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What Does Emotional Healing Mean?

What Does Emotional Healing Mean?

Everyone can benefit from emotional healing because we have all experienced at least one of these challenges like abuse, illness, a loss of a loved one through death, breakup or divorce, and/or a job loss in our life which can trigger stress and lead to emotional trauma. What exactly is emotional healing?
Emotional healing is the process of identifying your emotional wounds and learning various ways to process and release them so that they do not affect you any longer.
These traumas may have originated from the painful life experiences in your childhood or at the previously mentioned difficult stages of your life. The most common wounds that most people experience are shame, abandonment, and betrayal.
So, you may be wondering next, why is emotional healing so important? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

Why Is Healing So Important?

Healing is important because without it you can easily get triggered, angry and have an exaggerated adverse reaction to people around you, you may waste your present moments by obsessively thinking about and reliving traumatic moments from your past.
You prevent yourself from learning lessons and growing from an unpleasant situation by not allowing yourself to fully feel, examine, and process your emotions, and as a result not be able to live your best ideal life that you so deserve.
It is so vital that you allow yourself the time to heal emotionally so that you don’t carry pain and trauma in your body as stuck energy that can manifest into physical health problems.
Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, and habits are all always taken as commands by every cell, tissue, and organ in your body.
Next, let’s discuss how you would know if you are healing emotionally.

8 Signs That You Are Healing Emotionally

Learn to practice compassion, forgiveness, love, and acceptance toward yourself so that you can begin to heal emotionally. Here are 8 signs that you are healing emotionally.

Fully Feeling Your Emotions

You are allowing yourself to fully feel your emotions, and take the time to process and understand what message they are trying to convey to you. Emotions always serve a purpose and they alert you to issues that are happening inside you that you need to address and work on.
It is good to allow yourself to feel the emotions and not distract yourself and run from them by forming other addictions so that you do not have to feel emotional discomfort. 

Maintaining Better Boundaries

You are getting better at expressing and maintaining your boundaries.  You deserve to have boundaries that feel comfortable to you and the people who are meant to stay in your life will learn to respect them.
Expressing and establishing boundaries is healthy because you are taking the well-deserved time to acknowledge yourself and what your needs are. Self-love and respect are very important parts of your healing Journey.

Realizing Healing Is Not Linear

You are realizing and accepting that healing is not a linear Journey. It is a journey with a lot of ups, and downs and some days are better than others.
No one is perfect and it is not possible to be healed completely and never experience emotional trauma ever again as you continue to live your life with all the future challenges and the behavior of the people around you.
Life is here to teach us lessons so that we can grow and serve in bigger and better ways.

More Responsive And Less Reactive

You are much more responsive than reactive. You can have more self-control and not instantly react to circumstances and situations throughout the day based on how other people are behaving.
When something that could trigger you happens you pause, uphold your freedom and take the time to understand and access the situation and then respond from a very calm and composed state.

More Open To Stepping Out Of Your Comfort zone

You are more open to stepping out of your comfort zone because you are emotionally stronger now, believe in yourself, know where you have come from and how powerful you are, and that it is safe to do so.
You know that your life has infinite possibilities and you are bigger than any problem that you can ever face.

Easily Accept Disappointments

You now know life always happens for you and therefore can easily accept disappointments. There are always lessons to be learned in the challenges that happen in life and they help you grow and serve others in bigger and better ways. 

Feel Inner Peace

You feel at peace on the inside and know you have the freedom to turn inward and feel inner peace no matter what’s happening on the outside. 
You know that you don’t always have control over what’s happening on the outside like how other people are behaving, challenges, circumstances, and situations but you have full control over who you are being on the inside. Your inner peace is your true nature and yours to cultivate and enjoy.
You can always maintain inner peace by connecting to your inner higher self, creator, tapping into your Creator’s divine energy, intelligence, mind, strength, and power which is always accessible to you. Nobody can ever take that away from you.

Open To Receiving Help And Support

You are open to receiving help and support from others when needed. We can all fulfill our purpose by being there for each other. Help someone achieve their dharma and purpose by asking them for help. We can do so much more together.

In conclusion, you now know that Emotional healing is the process of identifying your emotional wounds and learning various ways to release them so that they do not affect you any longer.
These traumas may have originated from the painful life experiences in your childhood or at the previously mentioned difficult stages of your life. The most common wounds that most people experience are shame, abandonment, and betrayal.
You also know Healing is important because without it you can easily get triggered, angry and have an exaggerated adverse reaction to people around you, you may waste your present moments by obsessively thinking about and reliving traumatic moments from your past,
You prevent yourself from learning lessons and growing from an unpleasant situation by not allowing yourself to fully feel, examine and process your emotions, and as a result not be able to live your best ideal life that you so deserve.
It is so vital that you allow the time to heal emotionally so that you don’t carry pain and trauma in your body as stuck energy that can manifest into physical health problems. Your beliefs, thoughts, feeling, words, behavior, and habits are all always taken as commands by every cell, tissue, and organ in your body.
The 8 signs that you are emotionally healing that we discussed are allowing yourself to fully feel your emotions, being better at expressing and setting boundaries, realizing healing is not linear, being less reactive and more responsive, more able to step out of your comfort zone, easily accept disappointments, feel the inner pace and open to help and support.

I wish you all the best with your emotional healing journey!
Next, Can childhood affect your adulthood? read for further helpful tips and insights.

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