Is Emotional Pain Real?
Is Emotional Pain Real?
Chances are very high that you have experienced some kind of pain in life as a human being on this earth. Have you ever experienced emotional pain? Is emotional pain real?
Emotional pain is most definitely real. Research has shown that there is no difference in the areas of your brain that are engaged whether you are experiencing physical or psychological/emotional pain.
So, you may be wondering where does emotional pain come from? Let’s discuss the answer to that question next.
Where does emotional pain come from?
Emotional pain is often felt due to how you process other people’s behavior and actions, towards you, your unmet expectations, regrets from the past, and any kind of grief or loss that you experience.
Next, let’s discuss whether you can rescue yourself from your emotional pain?
Can You Rescue Yourself From Emotional Pain?
You can most definitely rescue yourself from your emotional pain. There is nothing that you cannot do. You are connected to your creator who is very powerful and you have the same power within you.
Pain is an inevitable part of the human experience, but it doesn’t have to define you. It is very much possible for you to be your hero and rescue yourself from emotional pain because you are a powerful, divine, and wise soul.
Here are eight ways to rescue yourself from emotional pain.
Acknowledge and accept pain is going to be a normal part of your life and that it is okay for you to feel emotional pain and work on it rather than suppressing it with addictions or running away from it. Create your own path to healing.
You are on this earth right now to grow and serve others. Challenges and pain help you grow. Your growth is on the other side of the challenges and pain that you learn to conquer. When you grow and become bigger and better you can serve other people in a bigger and better way.
Practice self-compassion, kindness, and understanding and be gentle with yourself just like you would offer a dear friend as you begin to rescue yourself from pain.
It is okay to slow down if you are feeling pain at the moment and know that there are lessons for you to learn. Recognize pain is not weakness. It’s an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
Embrace self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul like meditation, yoga, and journaling.
Take some time to be quiet and ask yourself why am I feeling this way? what thoughts am I thinking? what are my beliefs? what is my perception? what is the identity that I am holding on to that is leading me to feel this pain? Act this way?
Your destiny and everything that you experience is derived from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, attitude, and habits. Start by changing one thought at a time and move forward and don’t rush your healing journey.

Get Support
If you feel that you need to speak to someone then seek support. Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist.
It’s important to surround yourself with a support system that uplifts you. Sharing your pain with someone you trust can be liberating. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.
It’s okay to take care of yourself and work on your pain. Your mental/emotional health does matter. You matter and are not here as an accident.
You feeling better is beneficial for your family, society, and anyone that you are meant to serve. You deserve to live your ideal purposeful life.
When you are not okay everybody around you will suffer by feeling and being in your energy. Please make sure you take the time to take care of yourself.
Discover Your Passion
Identify what you are passionate about and what gives you joy and do that more often. Engaging in activities that ignite your passion and bring you joy can be a transformative experience.
Explore new hobbies, volunteer for causes you care about, or learn new skills.

Visualize Pain-Free Future
Visualize your pain-free future every single day and possibly twice a day. Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting the life you desire. The more you visualize the more you will attract it towards you.
Picture your vision, purpose, and goals all fulfilled. Picture yourself living your ideal day, life and having fun with your family and friends.
Create a vision board that represents your dreams and goals. Visualize yourself stepping into a future when you have transcended your pain.
By focusing on the positive and envisioning a brighter future, you will attract opportunities and experiences that align with your vision.
Forgive yourself for any mistakes that you made in the past that might be still causing you emotional pain. Learn lessons and grow from your mistakes. Forgive others if they have also caused you pain.
Forgiveness is not condoning the actions that caused your pain; it’s liberating yourself from their hold, allowing you to move forward with grace and peace.
Choose to release these negative emotions and free yourself from their grip. Holding onto resentment and anger only weighs you down.
When you do not forgive you carry pain and negativity in your body that can turn into a health issue and block your abundance and guidance.
Practice Gratitude
Practice gratitude every single day because it can change, shift and raise your energy right away. Everybody has lots of things to be grateful for.
Gratitude raises your energy and aligns you to who you are which is well-being, peace, love, and compassion, and not anger, jealousy, frustration, pain, and disease.
Whenever you find yourself feeling painful emotions start thinking of all the things you’re grateful for and start feeling better right away.
Discover Your Purpose
Discover what your purpose and unique gifts are and spend your energy on fulfilling them. Connecting with your purpose will help you find the strength to overcome your pain.
Serve someone every day whether it’s someone in front of you or via a call or a text. When you put your focus on your purpose and service of other people you will forget about your pain and as a result feel it less. You will be creating good Karma by serving others and you’ll begin to feel good.
In conclusion, you now know that emotional pain is most definitely real. Research has shown that no difference in the areas of your brain is activated whether you are experiencing physical or psychological/emotional pain.
You also know that you can rescue yourself from pain by acceptance, self-compassion, getting support, discovering your passion, visualizing a pain-free future, forgiveness, gratitude practice, and discovering your purpose.
I hope you found these eight ways to rescue yourself enlightening and that you know without a doubt that you have the power within you to heal, grow and thrive.
Embrace your pain as a catalyst for transformation. You are stronger than you realize. Trust the process and believe that brighter days are ahead.
Next, can emotional healing make you tired read for further helpful insights and tips.