When Is Intuition Useful?

When Is Intuition Useful?

When Is Intuition Useful?

We live in a society in which intuition is not valued and is often considered to be flaky in comparison to our rational mind and evidence-driven scientific data.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift that has been given to each one of us. It comes from that part of us that is all-knowing, infinite, and unlike our rational mind, it is never affected by the outer world. When is intuition useful to us?
Intuition is useful when you want to use your inner guidance, genius, and power to answer any questions that you may be struggling to answer or to help you make any important decision that you face in life that is for your best and highest good.
So, you may be wondering next, does intuition work? Let’s find out the answer to that question.

Does Intuition Work?

Yes, intuition which is your loving internal guidance always works. The more you improve your capability of listening to your inner guidance and taking the guided actions the more frequently and easily you will be able to receive and understand the authentic guidance that is always available to you.
Some of the ways you can increase your ability to hear your intuition are to spend time in the quiet, meditate, practice asking questions, be open to receiving answers, and spend time alone possibly out in nature.
Next, let’s discuss 7 reasons intuition is important in your business and work.

Why Intuition Is Important In Your Business

Your intuition, which is your inner genius is very useful, important, and valuable in your work and business for many reasons. It will enable you to stay on the path that is most authentic to you, your purpose, vision, and mission.
Let’s discuss below 7 specific reasons why intuition is important in your work and in your business.

Leads To More Success

You will be able to build a more successful business by listening to your intuition, be guided by your heart to create products and services that you are meant to come up with, and feel good about.
Your products and services will help better and transform people’s life. Your intuition will guide you and tell you if you’re on the right path and when to pivot, innovate and course correct.

Enables Confident Decision Making

Intuition will enable you to make inner-driven decisions confidently. You can quickly tap into your intuition and sense how the different options that you are facing feel in your body to help you decide whether you are making the right decisions for yourself.
The more you learn to tap into your intuition the less you will second-guess your decisions.  Nobody else from the outside can tell you whether a decision is right for you or not. You will have an inner knowing that you are making the right decision for your business and life.

Helps You Make Deeper Connections

Intuition will help you make deeper connections with your team and customers.
You will be able to feel your team members and customers’ energy, have an open communication policy, and encourage them to share their feedback by asking them the right questions, asking for clarification asking follow-up questions when guided to do so, and then listening deeply.
This process will lead to you being better able to serve them both by creating the right systems and processes in your business for your team and irresistible offers for your customers.

Enables More Creative Solutions

You will be able to come up with more creative offers and better solutions to your customer’s problems because you will have a better understanding of their struggles, frustrations, and challenges.

Helps You become A Better Leader

You will become a better leader when you use your intuition to make decisions which include what services and products to offer to best serve your customers, hiring the right people that are enthusiastic, intuitive, passionate, and aligned with your values, vision, mission, and purpose.

Keeps You In A Flow State

You will be able to stay in flow and receive timely guidance to make important decisions in your business. The more you tap into your intuition and listen to it the more it will flow to you and the more you will be able to follow it and the more successful your company will be.
You will feel ease and flow as you run your business instead of having to hustle.

Empowers You To Self-Coach

As you tap into your intuition you will be guided every step of the way and you’ll be able to coach yourself in your business.
When you implement a regular practice of asking yourself questions you will find that you get the answers from within you. Your inner guidance and wisdom are available to help you do the work that you are meant to do.
Remember you are here to fulfill the purpose that you agreed to with your creator. When you ask and connect to your creator you can also access the divine mind, intelligence, and strength along with your inner genius.
You can hire mentors and coaches to give you the framework but for your success, you have to consult with your inner knowing as to whether this is the right way for you to do things and help the people you are meant to serve. 
Do things that feel right and authentic to you. Never sell something to someone that is not going to serve them and better their life. Remember your transaction does not end when someone buys something from you and pays you for it.
It is the beginning of your relationship because every time they use your product, and feel their transformation they will be sending you blessings.
On the flip side, if it’s the wrong product that you have sold someone because you just wanted to make money then it’s not blessings that they’ll be sending you they will instead send you thought energy that is not good.

In conclusion, intuition is useful when you want to use your inner guidance, genius, and power to answer any questions that you may be struggling to answer or to help you make any important decision that you face in life that is for your best and highest good.
Intuition which is your loving internal guidance always works. The more you improve your capability of listening to your inner guidance and taking the guided actions the more frequently and easily you will be able to receive and understand the authentic guidance that is always available to you.
Some of the ways you can increase your ability to hear your intuition are to spend time in the quiet, meditate, practice asking questions and be open to receiving answers and spend time alone possibly out in nature.
You learned why intuition is important in your work and business, it leads to more success, enables confident decision-making, helps you make deeper connections, enables more creative solutions, helps you become a better leader, keeps you in a flow state, and empowers you to self-coach.
I hope you have realized how valuable your intuition is and will start using it and live your best authentic life. The more you do it the better you will get at hearing it.
Best of luck with your being more intuitive journey!
Next, read can intuition be improved? for further insights and helpful tips.

Do Affirmations Actually Work?

Do Affirmations Actually Work?

Do Affirmations Actually Work?

Most of us have habitual thought patterns that do not help us create the type of life that we want to live.  We are exposing ourselves to negativity daily by watching the news, violent movies and shows, and listening to music with bad lyrics which then informs our reality and who we become. 
What you consume influences your perceptions, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, action, habits, and destiny.
How can you change that? How about starting a ritual of reciting affirmations? Do affirmations work?
Yes, affirmations which is the deliberate practice of repeating selected statements to your self do work, and can help to rewire your brain and change your life or an area of your life that you want to focus on switching to a more desired one. 
Repeated exposure to these statements will help change your perception, identity, beliefs, and habitual automatic thoughts which will then change your feelings, words, behavior, actions, habits, and destiny.
So, how often should I say my affirmations? Let’s find out the answer to that next.

