meditation will help you connect and align to your creator and receive guidance about your purpose and path. 

In conclusion, Meditation is a practice where you turn your awareness from the outer world of noise and activity to your inner world, engage in contemplation or reflection, concentration, focus on your breathing, repetition of mantra, thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and reach a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
You learn to focus and observe your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions non-judgementally, slow them down and eventually stop them, so you can alter how you perceive and respond to the world around you.
Meditation is a wonderful practice for every-one to start. It has so many health and other benefits. It is worth starting to add to your schedule every single day. Even if it is only for a few minutes.
The sooner you start the sooner you will experience feeling a sense of peace, serenity, and contentment on the inside no matter what is going on the outside like me. 

I wanted to mention a great resource to help you in case you were wondering how exactly to start your meditation practice.  I recommend you read a book by Jack Kornfield called Meditation for Beginners

I wish you the best of luck with your meditation practice! You may not feel competent in the beginning however remember it is a journey and you will get better as you repeatedly practice meditation. It is definitely worth a try!

Why Is It So Important To Start Investing?

Why Is It So Important To Start Investing?

Why Is It So Important To Start Investing?

Money is a tool that helps you sustain your mission and life purpose, and desired lifestyle. It also gives you the ability to make an unlimited impact on others’ lives. 
It is each of our responsibility to make our money grow as much as possible so we can continue to enjoy it with our loved ones and give it to others without ever running out. 
Take responsibility for your financial stability, present and future security, and start investing your money as soon as possible so that it can grow, multiply, generate a strong rate of returns and passive income. 
You will build confidence, meet your financial goals, and start living your desired life of purpose, meaning, fulfillment, and impact sooner. 
So, you may be wondering what investments you should make. Let’s discuss that next.

What Investment Should I Make?

It is good to learn how to invest your money so you can grow it, enjoy it, with your loved ones, and give it without ever running out.
Here are some suggestions for areas that you can start investing your money in so that you can live your desired and purposeful lifestyle, and make the greatest positive impact on others’ lives sooner.

Make An Investment In Yourself

One of the first, most important, and valuable investments you can make is in yourself. 
When you grow and get better in all areas of your life, you can live your best life and be better able to inspire and make the greatest impact in others’ lives.
Start investing in books, apps, tools/equipment, courses, coaching/consulting/mentorship, and relationships (like-minded community memberships) to help you expand and grow in every area of your life.

Identify your desired outcomes and invest some time, in an inspired state out in nature to figure out who you are, discover your purpose, what you want and your desired life vision.
Identify your top values, what you stand for and your financial and other goals in every area of your life.
Make Self Growth a priority and know that you are worthy and start investing time and money in your development, growth, and expansion.
You have to become someone who has an identity, beliefs, thought patterns, feelings, behaviour, habits to be able to keep, manage, and invest your millions and serve others in a bigger and better way. 
Learn to identify and let go of any false beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviours, words, and habits that do not serve you, your desired life vision, purpose, and align with your top values.
Invest money towards your physical, mental, and emotional health because without good health, you will not be able to enjoy your life and be around for your family, loved ones, and customers who very much need you. 
Move your body every day. Even if it is dancing to your favourite music for 10 minutes. Go for a walk outside if possible. 
Consume something spiritual, positive, motivating, and inspiring every day. You become what you consume every day.
Hydrate and make sure to drink enough water every day. Invest in clean organic food that is nutritious for your body so you can get energy and vitality from it. Remember that you are what you eat.
Get enough sleep and take the time to rest and get to bed at the same time every day. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep every night for their bodies to be able to rest, restore, and rejuvenate.

Business Ownership

Invest time and money in starting and designing your own purpose driven business. Create products, services, and experiences using your unique gifts, purpose, and transform and better people’s lives.  
Decide on a vision, mission, purpose and values of your business, who do you want to serve and what problem do you want to help them solve? 
Invest money in equipment, software, courses, books, mentorship/coaching, community to help you learn and improve your business skills. 
Invest in a team of people who can help you with business tasks that do not serve your purpose or give you joy. Hire people who enjoy doing these tasks and are passionate about your vision of your business.
You can make an unlimited amount of money when you leverage other people’s time, automation and passive ways to make result-based money when you are not limited and trading time for money. 

