What Does Rejection Feel Like?
What Does Rejection Feel Like?
You are not alone if you have ever felt rejected. It is fairly common for all human beings to experience a feeling of rejection and not accepted for who we are by others at one point or another.
It does not feel good and causes you to feel a sensation of pain, sadness, shame, grief, hurt, anger, jealousy, anxiousness, depression, unworthiness, and a general sense of not belonging.
It is self-inflicted and brought on by our perspective, the stories we tell ourselves, and the meaning that we give it which then leads to our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and an unwanted destiny that we create for ourselves as a result.
So, you may be wondering, how does rejection change you? Let’s discuss that next.
How Does Rejection Change You?
We will now discuss some ways rejection changes you no matter what type you experience.
Some examples of when we may feel rejected are after a significant other ends a relationship, a child may feel rejected by their peers when not receiving an invite to a party, and when we do not get a deserved promotion.
It Can Make You Have A Low Self-Esteem
Constant rejections can make you have limiting beliefs, think negative thoughts about yourself which then lead to feeling like you do not matter, are not enough, do not belong, and are not worthy.
This can also lead to the urge to pull away from others and experience problems in relationships.
It Can Cause Insecurity
Your confidence can be affected by constant rejections and you might start experiencing physical symptoms associated with it like sweating, shaking, fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, and inability to communicate effectively.
The lack of confidence also leads to a lack of ability to fulfill high standards set for oneself and not being able to perform well on difficult intellectual tasks.

It Can Make You Feel Angry
You may feel angry and experience poor impulse control when constantly rejected. It is okay to acknowledge and feel this anger.
It Can Make You Feel Depressed And Anxious
Constant rejection can make you feel sad, hopeless, depressed, and anxious especially in social settings. You may feel tired, and unmotivated to do anything.
You may feel like staying in bed and sleeping all day long. It is also probable to worry about the future possibility of rejections which then can heighten your anxiety.
You may not feel like leaving your house and seeing anyone. This can also lead to the urge to pull away from others, experience loneliness, and have problems in relationships.
It Can Make You Feel Jealous Of Others
You may be inclined to compare yourself to other people who are accepted and experience jealousy towards them. This is a normal reaction due to constantly being rejected.
How To Handle Rejection
Always remember that we are on this earth for a short time and so we should live our very best life. It is very important to acknowledge, validate, accept, and process how you are feeling after a rejection.
Let’s now discuss how to better handle rejections that are inevitable in life, bounce back from them, and not let them have control over us.

Know That You Are Always Valuable
You are whole, worthy, enough, and valuable regardless of your life experiences. All the pain that you go through in life is necessary for you to learn from and grow.
When you become a better and stronger person, you can fulfill your purpose and serve others in a bigger and better way. So not be afraid to live your life to the fullest and know that you will never lose your value.
You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. Your soul is changeless and it is not affected by anything.
Be aware of the meaning you are giving it
Do not give rejections power over you. Stop suffering by making up stories and giving them meanings that are not true.
Catch and be aware of your resulting beliefs, thoughts, feelings, negative self-talk, and actions that do not serve you.
Remember Hurt People Hurt People
Hurt people are not happy on the inside and therefore hurt others. It is very common and natural for most human beings to judge one another.
These opinions are not necessarily true and are therefore none of your business. What matters is your opinion of yourself. Learn to love your-self unconditionally and practice self-love and self-care regularly.
Aim to live your true life despite other people’s judgement and opinions. You are here for a purpose and are only accountable to yourself and your creator.
Nobody else has to understand that. If you need support find a loving, accepting, and supportive community of like-minded people to associate with regularly.
Know that your environment does not control you
Learn to live your life from the inside out and do not let the environment control you. Don’t give other people and outer circumstances power over you and affect what path you take in life.
Follow your inner wisdom and guidance (intuition) to fulfill your purpose and live your best life. Spend some time in silence so you can receive loving guidance from your creator.
Know Life Happens For You
Everything in life happens for you including the painful, unpleasant, and challenging moments. The universe is an intelligent system and everything that happens is in divine order.
Know that everything that you’re going through you are meant to grow stronger and learn lessons from so you can fulfill your purpose and serve others in a bigger and better way.
In conclusion, since we all go through rejection in our life at one point or another, it is important to know what it feels like and how to handle it.
It does not feel good and causes you to feel a sensation of pain, sadness, shame, grief, hurt, anger, jealousy, anxiousness, depression, unworthiness, and a general sense of not belonging.
It is self-inflicted and brought on by our perspective, the stories we tell ourselves, and the meaning that we give it which then leads to our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and an unwanted destiny that we create for ourselves as a result.
We also discussed how it can change you and can cause you to have low self-esteem, feelings of insecurity, depression, anxiety, anger, and jealousy.
You also learned some ways to handle rejections. Hope you found this information helpful and empowering. Please share this article with someone that you may know that can use this information to better their life.
Next, continue your empowering journey and read How Fears And Self-Doubts Keep You Stuck And How To Overcome It.