How Often Should I Say My Affirmations?

It is important to repeat your chosen affirmations out loud to yourself once or twice a day to in order to form the new neural pathways in your brain. Make it part of your daily morning and evening routine.
Repeat each one as many times as possible depending on how much time you have. The time that you can dedicate to this practice may vary based on your life circumstances and the phase that you may be in. The more you do it the faster you will see changes in your life.
Next, I am sharing 5 affirmations that will help you feel powerful and confident and help you live your best life.

5 Powerful Affirmations To Feel Confident

Let’s go through 5 affirmations you can start using so you begin feeling powerful, confident and live your best life that you desire.

I Am A Powerful Soul

I am a powerful soul and my strength comes from my connection to my creator who is my source of being.
Know that you are a powerful soul because you have been created in the image of your creator and there’s nothing that you cannot do or accomplish. You are connected to and can access your creator’s strength, mind, and intelligence.

I Am A Loving, Peaceful, and Joyful Soul

I am a loving, peaceful, and joyful soul that’s here to live in alignment with my higher self and do my creator’s work.
Know that it is not an accident that you are here now.  You are your creator’s soldier and are here for a reason and purpose.
Always aspire to live by the qualities of your soul which are love, peace, purity, joy, abundance, wisdom, and compassion.

I Am A Compassionate And Kind Soul

I am a compassionate and kind soul that accepts myself and others the way they are.
Accept who you are, your body, color, and gender, and accept others the way they are. God’s creation can never be imperfect or ugly. You do not need to judge others because that only defines and reflects who you are being.
You are here like others to live authentically and to reflect the qualities of your soul like love, and compassion. Learn to respect every soul that is here and is on it’s own journey.

I Am A Generous And Abundant Soul

I am a generous and abundant soul that is here to serve and give to others endlessly.
Know that you are a generous and abundant soul. Abundance is your birthright. Generosity is your true nature and you are here to serve and give to others.
You are here to make an impact and for a purpose so fulfill your purpose and help others. Let’s make this world a better place together.

I Am An Eternal Soul

I am an eternal soul that is having a temporary human experience in this impeccable body.
Know that you are an eternal soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are here to fulfill a purpose or you wouldn’t be here right now.
Take care of your body that is temporarily housing your soul because if you don’t take care of your it then your soul cannot fulfill its purpose and mission.
Know without a doubt that you are in the right color, and size body required to fulfill your purpose perfectly.

In conclusion, you now know that affirmations which are deliberate practice of repeating selected statements to yourself do work and can help you rewire your brain and change your life or an area of your life that you want to focus on switching to a more desired one. 
It is important to repeat the chosen affirmations out loud to yourself once or twice a day in order to form the new neural pathways in your brain. Make it part of your daily morning and evening routine.
The 5 powerful affirmations that you can start repeating right away are I am a powerful soul, I am a loving, peaceful, and joyful soul, I am a compassionate and kind soul, I am a generous and abundant soul and I am an eternal soul.
Next, download 5 more affirmations to help you live the more empowered, confident life of your dreams.
Best of luck in your more empowered and confident life journey.

Why Is Nature Important For Humans?

Why Is Nature Important For Humans?

Why Is Nature Important For Humans?

We see lots of parks built within most cities for their residents to visit and enjoy. It is very beneficial to get out in nature even if it is just walking around in your neighborhood for a few minutes or stepping out in your backyard or balcony for a few minutes and experiencing the fresh air and sun on your skin.
Why is it important to spend time out in nature? Why is nature important for humans?
Nature is important and very beneficial for humans to continue to survive and thrive. The trees and plants which are part of nature provide us with the air(oxygen) that we need to breathe, purify our air by taking away the carbon dioxide that we breathe out, and provide us with food that we have been eating for centuries now.
So, you may be wondering what are some other benefits nature provides us. Does it have therapeutic benefits and can it heal you? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

Can Nature Heal You?

Yes, nature is most definitely known to have healing powers. It is known to improve both your mental and physical health. Spending some time out in nature is also known to lead to you feeling good and happier with your life overall.
Let’s discuss the next 8 reasons why being out in nature makes us feel so good.

8 Reasons Why Nature Makes Us Feel So Good

Do you feel really good and happier when you are out in nature? I personally have experienced feeling really good whenever I spend time out in nature. Here are 8 reasons why I believe nature makes us feel so good.

Easy To Feel Gratitude

It is easier to raise your energy and feel grateful when you experience all the beauty you have been blessed with by your creator when you are out in nature.
You get to experience the beautiful colors of the sunrise/sunset, the scenic mountains, the vastness of the ocean and all the creations that live within it, the energy and love that you feel from all the greenery and trees, the beautiful colors that you see around in the flowers, the birds, etc.

Experience Mindfulness

Whenever you are out in nature and away from all of life’s distractions and stressors, it is easier to be mindful, focused, present, and experience things in your surroundings at the moment through your five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound).
Admire and see all the beauty around you, smell the grass, and flowers, and listen to the birds chirping, the sound of the waves, and leaves rustling in the wind. Touch and feel the texture of tree barks that have been around for years.
If you are unable to go out looking out through a window at nature, your garden or pictures of the scenic natural world can also give you positive therapeutic benefits.

Makes You Feel Relaxed

It is relaxing and peaceful to be out in nature. When you are in a relaxed state your physical health will improve, your heart rate will slow down, and your blood pressure will reduce and you may also see an increase in your life span.

