Can Confidence Make You Attractive?

Can Confidence Make You Attractive?

Can Confidence Make You Attractive?

Everyone should learn how to be confident to live their authentic and best life. You can not design your own life of purpose and meaning if you do not have the confidence to set out your course in life and not worry about somebody else’s opinion and plans for your life. Does that make you less attractive and liked by others or can confidence make you more attractive?
Yes, confidence most definitely can make you more attractive. People feel your energy, aura, and charisma, and get intrigued, inspired, and drawn to you when you exude self-confidence. It is contagious and makes other people want to be around you with the hope of eventually modelling, emulating, and knowing how to be a confident individual like you are.
So, you may be wondering next, what are some other reasons that confidence makes you attractive?  Let’s discuss that next.

Why Does Confidence Make You Attractive

It makes you attractive because in most cases it equates to you having a good self-image, esteem, and self-assurance. You care about yourself, and your appearance, carry yourself well and have a good posture. You sit and stand more upright, occupy more space, talk to people while maintaining eye contact, speak with authority, and are more believable.
So how can you be confident? Let’s now discuss some ways a confident woman is different from others.

12 Ways A Confident Woman Is

A confident woman does not let her life, and what she does with it be dictated to her gender and the expectations of others and the society that she lives in.
Here are 12 ways that a confident woman lives differently from any other woman.

Knows Herself

She knows she is a soul that is having a temporary human experience. She is an extension and individualized expression of her creator (higher power). She can connect, and tap into her creator’s divine strength, intellect, and guidance anytime. She believes in herself and always knows that she is bigger than any problem or challenge that she may face.

Not Afraid To Shine Her Light

She is not afraid to shine her light and speaks with certainty because she knows that she is here to serve a purpose, inspire, and help others or she wouldn’t be there. The more she shines her light, the more she lights the path for others to do the same.
So, she does not have an issue shining her light and using her unique gifts despite others’ opinions and judgement. She was born to fulfill her soul’s calling and purpose and nothing will stop her from doing that.

Knows Her Worth

She knows that her worth is not determined by her gender or tied to her different roles, titles, and social status. She feels worthy because she is here or she wouldn’t be here. There is nothing wrong with her if she does not like doing the chores that society dictates a woman should be good at doing like cleaning, cooking, having and looking after her children, etc.
She knows she is here to fulfill a purpose within this body, colour, and race and is not afraid to be judged or not understood by others. She is here to impact the world in a way that only she can with her unique gifts and natural talents.

Takes 100% Responsibility

She takes one hundred percent responsibility to create her own life and does not cast blame on someone else. She knows that if she wants to create her own authentic life then it’s up to her to create it. She can create her best life and not rely on someone else to give her that lifestyle.
Nobody else is responsible for creating that life for her and she’s well aware of that. She can design her life by intentionally choosing her identity, beliefs, and thoughts that she thinks to make her feel a certain way, words she speaks, and actions she takes which then lead to her habits and destiny.

Takes Care Of Herself

She takes care of herself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The more she takes care of herself, the more she can serve in a bigger and better way from the overflow. She knows her creator has given her inner wisdom and a life with infinite possibilities. She takes care of her body which houses the soul by exercising, eating healthy foods, etc.

She also has rituals to keep her connected to her creator for guidance and for mastering her mind and emotions. When you are aligned to your soul and are peaceful, joyful, and feel abundant, you are more inclined to want to fulfill your purpose and serve others.

Does Not Compare

She does not compare herself to others and robs her joy. She knows she is here on her journey to live an authentic inside-out life and not the other way around. The only person she compares herself to is herself and as long as she is growing and becoming a better version of herself then she is happy. She does not feel any need to seek attention and approval from others.

Emotionally Independent

She is emotionally independent. She knows that she is not a victim. Nobody else can determine how she feels unless she gives them the power over her to do so and reacts to them. She knows her feelings stem from her identity, thoughts, and beliefs. She lives her life from the inside out and chooses to respond to the outer circumstances rather than reacting.

Responsible For Own Happiness

She knows that she is responsible for her happiness. She knows what makes her happy and intentionally spends time doing the things that give her joy. She is content and derives pleasure and satisfaction from her accomplishments. She never relies on things outside her control to make her experience happiness.

Always Improving

She always challenges herself to improve and grow every day. Every human being’s purpose is to grow which would enable him/her to then serve others in a bigger and better way. She is aware that challenges will happen in life so that she can learn and grow. She never casts blame or judgment on someone else.

Manages Her Own Finances

She manages her finances instead of relying on someone else. She knows the more she learns the more she can keep, invest, multiply, and give endlessly. She uses her skills to make all the money she can make so she can continue to give and help others. The better she manages and grows her money, the more she can be trusted by her creator to grow and share with others.

Designs Intentional Life

She lives an intentional soul-aligned life by design. She knows what she wants in every area of her life. She aligns her desired life with her work instead of the other way around. She creates that by her thoughts, identity, beliefs, feelings, and actions.

Sets Healthy Boundaries

She sets healthy boundaries and demands respect. She has boundaries for herself as to what she’ll say yes to and what she’ll say no to in alignment with her values. She also determines how other people treat her and she has boundaries for that as well. She knows she doesn’t have to spend time around toxic people who judge her or who do not appreciate and support her. 

In conclusion, you now know that confidence can make you attractive. People feel your energy, aura, and charisma, and get intrigued, inspired, and drawn to you when you exude self-confidence. It is contagious and makes other people want to be around you with the hope of eventually modelling, emulating, and knowing how to be a confident individual like you are.

The reason confidence makes you attractive is because in most cases it equates to you having good habits and beliefs about yourself. You most likely have a good self-image, esteem, and self-assurance.  You care about yourself, and your appearance, carry yourself well and maintain a good posture.
You sit and stand more upright, occupy more space, talk to people while maintaining eye contact, speak with authority, and are more believable.
You also learnt 12 ways a confident woman is different from others.  She knows who she is, is not afraid to shine her light, knows her worth, takes 100% responsibility, takes care of herself, does not compare, is emotionally independent, responsible for her happiness, always improving, and takes care of her finances, designs her intentional life, and sets healthy boundaries.
I hope you found yourself to have those qualities because they’re important. It’s your life and you’re only here for a short time so live your best life and it’s up to you to do that. Good luck on your confident inside-out best life journey.
Next, read how fear and self doubt keeps you stuck and how to over come it to help you continue to improve and live your best life!

Is It Normal To Have Regrets In Life?

Is It Normal To Have Regrets In Life?

Is It Normal To Have Regrets In Life?

As we move through our life journey, we tend to have lots of regrets that cause us to judge ourselves harshly and drag them along with us like heavy baggage. We think about these regrets over and over wishing for a retake and wondering if it is normal for everyone or just us to be consumed by our regrets and feel this way.
Yes, it is very normal and common to experience and feel regrets in life for the majority of human beings. We all at one time or another have wished that we had done something when we had a chance or done it in a certain way or wish we had not done or said something in the past.
So, you may be wondering, why do we have regrets in life? let’s discuss that next.

Why Do We Have Regrets In Life?