Income-generating Assets

Money loves speed and it loses value when it is sitting in a bank account due to inflation. Invest your money in different areas, asset classes, and let it work harder for you than you worked for it. 
Invest money in assets like different types of real estate, dividend-paying stocks that generate cash flow and multiply your money so that there’s more wealth which you can give and share with others. 
The more money you give and learn to manage, the more the universe can give and trust you with it. Money should always be flowing from you to people who need it the most. 

Memorable And Inspiring Experiences

Plan and invest in amazing vacations, experiences, and memories with your loved ones every year. Travel and meet people from different parts of the world. 
These experiences and trips will inspire, nourish, and give you new insights and ideas to improve your life and business. 
Take a break from the routine and embrace some quiet time. Spend some time around scenic places in nature that inspire you like the ocean, mountains, rivers, and lakes. 

You will connect with your creator, get energized, and receive guidance to serve others in a bigger and better way. 

Contribution And Donations

Contribute to causes and donate to charities that is making a big difference and positive impact in others’ lives. 
The more money you make, the more you can support and give to others. You can perform random acts of kindness throughout the day and give money to whoever you come across that needs it.
There is nothing wrong with making a lot of money and making it grow and multiply. You can enjoy your money with your loved ones and let it flow from you to other people who need it too. 
If you can make more, then it’s your responsibility and duty to make more so you can give more and inspire others to do the same. 
Please go out there and make all the money that you can because there are lots of places you can give back, donate, and help. 

In conclusion, I hope I have convinced you as to why it is so important to start investing your money. 
As I mentioned before, money is a tool that helps you sustain your mission and purpose and helps you live your desired lifestyle and make an unlimited impact on others’ life. 
Take responsibility for your financial stability, present and future security, and start investing your money as soon as possible so that it can grow, multiply, generate a strong rate of returns and passive income. 
You will build confidence, meet your financial goals, and start living your desired life of purpose, meaning, fulfillment, and impact sooner. 
Also remember that money loves speed, velocity, and it loses value when it is sitting in a bank account due to inflation. Invest your money in different areas, asset classes, and let it work harder for you than you worked for it.

What Is A Lack Of Self-Awareness?

What Is A Lack Of Self-Awareness?

What Is A Lack Of Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is the key for you to live your best life and be kind, compassionate, and happy. It is very hard to live a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life when you lack self-awareness.
Are you living your best life or do you feel unhappy, stuck, disconnected from yourself, and are living a frustrating life? Do you lack self awarenesss?
When you lack self-awareness, you do not know who you are (spirit and personality), why you are on this earth, and what you like/dislike in life. 
You experience negative emotions frequently and don’t live your best life because you fail to understand your power and ability to create your life from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, words, actions, and habits. 
So, what are some of the symptoms of lacking self-awareness? Let’s discuss that next.

Symptoms Of Lack Of Self-Awareness

All changes, even your happiness is dependent on your alignment with who you are and so your self-awareness is extremely important. 
If you don’t know who you are, what you like, what you want, what you love doing, or what makes you happy, then it’s almost impossible to live your best life.
Let’s discuss some symptoms that you can watch for that indicate you lack self-awareness.

Trouble Understanding Your Emotions

You have trouble understanding your emotions and why you feel a certain way. You have never taken the time to sit with these emotions and figure out the reason they arise.
Emotions are not bad, they arise for a reason and they are serving a purpose, they are here to guide you and to tell you something. If you suppress them, then you will never know what they are trying to tell you.

Figure out why you are feeling the way you’re feeling, what your thoughts are that are leading you to feel that way because emotions come from your thoughts, beliefs, and identity.

