Why Is It So Important To Have Good Mental Health?

Why Is It So Important To Have Good Mental Health?

Why Is It So Important To Have Good Mental Health?

There are so many people in the world currently that are suffering because they are not okay mentally. We have had a very challenging few years due to the recent pandemic.  
It has impacted our mental health negatively especially because we went through some very uncertain times, did not feel safe, and were not able to socialize and connect with our loved ones. So, why is it important to have good mental health?
It is extremely important to have good mental health for you to be able to fulfill your purpose and soul’s calling which is the reason you came here on this earth at this time. 
It will help you be in the best physical and mental shape to navigate through life’s challenges better and allow you to live your very best, confident, meaningful, impactful life, and enable you to have the deepest and best relationships with the people in your life.
Mental fitness will also help you in your work and business. Let’s discuss next why that is the case.

8 Reasons Good Mental Health Is Important For Your Work And Business

Everyone who wants to do their best work possible needs to prioritize their mental health and wellness because you cannot be successful without it.
Here are 8 reasons to convince you why it might be beneficial for you to work on your mental health for your work and business.

Make Better Decisions

When you are mentally healthy you will be able to make better decisions in your work and business because you will be more focused and have clearer thinking which will lead to more successful outcomes. 
You will have a positive outlook and so you will be making decisions in your business from that point of view and attract successful results instead of being stressed out, not focused, and having negative thoughts that everything that you decide will bear negative results and therefore attract negative results.

Increase Your Emotional Resiliency

You will increase your emotional resiliency and will be better equipped to handle stressful situations as you go through the many ups and downs and demands throughout the day in your work and business.
Your mental fitness will allow you to stay calm, manage yourself better, and have fewer outbursts with your staff, and customers. You will be able to respond rather than react and be triggered when you encounter situations, and challenges while working or running your business.

Improve Your Productivity

Your productivity will improve because you will be able to think more clearly and will be able to concentrate and focus on your daily work and business tasks more effectively and efficiently. You will know and be able to prioritize the right tasks at the right time of the day.

Improve Your Wellbeing

Your well-being is a critical component for success in all areas of life especially when it comes to your work. When you work on your mental health you will lessen your chances of breaking down, or burning out and improve your overall well-being which includes your emotional, social, and physical health.
You will be a better leader because you will make better decisions, manage stress better and stand a higher chance to be able to achieve your goals. You will reduce stress and anxiety and have a happier healthier work-life balance.

Be More Self-Aware

You will be more aware of yourself, your unique gifts, and your natural talents. You will know what your strengths are and what areas you need help in and hire your team members to support you.
You will be aware of your triggers and you’ll be able to handle these better because you will prepare yourself and know what triggers you, and why. You will also know when you feel the most inspired to schedule and do your creative work.

Have Better Relationships

You will have better relationships because you will be able to be more in control of your temperament, and demeanor and not react, scream, and shout at your team members, and customers.
They will love and respect you because you will be able to leave them better than when you first found them. Instead of talking down to them, you will be able to respect them and communicate with them with dignity.
You will be able to retain staff in your company and you will possibly have customers for life because of the way you make them feel. People may forget what you said to them however they never forget how you made them feel.

Be More Creative

Your creativity will expand because you will be clear-minded, and focused. You will be able to sit in the quiet, meditate and hear your guidance. You will be able to follow your guidance to fulfill your purpose.
You will trust and have the confidence to innovate and try more new things.  You will easily come up with new processes, products, and services that better serve and transform your customers.

Be More Adaptable

You will be more adaptable and open to change when things do not go well and you’ll be able to pivot and take a different path because you will know that everything happens for a reason and the universe always has your back.
You will not worry about failures or mistakes because you know that you are meant to learn and grow and get stronger from it.
So, at this time, you may be wondering what are some good daily practices to boost your mental health and well-being. Let’s discuss that next.
What are some good daily practices to boost your mental health and well-being?
Look after your physical health because your mind and body are connected. Drink enough water, make adequate sleep a priority, get regular exercise, and eat nutritious food that fuels your body.
Practice gratitude and raise your energy, enjoy each moment that you are blessed with by staying present, spend time in nature, pray and connect to your creator, meditate daily and calm your mind, consume positive messages and avoid negativity, and Know what your purpose and unique gifts are and use it to serve others.
Also, have an inspiring vision and goals for your life that propel you forward, socialize and stay connected, and always be open to asking for help when necessary.

In conclusion, you now know that it is extremely important to have good mental health for you to fulfill your purpose and soul’s calling which is the reason you came here on this earth at this time. 
It will help you be in the best physical shape to navigate through life’s challenges better and allow you to live your very best, confident, meaningful, impactful life, and enable you to have the deepest and best relationships with the people in your life.
Good mental health is also very important for your work and business because it will help you make better decisions, increase your emotional resiliency, improve your productivity, improve your well-being, make you more self-aware, enable you to have better relationships, and help you be more creative and adaptable.
Next, read Why is it important to manage your stress and anxiety read for further helpful tips and insights.

What Does “Love Your Body” Mean?

What Does “Love Your Body” Mean?

What Does “Love Your Body” Mean?

You have likely come across many people in life who do not love their bodies and wish that they could have a different one.
They believe and feel that their life would be so much happier and better if they could switch their body. I wish that were not the case and everyone would learn to love their body. What does “love your body” mean exactly?
Loving your body means learning to trust, accept, and appreciate it no matter what age, phase, or stage of life you are in. Knowing that your body is strong, perfect, and serving a very important role in your life. It is housing your soul while you are here on the earth to fulfill your purpose and calling.
You may be wondering, what are some reasons that would cause you to not love, accept and appreciate your body? Let’s answer that question below.

Why Can’t I Love My Body?

Some of the reasons why you may be finding it hard to love your body are because you think it is not the right size and color based on what you have been told by people around you, society, and what you have seen in the media as the ideal body type to strive for.
Let’s discuss next some reasons why it is so important to learn to love your body.

Why It Is Important To Learn To Love Your Body

Thank God that we all come in so many different shapes and sizes and there is no one type of ideal body. Life would be boring if we all looked the same.
You cannot give up control of your happiness to something outside of you because unfortunately, the criteria for what is considered to be an ideal body type today may change tomorrow.
Know that your body is also always going to be in transition and will continue to change throughout your life. The only part of your that is changeless is your soul.

The sooner you learn to appreciate and love your body the more likely you will be able to live your best life. Here are 7 reasons why you need to appreciate, accept, and love your body.