Regret like any other emotion comes up for reason and serves a purpose in our life. Take some time to reflect and understand what your regrets are trying to tell you. You feel regret so that you can learn, grow, and heal yourself so that you can better think through future decisions and not repeat the same mistakes in life.
In general, regrets tell you who you are being, what you want, and how you relate to the world. If you do not take the time to understand, deal with, and heal with your regrets, they could lead to depression.
Let’s prevent that by finding out how to not have regrets in life.

How Not To Have Regrets In Life

Life always happens for us and teaches us lessons before it is too late.  The sooner we learn from these mistakes and course-correct, the better the chances of us living our very meaningful and fulfilling best life instead of a life full of unresolved regrets.
Let’s discuss some of these mistakes so that you avoid the potential regrets that could result if the lessons are not learnt.

Time Is Limited

Your time here on earth and on any given day are limited and therefore it is the most important resource. Make sure you are designing and living your best intentional life of purpose, and meaning in alignment with your soul. Spend a lot of time within self-reflection, meditating, praying, and connecting with your creator, and your loved ones instead of always overextending yourself and spending your time with people who do not matter, going to places that you do not want to be in and doing work that you do not like.
Do the work that you love so that you do not wish your life and days away by waiting for Fridays to come quickly and dreading Sundays in anticipation of doing work that you do not enjoy and love.

Health Is Very Important

Take care of your physical and mental health because it is very important. If you don’t have your health, nothing will matter and you will not be able to fulfill your purpose which is why you are here. You could have all the money in your bank but if you don’t have your health, you will not be able to enjoy and live your very best life.
Stay hydrated, sleep enough hours, exercise, eat nutritious food to fuel your body, consume positive messages, master your emotions, pray, spend time in silence, and meditate to stay connected to your created today.

Cherish Your Relationships

Cherish, value your relationships with your loved ones, and do not take them for granted. They will not be here on this earth forever. I am sure everyone one of us has lost a loved one too soon and wished that we had spent more time with them. Spend enough time with your loved ones, connect often, call, hug, kiss, tell them how you feel about them often, and keep in touch with them regularly.
Don’t hold grudges and learn to forgive them. End relationships that are not good for you sooner so that you do not waste precious years of your life being miserable among other long-term consequences.

Challenges Are Inevitable

Know that as long as you’re here on this earth school there will be challenges so you can learn and grow. Do not feel that challenges should have not happened the way they did. Take the time to acknowledge and learn the lessons because if you don’t then they will continue to repeat until you do learn the lessons. Remember the purpose of every human being here on this earth is to grow from life’s challenges and then to serve in a bigger and better way.

Everyone Can Be Grateful

Do not live your life questioning your choices, living in scarcity, and thinking you are lacking and are short-changed in any way. Learn to be grateful for all the things that you have been blessed with, recall as many things as possible, and show appreciation every single day. Gratitude will help you raise your energy and live as your higher, abundant, and joyful self.

Kindness Is Not Weakness

Be kind to yourself and others because that is who we are by nature. Forgive yourself and others or all the mistakes and decisions that you made in the past that did not serve you and others. We are not fear, angry, or jealousy. We are kindness, compassion, love, peace, joy and abundance. Kindness is not a weakness even though society may tell us it is. When you are being kind, you have aligned your soul, your creator, and are acting from your higher self.

Live An Authentic Life

Live your authentic life unapologetically before it is too late and your time here is done. Be the real you at all times instead of living a fake life because you are worried about being judged by others. You are exactly the way you are meant to be able to serve your purpose. 
People who love you will support and rally around you and will not judge.  People who judge you at times are perhaps not meant to stay in your life. You are only accountable to yourself and your creator.

Stop Comparing

Do not compare yourself and your journey to other people’s journeys and diminish your joy. You were not meant to live that way. Everybody’s here for their purpose. What someone else is portraying on social media may just be a good moment and not be their real-life majority of the time.
Live your journey and compare yourself to who you were being yesterday. Are you growing and are you serving that’s all that matters and so don’t worry about what everybody else is doing.

Cannot Change Others

You are not responsible for others and so cannot change them. They have to take the initiative and commitment to their self-development and growth for them to grow and change. Also, no matter how nice you are, you cannot please everyone and change their opinion about you and so do not bother trying. Stay on purpose, connect to your creator, and you will be always guided.
Do not worry about others’ opinions of you. As you will eventually discover that most of the time people do not care about others they are simply absorbed by their wants and life and are not thinking about you.

You Are Responsible For Your Happiness

You are 100% responsible for creating your happiness and life by design and nobody else can do that for you. Learn to master your own emotions, and know what you want out of life, your values, vision, purpose, identity, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, actions, and habits which then will create your destiny and best life. Know what makes you happy and do that often.

Do Not Aspire To Be Perfect

Never aspire to be perfect because no one is. People need and are awaiting you to do your work that you were born to do even if it is not perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, learns from them, and grows. When you grow and become better then you can serve your purpose in a bigger and better way. Never be afraid to try something new and know that it is completely okay to make mistakes.

Do Not Let Fear Stop You

Do not let fears and doubts keep you from designing and living your best purposeful, meaningful fulfilling life. It is normal for you to feel fear because your brain is built for survival and efficiency. Whenever we detect something new, our brains warn us via feeling the emotion of fear as it attempts to keep us safe.
You can tell whether it is a real dangerous situation or just something new and outside your comfort zone. It’s okay to feel the fear, and take action with courage and faith because your growth is outside your comfort zone.  Live your best life because you’re only here for a short time so don’t waste it.

In conclusion, you now know that it is very normal, and common to experience and feel regrets in life for the majority of us. We all at one time or another have wished that we had done something when we had a chance or done it in a certain way or wish we had not done or said something in the past.
Regrets like any other emotion come up for a reason and serve a purpose in our life. It helps you learn, grow, and heal so that you can better think through future decisions and not repeat the same mistakes in life. It is important to take some time for self-reflection and understand what your regrets are trying to tell you.
In general, they tell you who you are being, what you want and how you are relating to the world. If you do not take the time to understand, deal and heal with your regrets they could lead to depression.
Some ways to not have regrets in life are to know that time is limited and do not waste it, take care of your health before it is too late, cherish your relationships and treat them well before it is too late. Challenges in life are inevitable, so face them and do not feel that they should have not happened, no matter what kind of life you are living, know that you have a lot to be grateful for.
Being kind is not a weakness so do not regret being kind when someone is rude. Live your authentic life unapologetically without any regrets, stop comparing yourself to others and feeling bad about your life, you cannot change others, you are responsible for your happiness, you cannot be perfect because no one is, and do not let fear keep you from your very best life.
Next, read what is a mentally strong person to continue your self-development journey.

Why Is A Business Brand Important?

Why Is A Business Brand Important?

Why Is A Business Brand Important?

We are lucky to have so many choices of products, services, and locations where we can buy them (online and offline), and companies that we can buy them from today. However, we are always attracted and drawn to certain products, services and companies over others. We repeatedly look forward to buying certain brands’ latest products. Why is that? It is because we love the brand.
A business needs to build a brand if it wants to be successful in the market today. Branding helps with instant recognition, differentiation, and setting product or service expectations based on the company’s identity, mission and values. It also fosters trust, greater customer loyalty, higher perceived value, and better credibility, and increases the chances of attracting top talent.
So, you may be wondering, how do I create a brand? Let’s discuss that next.