Make Excuses For Failure

You make excuses for your failures, act like a victim and blame others instead of growing and learning from your failures. 
Always remember that you are 100% responsible for your life. Nobody has the power to make you feel a certain way unless if you allow it. 
It is your thoughts, your stories, and your perspective of what happened that makes you feel a certain way and the sooner you take responsibility for your life for your failures and learn from them, the better your life gets.
There is no such thing as failure. They are guidance and feedback so you can course-correct, pivot, and stay on the right path. 

Difficulty Empathizing

You have difficulty having compassion, empathizing, and understanding other people’s emotions because you are not aware and in touch with your own emotions. 
You expect others to suppress their emotions just like you. 
Compassion is one of the natural traits of your soul. It is what our creator is and the more you can align with your creator, the more compassion and empathy will be possible and natural for you.
Know that you are a soul that’s having a temporary human experience and not the other way around. 
The more you align with your creator, the more you will realize and know that you are love, peace, joy, compassion, and kindness and not frustration, anger, hate, and jealousy.

Lack Self Identity And Control

You lack self-identity and control because you don’t know who you are. You are a powerful soul that’s having a temporary human experience. 
The more you realize who you are, and who you can be, the more you’ll be able to have control over yourself and will be in alignment with your creator. 
You are an individualized expression of your creator and so the sooner you align with your creator, the better your life will get.
Your self-identity determines your perspective in life and then that guides your beliefs thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and then your destiny. 
The more you identify with your soul and align with your creator, the better your life gets. You are love, peace, joy, compassion, and abundance by nature. 

Trouble Setting Realistic Goals

You have trouble setting realistic goals because you have no idea as to what gives you joy and how exactly you want to experience life. 
You don’t even know who you are so you have a tough time setting the goals for your best life.
Take some time to figure out who you are, what’s your purpose, why you are here, align with your creator for guidance and design your life. 
You are here to live an amazing life in alignment with your purpose. 
Every human being is here to grow and serve others and how you serve others is determined by the unique gift that’s given by your creator. 
As long as you are making that your priority, you will live an amazing, meaningful, and fulfilled life. 

You Become Defensive

You react defensively when someone questions your identity and self-image. 
When you are self-aware, you know that others’ opinions about you do not define you. Everyone looks at the world through their perspective and filters scenarios based on their life experience.

You Seek Others’ Approval

You constantly seek others’ approval in every decision you make instead of turning inward for guidance, trusting yourself and making decisions in alignment with your purpose and mission in life.

You know what’s right for you, and you are the authority of your life along with your creator who is always available to you as a guide. 
Live your true life in alignment with your vision and top values. 

What Causes A Lack Of Self-Awareness?

We are never taught how to become self-aware and it is hard for us to realize that we lack self-awareness especially if none of the people around us are awakened and self-aware.
The main reason for most people lacking self-awareness is that they do not spend any time in self-reflection and are simply too distracted by technology, social media, and are influenced by other people around them who are not like-minded.
People blindly follow societal rules that do not serve them to their detriment and live an unhappy life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and agenda. 
They forget why they are here in the first place which is to fulfill their purpose and soul’s contract.
Mental illness can also be one of the other reasons why some people suffer from a lack of self-awareness.

How To fix And Reduce The lack Of Self Awareness?

Meditate Daily

Have a daily morning routine and spend some time in silence. Practice meditation, align with your creator and be open to guidance.

Do Self-Reflection

Take some time preferably out in nature where you are inspired and at peace to reflect and understand yourself. Journal and ask your self-discovery questions.
What do you like/dislike? What gives you joy? What frustrates and triggers you? What life experiences do you want to have? What type of relationships do you want? What are your top values? What is your life vision and purpose?
Discover your God-given unique talents and gift(s). Your clues are in what you liked doing as a child, as well as the kinds of compliments you normally get.

Ask Trusted Friends

Ask your friends to describe you and tell you what they like about you the most, what they see as your greatest strengths, and weaknesses.

Set Goals

Write down your goals in every area of your life in alignment with your vision, purpose, and values. 
Come up with plans and actions to accomplish these goals. Schedule daily tasks to accomplish your goals.
In conclusion, I hope you know exactly what a lack of self-awareness is and what symptoms to watch out for to identify yourself or someone who is suffering from it.
You also now know what causes lack of self-awareness and how to begin fixing and reducing it in case you identified yourself as someone with this particular issue.
Next it would be helpful for you to read What Are Good Morning Habits to continue your self-awareness journey.