Improves Your Emotional State

Spending time out in nature is known to improve your overall mood and mental and emotional state.
Your brain will reduce the release of stress hormones and instead release happy hormones in your body, and that will help you feel happier and more relaxed, loving, and more aligned with your higher self and soul. 

Makes You Feel Connected

Whenever you are out in nature you feel very much connected to the rest of nature and all the other creations that live within it. We have all been created by the same creator and are very much energetically connected.

Makes You Feel Abundant

You will automatically feel abundant being in nature and in the presence of natural abundances like different species of trees, flowers, bodies of water like ocean, river, lake, birds, and other varieties of creatures both on land and in the water.
You live in a very abundant beautiful world that was created for you by our creator to admire and enjoy. Abundance is your birthright.

Makes You Feel Harmonious

You will feel harmonious because everything around you is in harmony, cooperation, and working in divine order. All the trees are in harmony with each other they are not competing for attention.
They are not trying to get all the wind, all the rainwater. You will see different colored flowers growing and not competing, and different sizes of trees grow and not get affected by other trees and their length.
There are no signs or examples of superiority and I am better than you kind of energy and feeling out in nature.
Everything in nature functions in cooperation for example the birds get the worms which are how the food chain works. Lots of the creation would not be able to survive and become extinct if that was not the case.

Improves Your Sleep

Going out in nature especially first thing in the morning is very beneficial for your circadian rhythm and will help you sleep better at night.
Enjoy watching the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening by going out in nature twice a day if possible. Mother nature puts up spectacular shows twice a day and the colors are never the same.

In conclusion, you now know that nature is important and very beneficial for humans to continue to survive and thrive.
The trees and plants which are part of nature have provided us with the air(oxygen) that we need to breathe and purify our air by taking away the carbon dioxide that we breathe out and providing us food that we have been eating for centuries now.
Nature is known to have healing powers. It is known to improve both your mental and physical health. Spending some time out in nature is also known to lead to you feeling good and happier with your life overall.
8 reasons why nature makes you feel good are it makes it easier for you to feel gratitude, and experience mindfulness improves your emotional state, makes you feel relaxed, connected, abundant, and harmonious, and helps you sleep better.
Now that you know all the benefits of spending time out in nature I hope you will make it part of your daily schedule.
Next, read what are good morning habits for further helpful tips and insights.

Who Has The Most Influence On A Child?

Who Has The Most Influence On A Child?

Who Has The Most Influence On A Child?

We all aim to live our authentic life however it is very hard to live in the world today without being affected and influenced by a whole lot of external factors that we choose to expose ourselves to daily.
I believe children are by far the most easily influenced. You may be asking yourself who has the most influence on a child?  
Parents tend to have the most influence on a child. What you see, hear, and experience as a child has a big influence on your identity, perspective, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, habits, and eventual destiny.
The parenting style that you were exposed to as a child will also influence how well you can function in society. Children who have experienced authoritarian, permissive, or uninvolved parenting styles will be less able to cope with life pressures, frustrations, and challenges.
They are also are more likely to suffer from addictions and different mental health challenges like depression and anxiety.
So, you may be wondering next, can parents also influence their children’s personality traits? Let’s find out the answer to that question.

Can Parents Influence Personality Traits

Yes, parents can influence their child’s personality traits. The personality of a child is formed by the physical environment, the culture they grow up in, genes that they inherited from their parents, and experiences that they have as a child.
Children see their parents as their role models and therefore want to please them and be loved by them, be just like them, and do whatever they do.
They learn to speak, behave, and act in ways that get them the most love and praise and the least amount of punishment and rejection.
As children grow up and venture outward in society at large, their personality is also then influenced by their peers, teachers, and social media channels that they are exposed to.
As you can see, having the role of a parent is one of the most important and greatest responsibilities that you can ever take on and be given.  Make sure you take the time to express gratitude for this beautiful gift often.
Let’s discuss next the 8 things parents often forget to be grateful for.

8 Things Parents Often forget To be Grateful For

Most parents get so busy and caught up in their day-to-day hectic life schedule as they raise their children that they forget to take the time to express gratitude for this very important role.
Here are 8 things that parents often forget to be grateful for.


Be grateful for the blessing that you’ve been given which is a gift of a child because there are so many people who do not get that blessing even though it is one of their deepest desires to become a parent.
Make sure you take the time to express your gratitude to your creator and your child for being granted this privilege. Take the time to tell your child often also how grateful you are to have them in your life because we often forget to tell the people that we are grateful for the most.


Be grateful that your creator has entrusted you with the great responsibility of being a parent and raising a child. Always remember your children come through you however they do not belong to you. They belong to your creator and are here to fulfill a purpose.
You have been entrusted with the responsibility of raising them as your creator would with a full awareness of the fact that they are a powerful soul with a body, are enough, and are here on this earth temporarily to fulfill a purpose.


Be grateful and honored that your child’s soul chose your soul to be in a parent’s body. It is not an accident that the child is in your life.
Your child’s soul came into your life either to learn from you and grow or to teach you so your soul can grow or both.
Be very grateful and honored also if you’ve been blessed with a child that’s in any way challenged or experiencing any challenges like autism or down syndrome.
Know that your creator has trusted you with raising a child like that so your soul can grow or the child’s soul has come into your life to help your soul grow.
Do not ever lose hope and know without a doubt that as challenging and stressful as it is to raise such a child you are being trusted because you have the strength, wisdom, and ability to raise this child.