8 Ways To Create A Magnetic Brand

One of the best brands you can create for your business is a magnetic one so that you do not have to constantly chase and fight for customers in the crowded market. People will be drawn to your business and will buy your products and services over others.  
Generosity is one of the best ways to have that attractive quality to your business which then puts the law of reciprocity into play for you. The more value you help and give your potential customers, the more successful your business will be and the more people will buy from you. Let’s discuss some ways that you can create a magnetic brand for yourself.

Donate A Percentage Of Profits

Start donating a percentage of business profits to one or more charities of your choice. You do not have to be a millionaire to start donating money. Make it a habit to do that at any stage of your life and business. You will have prosperity chase you and you will be able to give more money abundantly and never ever run out. You will become your creator’s trustee, be responsible to let the money flow through you to the people who need it.

Provide Relevant Value

Take some time to research and figure out what is it that your customers need, resonate with, and offer that as free value by making relevant, consistent content on your platform of choice. Engage with them by asking them questions and answering their questions. The more you get to know them, the more you will be able to cater your free content, products, and services to what they need and you will be able to serve them in a bigger and better way.

Participate In Giveaways

Participate in auctions, giveaways, and give some of your products, and services away for free. You can also make it a practice to periodically to give away your product or service for free to people who need it but cannot afford it.

Go Above And Beyond

Always deliver the promise made by your company and also strive to go above and beyond with your potential customers and customers in every interaction with you. “Wow” them and give them extra bonuses and value that they were not expecting to receive. 

For example, hand out free samples, if someone gives you their email address or when they buy from you give them an extra worksheet, audio, video, mini-course or exclusive content that you recorded just for your email list or customer and give them a better experience with your generous brand.

Collaborate With Your

Collaborate and be generous with your competition because there are more than enough customers out there for everyone. People that you are meant to serve will resonate with your message over anyone else’s. Most people, including myself, also follow, consume and buy from more than one person per topic of interest. 
Focus on what you do best and be willing to refer clients that you cannot serve to your competition so that everyone can be served in the way that they deserve to be. Remember you are not the only one with a particular purpose, there are several people with the same cause. How you serve them is unique to you.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Survey, follow up, listen to your customers, and have an ongoing dialogue with them so you can serve them in the best way on an ongoing basis and not get irrelevant and forgotten as a brand. Make it a mission of every member of your company at every level to serve and always strive to provide excellent customer service.
Always aim to overdeliver on the promises that you make. Be transparent, apologize, own, and rectify the mistakes that were made by your company regardless of who made that mistake. Make your customers feel heard, understood, seen, accepted, and appreciated.Encourage Volunteering

Encourage Volunteering

Make volunteering part of your company culture. You can choose a day where members of a particular department volunteer at a place of choice or each person can do a certain number of hours of volunteering in a year at a place of their own choice.

Create A Giving Back Campaign

You can also create different campaigns as a business to raise funds for a charity, food, winter attire, or toy drive on a quarterly or yearly basis. Speak to different non-profit charities in your area like women’s shelters to generate ongoing ideas on specific campaigns needed for your neighbourhood.

In conclusion, you now know why a business brand is important. A business needs to build a brand if it wants to be successful in the market today. Branding helps with instant recognition, differentiation, and setting product or service expectations based on the company’s identity, mission and values. It also fosters trust, greater customer loyalty, higher perceived value, and better credibility, and increases the chances of attracting top talent.
You also learnt how to create a magnetic brand with generosity so you are not chasing potential customers, instead, they are attracted and drawn to your brand and are eager to do business with you.
You can create such a brand by donating a percentage of your profits, providing relevant value to your customers or potential customers, participating in giveaways, going above and beyond with customers, providing excellent customer service, collaborating with competition, encouraging volunteering and creating giving back campaigns throughout the year.
Next, read what is meant by generosity to learn the benefits of incorporating generosity in your business to help you in your journey of creating a magnetic business brand.
Best of luck with your generous business journey!

Why Giving Back Is Good For You

Why Giving Back Is Good For You

Why Giving Back Is Good For You

One of the best ways to live a fulfilling and meaningful life is to be of service to others, positively impact their lives, and always aim to leave them better than you first found them. The act of giving back is beneficial for you and the people that you give back to.
Giving back is good for you because it will make you happy, give you a sense of purpose, helps create better quality connections, communities, support systems, improves your health, self-esteem, mood, and helps you naturally fight anxiety, depression, and live a better and longer life.
So, you may be wondering, what are some ways for you to start giving back? Let’s discuss that next.

10 Ways To Give Back To Your Community

When we start living our life in alignment with our souls, we will feel a deep desire to help others because that is the purpose of every human being. It is what gives us the most inner joy and bliss. The good news is that we do not have to be rich to start giving back.
Everyone, including you, has something that you can give back and serve others. Here are some ways you can start giving back and serving others starting today.

Higher Vibrational Energy

You are a vibrational energetic being. Your energy is felt by you and others before you say a single word. You serve them by your energy so the sooner you can raise your energy to a higher vibration, the better you can serve others when they are in your presence.
You can raise your energy at a higher vibration when you align with your creator and live your life in alignment with your soul’s qualities which are peace, love, joy, compassion, kindness, and abundance.
The best way to raise your energy and align with your creator and soul is to have a daily routine of prayers, meditation, and spending as much time as possible in silence and out in nature. The more you raise your energy, the more you will be able to serve and help others raise their energy.
They will feel calm and peaceful when they are around you. So, you have to raise your energy so that you can always serve with your energy without actually speaking a word.

Good Thoughts

When you think of someone, your thoughts carry energy, a charge that reaches them and does affect them. Your thoughts arise from your perspective and beliefs. Learn to let go of any perspective and beliefs that are not aligned with your higher self.
Make it a habit to think good thoughts about people and send them blessings. Our collective good, positive thoughts toward each other as a community can raise the consciousness of the whole society and the world.

Aligned Good Feelings

Your feelings which are derived from your thoughts also affect people. Are you feeling and sending people love, joy, peace, compassion, and kindness? or, are you feeling and sending them anger, jealousy and hatred? which is not at all aligned with who you truly are. 
Learn to align with your creator and soul’s higher vibrational qualities and send people love, joy, peace, compassion, and abundance. Remember you also attract what you are sending out by who you are being right back to yourself. These qualities are who you are by nature.

Beautiful Voice

Use your beautiful voice and words to help others because it was given to you as a gift by your creator to serve others and yourself. You have been blessed with your exact voice for a purpose. It does not matter whether you have an accent or stutter. Remember you are here to serve with your voice.
If you or someone else is being bullied or mistreated, speak up and help them. Sing and let others enjoy your voice if you enjoy singing. Teach, coach, and mentor others with your knowledge, expertise, natural talent(s), and skills.

