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Is It Common To Have Deathbed Regrets?

Is It Common To Have Deathbed Regrets?

We are very aware that we will all die one day and are on this earth temporarily for what seems to most of us like a very short time.
The majority of us are not ready to go when the time is up because we have not been able to live the life of our dreams and have not had the chance to do everything that we wanted to do. Does everyone feel this way? Is it common to have deathbed regrets?
Yes, I believe it is very common to have deathbed regrets because most of us end up living a very distracted, unconscious, and unaligned life while we are alive and completely forget what our original purpose was for being born until it is too late. We wish we had more time.
You may be wondering what are some possible regrets of dying so you can avoid having them. Let’s discuss that next.

10 Deathbed Regrets Of The Dying To Avoid

Luckily, if you are reading this then chances are you still have time left to live your desired, meaningful, fulfilling life in alignment with your true self, and values and fulfill your purpose.
Here are 10 deathbed regrets of the dying that you need to avoid and live your very best life.

Not Spending Enough Time With Your Loved Ones

Prioritize and spend as much time as possible with your family and loved ones. Spend time with your parents who are not always going to be around. Make sure to spend time with your children and make memories at every stage of their life.
Do not let routines of your life consume you and make you lose touch with your close and dearest friends that you love. 

Not Living Your True Life

Do not forget who you are and where you have come from. You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are a divine being that is here to experience life and to reveal your creator in your every thought, action, and word.
Your true essence, which is the qualities of your soul are love, power, wisdom, purity, peace, joy, compassion, and abundance. 

Forgetting Your Purpose

Do not forget why you came here and what unique gifts you have been given to fulfill your purpose. Do not get distracted by what society says is important and valued which is status, reputation, titles, and material accumulations like big houses and cars.
Take the time now to remember why you are here before it is too late. The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. How you serve others is dependent on the unique gifts that have been given to you to be able to do so.

Not Taking Care Of Your Body

Take care of your body because your soul is housed within your body and it cannot fulfill its calling if your body is weak. Do not abuse it by having unhealthy perspectives, identities, beliefs, thoughts, or addictions like drinking, and smoking.
Exercise and eat food that nourishes and gives your body vitality. Make sure you get enough rest and sleep.

Not Mastering Your Mind

Learn to master your mind which is a sacred gift from your creator. Learn to re-program it and use it for your and others’ greater good. Use it to grow, solve problems, and serve others. 

Allowing Money Worries To Consume You

Do not allow money worries to consume and control you. You live in the most abundant world and abundance is your birthright.
The more you focus on worry the more you will attract it into your life. So, focus on abundance instead and create all the money you can and then serve others with it.

Blindly Following Societal Rules

Do not blindly follow made-up societal rules that do not matter and apply to you. Your life has infinite possibilities and you are not limited in any way.  Know without a doubt that there is no such thing as an ideal body despite what society says.
You have the right body, size, and sex, to fulfill the purpose that you are here to fulfill. People that we consider to have challenges like those that are autistic and have down syndrome are in the perfect body for their purpose and soul’s calling that they are here to fulfill.

Always Striving For More

Stop striving for more and letting it distract you and keep you from enjoying the present moments. Know that you are enough and so is what you have currently. Learn to appreciate what you have and enjoy your moments now.

Allowing Challenges To Affect You

Do not let challenges affect you. They are always going to be part of your life because they are here to help us learn, and grow so that we can serve others in a bigger and better.
Learn to look for blessings and lessons in every challenge that you might face going forward. Always remember life happens for you, not to you.

Not Leaving A Legacy

Make sure you are intentionally working on leaving a legacy behind for your family, your community, society, and the world.  Make an impact make your time here on the earth matter.
You can teach everything that you learn to someone else and let its effect ripple to others by them than teaching it to people that they come across.
Teach, help, and share all your knowledge and solutions of challenges that you overcame so that others can transform, better their lives, and teach their kids and whoever else they come into contact with in their life.

In conclusion, you now know that it is very common to have deathbed regrets because most of us end up living a very distracted unconscious, and unaligned life while we are alive and completely forget what our original purpose was for being born until it is too late.

Some of the regrets of dying that we discussed that you need to be aware of and avoid are not spending enough time with your loved ones, not living your true life, forgetting your purpose, not taking care of your body, not mastering your mind, allowing money worries to consume you, blindly following societal rules, always striving for more, allowing challenges to affect you and not leaving a legacy.
Now that you are aware of these deathbed regrets I hope you will take the time to make sure that you do not have any of them when it is time for you to leave this earth.
Next, read what are the principles for living a happy life read for further helpful tips and insights.

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