Role Of A Guide

Be grateful that you can influence, shape, and guide your child toward a better impactful, and meaningful future. Take the time to make them feel seen, heard, understood, and accepted.
What we see, hear, and experience as a child becomes part of our subconscious mind, programming and it influences all our decisions in life without us being conscious. It creates our reality, truth, and world.


Be grateful for the opportunity to learn lessons and grow as a parent.  Always be open to learning from your children and do not feel that just because you are in a parent body and your child is here to learn from you. 
I am a parent to two children and they’re very different and they both teach me different lessons. I know that I have been given these specific children so that I can learn and grow in the areas that I need to in a certain way.


Be grateful for the opportunity to heal and develop. You may be used to doing things a certain way because of your childhood which may come into question. You may have to heal your wounds from your childhood, and past so you can grow and be a better parent. 
Be open to that and don’t be so stuck in your ways and be aware of your subconscious mind which was probably programmed when you were a child. 

More Conscious Life

Be grateful for the opportunity to live a more conscious life. You will know exactly what experiences not to create that will affect and influence your children negatively that you perhaps may have experienced in your childhood.
You will also be excited to consciously create experiences for your children that made you happy and that you cherished as a child.

More Compassionate Life

Be grateful for being given a chance to live a compassionate, loving, joyful, and fun life that is in alignment with your soul as a parent. Compassion, love, and joy are all true qualities of your soul.
Children teach you how to love unconditionally and how it feels to be compassionate. You will take care of your baby because you love them and feel a lot of compassion toward them.

In conclusion, you now know parents tend to influence their children the most. What you see, hear and experience as a child has a big influence on your identity, perspective, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, habits, and destiny of the child.
Parents can also influence their child’s personality traits. The personality of a child is formed by the physical environment they exposed to, the culture they grow up in, genes that they inherit from their parents, and experiences that they have as a child.
We also discussed that most parents get so busy and caught up in their day-to-day hectic life schedule as they raise their children that they forget to take the time to express gratitude for this very important role that they have been granted.
8 things that parents often forget to be grateful for are the blessing and gift of a child, the responsibility of raising a child, the honor to be chosen as a parent, the role of a guide, learning, healing, more conscious, and compassionate life.
Next, why is a parent-child relationship important read for further insights and tips.

Can Intuition Be Improved?

Can Intuition Be Improved?

Can Intuition Be Improved?

We live in a very distracting world where there are many things constantly competing for our attention. It is not a surprise that we lose the ability to tap into our authentic inner power and guidance through intuition. So, can intuition be improved?
Yes, you most definitely can improve your intuition. All of us have been granted the gift of intuition which is one of our higher faculties and the more you commit to tap into it and trust it the more you will be able to be guided by it.
So, you may be wondering, how can I develop my intuition? Let’s discuss that next.

How Can I Develop Intuition?

The more regularly you practice and develop your intuition the more easily you’ll be able to use it and live your best authentic life that you deserve to live. Here are 8 ways to improve your intuition

Spend Time In The Quiet

Start scheduling and spending some time in silence daily. You will be able to feel and hear your intuition much better. It is harder to hear your guidance and intuition if you are constantly surrounded by noise and a whole lot of distractions.
Give yourself the gift of unplugging from all electronics and removing yourself from all the people in your life for few minutes daily.


Having a regular meditation practice has many benefits including better mental and physical health. One of the other benefits of it is that you will be able to connect to your creator and hear your loving guidance and intuition.
It is believed that prayers are you talking to god and intuition is god talking to you. Make it a point to meditate every single day and if possible twice a day.
Once in the morning as you start your day and then again in the evening. The more you meditate the better you will be able to hear and be guided by your intuition.

Practice Asking Questions

Ask questions for your creator to answer regularly and then be open to the signs, guidance, and listening to the answers.
The answers can come in many ways and therefore everyone receives guidance in different ways. Some people see their answers on a screen and some people hear their answers.

Spend Time Out In Nature

Make it a regular practice to spend time out in nature. You will feel happier, at peace, and connected to the rest of nature and your creator and be able to hear the guidance more often.
Whenever you are happy and peaceful you are in tune with and aligned to two of the true qualities of your soul and therefore your guidance is not blocked and can be easily channeled and received by you.

Spend Time In Solitude

Make it a point to spend some time by yourself and get to know yourself better every single day. As you get to know yourself better you will be better able to tell if it’s your ego speaking or it’s your intuition. Your ego often screams and prevents you from hearing your soul’s whispers.
Anything that does not make you feel good and is not aligned with your soul’s qualities like love, compassion, joy, peace, divinity, and abundance you will know that it’s coming from the ego which is your false self.
Your soul’s guidance is always aligned with your true essence and qualities.

Be Open To Receiving Guidance

Always trust and be open to your inner guidance and intuition which sometimes comes through your senses. Use your senses to see and hear the guidance.
For example, you may hear and see something three times and you will know that it is a sign for you to listen and follow what the message is telling you whether it is to read a book, call someone, or take a particular action.

Pay Attention To Feelings In Spaces

Start paying attention to the feelings and sensations in the different parts of your body when you are in different spaces.
Listen to the guidance and leave if you’re being guided to do so, take a different route, go shopping somewhere that you do not go regularly, or do not get into the elevator with someone.

Pay Attention To Feelings Around People

Always pay attention to the feelings and sensations in your body when you’re around different people.
Sometimes you will be guided to go out of your way to speak to someone that you do not know so you can serve them in some capacity. You may also be guided to not speak to someone because they are not like-minded and may not be meant to be part of your life.

In conclusion, you now know that you most definitely can improve your ability to listen to your intuition. All of us have been granted the gift of intuition which is one of our higher faculties and the more you commit and begin to tap into it and trust it the more you will be guided by it.