Improve Your Self Esteem And Image

When you start to practice self-love and appreciate your body it will improve your self-esteem and image because you will know that your love for your body comes from within you and not from outside and is not dependent on others. 
You do not need anybody else to tell you whether you deserve to be loved, and accepted, based on whether it is considered to be perfect, the right color, or the right shape. You are perfect, enough, and matter the way you are or you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t matter just the way you are. 
Knowing that will improve both your self-esteem and your self-image and give you the confidence to live your authentic life on your terms and to take on more challenges in life.
You will believe in yourself and feel empowered and be able to trust that you are fine, enough and will be able to do anything that you want to. Your life has infinite possibilities.

Feel Happier

You will feel happier and more content with your life because you will stop comparing yourself to other people. You will accept that you are here to fulfill a purpose and trust that you are in the right body to be able to do so. You will be able to catch, reduce and eventually stop your self-talk.
You will be able to feel better about yourself emotionally and will be less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety by being very content with who you are.

Have Better Physical Health

You will have more energy, better physical health, and well-being because your love for your body will cause you to look after it better. You will feed it the right nutritious food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly so that you can have the energy to serve and fulfill your purpose.
You would be less likely to abuse your body and form any bad addictions like smoking drinking, smoking, and doing drugs.

Serve As A Positive Role Model

When you learn to accept and love your body as it is at every stage of your life you will serve as a positive role model and serve as an inspiration to others especially the members of our younger generation.
Teach them that there is no ideal body and that your body will always be in transition as you go through different stages of life. No one should have the power to dictate what you need to look like to be happy. You were not born to please everybody. You are here to fulfill your purpose the details of which are known by your soul and your creator.

Improve Your Relationships

Loving your body will help improve your relationships.  It will help you feel more comfortable being intimate with your partner.
You will be able to attract healthier relationships in which people love and accept you the way you are and do not expect and demand that you go through procedures to change your body before they can love you. Never change your body for anyone.

Increase Creativity

You will feel bolder, and more creative in expressing your authentic style and live your life confidently on your terms. You feel comfortable dressing, accepting, and loving your body no matter your size, color, and sex.

Greater Sense Of Purpose

You will be more passionate and have a greater sense of purpose and be drawn to have goals for fulfillment. You will be less likely to worry about things and people whose opinion does not matter.
You will learn to respect, be kind to yourself, and be around a community of people who are also loving and accepting of you just like you accept yourself.
You may be wondering how you can begin to love, accept, and appreciate your body. Let’s discuss that next.

How Can I Love, Accept And Appreciate My Body

If you want to start loving your body more start a regular daily meditation practice to center yourself, and become aware of who you are, and your divinity, become aware of your negative self-talk and learn to reduce and stop it, and recite positive affirmations about your body daily.
Stop consuming negativity and do not be around negative people, surround yourself with supportive people who love and accept you, and learn to challenge and not follow any societal rules that do not serve you.

In Conclusion, loving your body means learning to trust, accept and appreciate it no matter what age, phase, or stage of life you are in. Knowing that your body is strong, perfect, and serving a very important role in your life.  It is housing your soul while you are here on the earth to fulfill your purpose and calling.
Some of the reasons why you may be finding it hard to love your body are because you think it is not the right size and color based on what you have been told by people around you, society, and what you have seen in the media as the ideal body type to strive for.
You also know 7 reasons why you need to appreciate and love your body namely it will improve your self-image and esteem, make you feel happier, inspire you to have better physical health, make you a positive role model, improve your relationships, increase your creativity and give you a greater sense of purpose.
If you want to start loving your body more start a regular daily meditation practice to center yourself, and become aware of who you are, and your divinity, become aware of your negative self-talk and learn to reduce and stop it, and recite positive affirmations about your body daily.
Stop consuming negativity and do not be around negative people, surround yourself with supportive people who love and accept you, and learn to challenge and not follow any societal rules that do not serve you.
Next, read what is positive thinking and living for further helpful insights and tips.

Can Your Grades Determine How Smart You Are?

Can Your Grades Determine How Smart You Are?

Can Your Grades Determine How Smart You Are?

If you were one of those people who dreaded receiving report cards because you did not get good grades in school there is a high chance that you have probably lived your whole life thinking and believing that you are not very smart, unlike other people. Can your grades determine how smart or intelligent you really are?
No, grades do not determine how smart or intelligent you are despite what you may have been led to believe. Grades determine how well you can perform when you are under the stress and pressure of being a student in school.
Your grades are also dependent on how much interest you have in a subject, how much effort you put into completing the course requirements, how well the subject was taught, how clear and culturally bias free the test was, and possibly what the teacher believed about your capability in a given subject.
In my experience, most schools tend to recognize and honor students who are good at certain subjects like Science, and Math and not others as much like arts.
So, you may be wondering what are some of the other types of intelligence that you might not have heard about that you need to start recognizing and honor. Let’s discuss next nine types of such intelligence that have been identified.

9 Types Of Intelligence To Learn, Recognize, And Honor

A professor and a psychologist by the name of Howard Gardner identified nine types of intelligence that we need to all learn about and appreciate. He wrote a book called Frames of Mind in which he described this different identified intelligence.
Here are 9 of the intelligence that he wrote about below. You may recognize that you possess more than one of the mentioned intelligence.

Naturalist Intelligence

As a naturalist you love nature, recognize patterns in your natural surroundings, and are sensitive to your environment. Some of the areas you excel in are hunting, gardening farming, and zookeeping.

Musical Intelligence

If you have musical intelligence you recognize the tone, pitch, rhythm, and notes of music and can pick up new instruments easily because that is your calling.
You can easily recall a piece of music which your heard and play a musical instrument by ear. You could play a musical instrument in a symphony, or be a DJ, composer, singer, and music teacher.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Math and logical intelligence enable you to thrive and live in the world of abstract symbols and thoughts, formulas, strategy, hypothesis, and reasoning skills are your expertise.
You love strategy and solving math problems. Some of the career paths that would be good for you are mathematician, detective, scientist, computer programmer, and inventor.