Use Five Senses

Human beings have been blessed with five senses which we can use to serve others. Use your sight to locate anyone in front of you who needs assistance and help and serve them. Hold the door for someone with a stroller, or help someone carry a bag that is too heavy for them.
If you see that someone has taken some time to look good, compliment them, and make them feel good. Compliment people if they are wearing a perfume or cologne that smells good. If someone has made a meal for you, be grateful and bless the chef for the delicious food and/or drink that they took the time to prepare for you.
Learn to listen to other people attentively without interrupting them with the two ears that you have been blessed with. Give them advice if they are okay with it, otherwise, listen and let them vent.
Use touch to serve others by cuddling, hugging someone, putting your arm around them to make them feel good, giving them a high five, and patting them on their back. Touching someone is serving others as well because it does make them feel good. Touch releases hormones like endorphins which makes them feel good.

Give Time

We all have the same amount of time in a day so can you designate some of it to serve others. You can like and comment on other people’s posts and photos that they shared on social media to make them feel good. Take the time to smile at others and make them feel happy.
You can volunteer and go somewhere physically to serve and help like a tutor, teach a skill, help sort food at a food bank, visit a senior in a home or hospital, clear snow or cut grass for someone who cannot do it, and send people blessings, good energy, and thoughts.

Give Money

If you are blessed with money then give and donate some money to others. Make it a habit to donate a certain portion of your income to a charity of your choice or to randomly pay it forward by paying for the coffee for the person behind you, their toll fees, parking, or groceries.
If you have been blessed with skills and talents and the ability to earn money then help others as well. Strive to make as much as you can and give back as much as you can because you’ve been trusted with this money by the universe. Give back and let it flow from you to others who need it. Enjoy some of it of course but also give some to others and help others.

Donate Unwanted Items

Go through your entire house and locate items like books, clothes, blankets, furniture, etc that do not give you joy and you no longer use. Donate them to the homeless, women’s shelter or a place where they sell them and all proceeds go to a charity.

Give blood

Donate blood so other people can live. Locate areas in your neighbourhood like the Red Cross. It is in you to give to others and save their lives.

Share What You Grow

Make others happy by giving them flowers from your garden. You can also share raw produce, herbs and vegetables that you grow in your garden. You can also make a meal with it and share it with others.

In conclusion, you now know why giving back is good for you.  It will make you happy, give you a sense of purpose, help create better quality connections, communities and support systems, improve your health, self-esteem, mood, helps you naturally fight anxiety, and depression, and live a better and longer life.
You now also have some ideas of ways to start serving others. You do not need to be rich before you can start serving, helping and giving back. Share this blog with others and let’s start a movement of people being kind and helping one another, appreciate everything that our creator has blessed us with, and make heaven on earth a reality.
I am sending you love and wishing you well on your giving back, serving, and helping journey!
Next read what are the principles for living a happy life.

What Is Meant By The Term Generosity?

What Is Meant By The Term Generosity?

What Is Meant By The Term Generosity?

One of the biggest secrets of success and fulfillment in life that I have discovered is generosity and service to others. We have been trained by society to focus on our own needs because you are valued and considered to be successful and important if you have a big role and title at work, and acquired a lot of material things in life.
It is an ego-centred, me-first life. When you aspire to live a purposeful, soul-led life, it is easier to think of serving others and being generous. Generosity is one of the qualities of your soul. So, what does it mean to be generous?
It is giving and sharing what you have freely with others like your time, money, attention, advice, and expertise. It leads to better health, mental well-being, peace, joy, meaning, abundance, and fulfillment for you.
Generosity is contagious, makes the receiver feel happy, encouraged, grateful, and inspired to be their best true selves, and extends generosity towards you and others. It can start a chain reaction and cause rippling effects of generosity that will be eventually felt by our society and communities.
Next, let’s discuss the benefits of generosity practised in a business.

What Are The Benefits Of Generosity In A Business

Generosity is who you are by nature and the more you incorporate that into your business, and life, the better your results will be. Your business should never only be focused on making profits over everything else and selling things to people that they do not need so you can make money. 
Focus on being compassionate, caring about people and only selling them what they need to transform and better their lives. This is the only way to have a fulfilling, and successful business. There is no success in business without fulfillment. Here are some further reasons that you should incorporate generosity and selflessness in your business.

Law Of Reciprocity

The more you give and help other people, the more the universe will provide you with the same experience in return. In other words, you reap what you saw. This is a universal law that always comes true. So always keep your focus on treating your customers, team members and others well.

Well Liked Content

Your content will be liked and resonate well with people because you took the time to research and know what problems your customers have and need help with. Come up with topics for your both free and paid content based on that so that you can serve them better. Do not just make content that is important to you to talk about.
Constantly survey and ask them questions about your products and get feedback from them so that you can improve your products and serve them in bigger and better ways. Serve your customers fully by creating content that they need within your niche and scope of business. It will be easier to sell your products to happy and satisfied customers.

Your Growth And Improvement

As you research, learn to build your business and make content to serve your customers. You will grow and improve in all areas of your life. You will learn skills like how to create content on different platforms, marketing, selling, and lot of other business skills.
Starting your own business is one of the fastest ways for self-development and growth.  It is the ultimate purpose of every human being to grow and serve. The more you grow the more you will see opportunities to serve your customers in bigger and better ways. 

The Constant Demand For Products

Your intention to help others will lead to the creation of products that solve your customer’s problems so that they can better and transforms their lives. The research and feedback from your customers will help you with this too.
Your products will be in high demand and you will have no problem therefore in selling them. You will always have ideas as to what suite of products to offer your customers as they become your customer and begin their journey to improve and better their lives in the particular area that your business serves.

Better Relationships

You will be able to build new and better relationships with others, your customers, your team, and your competition by being generous. Treat your competition like a friend, collaborate, and refer to them as your customers.
Your “competition” is no competition for you because you will not be able to serve everyone with the problem you solve. After all, not everyone will be attracted or resonate with your method and message. 
There are more than enough customers for everyone to serve within your niche and industry. Always remember your purpose is not unique to you as other people are meant to work on the same cause and purpose. But, how you fulfill that purpose is based on your unique gifts.

Happy Customers

You will have raving, satisfied, grateful, and happy customers because they will be heard, understood, seen, and accepted by you. They will love and get joy from your products because they would be filling their needs and solving their problems.
They will refer your products to their family and friends because of your generosity and your selflessness will be felt and more and more people will talk and rave about your business and you.

Lead To your Happiness

You will feel, excited, good, happy, and your life will have meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. You will have a reason to wake up, begin your day with gratitude, think clearly and serve your customers every day as you continue to see examples and hear about your products making an impact and improving people’s lives every single day.

Sleep Better

You will sleep better and less likely to have disruptive sleep because you will be at peace, experience less stress, and know that you matter and are here for a reason, which is to do your creator’s work which you are doing and living a life of purpose.
You will stop worrying, doubting, and thinking negatively because you will know exactly what content and products to make that are needed to transform people’s lives.

Improve Your Self-Esteem

Your self-esteem and confidence will increase and improve because you will know that you are enough, your products are appreciated, need and are improving and bettering lives. The more you grow and serve the more your customers will rave about you the more confident and competent you will feel despite your colour, size, and body.
You will know your body is perfect for what your soul is here to do and will not feel the need to compare yourself to others or value their opinion of you over your own.

Lead To Prosperity

When you are generous, add value, and make service and generosity towards others, your number one priority the universe will reward you with prosperity. The more you serve the more you’ll be served with prosperity by the universe. That is how it works.