You can improve your intuition by spending time in the quiet, meditating, practicing asking questions, spending time out in nature, spending time in solitude, staying open to receiving guidance, and paying attention to your feelings and body sensations in different spaces and around people.
I hope you will practice listening to your intuition, and loving guidance, and honor it over and above other people’s opinions and guidance.
You have all the wisdom within you to live your best life and fulfill your purpose which is why you are here right now.
Trust and consult with your heart, soul, and your creator for all the guidance that you need.
I wish you best of luck in your journey to improve your intuition, listening to your loving inner guidance and living your intuitive authentic best life!
Next, read what does meditation mean for further insights and tips.

Can You Get A Job During A Recession?

Can You Get A Job During A Recession?

Can You Get A Job During A Recession?

One of the major concerns that most people have in any economic downturn is whether they can continue to work, get a job if laid off, sustain themselves financially and be able to afford their basic needs and necessities like food and shelter. So, can you get a job during a recession?
Yes, it is possible to get a job during a recession, especially in certain sectors and industries that always tend to do well in any economic conditions and are recession-proof.
Next, let’s discuss whether you can start a business during a recession.

Can You Start A Business During A Recession?

Yes, you most definitely can start a business during a recession and thrive as long as you choose to solve the right urgent problems using a creative innovative model for your customers which is possible in recession-proof sectors and industries.
You may be wondering which sectors and industries tend to be recession-proof and could possibly do well during a recession. Let’s find out the answer to this question.

15 Recession-proof Industries And Sectors

We are currently experiencing a recession and as mentioned above some industries and sectors tend to be  not or least affected by the recession. Let’s discuss below 15 such recession-proof areas where you can choose to work or start a business.


Healthcare is one of those sectors where there will always be work available. There may be an increased need for people to work in this area during an economic downturn due to stress and its direct impact on our physical and mental health.
We will always need more doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other health practitioners.

Pet Health

We love, and care about our pets, and treat them like our family members therefore pet health services will always be an area where there will always be work available.
Veterinarians and all other pet health service businesses will always be in demand because pet owners will not stop spending money for their pet’s health and therefore this sector will not be affected by a recession or an economic downturn.

Haircutting And Styling

The beauty industry fetches billions of dollars every year and it will continue to thrive during a recession. We love to look and feel good by getting our hair cut and styled. It has a direct impact on our mental health, confidence, self-esteem, and image.
People need to be able to get their hair cut or styled so they can look and feel good especially when they are going through other stressors in life like a recession.


We will always need accountants to help us with filing our taxes and bookkeeping. Accountants will always be easily employed and in demand and therefore accounting is a recession-proof sector.

Information Technology Services

There will always be a demand for people with careers in Informational technology and digital services even during a recession. The recent pandemic accelerated people getting comfortable going online more when working, shopping, and for obtaining an education.
We will always need IT services if we are going to be on our computers more often. This industry is in recession proof and it will be expanding and need more labor in the future as more people and countries will have the capability to go online.

Funeral Services

All of us will die one day as we are only here on this earth temporarily. Your family will need to find a funeral home and services to help with your burial and that is why this industry will always have work available despite whatever the economical conditions are or during a recession.


There will always be work available for all educators during a recession. A lot more people decide and pursue further education during a recession. 
Teachers, professors, and leaders of mosques and churches whom I also consider to be educators will always be able to find work. More people turn to religion and spirituality when they’re going through a recession, depression, anxiety, and stress.

Law Enforcement

People working in law enforcement will always be required to keep order, and peace and even in case of a recession and economic downturn. The police, lawyers, and court services will continue to be hired and will not be affected by the recession at all.
There may be more demand to hire people in this industry as some people are more likely to try to break the rules as they experience desperation and dire conditions due to economic down turn or a recession.

Public Safety

The recession will not make public safety obsolete and therefore people working in this industry like firefighters and emergency responders will always have a job. A recession will not have any impact on this sector.

Courier Services And Delivery

Careers in Courier Services and delivery will always be in demand. We have seen a resurgence due to the recent pandemic as more and more people have turned to online shopping and having their products delivered to their door.
I see a greater demand for people in this industry as we get more used to online shopping and delivery.


We all need to eat and since we are not growing our food the grocery industry will continue to exist and it is very much recession-proof.  It will continue to be easy to find work or start a business in this sector in the future.

Real Estate

The real estate industry is cyclical however it has survived many recessions and economic downturns and it will continue to do so.
Work will always be available as we continue to require the help of the professionals in this industry to transact on our personal and investment properties.


We will continue to require bankers and other workers like investment bankers, insurance advisers, and other related professionals to assist us with our money management, investment, and protection, especially during a recession.


There will always be a lot of jobs available at utility companies as we all continue to consume and require their services like cell phones, internet, cable, gas, and electricity. Utility companies are recession-proof as our need to consume their services does not decrease in a recession.

Automotive Technician

Cars are necessary depending on the part of the world you live in and therefore we all need automotive technicians to help us fix our cars despite a recession.

In conclusion, you now know that it is possible to get a job during a recession, especially in certain sectors and industries that always tend to do well in any economic conditions and are recession-proof.
You also know that you can start a business during a recession and thrive as long as you choose to solve the right urgent problems, using a creative innovative model for your customers which is possible in recession-proof sectors and industries.
The 15 recession-proof industries and sectors are healthcare, pet health, hair cutting and styling, accounting, information technology services, funeral services, educators, law enforcement, public safety, courier services, groceries, real estate, finance, utilities, and automotive technician.
Next, read Is starting a small business worth it? for further insights and tips.

Why Are The Questions You Ask Yourself Important?