Existential Intelligence

As someone with existential intelligence, you probably wonder and often ask yourself questions like why are we here? what is our life purpose? what’s the meaning of life?
Your philosophical mind probably keeps you up at night. A career path for someone who’s existential could be a philosophy teacher or professor.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Your interpersonal intelligence enables you to be great at socializing and has deeper connections with people because you can read others’ emotions well, and are empathetic and compassionate. 
You are open to understanding and learning different perspectives that people have, are willing to put yourself in other’s shoes, and can tell if someone is pretending to be someone that they are not.
You understand other people and know the impact of your interaction with them. Good career choices for you would be a peacemaker, social worker, counselor, actor, and teacher.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

You feel your body and mind are in harmony and can use them to achieve your goals. You tend to move well in space and have really good eye-hand coordination.
You are very aware of your body and have excellent motor skills and movement. You do well as a dancer, and sports(athlete).

Linguistic Intelligence

As a linguistic genius, you do well with language and have a vast vocabulary. You are a deep thinker. You have a gift of learning and picking up different types of foreign languages and the meaning of different words.
You enjoy reading and writing. You do well as a public speaker, lawyer, journalist, politician, and novelist.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligent people are often very quiet and deep emotional thinker. You tend to be very self-aware of yourself, and what you want and are a self-motivator.
You are very much in touch with your mind and body and are in tune with your feelings at a deeper level than most people. You do well as a psychologist, philosopher, or spiritual guide.

Spatial Intelligence

Visual spatially intelligent people are good with directions, strong visual learners, 3D graphs, puzzles, mazes, creative drawings, and charts. You think in 3D and have artistic skills and great imagination. You do well as a sculptor, painter, sailor, pilot, and architect. 

In conclusion, you now know that grades do not determine how smart or intelligent you are despite what you may have been led to believe. Grades determine how well you can perform when under the stress and pressure of being a student in school.
You also learned that grades are dependent on how much interest you have in a subject, how much effort you put into completing the course requirements, how well the subject was taught, how clear and culturally bias free the test was and possibly what the teacher believed about your capability in a given subject.
You are now aware that Howard Gardner has discovered 9 intelligence namely Naturalist, musical, Logical-mathematical, Existential, Interpersonal, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Linguistic, Intrapersonal, and Spatial intelligence.
Which one of the above-mentioned intelligence do you have? Always remember you have been given unique gifts, wisdom, natural talents, and intelligence based on whatever you need to fulfill your purpose while here on this earth. 
Discover what is for you and use it to serve others.
Next, read why is it bad to put labels on people for further insights and tips.

What Does Financial Freedom Mean?

What Does Financial Freedom Mean?

What Does Financial Freedom Mean?

Do you wish you could wake up every day, listen to your mind, body, and soul and do whatever you feel like doing with whoever and whenever?
Achieving financial freedom will make it possible for you to live that way and spend your time more intentionally and consciously. What does financial freedom mean?
Financial freedom means having enough passive money flowing and coming in, accumulating, and investing in assets to sustain your desired lifestyle without you having to rely on trading your time to earn the required money on an ongoing basis.
It gives you the freedom and flexibility to pursue opportunities, work, and life experiences of your dreams from a very peaceful and abundant place rather than from scarcity, lack, worry, and desperation of needing money to fulfill your basic financial needs and obligations.
So, you may be wondering how much is needed for financial freedom. Let’s find out the answer to that question.

How Much Is needed For Financial Freedom?

The number needed to be financially free will vary for different people because it is very much dependent on your desired lifestyle, how much passive cash flow you already have coming in every month, how much money you have accumulated, and invested, and how much money is required to sustain that lifestyle.
Next, let’s discuss how to achieve financial freedom.

6 Steps To Financial Freedom

Financial freedom feels great and I wish everyone would believe that they can achieve it. It is a possibility for every single one of us and the sooner you can commit, focus, and start working on it the sooner you can achieve it.
Know that with commitment, patience, perseverance, the right plan, and actions you can achieve anything that you want. Here are 6 steps to starting taking toward your journey of financial freedom.

Know Your Desired Lifestyle

Decide exactly what you want in every area of your life, what your perfect day looks like, where you want to live, what kind of house you want to live in, with whom, and what freedom means to you.
Define what a life of financial freedom means and would look like for you. What would you do? sit on the beach every day, volunteer, work a few hours a day doing what you love, etc.
Figure out how much money you will need exactly to sustain this desired lifestyle, and where are you right now as far as your savings and investments are concerned. What is the gap and how will you work on eliminating it?
You could generate more income by getting a raise, moving to a different position in the same company or different, starting a business, and saving and investing more. Figure out how long will you need to be financially free.

Let Go

Figure out what you need to let go of so that you do not block your desired life of financial freedom. Do you have any consumer debt? You can pay your debt off by either tackling the one with the smallest amount first or the one with the highest interest.
What limiting money beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and words do you need to let go and overcome because it will stop you from achieving financial freedom and you will never achieve it?
What habits do you need to eliminate that will prevent you from achieving financial freedom like overspending and not tracking and knowing where your money goes every month, not having a spending plan, not paying yourself first, and consistently saving and investing your money?
Are there any negative people in your life that tell you that you can never achieve financial freedom that you need to reduce contact with or remove from your life?

Grow And Expand

Who do you need to become to achieve financial freedom? What skills do you need to learn to achieve your financial freedom? Do you need to invest and learn work and business skills so you can grow multiple income streams, money management, and how create a spending plan and investment skills? Never ever stop investing in your growth and expansion.

Manage And Invest Your Money

Know how to save and Invest your money regularly so that the universe can trust you with a lot more. Learn about different ways to invest and grow your money so that it can work harder for you than you work for it.  You can do it no matter who you are.
Any woman or Mom can do this despite what you have been led to believe by society that men are better at handling finances. It is not true.
Work on your self-belief and confidence if you are having a hard time believing that you are capable of doing it yourself. If you are married always know and be involved in all financial decisions made within your household.
Do not think it’s too complicated for you because it’s not.  You are strong and can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Teach your children because money management skills are extremely important for the financial future of your children and our daughters and our sons who are members of our future generations or will influence and raise our future generations.

Seek Like-minded Communities

Seek like-minded, safe communities where you can be inspired, cheered on, learn, and can ask questions without judgment. Believe in possibility by surrounding yourself with people who have achieved financial freedom themselves.

Make Giving A Habit

Always make it a habit to give back whatever you can afford. It is an important habit to form no matter where you are along your financial freedom journey.