In conclusion, you now know that generosity is giving and sharing what you have freely with others like your time, money, attention, advice, and expertise. It leads to better health, mental well-being, peace, joy, meaning, abundance, and fulfillment for you.
It is contagious, makes the receiver feel happy, encouraged, grateful, and inspired to be their best true selves, and extends generosity towards you and others.
It can start a chain reaction where the rippling effects of generosity will be felt by our society and communities. Let’s start a movement of generosity that continues forever.
You also know the benefits of practising generosity in your business which are the law of reciprocity, liked and in-demand content, better relationships, happy you, happy customers, better sleep, increased self-esteem, and prosperity.
Next read: What is a Spiritual Entrepreneur? to continue with your building a generous and selfless business journey.

What Does It Mean To Be A Good Mom?

What Does It Mean To Be A Good Mom?

What Does It Mean To Be A Good Mom?

If you are a mom, congratulations! You have been given one of the most important, exciting and fulfilling roles by your creator in my eyes. However, I am sure at one point or another, in this social media checking era, you have compared yourself to others and wondered whether you are shortchanging your kid(s) in any way or whether you are doing a good job as a mother.
A good mom always strives to do her best in any given moment with her kids and also takes the time to learn, grow, improve, and practice self-care without any guilt. She is patient and ensures that her kid(s) are loved unconditionally, heard, understood, seen, accepted, and valued for who they are individually.
She teaches her kid(s) to live their authentic life, honouring their values, unique gifts, natural talents, purpose, and life vision and teaches them to trust and listen to their inner wisdom for guidance. She is always available to guide her kid(s) and at the same time trusts that she has given them tools to flourish on their own after a certain age.
So, you may be wondering, How can I not doubt my ability and be more confident as a mom? Let’s discuss that next.

How To Be More Confident As A Mom

Mothers have such an important role to fulfill and so many of us doubt and wonder and worry whether our kids will be fine. Here are a few tips for you to keep in mind and feel more confident as a mom as you raise your kid(s).

Know Who You Are

Learn to tap into your inner superpowers to feel more empowered and confident. You are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. You are powerful, an infinite creative force, and your life has unlimited possibilities. There is nothing you can’t be, do, or have.
Learn to align with your creator, and listen to your inner guidance as you make decisions in life instead of doing what society or others tell you to do. You can choose to live life consciously and be fully present in every moment of your day and teach your kid(s) to do the same.

Remove judgement and resistance to what is happening. When you blame, justify, and explain, you negate your capabilities. Know that you matter and are here for a reason.
Discover what you enjoy doing, gives you joy, and add that into your schedule every day even if that means you wake up a little bit earlier. When you are happy, centred, and fulfilled, you will be a better and more confident mom and less likely to have an exaggerated reaction with your kid(s) and lose your temper.

Be Grateful

If you have been blessed with kid(s) then learn to be grateful. Appreciate and consider it a great honour that your creator believes in your ability, and has placed trust and responsibility on you to raise a kid(s). Remember not everyone on this earth has that same privilege of motherhood given to them.
Do your best based on your capability at any given moment. Know and trust that your kid(s) will be okay no matter what. Your kid(s) have come through you but are not your property.
They are not here to fulfill your purpose and dreams. A soul that is in your child’s body is temporarily here to grow and fulfill its purpose and has all the wisdom required within it to be able to fulfill its calling.
Your child’s soul may be older than your soul and here to help your soul grow even though you are the parent and may feel that you are here to teach your child. A parent-child relationship is between equal souls. Be open to teaching, guiding your kid(s), and learning from them too.

Awaken And Raise Your Vibration

Take some time for self-care so you can be a better person and mother. Raise your energy and vibration by aligning with and living the values of your soul which are love, peace, joy, compassion, and abundance and having a relationship with your creator. Start a daily morning practice of prayers, and meditation, and connect to your creator.
You are strong and always have access to your creator’s strength, power, and intelligence. You are an individualized expression of your creator and are very powerful. When you learn to recognize this and live it, you will have more confidence to raise your kid(s) your way along with your creator’s guidance.

Get Emotionally Strong

Learn to work on your emotional stability and strength. Let go of any conditioning from society that is not aligned to your true self especially your identity, beliefs, and thoughts because they create your feelings, words, actions, habits, and destiny.
You are emotionally independent and should not give power to and be affected by the experiences and outer circumstances of your life. This will give you more confidence in your parenting and a better ability to raise strong and resilient kid(s).

Stop Comparing

Be aware of the negative inner chatter, learn to stop it and do not rob yourself of joy in life by comparing yourself to other people. Instead, chart your own path and do parenting your way.
People normally post happy moments from their lives on social media or what appears to be a happy moment. But, you do not know what their lives are truly like. Don’t waste any energy doubting your parenting style and worrying about other people’s judgement and opinions.

Be Open To Imperfection

Know that it is okay to not be perfect, and make mistakes in your motherhood journey. Recognize, own up to your mistakes, and have an honest conversation with your kid(s) and apologize. It is a great way to teach them that no one is perfect and we are all here to grow, change, and become a better version of ourselves.
Everything that happens in life happens for you and there’s nothing that’s an accident. What a freeing way to live your life. There are no failures, they are simply feedback and lessons to be learnt for course correction.

In conclusion, now you know a good mother is a mother who always strives to do her best in any given moment with her kid(s) and also takes time to learn, grow, improve, and practice self-care without any guilt. She is patient and ensures each of her kid(s) is loved unconditionally, heard, understood, seen, accepted, and valued for who they are individually.
She teaches her kid(s) to live their authentic life, honouring their values, unique gifts, purpose, and life vision and teaches them to trust and listen to their inner wisdom for guidance. She is always available to guide her kids and at the same time trusts that she has given them tools to flourish on their own should they need to.
Know that you are powerful enough to raise your kid(s) confidently and in an authentic way. Learn to be grateful for the blessing of motherhood, awaken and raise your vibration, get emotionally strong, stop comparing yourself to others, and be open to making mistakes and being imperfect.

Enjoy the blessing of motherhood and make sure you take the time to enjoy and have fun each day with your kid(s). Time goes by so quickly and they grow up too fast!
Next, read what is high vibration living to learn some tips to help you with your motherhood journey.

What Is High Vibration Living?

What Is High Vibration Living?

What Is High Vibration Living?

We feel people’s energy before they say a word because we are all inter-connected energetic beings and are always radiating our energy frequency outward. We feel the positive energy from people who are living a high vibrational life and the negative energy from people who are not.
High vibration living is achieved when you stay connected to your creator and live your life in alignment with the high vibrational qualities of your Soul. These qualities are love, peace, compassion, kindness, acceptance, abundance, and joy.
You have to strive to align your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and life habits to these qualities.
So, you may be wondering: How can you tell if you have high vibration? Let’s discuss that next.

How To Tell If You Have High Vibration

If you are feeling anger, jealousy, fear, worry, irritation, stress, frustration, exhaustion, depletion, and doubt, you know for sure that you are misaligned from your true self and not in high vibrational energy. These are qualities of someone with lower vibrational energy.
The higher the frequency of your energy the lighter, happier you will feel, and better able to enjoy life and deal with physical, and emotional discomfort and pain.
Let’s discuss some others signs below for you to watch for that is indicative that you have high vibrational energy.