Why Are The Questions You Ask Yourself Important?

Why Are The Questions You Ask Yourself Important?

Everyone that I know has an internal dialogue that is always going on inside their head. One of the ways we communicate with ourselves is by constantly asking ourselves questions. It is very important to pay attention to the questions you ask yourself. Why?
When you bring awareness to the types of questions that you are asking yourself you will get a glimpse of who you are being on the inside, which then will determine the quality of life that you are creating for yourself.
You create your life from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, behaviour, actions and habits. The questions you ask yourself either energize and empower you or deplete you by taking energy away and disempowering you.
So, you may be wondering, why is it important to always ask yourself questions?

Why Is It Important To Ask Yourself Questions?

If you want to live the best life on your terms then it is important to ask yourself some empowering questions so that you can learn who you are, who you have become based on the conditioning and acquired limiting beliefs, and what you want in life.
Some examples of empowering questions that you can ask and answer are:
who am I?, where have I come from? why am I here? What would my perfect day look like and how do I create it? Who do I want to spend time with? Where do I want to live? How do I want to feel the majority of the time? What kind of experiences do I want to have? What impact and contribution do I want to make while I am here?
Next, let’s discuss some questions that you can get in the practice of asking yourself every single day preferably in the morning.

8 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

It is important to have a morning routine to help you begin your day proactively so you can have the strength to respond instead of reacting to outer circumstances and people. One of the things you can include in it would be to answer the following questions to help you stay grounded throughout the day.

What Am I Grateful For?

When you get into the habit of answering what am I grateful for first thing in the morning daily you will be more aligned with your higher self, your creator, and raise your energy and vibrational frequency. You will feel happier, peaceful, loving, and powerful because these are your soul’s true qualities. 

What Are My Goals For the Day?

Live your life more consciously and deliberately. Ask yourself what are your goals for the day and write them down. Try to have one to three tasks to do every day that moves you closer to your life vision and yearly goals.
Focusing on goals that move you closer to your life vision will make it more likely that you will accomplish them.

How Do I Want This Day To Go?

The answer to the question how do I want this day to go will help you live more intentionally and get the results you want. Visualize your whole day and everything going well.

For example, if you know you have a meeting with someone visualize everything going according to your plan and achieving an outcome that is good for both of you. You both leave feeling happy and respected at the end of the meeting.

What Am I Excited About Today?

It is important to live your life, which is a precious gift with excitement. Ask yourself what you are excited about today. Figure out what is it that excites you, and gives you joy, and schedule it every single day.
It could be taking a warm bath, meditating, doing yoga, learning something new by reading a book or listening to a podcast or watching a video, listening to your favorite music, dancing, playing, or watching sports. You deserve to experience some personal joy every single day.

What Am I Creating Today?

Ask yourself what am I going to create today and make it practice to intentionally and consciously to create something every single day.

You can create an offer in your business, a moment of joy for someone by calling them or complimenting them or cooking them their favorite meal, make a video to serve someone, or write a blog to transform someone’s perspective.

How May I Serve Today?

Make it a practice to serve someone every day by asking and deciding how may I serve today. You can choose to serve a customer, a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker, an acquaintance, a friend, or a stranger on the street wholeheartedly.
You can hold the door open for someone, let them in front of you while you’re driving, or buy someone who is behind you in a line up some coffee.

How Will I Connect Today?

Make it a point to connect with yourself, the creator, and someone every day. You can choose to connect on a deeper level with a family member, neighbor, or colleague by asking how they doing and feeling.

You can also reach out and text someone who you have not spoken to or seen for a while and tell them that you are thinking about them, compliment them, and make plans to meet up for coffee. We are social beings and therefore do not do well when we are always alone and isolated. 

Who Am I Sending Blessings To?

Ask yourself daily who am I sending blessings to today? It can be one person or more. Picture love energy leaving your heart and engulfing them and making them feel good and loved. Love is who you are by nature just like your creator.
Love is in you to give to yourself and others. Always remember your creator loves you unconditionally and is always around for you to connect to and feel that love.

In conclusion, you now know why are questions you ask yourself are important. When you bring awareness to the types of questions that you are asking yourself you will get a glimpse of who you are being inside, which then will determine the quality of life that you are creating for yourself.
The questions you ask yourself either energize and empower you or deplete you by taking energy away and disempowering you.
If you want to live the best life on your terms then it is important to ask yourself empowering questions so that you can learn who you are, who you have become based on the conditioning, what triggers you, and what you want in life.
8 questions you need to ask yourself in the morning daily are what am I grateful for?, what are my goals?, how do I want this day to go?, what am I excited about?, what am I creating?, how may I serve?, how will I connect? and who am I sending blessings to?.
I hope you will start answering these 8 questions above every morning, create and enjoy your best intentional life journey that you are living on your terms.
Next read what are life goals? for further insights and tips.

Are Soft Skills More Important Than Hard Skills?

Are Soft Skills More Important Than Hard Skills?

Are Soft Skills More Important Than Hard Skills?

Whether you are a business owner, starting a business, just entering the workforce, or already in the workforce and have the most specialized skills acquired through experience or education you cannot be a good leader, move up the corporate ladder, move jobs or run a successful company without any soft skills.
Your soft skills can help you differentiate yourself from others. Are soft skills more important than hard skills?
Yes, I do believe soft skills are more important than hard skills. I believe pro efficiency and know-how in both soft and hard skills are necessary to succeed at work. However, I would say in today’s day and age in most industries soft skills are very important so that you can earn the most and give back to others endlessly.
So, you may be wondering, why are soft skills more important than hard skills? Let’s answer this question next.

Why Are Soft Skills More Important?