In conclusion, you now know that financial freedom means having enough money flowing and coming in, accumulating, and investing in assets to sustain your desired lifestyle without you having to rely on trading your time to earn the required money on an ongoing basis.
It gives you the freedom and flexibility to pursue opportunities, work, and life experiences of your dreams from a very peaceful and abundant place rather than from scarcity, lack, worry, and desperation of needing money to fulfill your basic financial needs and obligations.
The number needed to be financially free will vary for different people because it is very much dependent on your desired lifestyle, how much money cash flow you already have coming in every month, how much money you have accumulated, and invested, and how much money is required to sustain that lifestyle.
You also learned the 6 steps to achieve financial freedom which are knowing what is your desired lifestyle, what you need to let go of, growing and expanding, managing and investing your money, seeking a like-minded community, and making a habit to give.
Next, read why is money important in life for further helpful tips and insights.

Is It Common To Have Deathbed Regrets?

Is It Common To Have Deathbed Regrets?

Is It Common To Have Deathbed Regrets?

We are very aware that we will all die one day and are on this earth temporarily for what seems to most of us like a very short time.
The majority of us are not ready to go when the time is up because we have not been able to live the life of our dreams and have not had the chance to do everything that we wanted to do. Does everyone feel this way? Is it common to have deathbed regrets?
Yes, I believe it is very common to have deathbed regrets because most of us end up living a very distracted, unconscious, and unaligned life while we are alive and completely forget what our original purpose was for being born until it is too late. We wish we had more time.
You may be wondering what are some possible regrets of dying so you can avoid having them. Let’s discuss that next.

10 Deathbed Regrets Of The Dying To Avoid

Luckily, if you are reading this then chances are you still have time left to live your desired, meaningful, fulfilling life in alignment with your true self, and values and fulfill your purpose.
Here are 10 deathbed regrets of the dying that you need to avoid and live your very best life.

Not Spending Enough Time With Your Loved Ones

Prioritize and spend as much time as possible with your family and loved ones. Spend time with your parents who are not always going to be around. Make sure to spend time with your children and make memories at every stage of their life.
Do not let routines of your life consume you and make you lose touch with your close and dearest friends that you love. 

Not Living Your True Life

Do not forget who you are and where you have come from. You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are a divine being that is here to experience life and to reveal your creator in your every thought, action, and word.
Your true essence, which is the qualities of your soul are love, power, wisdom, purity, peace, joy, compassion, and abundance. 

Forgetting Your Purpose

Do not forget why you came here and what unique gifts you have been given to fulfill your purpose. Do not get distracted by what society says is important and valued which is status, reputation, titles, and material accumulations like big houses and cars.
Take the time now to remember why you are here before it is too late. The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. How you serve others is dependent on the unique gifts that have been given to you to be able to do so.

Not Taking Care Of Your Body

Take care of your body because your soul is housed within your body and it cannot fulfill its calling if your body is weak. Do not abuse it by having unhealthy perspectives, identities, beliefs, thoughts, or addictions like drinking, and smoking.
Exercise and eat food that nourishes and gives your body vitality. Make sure you get enough rest and sleep.

Not Mastering Your Mind

Learn to master your mind which is a sacred gift from your creator. Learn to re-program it and use it for your and others’ greater good. Use it to grow, solve problems, and serve others. 

Allowing Money Worries To Consume You

Do not allow money worries to consume and control you. You live in the most abundant world and abundance is your birthright.
The more you focus on worry the more you will attract it into your life. So, focus on abundance instead and create all the money you can and then serve others with it.

Blindly Following Societal Rules

Do not blindly follow made-up societal rules that do not matter and apply to you. Your life has infinite possibilities and you are not limited in any way.  Know without a doubt that there is no such thing as an ideal body despite what society says.
You have the right body, size, and sex, to fulfill the purpose that you are here to fulfill. People that we consider to have challenges like those that are autistic and have down syndrome are in the perfect body for their purpose and soul’s calling that they are here to fulfill.

Always Striving For More

Stop striving for more and letting it distract you and keep you from enjoying the present moments. Know that you are enough and so is what you have currently. Learn to appreciate what you have and enjoy your moments now.

Allowing Challenges To Affect You

Do not let challenges affect you. They are always going to be part of your life because they are here to help us learn, and grow so that we can serve others in a bigger and better.
Learn to look for blessings and lessons in every challenge that you might face going forward. Always remember life happens for you, not to you.

Not Leaving A Legacy

Make sure you are intentionally working on leaving a legacy behind for your family, your community, society, and the world.  Make an impact make your time here on the earth matter.
You can teach everything that you learn to someone else and let its effect ripple to others by them than teaching it to people that they come across.
Teach, help, and share all your knowledge and solutions of challenges that you overcame so that others can transform, better their lives, and teach their kids and whoever else they come into contact with in their life.

In conclusion, you now know that it is very common to have deathbed regrets because most of us end up living a very distracted unconscious, and unaligned life while we are alive and completely forget what our original purpose was for being born until it is too late.

Some of the regrets of dying that we discussed that you need to be aware of and avoid are not spending enough time with your loved ones, not living your true life, forgetting your purpose, not taking care of your body, not mastering your mind, allowing money worries to consume you, blindly following societal rules, always striving for more, allowing challenges to affect you and not leaving a legacy.
Now that you are aware of these deathbed regrets I hope you will take the time to make sure that you do not have any of them when it is time for you to leave this earth.
Next, read what are the principles for living a happy life read for further helpful tips and insights.

What Does Emotional Healing Mean?

What Does Emotional Healing Mean?

What Does Emotional Healing Mean?

Everyone can benefit from emotional healing because we have all experienced at least one of these challenges like abuse, illness, a loss of a loved one through death, breakup or divorce, and/or a job loss in our life which can trigger stress and lead to emotional trauma. What exactly is emotional healing?
Emotional healing is the process of identifying your emotional wounds and learning various ways to process and release them so that they do not affect you any longer.
These traumas may have originated from the painful life experiences in your childhood or at the previously mentioned difficult stages of your life. The most common wounds that most people experience are shame, abandonment, and betrayal.
So, you may be wondering next, why is emotional healing so important? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

Why Is Healing So Important?

Healing is important because without it you can easily get triggered, angry and have an exaggerated adverse reaction to people around you, you may waste your present moments by obsessively thinking about and reliving traumatic moments from your past.
You prevent yourself from learning lessons and growing from an unpleasant situation by not allowing yourself to fully feel, examine, and process your emotions, and as a result not be able to live your best ideal life that you so deserve.
It is so vital that you allow yourself the time to heal emotionally so that you don’t carry pain and trauma in your body as stuck energy that can manifest into physical health problems.
Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, and habits are all always taken as commands by every cell, tissue, and organ in your body.
Next, let’s discuss how you would know if you are healing emotionally.