Have A Positive Perspective On Life

You have a positive perspective of life and are less likely to let fear stop you from living the best purposeful life that you came here to live.
You know, trust, understand, and accept that everything that you go through in life is something that you are meant to experience for a reason. Life happens for you, not to you. You are meant to learn something from every challenge and adversity of life.
You know you are here temporarily as a soul to grow and serve others. You can learn and grow from your challenges and then help others overcome these challenges so that they do not suffer as much as you perhaps did.

Awareness Of Who You Are

You are more aware of your true nature, essence, and who you truly are. You are a powerful soul that is having a temporary human experience and you are not your body, size, or colour. You are an individualized expression of your very powerful creator.
Your life has infinite possibilities. You can connect to your creator and access your creator’s divine strength and intelligence.

Know Your Desires

You are very clear and honour your true desires, values, and wants in life which is in alignment with your purpose(dharma). Your desired results flow to you with ease because the fact that they are in you is indicative of your power to fulfill them.

You have a compelling vision, which pulls, inspires, and helps you to set all your life’s goals. You also live with peace, ease, and flow, and are not attached to these goals because you trust and know that your creator always has bigger and better goals for you.
You also start seeing the abundance and opportunities all around you. You become a magnet for all the prosperity and good that life has to offer.

Heightened Sense of Life Purpose

You have a heightened sense of purpose and know exactly why you are here and what unique gifts and natural gifts you have been given to fulfill this purpose. You embrace your role as your creator’s instrument, helping others better and transform their lives.

Increased Compassion And Love

You have increased acceptance, compassion, and love because that is who you are by nature. We are all the same as souls and are connected because we have all come from the same creator. The more you align to your soul and its qualities, the higher your vibrational energy frequency will get.  
This energy will be felt by people when they are in your presence. Always remember your true qualities are peace, compassion, love, joy and abundance and not anger, jealousy, or competition.
Learn to identify, and listen to your emotions, and feelings whenever you are not aligned with the qualities of your soul and true self. Spend some time in silence possibly out in nature or meditating to realign.

Emitting Positive Energy

You are emitting positive energy out into your environment and attracting positive people and experiences in your life. Your energy is felt by others and attracts like-minded people to you. Good things and coincidences happen to you wherever you go.
You are aware of the power of your thoughts, words, and habits to create your life and therefore strive to think, speak, and have habits that empower, serve you, and help you manifest what you want into your reality. You also feel joyful and look radiant as your physical appearance changes and your inner beauty shines on the outside.
You are less likely to consume negative information, and news, watch violent movies, listen to music with negative lyrics, associate with negative people, overindulge and drink alcohol, eat processed food excessively, or form other negative addictions.

Feel Connected

You feel connected to all souls and will not mistreat yourself, other people, animals, or the planet. You know we are all equal as souls despite our race, colour, and status and we are all connected.
We have all come from the same place and will return to the same place someday. You will also feel your connection with animals, and all of nature which is also created by the same creator.
You send love to it and receive, feel love, joy, and peace, from it. You take the time to appreciate and enjoy nature and its beauty which is given to us as a gift to enjoy unconditionally by our creator.

Feel Inner Peace

You feel joy and know that you can always turn inward to access and feel inner peace despite what is happening on the outside. You are aware of your true inner power and know without a doubt that you are loved and enough despite someone else’s opinion about you.
You spend time in silence, connect with your creator, and know that you are loved unconditionally and you are here for a reason or you would not be here.

In conclusion, you now know that high vibrational living is achieved when you stay connected to your creator and live your life in alignment with the qualities of your soul and its naturally higher vibration frequency.
These qualities are love, peace, compassion, kindness, acceptance, abundance, and joy. We have to learn and strive to always align our identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and life habits to these qualities.
Staying in high vibrational energy as you experience life is something you have to work on and choose in every moment. Eventually, you will be able to gain awareness of your misaligned lower vibrational energy quicker and move yourself to alignment and a higher vibration quicker.
Next, read what is a spiritual awakening
Best of luck with your high-vibration life journey!

Can I Start A business With No Experience?

Can I Start A business With No Experience?

Can I Start A business With No Experience?

We are here on this earth for a short while and we are not meant to live a mediocre life of misery. We are all here for a purpose which is to grow and serve.
Starting your own business to serve, transform, and better other people’s lives are one of the best ways to fulfill your purpose, live a joyful, and meaningful life. Can you start a business with no experience?
Yes, everyone is capable of starting a business to serve and help others based on their unique gifts, natural talents, skills, and life lessons learnt. You do not necessarily need a college degree or business experience.
It would be beneficial to learn some specific business strategies, for your chosen business model, from successful mentors, to make your journey a little easier and increase the likelihood of your long-term success.
So, you may be wondering what are some things that I should not do or avoid when starting a business? Let’s discuss that next.

7 Things Not To Do When Starting A Business

Over the last few years, the pandemic has caused us to re-examine and change our lives for the better. We have been seeing a lot of people decide to resign from their jobs and are considering starting their businesses.
Starting your own purpose-driven business is one of the most satisfactory journeys you can go on. You will grow, learn a lot, serve, help others, transform, and better their lives.
Let’s list some mistakes that you should keep in mind and possibly avoid as you start your business journey.

Not Starting For The Right Reason

Your sole reason for starting your own business should never be that you hate your current job. You can always get another job with a different company and/or boss that you may enjoy and like.
You can take the opportunity to start your own business if you lose your job and always wanted to start your own business.
The number one reason to start the business that you love should be to serve people, transform, and better their life by utilizing your unique God-given gifts, and life experiences.

Desperate For Money

If you are in desperate need of money to pay your bills, keep a roof over your head, put food on your table, and your only reason for starting a business is to make money then you will struggle to succeed. When you have a scarcity mindset, you will only be selfishly thinking about your survival.
You will not be able to create products and services that serve others and instead will try to sell anything you can to generate some money. You’re giving me money now taking energy will be felt by your customers before you speak a word and repel them from you.
Your focus must remain on giving, adding value to your customers, and bettering their lives. It is better to have an abundance of money from a job and start a business on the side until you can generate enough income to sustain yourself. You can also choose to keep your job if you are enjoying it and it is helping you fulfill your purpose.

Not Having Mental Toughness

It will be very hard for you to start a business without the mental toughness required to persist. It is a hard journey that will have its many ups and downs like a rollercoaster ride.
You have to be mentally strong to survive the ups and the downs and hang in there for the long term. 
You will highly likely experience some failures, receive feedback from them, and learn lots of lessons. It is one of the fastest ways to experience self-development and growth. 

Not Having Confidence And Belief

Starting your business requires a lot of belief and confidence in yourself and the products and services that you are creating. It is hard to sell anything without confidence, belief, and conviction.
When you are selling a product or service that you believe in, it is easy to persist confidently even when something does not work or fails. The belief will enable you to keep going, innovating, and trying different things especially if the product or service is made to better other people’s lives.
It will be really hard to sustain a business over the long run if it’s not a part of your purpose and you might not have the confidence to be able to serve your customers. Your confidence will enable you to pivot, serve your customers, and keep your focus on adding value.