When dealing with people who are your leaders, customers, and team members it would be very hard to use your technical skills and do your job effectively and well without having the right personal attributes and soft skills.
Soft skills are necessary to create a good work environment where everyone gets along, for you to provide exceptional leadership to your team, customer service to your staff and customers, and earn the most amount of money.
So, is it possible to learn soft skills or is it something you are born with?

Can Soft Skills Be Taught?

Yes, soft skills can most definitely be taught. Some people are naturally better at these skills. However, I do believe everyone is capable of learning, growing, and improving these skills if you are dedicated, committed to this goal, and willing to work on it and make it your priority.
Next, Let’s discuss which soft skills are important in business and work.  We will list the 8 most important soft skills you need to succeed in business and work.

8 Most Important Soft Skills You Need To succeed

You must learn these 8 soft skills mentioned below if your goal is to work in a good work environment with people who have exceptional people skills, who are excited to be a part of and contribute to the company’s vision, mission, purpose, and who make the most amount of money doing it.  


Self-motivation is extremely important for your work and eliminates the need to micromanage or to be micromanaged. You tend to be motivated internally and intrinsically when you are passionate about the industry, and/or company and believe in its vision, purpose, mission, and goals wholeheartedly.


The ability to get along, collaborate with people and do teamwork is crucial. So much more gets accomplished when people with different skills come together for one purpose and they produce a better, greater and superior product than working individually.


Excellent communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, are one of the most important skills that you can possess. The ability to ask the right questions, listen to the answers, and then persuade and motivate people to take the right action by being clear, concise, and jargon-free when you speak.
Making sure that the vision, mission, and purpose of the company and the importance of each person’s contribution to it are repeated often and clearly understood by everyone. Talk to people with respect and leave them better than when you first found them always because even a bad message can be conveyed nicely without talking down to people.
Be aware of your nonverbal communication like body posture when around people because it too is just as important. Be aware of your energy too because it is felt by others when they are in your presence before you speak a word. 


Interpersonal skills enable you to easily form trustworthy relationships with people. Work on having high emotional intelligence and EQ(emotional quotient) so you can manage your own emotions when facing a challenging situation and know how to understand and deal with other people’s emotional outbursts.
Ask yourself do you usually get along with people, are you empathetic to them, can you understand their perspective and be empathetic by putting yourself in their shoes? Are you able to take the time to make them feel heard, understood, seen, and accepted? 


You need to have rationalization, critical thinking, and decision-making skills, so you can come up with recommendations and creative solutions to problems that are out of the box and unconventional. Can you review and analyze information, think about a problem, and always make the best-informed decisions?


Leaders can walk the walk and act as a guide, give a pep talk and build people up, and motivate them towards a cause, purpose, movement, mission, or vision of their company.

Conflict Resolution

It is good to have conflict resolution skills especially when you’re dealing with people who have different experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives, are coming from different walks of life, and have different beliefs, identities, and thoughts you’re bound to have conflict.
The ability to ask the right questions, listen to all sides, and then come up with win/win solutions is also important even if it is sometimes necessary to create a third solution for everyone to be happy.


The ability to adapt to change, and be resilient and flexible is very important in today’s day and age because change is part of any work, industry and business. Always being adaptable and flexible to change, learn, grow, and then move on from it is an extremely important skill to have.

In conclusion, you now know that soft skills are more important than hard technical skills. I believe pro efficiency and know-how in both soft and hard skills are necessary to succeed. However, I would say in today’s day and age in most industries soft skills are very important to succeed.
They are more important as long as we are dealing with people as your leaders, customers, and teams it would be very hard to use your technical skills and do your job effectively and well without having the right personal attributes and soft skills.
Soft skills are needed to have a good work environment where everyone gets along, serves your customers well, succeeds, and earns the most amount of money.
Some people are naturally better with soft skills however I do believe you are capable of learning, growing, and improving them if you are dedicated, committed to this goal, and willing to make it your priority.
The 8 most important soft skills you need to succeed in business and work are self-motivation, collaboration, communication, interpersonal, problem-solving, leadership, conflict resolution, and adaptability skills.
I hope you will work on learning and improving these skills because the more skills you have the more you will make and the more you will give back, the more fulfilled and the happier you will be because part of our soul’s purpose is to grow and give and serve others.
Next, read Can I Be happy in my job for further insights and tips

What Is Karma?

What Is Karma?

What Is Karma?

Why do some people seem to go through a lot of challenges in life while others do not? Sometimes we do not understand why good people go through a lot of difficult times. Is it because they have bad karma? What exactly is karma?
Karma is understood by most people as a knowing that you will get back what you put out into the world. In other words, you will reap what you saw. If you put out good then you will get good in return from the universe.
So, you may be wondering, what influence does karma have on our life? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

How Does Karma Influence Our Life?

Karma guides our morality and gives us an incentive and motivation to be more intentional and conscious of who we are being, the words we are saying, the actions that we are taking, and the thoughts we are thinking and sending out because it is without a doubt what we will attract back to us.
Next, let’s discuss the 12 laws of karma that everyone needs to know and how these laws work.

How Laws Of Karma Work

The universal laws of karma are at play and affect everyone’s life whether we understand and are aware of them or not. The universe is run by a very magical, mystical and intelligent system.

12 Laws Of Karma Everyone Needs To Know

Here are the 12 laws of karma that everyone needs to know. The sooner you take the time to know these rules, follow and live by them the sooner you can deliberately create good karma in your life and live your very best life.

