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Why Are Healthy Romantic Relationships Important?

Why Are Healthy Romantic Relationships Important?

We are social creatures and therefore are always seeking to have amazing relationships with different people in our lives like our life partners, children, other family members, and coworkers. Why are healthy romantic relationships important?
They are important because our romantic life partner is the most important partnership we will ever have as we navigate through life.
They will most likely have the power to influence and have an impact on our happiness, how we feel about ourselves, the quality of our life, and mental, emotional, and physical health.
So, you may be wondering how you develop healthy relationships. Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

12 Habits Of A Healthy Romantic Relationship

The key ingredient to having a healthy and strong romantic relationship is to form the right habits and attitudes toward each other. Here are 12 habits of a healthy romantic relationship.

See Them As An Equal Soul

It is very important to see your partner as an equal soul and not as someone inferior to you due to sexual orientation, gender, color, education, social status, etc.
Acknowledge and accept that you are coming together as individual powerful souls to help each other grow spiritually, heal, love, and serve each other and others.

Show Affection

Make it a habit to stay connected and show affection to your partner. Express how your love towards each other regularly by saying I love you daily. Stay connected throughout the day by perhaps texting or calling each other.
You can also decide to go on regular dates once a week, a month, or whatever works for you as a couple depending on your life stage and circumstance.

Know Your Partner’s Appreciation Style

Make sure you know how your partner likes to be appreciated and shown love so that you can give them what they like more often.
For example, know whether they like to receive flowers or other gifts, acts of service from you, like to be hugged and cuddled, to be complicated verbally, etc. 

Communicate Honestly

Always encourage and have an honest and open communication policy with your partner. Meet with each other once a week, biweekly, or once a month to discuss how you are doing and score as far as meeting your partner’s needs in your relationship is concerned, and if not receive suggestions on how to improve.
it’s important to be vulnerable and communicate how you feel because that’s the only way to heal, grow and improve as a couple and make sure that you always strive to meet each other’s needs as partners. You can then easily serve each other and others better.

Bond Emotionally

It’s important to bond emotionally, be vulnerable, empathize with each other, and talk about your feelings because that’s the only way to heal, grow and improve as a couple and make sure that you always meet each other’s needs as a partner.
You may have wounds or traumas that you’ve gone through in life maybe from your childhood which your spiritual partner and you come together to heal and help each other learn and grow from.

Healthy Way To Resolve Conflict

Have a healthy way to resolve your conflict constructively. Know that It is very normal to have conflicts because nobody is the same.
The way you look at the world and the way someone else looks at the world might be different.  Your perspective is dependent on what you were exposed to as a child and the experiences you have had throughout your life.

Express Appreciation

Make expressing appreciation for each other a regular practice because we often take our loved ones for granted. Have a regular practice to name a few things you are grateful for about your partner daily.

Have Goals Together

Come up with and have an exciting vision and goals for your relationship. Make sure you have goals and habits that are always moving you toward achieving your vision and goals. Review, measure, and check your progress frequently.

Laugh Often

Laugh often and have fun together because you are not put on this earth to exist in misery. When you laugh you exercise your facial muscles that cannot be exercised otherwise.
Your creator has created a beautiful and abundant world for you to enjoy. Every day you are provided different beautiful skylines at sunrise and sunset for you to enjoy and be in awe with.

Give Each Other Space

Respect and value each other’s independence. It is healthy to trust and give each other space to be alone daily or with friends occasionally. Take some time to meet up with your friends as frequently as you decide that works for you as a couple.

Balance Housework

Decide your housework responsibilities based on what works for you as a couple instead of letting society or anyone else dictate what you need to do in your household based on your gender.

Accept Partners

Accept and respect your partner for who they are with all their quirks and don’t try to change them. If you choose to be with them then chances are they are aligned with you as far as your top values and morals are concerned.
You would not be with them if they did not meet your big non-negotiables like perhaps having the same religion etc.

In conclusion, you now know that healthy romantic relationships are important because our romantic life partner is the most important partnership we will ever have as we navigate through life.
They will most likely have the power to influence and have an impact on our happiness, how we feel about ourselves, the quality of our life, and mental, emotional, and physical health.
The way to develop a healthy romantic relationship is by having the right habits and attitudes toward each other.
The 12 important healthy habits are acknowledging each other as equal souls, showing affection, knowing how your partner likes to be appreciated, communicating honestly, bonding emotionally, having healthy ways to resolve conflict, expressing appreciation daily, having goals as a couple, laughing together, give each other space, balance housework, and accept your partner as they are.
If you are in a romantic relationship I hope you will be open to implementing some or all of these healthy habits.  Good Luck!
Next, read does attachment cause suffering? for further helpful tips and insights.

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