What Are Life Goals?

What Are Life Goals?

What Are Life Goals?

I believe it is very important for each one of us to have a vision and goals for every area of our desired dream life. Most people just know how to set work goals and have no life goals. 
You may be wondering, what exactly do I mean when I say life goals?
Life goals help you accomplish everything you want and desire in different areas of your dream life. They are congruent to you and are ideally derived from your long-term vision of your life. 
They clarify a pathway and help you progress towards your vision by keeping you focused on the right actions and habits for success in achieving these goals. 
So, you may be wondering, what would I do to set and achieve my life goals? Let’s discuss that next.

How To Set And Achieve Life Goals

We are here for a short time and we all deserve to live our best life. It is important to set goals in all areas of life in order to turn your desires and wants into a reality instead of wishes.
Here are some easy steps to create your dream life goals so you can start working towards achieving them. 

Dream Big

You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are an individualized expression of your creator. 
You are worthy and enough for the purpose that you’re here to fulfill. You can be, do, and have anything in life. 
Your life has infinite possibilities. Align with your creator and access the divine mind, intelligence, and strength. 

Design Your Dream Life

Know that you are 100% responsible for creating the type of life you want.  
You can create the results in your life from the inside out. Start by a deep journey inwards of self-connection, discovery, and awareness.  
Uncover your Soul’s mission, purpose, (unique gifts and talents), desires, and wants. 
Figure out what makes you happy and gives your life meaning (reason(s) to wake up). Discover who you are now and who you need to become to live your best life. 

Determine Your Reason (Purpose, Why)

Figure out the reasons why you want to achieve particular goals in your life. The stronger your why and reasons the more motivated you will be to achieve your goals.

Decide What You want

Create a Vision, desired intentions, goals, and habits for every area (Health, Personal Growth, Spiritual, Relationships, and Career/Business) of your life.
Make sure the above is authentic and in alignment with your soul’s mission and purpose. A strong vision will empower you and pull you to achieve the intended results.
Identify your core values and align them to your life vision. 
Your values will, like a road map, help you stay true to yourself, and guide all your decisions and actions.

Believe And Commit

Your inner world creates your external results and life. You cannot create anything that you do not believe you can. 
Believe in yourself and in the possible accomplishment of your goals and life vision.
Eliminate any fear, self-doubts, and let go of any limiting beliefs that may block you from achieving your goals.
Identify your limitations and how to work around them like bad habits, your behaviour under pressure, what triggers, and drains you.
Always remember that you can accomplish anything you commit to and put your mind to.
Set goals for every area of your life
Set 1-2 goals for every area of your life like Health (physical and Mental), Work, Financial, Relationships, Personal Growth, Spirituality, and Contribution.
Your goals will identify and put you on a path, and your daily habits will keep you on this path and moving towards the realization of your future vision.
Make sure to set both outcome and Process-oriented goals. An outcome goal is based on a desired specific and measurable result that is not completely in our control. 
The process goals are the exact plan of actions required or a set of behaviours that help you achieve your goals and are completely in your control. 
For example, an outcome goal would be to lose 20 pounds and process goal would be in order to lose 20 pounds, I will go to the gym six times a week.
Work backwards and outline clear steps for the fulfillment of life goals. If you have big and ambitious goals, consider breaking them down into smaller goals to achieve first. 
Setting S.M.A.R.T goals will increase the likelihood of you achieving your goals. 
S -Specific: Your goal should be specific. If it isn’t, it will be hard for you to measure it and you would be less motivated to achieve it. Be clear about what you want to accomplish, when you want to achieve it, and why it’s important. 
M-Measurable- Figure out how you can measure progress to successfully complete your goal. For example, I will lose earn 50,000 within 6 months.
A-Achievable- Your goals should seem possible to attain. Figure out what skills you require to complete your goals and how to acquire them. For example, I will lose 2 pounds in 1 month.
R-Relevant– Make sure your goals are relevant and are aligned with who you are, your vision, and all of your other goals.
T-Time sensitive-Your goals should have a timeline that you want to achieve them by so that you can take the appropriate actions. 