8 Signs That You Are Healing Emotionally

Learn to practice compassion, forgiveness, love, and acceptance toward yourself so that you can begin to heal emotionally. Here are 8 signs that you are healing emotionally.

Fully Feeling Your Emotions

You are allowing yourself to fully feel your emotions, and take the time to process and understand what message they are trying to convey to you. Emotions always serve a purpose and they alert you to issues that are happening inside you that you need to address and work on.
It is good to allow yourself to feel the emotions and not distract yourself and run from them by forming other addictions so that you do not have to feel emotional discomfort. 

Maintaining Better Boundaries

You are getting better at expressing and maintaining your boundaries.  You deserve to have boundaries that feel comfortable to you and the people who are meant to stay in your life will learn to respect them.
Expressing and establishing boundaries is healthy because you are taking the well-deserved time to acknowledge yourself and what your needs are. Self-love and respect are very important parts of your healing Journey.

Realizing Healing Is Not Linear

You are realizing and accepting that healing is not a linear Journey. It is a journey with a lot of ups, and downs and some days are better than others.
No one is perfect and it is not possible to be healed completely and never experience emotional trauma ever again as you continue to live your life with all the future challenges and the behavior of the people around you.
Life is here to teach us lessons so that we can grow and serve in bigger and better ways.

More Responsive And Less Reactive

You are much more responsive than reactive. You can have more self-control and not instantly react to circumstances and situations throughout the day based on how other people are behaving.
When something that could trigger you happens you pause, uphold your freedom and take the time to understand and access the situation and then respond from a very calm and composed state.

More Open To Stepping Out Of Your Comfort zone

You are more open to stepping out of your comfort zone because you are emotionally stronger now, believe in yourself, know where you have come from and how powerful you are, and that it is safe to do so.
You know that your life has infinite possibilities and you are bigger than any problem that you can ever face.

Easily Accept Disappointments

You now know life always happens for you and therefore can easily accept disappointments. There are always lessons to be learned in the challenges that happen in life and they help you grow and serve others in bigger and better ways. 

Feel Inner Peace

You feel at peace on the inside and know you have the freedom to turn inward and feel inner peace no matter what’s happening on the outside. 
You know that you don’t always have control over what’s happening on the outside like how other people are behaving, challenges, circumstances, and situations but you have full control over who you are being on the inside. Your inner peace is your true nature and yours to cultivate and enjoy.
You can always maintain inner peace by connecting to your inner higher self, creator, tapping into your Creator’s divine energy, intelligence, mind, strength, and power which is always accessible to you. Nobody can ever take that away from you.

Open To Receiving Help And Support

You are open to receiving help and support from others when needed. We can all fulfill our purpose by being there for each other. Help someone achieve their dharma and purpose by asking them for help. We can do so much more together.

In conclusion, you now know that Emotional healing is the process of identifying your emotional wounds and learning various ways to release them so that they do not affect you any longer.
These traumas may have originated from the painful life experiences in your childhood or at the previously mentioned difficult stages of your life. The most common wounds that most people experience are shame, abandonment, and betrayal.
You also know Healing is important because without it you can easily get triggered, angry and have an exaggerated adverse reaction to people around you, you may waste your present moments by obsessively thinking about and reliving traumatic moments from your past,
You prevent yourself from learning lessons and growing from an unpleasant situation by not allowing yourself to fully feel, examine and process your emotions, and as a result not be able to live your best ideal life that you so deserve.
It is so vital that you allow the time to heal emotionally so that you don’t carry pain and trauma in your body as stuck energy that can manifest into physical health problems. Your beliefs, thoughts, feeling, words, behavior, and habits are all always taken as commands by every cell, tissue, and organ in your body.
The 8 signs that you are emotionally healing that we discussed are allowing yourself to fully feel your emotions, being better at expressing and setting boundaries, realizing healing is not linear, being less reactive and more responsive, more able to step out of your comfort zone, easily accept disappointments, feel the inner pace and open to help and support.

I wish you all the best with your emotional healing journey!
Next, Can childhood affect your adulthood? read for further helpful tips and insights.

Can A Single Mom Be Successful?

Can A Single Mom Be Successful?

Can A Single Mom Be Successful?

I have had the honor of meeting a lot of amazing single moms. I respect their resilience and ability to juggle a lot of responsibilities and tasks as they raise their children by themselves. Can a single mom be successful?
Yes, a single mom can most definitely be successful in every aspect of her life including raising well-adjusted, healthy, and emotionally strong children provided she believes without a doubt that she can.
All the Single moms that I have come across are very strong, loving, inspiring role models, and committed to having a strong emotional bond with their children.
So, you are probably asking yourself, what is the secret and how can single moms become successful? Let’s discuss the answer to that question next.

How Can Single Moms Become Successful?

Most single mothers worry whether they will be able to make the right, confident decisions by themselves, handle all their household duties, look after themselves and their children, earn enough, and manage their finances well.
I know that you can be successful as a single mother without a doubt and do not let anybody else tell you otherwise. Here are 8 ways to be successful as a single mother

Schedule Time For Self-care

It is very important that schedule some time for your self-care so that you remain healthy mentally and physically so that you do not get sick and can be around for your family for a long time.
Make sure you are drinking enough water, moving your body daily, and fueling your body with nutritious food so it can function well.
Your soul is housed in your body at the moment and it cannot fulfill its purpose if do not take care of your body. Also, learn to listen to your body and focus on an area where you most require care.
Self-care is not selfish. It is also good to teach your children the importance of prioritizing self-care for themselves.

Have A morning Routine

Have a daily morning routine to energize yourself. You can include praying, spending some time in silence connecting to your creator, and consuming something motivating and inspiring to help you start your day in the right way so you can handle all the situations that arise throughout the day.
Always remember all the answers and wisdom that you need to live your life of purpose are within you. You can also access your creator’s strength, intelligence, and power which is always available for you. In reality, you are never really alone your creator is always with you.

Figure Out Who You Are

Take the time to figure out who you really, why are you here (purpose), what are your top values, your unique talents, and gifts that you’ve been given by your creator to fulfill your purpose, what gives you joy and energy, what do you want (vision) of your authentic dream life. Do not let society dictate what kind of life you are capable of living.

Teach your children to figure out and live their authentic life. The more people we have living their authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful life of purpose the better this world will get. Let’s create a better world for our children and all of our future Generations.