Do Not Know How To Sell And Market

It is very important to learn both sales and marketing skills or else your amazing, life-changing products will never reach your customers and change their lives for the better. Learn everything you can about marketing and sales.
Selling is not sleazy unless you are selling the wrong things for the wrong reasons to the wrong people. Do not just sell something to someone because you are desperate and need money. 
Selling and marketing become your duty, a form of giving and serving if you are selling and marketing the right life-transforming products to the right people for the right reasons at the right time.
It is okay to sell and charge people for your services and products to not only sustain your mission and purpose but, also for them to pay attention and get the intended transformation. They will pay more attention if they have paid for something than received it for free.

Not Committed For Long Term

Starting your own purpose-driven business is a long-term journey. It should not be rushed and considered to be a get-rich-quick scheme or hack. When your business is aligned with your purpose, which is your soul’s calling and the reason why you are here then it’s easier to not give up and be all in for the long run.
If you love your business and what you do, derive meaning, and fulfillment from it, then you will be fully committed, motivated, and inspired to keep going no matter what.

Doing It All Alone

Do not go on this journey all alone. It can be a very lonely journey. I am speaking from my own experience. Find a mentor or coach to help you keep accountable and progress forward.
Join a community or masterminds of like-minded business owners that can help you when you are stuck and need some answers.

In conclusion, you now know that yes, anyone is capable to start a business to serve and help others based on your unique gifts, natural talents, skills, and life lessons learnt. You do not need business experience, college, or university education.
It would be beneficial to learn some specific business strategies, for your chosen business model, from successful mentors, to make your journey a little easier and increase the likelihood of your long-term success.
You now also know what to avoid when starting your business. If you would like me to coach you, apply to work with me at and also download the free 3 secrets worksheet below to help you start your business journey.
Best of luck!
May you live your purpose, serve others, and experience prosperity!

Why Is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important?

Why Is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important?

Why Is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important?

Why do so many people feel anxious, empty, bored, hopeless, unworthy, like something’s missing from their lives, and are not motivated to get out of bed in the morning? What is missing in their lives and what can they do to fix it? It is a sense of purpose.
A sense of Purpose is extremely important for our happiness, wellbeing, ability to live our very best, fulfilling, meaningful, and content life. It helps us get excited, motivated about life, get through hard times, improve our self-worth, and fulfill our potential.
It also guides and influences our values, standards, life’s vision, mission, goals, identity, beliefs, feelings, decisions, actions, words, habits and eventually our destiny.
You may be wondering, Why do most people struggle to discover their purpose and ask themselves repeatedly “what’s my purpose in life?” and “why can’t I find my purpose?” Let’s answer these questions next.

Why Can’t I Find My Purpose?

Most people continue to live a very distracted conforming life. They do not consciously create a life of purpose and meaning and do not realize it until it’s too late. Many reasons may prevent you from discovering your purpose and living a misaligned life. Let’s discuss some of them below.

Comfortable Living Life

It is very appealing to live a comfortable, predictable, and stable life because it fits with one of our deepest human needs. Routines and rituals help us conserve our mental energy.
Staying comfortable keeps us from feeling anxious and getting hurt both physically and emotionally. Comfort also prevents us from growing and keeps us in unfulfilling jobs, unhealthy relationships, and from discovering our purpose.
Most of us claim that we do not have the time to discover our purpose because we waste a lot of our time, money, and energy acquiring and accumulating material things to appease our ego and other people because that is what society tells is a sign of status and success.
There is no need or desire to realize that you are here for a purpose and discover what it is. You tell yourself that you are too busy making a living, raising kids, fulfilling other obligations, and do not have time to figure out what your purpose is and why you are here.
Discovering your purpose, soul’s calling should be given an utmost priority before it is too late if you desire to live a meaningful, fulfilling, content, and best life. You can have all the material things and all the money and still feel unhappy, unfulfilled, and like something is missing in your life.
Spend some time in silence, meditating, and connecting to your creator and be guided to discover your purpose. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your life and spending time with friends and family but fulfilling your purpose as well figure out what it is.
People are waiting for you to help them and you can even make a living by fulfilling your purpose by starting a purpose-driven business that you love.

Lack Of Self-Awareness

Your purpose is closely linked to your identity, values, and sense of self. If your situation changes, your identity role may shift with it, which could leave you feeling confused and lost.
You may be also mistakenly placing your purpose and self-worth in your relationships and you could become reliant on these people to give you a sense of fulfillment and that can cause you to feel inadequate, helpless, and fearful of rejection
You may not know and understand your true identity and inner power.  You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are a multi-dimensional, individualized expression of your creator. You matter and are here to do your creator’s work. Believe and know that your life has unlimited possibilities.
Take some time to explore your soul’s calling, true identity, access your inner creativity, gain self-awareness, understand your top core values, aligning your vision, and goals of life with them.

Don’t Know How To Discover Purpose

You may have been awakened by a setback like job loss, a relationship ending, a sickness that has made you realize that you were deriving your fulfillment and purpose from the wrong place, etc.
You may have also awakened through your seeking and insights which made you realize you are here for a reason (your purpose) and want to figure out what it is, however, you do not know how to do it.
There are lots of clues that you can follow like bread crumbs in your life to discover your purpose. For example, what did you enjoy as a child? what are you naturally good at? what is it that people compliment you on all the time? what topics do you love? gives you joy? and are you always drawn towards? what setbacks have you gone through that you can help someone else overcome?
You can also ask the trusted people in your life like your friends and family what they think are your strengths and unique gifts. All of us have been blessed with our unique gifts by our creator. Follow your joy because it is your compass to your purpose. When you feel joy when you do something, you know you’re on the right path.

You Do Not Value Your Gifts

You may undervalue your gifts and assume that everyone has those gifts and natural talents that you have and therefore you can not help others and make a difference in their lives. You have been given these gifts and have the perfect race, colour, body so that you can serve and help others. Everyone has their unique gifts so that they can do the same.
For clues and clarity, recall some things that people keep asking you to help them with. Also start spending some time in the quiet, meditating, connecting to your creator, and asking for guidance and clarity as to what your gifts are and how you can serve others.

Expect The Purpose To Be Unique

You may believe and expect that your purpose is unique and have a hard time figuring out what exactly it is. Your purpose is not unique. Our creator wants us to work for a collective cause and provide our unique solutions for it, based on our gifts, to the people, who need to be helped by us.
People who you will reach will resonate with your message because they are meant to be served with your message and method for a solution to their problem as opposed to someone else’s message. We are all part of our creator’s army.
We are all doing our creator’s work and people who resonate with you may not resonate with someone else. So, know that all of us have people who we are meant to serve and they’re waiting for you to start fulfilling your purpose so please do not let them down.

Feel Unworthy

You may feel not worthy and special enough to have been given purpose.  You may feel the purpose is only given to special charismatic people. Know that you are here on earth, at this time, in your perfect body, because you are meant to serve others who are also here now otherwise you would have never been born.
Go on a journey of self-discovery, explore your wants, needs, and desires, heal your past wounds and let go of any fears, doubts, limiting identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, words, and habits that ultimately keep you from fulfilling your purpose.
All human beings are here to continually grow so that they can serve others in a bigger and better way throughout their lives. It is never too late to discover your purpose and start serving. If you are breathing then it is never too late no matter what your age is.

