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Why Self-Love Is Not Selfish

Why Self-Love Is Not Selfish

We are always told to put our oxygen masks on first in case of an emergency in an airplane so that we can be well enough to help others.
Why are we not given this same advice when it comes to loving ourselves? Instead, we are conditioned and lead to believe that it is selfish to love and care for ourselves.
It is very important to accept, appreciate, and love yourself unconditionally and it is not at all selfish. If you do not love and care for yourself then you may eventually not be around or be able to love and serve others fully from the overflow and be able to receive love from others like you deserve to.
Loving yourself is not selfish or narcissistic because it does not mean that you are obsessed and preoccupied with your pleasure, profit, and lack love, respect, and consideration for others. 
So, you may be wondering, what does self-love mean? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

What Does Self-Love Mean?

Self-love means honouring and prioritizing your self-care, needs, joy, and wellbeing, instead of sacrificing it to please others.
Also, to have the confidence, self-belief, and positive self-image to not settle for less than what you deserve and are worthy of.

What Are Some Ways To Practice Self-Love?

So many people do not know how to love and take care of themselves. We are taught to be kind and take care of other people, however, most of us are not taught to love and be kind to ourselves.
You may feel guilty when you first start taking some time to love and prioritize your care since you probably do not have any role models who have been doing that for themselves. Guilt is a waste of energy. 
Here are some tips for you to practice and start loving and taking care of yourself and improve your mental and physical health immediately.

Know Who You Are

Spend some time to get to know who you are and how valuable and special you are. You belong and are here in this world for a reason. You are a individualized expression of your creator. 
You are a powerful soul. You are connected to and always have access to your creator’s intelligence, mind, and strength.
Remember you are a soul with a body and you’re multidimensional and by nature, you are love, joy, compassion, peace, and abundance. Learn to value and love yourself unconditionally as your creator does.
Focus on yourself and learn to live in the moment without any distractions. Spend some time being alone in silence, connect with your creator, and reflect on yourself and your life.

Know You Are Enough

Know that you are enough and do not believe someone else’s opinion about you not being enough. Be aware of all the negative self-talk and habitual thoughts that do not serve and empower you. 
You have been created exactly in the right body, colour, and sex to fulfill your purpose and function here on earth. Accept all your mistakes and imperfections. Do not compare yourself with others. 
You are complete and whole and nobody else can complete you. Your partner does not complete you. You are complete and your partner is complete as well.
Your creator did not make an incomplete person. You are complete and possess all the wisdom within you to live your very best life. 

Know You Matter

You matter and you deserve to take care of yourself because if you don’t take care of yourself then you will not have the energy to take care of anybody else including your children, spouse, parents, other family members, friends, and other members of the society. 
Please take good care of yourself, spend some quality time with yourself, treat yourself often, and do things that give you joy. Start your day proactively with a morning routine that feeds your body, mind, and soul.
You will be able to handle situations better that arise throughout the day and respond to them rather than react.
Rest and sleep for enough hours. Hydrate and Eat nutritious food that fuels your body. Exercise and take care of your body which is housing your soul currently.
When you remain healthy you can serve others in a bigger and better way.

Have Healthy Boundaries

Learn to respect yourself, do not be afraid to say no, prioritize your needs, and have boundaries for yourself.
Remove toxicity from your life as much as possible. Stop consuming news, movies, documentaries with negative messages. 
What you consume will inform you perspectives, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and destiny.
Remove or reduce (if family) your association with disrespectful and toxic people. Seek and surround yourself with like-minded positive people.

Forgive Yourself And Others

Learn to forgive yourself and others. When you do not forgive you only harm yourself. The stuck negative energy in your body can manifest into a health issue in the future. We often forgive other people faster than ourselves.  
Do not be so hard on yourself. You were meant to make mistakes and learn from them so that you can help others avoid these mistakes or learn to handle them in a better way.

Trust Your Intuition

Learn to trust your gut and listen to your intuition. Praying is you talking to god and your intuition is god talking to you and guiding you.
Spend some time in the quiet listening to your loving guidance. The more you begin to listen to it the more powerful, stronger, and louder it will get and continue to serve you.

Be Authentic

Be the real you at all times. Don’t compare yourself to others. Let your soul whisper and guide you instead of always listening to your ego’s screams.
Listen to your soul and let it guide you to become who you were meant to become here and serve others. 
The more you love yourself, the more energy you will have to serve and love others and that is who you are by nature. You are love, compassionate, peaceful, and kind. 

Practice Gratitude

Practice gratitude every day and focus on all the good things in your life. It will raise your energy and unlock happiness and well-being in your life.
Write down all the things that you appreciate and love about yourself, people with whom you have relationships, and all the other things in life that you have been blessed with to enjoy by your creator.

In conclusion, I hope you have now realized that self-love is not selfish at all even though our society has trained us to think that it is. In fact, It is very important to accept, appreciate, and love yourself unconditionally. 
If you do not love and care for yourself then you may not be around or be able to love and serve others fully from the overflow and be able to receive love from others like you deserve to.
Loving yourself does not necessarily mean that you are obsessed and preoccupied with your pleasure, profit, and lack of love, respect, and consideration for others. 
Good luck with your self-care and love practices. Please share this article with anyone else that you know who needs to start loving and taking care of themselves for their well-being.
Next, read What Are Good Morning Habits article for ideas to incorporate into your self-care morning routine. Enjoy!

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