Schedule Joyful Activities For You

Schedule some guilt free time daily to do activities that give you joy. It is okay to take some “me” time.
Your children need to understand that you need some time for yourself whether it is to go shopping for 1 hour, take a long warm bath, go out for coffee with a friend, lie down in bed and read a book uninterrupted it is up to you to decide what you want to do and what your circumstances and stage in life allow depending on the ages of your children.

Design Your Life

Know that you can design and create your dream life. Look at your long-term vision of life and come up with a holistic plan and goals for every area of your life so that you can start taking the right actions and move in the direction of realizing your ideal life, growing, and becoming the person who can achieve it. 

Create Your own Rules

Do not follow societal rules blindly instead live life by honoring your values and working on a plan to move closer to your authentic life of meaning, impact, and purpose. Not all of these made-up rules apply to you and your life.
You have every right to live your own life of purpose and in alignment with your soul as long as you are not harming anyone else. It is important to teach your kids to do the same

Be Emotionally Available For Your Children

Make sure you are emotionally available for your children and teach them to master their own emotions. This will be easier to do if you have ensured that you are emotionally strong by implementing some of the previous things that we discussed like self-care, a morning routine, time for self-discovery, and doing something that gives you joy every day.

Have a daily routine to talk to your children. It can be at dinner time or before they go to bed where you talk about your day, feelings felt, and lessons learned. Make sure you intentionally and consciously take the time to see, hear, understand, accept, honor, and celebrate each of your children and their unique gifts.
Never compare your children and the grades that they get in school with each other because they are each here as a soul for a different reason.  They have a different purpose and so they will have appropriate and different strengths and unique gifts.

Ask For Help

Know that it is okay for you to ask for help if and when you need it.  Having someone look after your children while you do something for yourself is not selfish.
If you don’t take the time for self-care then eventually it will take a toll on your body and then it will affect the rest of the people in your life for a long time possibly.
We can all take the time to help each other and give others opportunities to serve and create some good deeds and deposits for their soul. The purpose of every human being after all is to grow and serve others.

In conclusion, you now know that a single mom can most definitely be successful in every aspect of her life including raising well-adjusted, healthy, and emotionally strong children provided she believes without a doubt that she can.
You can be a successful single mom by taking care of yourself, having a morning routine, discovering who you are and like, doing something that gives you joy every day, designing your own life, creating your own rules, being emotionally available to your children, and knowing that it okay to ask for help when needed.
I hope you will follow these things because they will help you be a successful worry-free single mother. Please share this article with any single mom or mom that you know if you feel it will serve them.
Next, what does it mean to be a good mom read for further helpful insights and tips.

Is It Lonely Being A Business Owner?

Is It Lonely Being A Business Owner?

Is It Lonely Being A Business Owner?

One of my favorite activities as an extrovert solopreneur is to get out meet, mingle, and network with like-minded people. I cherish all the resulting relationships that I get to form and nurture.
Why do I enjoy networking? Is it lonely being a business owner?
Yes, being a business owner can be a very lonely journey, especially in the beginning stages when you are building a business, working long hours, and handling every aspect of your business yourself and have no team member(s) to support you.
So, you may be wondering how many hours a business owner works normally.

How Many Hours Does A Business Owner Work?

Most entrepreneurs according to research are known to work anywhere between 25 to 60 hours a week. The amount of time you spend working on your business is highly dependent on the type of business you own and the stage (beginning vs established) that you are in.
If you have a lifestyle online business and know how to prioritize and spend your time doing the right income-generating tasks then you can be more flexible with your time and work anywhere between 20-25 hours a week and could also eventually choose to work 3-4 days a week.
Next, let’s discuss how to wisely spend your time as a business owner

How To Wisely Spend Your Time As A Business Owner

As a business owner, you must figure out how to organize, have a schedule for yourself and spend your time wisely doing key tasks that move you forward so that you can be successful at your business rather than just waking up every day and letting how you feel dictate all your decisions including what you do.
Here are 10 things that every business owner needs to spend time doing

Have A Morning Routine

Have a morning routine that fuels your mind, body, and soul, and start your day intentionally.
Include hydration, meditation, prayers, reciting strategic positive affirmations, visualizing your day going well, listening to something inspirational, learning something new, moving your body(exercise), and having a nutritious breakfast.
This routine will help you stay grounded, experience inner peace, and be better able to respond to situations that arise throughout the day.

Review Goals And To-Do List

Review your goals and your to-do list every morning. Your to-do list should be derived from the quarterly goals that you have chosen for your business.
Set 2-3 goals per quarter because it’s tough to stay focused on more than that. Focus on doing 1-3 to do tasks per day based on your weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals.

Have A Scheduled Time To Do Tasks

Have scheduled specific chunked time slots for you to work on the daily 1-3 to do tasks, weekly, monthly and quarterly tasks. Each time slot for the focused work can be between 20-90 minutes.
Experiment and decide what works best for you. Don’t forget to schedule your CEO visionary activities and other things that you value like doing daily namely exercise, self-care, vacation, and time with family and friends.

Do The Most Important Tasks First

Always start your day by doing the most important tasks first in case something else that requires your urgent attention comes up later in the day. 

Have Themed Workdays

Have themed days or half a day to do similar tasks so that you do not lose time as you try to refocus every time you switch from one activity to another.
For example, do all your creative work in the morning because that might be when you are the most creative and have all your meetings in the afternoons. You can also schedule doing certain similar types of tasks in one day like research, writing, recording videos, etc.

Limit Checking Emails

Schedule time to check your email and social media accounts and limit it to once or twice a day. It is easier to get derailed and distracted from your schedule if you keep sporadically checking your email and social media throughout the day.
You will be pulled to fulfill someone else’s agenda and directive for the day rather than your own.

Have A Daily Shutdown Routine

Schedule some time for a daily shutdown and review your accomplishments for the day, reschedule the tasks that did not get done, and complete the to-do list for tomorrow so that you do not waste time doing it in the morning.
Visualize and set your intentions for how you want the rest of your day to go.

Schedule Some Thinking Time

Allow time and space for some quiet thinking time every day for few minutes or at least once a week. You can designate a special area to do this or you can also go for an undistracted walk out in nature.
You will be able to receive new innovative ideas, inspirations for future offers, guidance, and answers to the difficult questions you may have about your business.

Front Load Your Week

Always schedule and do the most important tasks of the week at the beginning of the week in case something urgent comes up that requires your immediate attention for the rest of the week.