In conclusion, purpose and meaning are extremely important for our happiness, wellbeing, ability to live our very best, fulfilling, meaningful, and content life. It helps us get excited, motivated about life, get through hard times, improve our self-worth, and fulfill our potential.
It also guides and influences our values, standards, life vision, mission, goals, identity, beliefs, feelings, decisions, actions, words, habits, and eventually our destiny.
if you live a life in alignment with your soul, which knows exactly why you are here, then it should not be difficult for you to discover your purpose. You will feel joy if and when you are on the right track. Simply follow your joy as a compass and you will find your purpose. 
Also, always stay aligned to your creator, listen to your inner loving guidance, and intuition by spending some time in silence, meditating, and you will be guided to discover and fulfill your purpose.
All the best with your purpose discovery journey. Next, read what to do when you feel unhappy

Does Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired?

Does Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired?

Does Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired?

Spiritual awakening is one of the best experiences and journeys you can go through because you become a better version of yourself, live a life that is in alignment with your soul, and be guided to fulfill your purpose which is why you are here on earth.
It is one of the best gifts that the Universe could give you. However, it is not an easy journey to go through. Can it make you tired?
Yes, it can. There is a lot of movement of energy within you as you awaken. As a result, you may experience sleep disruptions, fatigue, and tiredness as you become aligned with your higher self.
One of the best ways of staying in balance and getting your energy back is to meditate, connect with your higher self, and your creator for support, guidance, and an unlimited source of love, light, intelligence, and strength.
So, you may be wondering: “What are some other things that I may anticipate, expect to go through, and possibly learn to avoid as I go through my awakening journey?” Let’s discuss that next.

What To Avoid When Spiritually Awakening

The spiritual awakening journey is not easy to go through and is a lot of work. However, it is completely worth it. Here is a list of some of the things that you will experience as you awaken and how to avoid some of the things that are not good:

Judging Yourself

It is normal to not understand what you are going through initially and judge yourself harshly. If you have never experienced it before and have not heard anyone else go through it, you may feel like you are losing your mind.
Be kind to yourself, spend some time in the quiet, and meditate for guidance as you go through your spiritual awakening journey.
Know, trust, and believe this process and that the universe is guiding you into going through this awakening journey, so that you can fulfill your purpose on this earth. Spiritual awakening is a blessing because you’re becoming the best version of yourself.
Let your soul take the driver’s seat and guide you in your life. Your soul is very wise and knows exactly why you are here. You are going through this awakening at the perfect time so you can connect with your higher self and serve your life’s purpose in a bigger and better way.

Rejecting Your Feelings And Emotions

You may not want to feel the feelings and emotions that come up, process and work on them and try to avoid them because it is hard work. Know that they are coming up now for a reason.
Try to understand where they are coming from, why, acknowledge, work on them, and let them go. If they stay in your body as stuck energy, then they block your loving messages and guidance from your creator from getting through. Your guidance must get through so you can do the work you were born to do and fulfill your purpose.

Get stuck In The Past Or Future

Do not get stuck in the past or the future. Learn to experience the present moments and accept the guidance that’s coming to you in the moment.
Fully experience, enjoy, and live each moment like new, appreciate, have gratitude for all the things and people around you. Feel the connectedness with others and nature.
Learn to be present and listen to your creator’s loving guidance and don’t worry about the past or the future. The past happened because you were meant to learn something from it.
Do not worry about the future. It is okay to plan for the future but don’t get attached to the plan and its timing. Everything that will happen will be in divine order as per the intelligent universe.

Comparing Yourself To Others

Stop comparing yourself to others and letting it steal your joy in life. Everyone is on their own soul journey. You do not have to understand why they live the way they do and not have to go through what you are going through.
They also may not understand your path and that is okay. Your path and purpose are between you and your creator.
When you start comparing yourself to other people, you are not enjoying the present moment and you are not being or feeling joyful. So, know that you are on your own journey and path, so, focus on that. Spend your energy on appreciating what you have and feel lots of gratitude for whoever you are and whatever you are becoming.

Regretting The Past

Do not regret your past. Everything happened for a reason. Learn from it and know that you are here to grow and expand through experiences. Chances are you are not who you used to be yesterday. Your morals and ideas will change as you grow, experience life, and learn things.
The universe is here to guide you to learn and to grow. We are here to grow and then to serve in a bigger and better way. So, if you are not growing, you cannot help anybody else, so, don’t regret the past. Forgive those people who did you wrong, and yourself for everything that you went through in the past because you were meant to learn lessons from it and help others.

Staying Around Negative People

It is hard to stay on this spiritual awakening journey if you are around negative people who are constantly judging you. Know that other people won’t understand your path and they don’t need to. You are here to do your work and fulfill your purpose and whether they understand that or not should not matter.

Their opinion of you and your path is none of your business. You know why you are here and as long as you stay steadfast on that path, your creator will guide you. You are here to do the creator’s work.
If the negative people are family members, reduce your contact and association with them. If the negative person is not family then stop associating with them altogether.
Forgive and let them go from your life.  Remember, some people are not meant to stay in your life forever. People who are meant to stay in your life will respect, support you, and not judge you even if they do not understand what you are going through.

Overindulging In Certain Foods And Drinks

Overindulging in certain foods and drinks which are not good for you like alcohol, flouride and sugar can affect your spiritual awakening journey.
Alcohol can take control over your mind and actions which means that you will not be fully aware of what you are doing. This can delay your journey because when your mind is not in your control, you do not act as your higher self. You wouldn’t be available to listen to the guidance, messages from your creator, and live as your higher self.

Overexerting Your Self

If you are always busy, overexerting yourself, and over-committed, you will not have the time, energy, silence, or space to honour and allow your true awakening to take place.
So, make sure you are creating that time and space for you to get the guidance so that you can fulfill your purpose. Spend some time in the quiet and listen to your guidance.
Allow some time for the most important thing which is to fulfill your purpose before you go from this world and nothing else is more important even though we make other things more of a priority. 

Getting Attached To Your Goals

Do not get attached to the goals that you set for yourself. It is okay to dream, plan, have a vision, and set goals for the future. But, do not get attached to the expected results.
The universe always has bigger and better plans for you. You may not see these opportunities and possibilities for yourself. Always learn to accept that if things don’t go your way, there’s a bigger and better plan for you out there. You have to trust that that plan is unfolding. So, don’t get attached to the goals.

Hurrying The Awakening Journey

You try to hurry through the awakening journey and you want it to finish quickly. Know that your growing and awakening journey will take time. It is a journey, not a sprint. There is no such thing as a specific time frame. 
This profound journey and experience will continue as you seek and discover your deeper levels of truth while here on earth. In fact, your soul’s journey will continue beyond this world. 

In conclusion, now you know that the spiritual awakening can make you tired. There is a lot of movement of energy within you as you awaken. As a result, you may experience sleep disruptions, fatigue, and tiredness as you become aligned with your higher self.
One of the best ways of staying in balance and getting your energy back is to meditate and connect with your higher self and creator for support, guidance, and unlimited source of love, light, intelligence, and strength.
Next, read: “What does meditation mean and What is a spiritual awakening articles for further insights, guidance and knowledge”.