Create An Action Plan

Figure out the exact steps you need to take to design a plan for your dream life, vision, values, purpose, goals, and habits to achieve your goals. 
Who do you need to be and what habits do you need to form? Determine all the resources, guidance and skills that you need.
Seek assistance and invest in books, courses, workshops, coaching, and mentors to help you with your goals. It is worth it. You are worth it.

Create Accountability

Telling someone about your goals in each area of your life can also help increase your success in achieving them and sticking with them.
You can also consider partnering up with someone to hold each other accountable for your goals every week or month.

Measure and Review Your Goals

Review your goals every day. Evaluate and check your progress every week, month, quarter, and year. 
Course correct and pivot goals if necessary. Celebrate growth and trust the universal timing in the attainment of your goals if you have done your part and taken the right timely actions.
Let’s discuss some Mistakes to avoid when setting goals next.

Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

No Vision

If you do not have a vision for your life, no goals can be set. If you do not have the clarity of what you want in life then it is impossible to set any kind of goals for your life.

Not Realistic

If your desires, beliefs, and commitment are low and you are lacking resources then it will be difficult for you to achieve your goals.

No Strong Reason (Purpose/Why)

If you do have a strong reason(purpose) to achieve your goal, you will lack the motivation to set and fulfill your goals.

No Plan

If you do not have a plan, processes, or any planned actions to achieve your goals, then it will be impossible for you to progress and achieve your goals. 
Without a plan, goals are just wishes.

No Action

Your goals can not be achieved if you do not form habits and take daily actions towards them. 

No S.M.A.R.T Goals

In order for you to achieve your goals, they have to be S.M.A.R.T-specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-specific.

No Evaluation

If you do not review and evaluate your goals regularly, then it is hard to course correct and pivot before it is too late.

In conclusion, now that you know what life goals are, they help you accomplish everything you want and desire in different areas of your dream life. They are congruent to you and are ideally derived from your long-term vision of your life. 
They clarify a pathway and help you progress towards your vision by keeping you focused on the right actions and habits for success in achieving these goals.
You also learnt how to set life goals and mistakes to avoid when doing so. I hope you will take some time to design your dream life and work on your vision, purpose, values, and goals in every area of your life. 
Believe in yourself and commit to the process, do not give up and begin transforming your life today. 
I wish you success in achieving all your goals and designing and living your dream life because you definitely deserve it.
Email me at salimah@salimahhaji.com if you want to invest in a consultation call with me to handhold you through this process.

What Are Life-Changing Books?

What Are Life-Changing Books

What Are Life-Changing Books?

If you know me then you know I love reading non-fiction books so I can grow and improve in all areas of my life and continue to serve others in a bigger and better way. 
The books that I have read have been life-changing for me. You may be wondering, what are life-changing books?
Life-changing books improve every aspect of your life and change how you see others and the world. They help shape your perspective, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, habits, and values.  
I will share a list of some of the books that I have read that have had the biggest impact in different areas of my life. I hope you will be inspired enough to commit to reading and benefiting from these amazing books too. 

My Top 7 Life-Changing Books

Reading provides many benefits like growing, finding solutions to your problems, improving your brain, and life. 
You can start gaining all the knowledge and wisdom from an author with a very minimal investment. I would suggest that you start by choosing a book in an area of your life that you are most interested in improving first. 
When you start knowing, doing, and living the knowledge that you have learnt and gained from these books, your life will improve and change forever. 


The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Peopleby Steven Covey 
This is an amazing book. It is one of the most informative, inspiring, and perspective-shifting books that I have read. 
It reveals a step-by-step path for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity. 
These principles help us adapt to change and take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. 
I highly recommend this book for every age group especially if you are seeking to make any kind of changes in your life. 
The author believes all desired change starts with you and it is implemented from the inside out.
The 7 habits Stephen mentioned in this book are to be proactive, begin with an end in mind, but first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then be understood, synergize, sharpen the saw
Habits one to three are based on personal and habits four to six are interpersonal. 


Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj 
This book discusses the importance of water for our body based on research and the different diseases that are caused by dehydration. 
Most people do not drink enough water and therefore experience brain fog, fatigue, stress, chronic pains, and many other painful degenerative diseases. 
It is often too late and not good to wait until you get thirsty to have water. You will learn different signs of thirst from your wise body. 
Adjust your water intake to live a healthier and pain-free life. Learn how to reverse conditions like asthma, allergies, and eliminate heartburn, back pain, arthritis, colitis pain, and migraine headaches. 
You will also learn to lose weight effortlessly without dieting and prevent premature ageing.


Man’s Search For Meaning, by Dr. Victor Frankl 
Victor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who was a Holocaust survivor. In his book, he shares his experience as an inmate of a concentration camp and how it shaped his understanding of meaning.
He studied how people were able to find meaning and empowerment after going through such horrific circumstances. In particular, why some people make it through while others do not.
He realized that we cannot avoid challenges and suffering but we can choose how we cope with it and find meaning in it and move forward with renewed purpose. 
He concluded that our freedom, as human beings, lies in the attitude we choose amidst any given circumstances.


Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success, by Carol Dweck 
This is one of the most influential books about motivation. It is an essential read for everyone especially, parents and teachers. 
Carol, the author shows how success in almost every area of human endeavour can be dramatically influenced by how we approach our goals.
People with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities are fixed while people with a growth mindset believe that any abilities can be developed through hard work, good work, good strategies, and mentorship. 
People with a fixed mindset are far less likely to succeed than those with a growth mindset. She talks about how people can put a growth mindset into action to accomplish great things in life.


Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor And Middle Class Do Not!, by Robert Kiyosaki 
This book teaches very important money concepts related to assets and liabilities which helped me change my relationship with money. 
In this book, the author’s story of growing up with two dads (his dad and his friend’s dad) who had very different financial belief systems. They both shaped his thoughts about money and investing.
His Biological father, believed, like the rest of the society, to go to school, get good grades and education, work until 65, and then retire.
Friend’s father believed in owning his businesses as a way to create financial abundance and freedom. 
Robert, the author teaches a lot of core money concepts related to assets and liabilities. He concludes that you do not need to earn a high income to be rich.
He also explains the difference between working for your money and having your money work for you.


The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself, by Michael Singer 
This book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. 
The author, Michael Singer, a multi-millionaire, and CEO of a billion-dollar public company experienced a spiritual awakening and stepped away from all of his success to pursue inner peace and serenity. 
You will discover your relationship with your habitual thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns that limit your consciousness and what you can do to free yourself by practicing meditation and mindfulness. 
Learn how the development of consciousness can enable us all to surrender, dwell in the present moment, and let go of painful thoughts, negative blocks, and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.


The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, by Gary Chapman 
In his book, the author shares that there are Five Love Languages or 5 ways that we can appreciate our loved ones.
They are words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, physical touch.
It is important to know each other’s love language in a relationship so that you can meet each other’s needs in a preferred way. 
This will avoid challenges and disappointments resulting from assumptions that your love languages are the same.
This book also provides some suggestions on how to show your partner love based on their love language and a quiz that will help you find out your love language.

In conclusion, now you know what life-changing books are. They improve every aspect of your life and how you see others and the world. 
They help shape your perspective, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, habits, and values. 
I have received far-reaching benefits in every area of my life from investing in my personal growth and development. 
I continue to invest in my self-development over the years in many different ways like reading books, hiring coaches, mentors, buying courses, and attending seminars. 
I hope you are inspired enough to follow in my footsteps, invest in your self-growth, and read some of the books I have recommend.
Start in the area of your life that you want to change and grow and improve in the most. 
It is through improving yourself and growing that you will be able to improve every area of your life and live your very best life and you will also be able to serve your purpose in a bigger and better way. 
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