Schedule A Review

Make it a habit to review your progress and how are you doing with your goals. I would suggest doing it weekly, monthly, and quarterly.  Take the time to acknowledge your growth, lessons learned, and progress, and celebrate your wins.

In conclusion, you now know that being a business owner can be a very lonely journey, especially in the beginning stages when you are building a business, working long hours, and handling every aspect of your business yourself and have no team member(s) to support you.
If you have a lifestyle online business and know how to prioritize and spend your time doing the right income-generating tasks then you can be more flexible with your time and work anywhere between 20-25 hours a week and could also eventually choose to work 3 – 4 days a week.
You also now know that every business owner needs to have a morning routine, review goals and daily to-do list, chunk time slots to do daily tasks, plan to do important tasks first.
Also have themed days to do similar tasks, limit checking emails once or twice a day, have a daily shut down routine, have a scheduled thinking time, front-load  every week with important to do tasks, and have scheduled time for reviewing progress consistently.
I hope this article has helped you implement ways to better spend time in your business.
Next, what is a lifestyle business read for further insights and tips.

What Does Getting In Your Own Way Mean?

What Does Getting In Your Own Way Mean?

What Does Getting In Your Own Way Mean?

Most people feel hopeless, and helpless and are not living the life of their dreams. One of the biggest reasons why people do not possibly live happy, meaningful, and blissful life is that they get in their own way. What does getting in your own way mean?
Getting in your way means having identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, actions, and habits that do not match, serve and help you create the life and destiny that you desire.
You tell yourself lies that sabotage you and allow your ego, fears, doubts, automatic negative thoughts, and inner critical chatter to keep you from living your purposeful and abundant life of infinite possibilities which is what you deserve and is your birthright.
So, you may be wondering, what are some of these dangerous lies that you may be telling yourself that keep you from playing full out and living the life of your dreams? Let’s discuss that next.

What Are Some Dangerous Lies That You Tell Yourself?

It is a good idea to become aware of which of these 8 dangerous lies you are telling yourself so that you can work on letting them go and instead install identity, beliefs, and thoughts that can help you create and live the desired life of your dreams.

I Will Be Happy When …

Do you tell yourself “I will be happy when I get somewhere or something”? Happiness is not a destination to strive towards. It is a way of life that you can choose to live now.
Stop telling yourself I will be happy when for example I have a million dollars, a bigger house, my dream job, or my dream car.
If you are always striving to reach somewhere before you can be happy then your life would be very miserable because you are letting your happiness be dependent on something in the future or external situations which may not always be in your control.
Live life from the inside out and learn to experience inner happiness by connecting to your creator, meditating, and realizing that you are enough and how magnificent you are.
Take full responsibility for your life and choose to be grateful and happy at this moment no matter where you are in life. You will attract more happiness by being happy and content.

I Am Not Strong Enough

Do you say to yourself I am not strong enough to handle this? If that is what you believe then that will become your reality. You are a powerful soul that has come from and is like your powerful creator.
You can access divine strength, mind, and intelligence. Tap in to access your inner strength and wisdom. You are bigger than any problem or challenge that you may encounter in life.
Always remember you are powerful and can create your life consciously and intentionally by adopting the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, actions, and habits which will then lead to your eventual desired destiny.

I Am Waiting For The Perfect Moment To Do…

Do you tell yourself I am waiting for the perfect moment to do something like make a difference, start a business that lights me up, live a purposeful life, and get my new dream job? Know that there is no such thing as a perfect moment. 
Do not overthink and get paralyzed and stuck in analysis paralysis.  Decide, move forward, and take the first step toward your goals today.
The clarity for the next steps will come once you take the first step. You be guided as to what the next step is and then the next one and the one after that.
It is okay to make mistakes, learn, pivot, and course correct. You will be better equipped to serve and inspire others to follow in your footsteps and take small, imperfect steps and actions toward serving others.

I Am Not Smart Enough

You have probably told yourself I am not smart and capable to do something. Your life has infinite possibilities and you have been blessed with all the wisdom you need to serve and fulfill your purpose fully.
Tap into your inner power and never let your school grades and past teachers dictate how smart you feel. Schools may not be equipped to measure the type of genius and unique gifts that your creator has given you.
Always remember that you are a powerful soul that always has access to your creator’s divine intelligence.

I Am Too Old To…

Do you tell yourself it is too late for me and I am too old to do something like fulfill my purpose, start my purpose-driven business, or change careers? If you are alive and breathing then it is not late for you to serve others and fulfill your purpose.
Don’t let society dictate based on your age what you can do and what you can’t do there is no such thing as if you can believe something then you can achieve it.
There are plenty of examples of people who started doing their work at a later age like Nelson Mandela becoming president at the age of 75, Loise Hay started her company Hay House at age 61, and Colonel Sanders started KFC at age 65.

This is Just My Limiting Nature

Have you ever said to yourself that “I cannot help it this is who I am and it is just my limiting nature and I cannot do anything about it”?
The genes that you inherit from your ancestors cannot manifest into a condition unless you give them the right environment to express themselves. 
Your true nature is not limiting at all. It is your soul qualities which are divinity, pureness, love, peace, kindness, wisdom, and power.
You are 100% responsible for creating a life of infinite possibilities. You are a powerful soul that’s here now to fulfill a purpose or you wouldn’t be here. 
You can use your mind and inner wisdom to create your life on your terms. Your inner wisdom and creator are always available to answer your questions and assist you with your purpose here on earth.

I Am Too Busy

Do you tell yourself I am too busy and I do not have the time to do something? Everybody has the same amount of time in a day. You spend time doing what you consider to be important and a priority for you.
Nothing is more important in life than to figure out who you are, the unique gifts you have been given, your purpose, and why you are here and help others before it’s too late.

I Am Not lucky Like Others

Do you believe other people get lucky and you can never do what they do?  Stop comparing yourself to others and thinking they are luckier. Everyone is on their own path and journey and is here to fulfill their own purpose.
If you see other people doing then know that that is proof that you can do it too. You can achieve anything that you believe can do. We are all equal souls and we are here to grow and serve others using our own unique gifts that we have been given.
You are in a perfect body, mind, and gender to fulfill your purpose.  Your wisdom is within you and so learn to go inward for assistance.

In conclusion, you now know that getting in your own way means having an identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, actions, and habits that do not match, serve and help you create the life and destiny that you desire.
You tell yourself lies that sabotage you and allow your ego, fears, doubts, automatic negative thoughts, and inner critical chatter to keep you from living your purposeful and abundant life of infinite possibilities which is what you deserve and is your birthright.
8 most dangerous lies that you probably tell yourself are I will be happy when…, I am not strong enough, I am waiting for the perfect moment to do…, I am not smart enough, I am too old to…, this is just my limiting nature, I am too busy, and I am not lucky like others.
You now possibly know which of the dangerous lies you have been possibly telling yourself and can begin to let them go and not get in your own way and live your best-desired dream life.
Wishing you all the best on best life creation journey!
Next, read What Are Empowering Beliefs for further insights and helpful tips.

Do All Single Mothers Struggle Financially?

Do All Single Mothers Struggle Financially?

Do All Single Mothers Struggle Financially?

Every single mother needs to make it their mission to get financial education and master how to manage, save, and invest their money.
Financial worries are known to be the number one contributor to stress, health issues, and unhappiness in a single mother’s life. Do all single mothers struggle financially?
No, not all single mothers struggle financially even though most people believe that is the case. The single mothers who have taken the time to learn how to make more money, manage, save, and invest it do well financially.
So, you may be wondering next, why are some single mothers in poverty?

Why Are Some Single Mothers In Poverty?

Some single mothers are in poverty because of a lack of sufficient income, financial knowledge, money management, and investment skills, limiting money beliefs, confidence, affordable housing, and bad or no credit history.
Single mothers also tend to have higher financial obligations leading to high consumer debt with sole custody of the children.
Next, let’s discuss some financial survival tips for single mothers.

How To Survive Financially As A Single Mom

One of the biggest worries of every single mother is whether there will be enough money to meet all the monthly financial demands and obligations.  If you
have become a single mother recently know that you will be okay.
Always remember you are powerful and can achieve anything. Here are 8 tips and insights to help you survive financially and not struggle.

Work on Your Money Mindset

Identify and work on your relationship with money, and limiting money beliefs. You form beliefs about money in your childhood by observing how your parents felt about money, and how they handled it.
These beliefs then lead to your thoughts about money, feelings, behavior, words, actions, habits, and eventually your money destiny. It is important to have the right mindset or none of the other suggestions will work for you if you have limiting money beliefs.
For example, if you grew up in a household where your father worked, was the breadwinner, handled all the finances and paid all the bills and your mom did not work then you may believe that men should provide the money and are better at handling the finances.
Chances are high that you may struggle financially with that programming, and a lack of male to provide for you as a single mother.
Learn to believe in your own ability and know that you are powerful and can do anything you put your mind to. Handling your finances is not complicated and always remember who you are is bigger than any problem out there.

Know Your Numbers

Know your current financial state making sure that you know all your numbers. Make a note of all your savings and current investments.
Write down all the money that is coming in like your income and how much exactly is going out as expenses (fixed and variable). Make a note of every dollar that you spend for the next 3 months. Do this exercise at least twice a year during different months in a quarter.
This will give you a good idea of how much money you are spending in the different categories like food, transportation, rent/mortgage, utilities, etc.
Figure out if you are saving and have a positive balance at the end of the month or spending more than you make and have a negative balance.
Review all your expenses and identify any expenses that are unnecessary and can be eliminated. For example, are you paying for any monthly subscriptions that you can eliminate and cancel?

Have A Peace of Mind Account

Start a peace of mind account and make it a priority to save an amount equivalent to your one month’s worth of all your expenses as quickly as possible.
Continue to save towards this goal along with meeting all your other suggested steps below until you get to 12 months’ worth of all your expenses to cover you and give you peace in case of a job loss or any other reasons for a financial setback like a pandemic.

Have A Spending Plan

Create a spending plan with all the categories in which you currently spend money. The exercise that you did in knowing your numbers will help you determine how much money to anticipate spending on all of your fixed and variable expense categories.
In general, aim to have about 55% of your take home income allocated to your necessary expenses, 10% to your financial independence account (money saved for investing, growing for financial freedom), 10% to long-term savings (vacation, big purchases), 10% to your education (learning high income skills, personal growth, 10% to fun, and 5% to give back.
This allocation and percentage per category is a suggestion. Start with what you can afford initially even if it is 1% of your take-home pay as forming the right healthy money habits is important.
If you have any debt start paying it off. You can choose to pay off the smallest amount owing first or the amount with the highest interest first.  
Consistently have some money going towards your debt and start decreasing it because the interest that you pay on debt could be devastating financially and prevent you to achieve financial independence.
You can also try to reconsolidate all debt and have one loan or line of credit with a lower interest to pay back. Also, try renegotiating any of your monthly financial obligations and applicable interest rates.

Save And Invest Regularly

Automate monthly saving and investing as much money as possible. Make it a priority and commit to learning about different ways to invest your money for your future and your children’s future.
Start teaching and talking about money with your children at an early age so they know how to be financially independent too.

Make More Money

Figure out ways to make more money so that you can have more money to invest and multiply. You are limited as to how much money you can save however you are not limited with how much more money you can earn in your own business in comparison to getting 2-3% raises once a year in a job.
Start a side business that best suits your lifestyle. There are plenty of resources available for you to figure out what type of business would work best with your schedule, responsibilities and the skills you would need to learn.
You can also find things around the house that you no longer use and sell them on the Facebook marketplace and generate some extra cash to save and invest.

Get Life Insurance

Buy term life insurance equalling ten to twelve times your current salary or whatever your annual earnings are so that your children are well taken care of financially in case something happens to you.
You can name someone you trust as a trustee for the money in case your children are minors.

Make A Will

Hire a lawyer to draft a will so that your estate can be transferred to your children without any battles and delays. Remember to stipulate who you want to look after your children especially if they are under the age of 18. 
You do not want the courts to decide what happens to your children in case of your death.  If your kids are old enough have a conversation with them about where they would want to live and have them involved in your estate protection plan.

In conclusion, you do know that not all single mothers struggle financially even though most people believe that is the case. The single mothers who have taken the time to learn how to make more money, manage, save, and invest their money do well financially.
Some single mothers are in poverty because of a lack of sufficient income, financial knowledge, money management, and investment skills, limiting money beliefs, confidence, affordable housing, and bad or no credit history.
8 ways for single mothers to survive financially are to work on their money mindset, know all their numbers, have a peace of mind account, have a spending plan, save and invest their money regularly, make more money, get life insurance, and make a will.
Next, read can single moms build wealth for further helpful tips and insights.