Law Of Cause And Effect

The law of cause and effect or the great law means whatever energy you radiate into the world by your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and habits are what you will attract right back to you.
Live life consciously and in alignment with your soul’s true qualities like love, purity, joy, peace, and compassion. Be good, do good, and send good energy out into the world and to whomever you come across including all of the other creations that share this world with us.

Law Of Creation

The law of creation requires you to participate in the creation of your world. Adopt identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and habits that are aligned with the type of life, destiny, and the world you want to create.
You are a powerful soul with lots of wisdom and infinite possibilities to create anything you want. You are always connected to your creator and have access to divine strength, intelligence, and mind. 

Law Of Humility

The law of humility requires you to accept your current state and be humble. Always remember whatever you resist will persist. Learn to accept yourself, wherever you have been in the past, where you are today, wherever you are going, and whatever you are going through in life.

Law Of Growth

The universe through the law of growth provides us with opportunities to grow and expand. As long as you are in this earth school, one of your purpose as a human being is to grow so you can serve others in a bigger and better way.
As you grow and change on the inside your outer reality and world will begin to change too. Learn to seek and take every opportunity to grow, and live your life of freedom from the inside out instead of living from the outside in and reacting to what is happening in your outer world. 

Law Of Responsibility

The law of responsibility is a reminder that you are 100% responsible for the life that you create for yourself. You have been given free will and your reality and life’s results are based on your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and habits.
You always have a choice whether to react or to respond to what is happening in your outer world so choose wisely and do not give away your power to the circumstances and people in your life.

Law Of Connection

The law of connection says that we are all connected. We have all come from the same place and affect each other energetically and consciously.  Also, everything that you have gone through in the past is connected to who you have become and are today, to your purpose, and is in divine order.
You had to go through whatever difficulties and discomfort you have gone through in life so you can become who you are today and serve in a bigger and better way.

Law Of Focus

The law of focus reminds us that wherever we put our focus and energy that area expands. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time so make sure you are singularly focusing on the right thing and manifesting what you want to manifest instead of unconsciously manifesting a thing in your life that you never wanted.

Law Of Giving

The law of giving rewards to those who give selflessly, generously, and without any expectations. Giving is our soul’s true value and nature.
The universe always knows how many good deposits you have made into your karmic account and will without a doubt bring those blessings back to you abundantly. It may not come back from that particular person but trust that your blessings will come from somewhere. 

Law Of Presence

The law of presence teaches the importance of learning to be present and living in the here and now instead of wasting time and regretting your past, obsessively worrying about the future.
Be present and enjoy the moments now that are gifts and are guaranteed from your creator and enjoy them with your family, out in nature, be present with your creator, be present with yourself and live your life consciously.

Law Of Change

The law of change shows you that change and discomfort are always inevitable and expected and very necessary for your growth. Your growth is always on the other side of change and comfort.
Always be open to change. The purpose of every human being is to grow and then serve others in a bigger and better way. The lessons that the change is trying to teach you will keep repeating in your life until you acknowledge and learn these lessons.

Law Of Patience And Reward

The law of patience teaches you to trust the universal timing, persist and be patient. Learn consistently add value, share your unique gifts by serving others and not be impatient, or try to rush the rewards, results, and outcomes. Everything is always in divine order and you are exactly where you need to be. 

Law Of Significance And Inspiration

The law of significance reminds you that are significant and here now because your unique gifts are needed in the world or you would not be here. Focus on adding significance and value to the work that you’re doing and fulfill your purpose and trust the benefits will come to you eventually. 

In conclusion, you now know that Karma is understood by most people as a knowing that you will get back what you put out into the world. In other words, you will reap what you saw. If you put out good then you will get good in return from the universe.
Karma guides our morality and gives us an incentive and motivation to be more intentional and conscious of who we are being, the words we are saying, the actions that we are taking, and the thoughts we are thinking and sending out because it is what we will attract back to us.
The universal laws of karma are at play and affect everyone’s life whether we understand and are aware of them or not. The universe is run by a very magical and intelligent system.
The 12 laws of karma that everyone needs to know are the law of cause and effect, the law of creation, the law of humility, the law of growth, the law of responsibility, the law of connection, the law of focus, the law of giving, law of presence, law of change, law of patience and reward, and the law of significance and inspiration.
I wish you all the best with creating a good karmic account for yourself by joining me and taking every opportunity to do good in the world.
Next read Why giving back is good for you for further insights and tips.

What Are Money Thoughts?

What Are Money Thoughts?

What Are Money Thoughts?

I am always amazed at how our mind works. Two people can go shopping, look at the same thing, and yet behave differently based on money thoughts in their head, leading them to decide whether to go ahead with the purchase or not. So, what exactly are money thoughts?
Money thoughts are reoccurring habitual thoughts about money that you think daily based on your experiences, identity, and beliefs which are formed by what you witnessed and heard about money as a child from people around you like your family, friends, and teachers.
You form money beliefs after being repeatedly exposed to experiences around money which then become stored in your subconscious mind and runs like a computer program in the background and guide every decision that you encounter and make about money in life.
You may be wondering, why are money thoughts important? Let’s discuss that next.

Why Are Your Money Thoughts Important?

Your money thoughts which are derived from your perspectives, identity, and beliefs, are important because they lead to how you feel about money, the words you speak about money, how you behave and act around money, habits you form when it comes to money and then create your money reality, results, and destiny.
Let’s discuss next some positive money thoughts that you need to start consciously thinking about immediately so that you can live the best prosperous and most abundant life that you deserve.

7 Positive Thoughts About Money

As you now know, your money thoughts create your destiny and are responsible for how much money you end up attracting. The sooner you can start thinking positive thoughts, the better it is for you.
Here are 7 positive thoughts about money that you can start thinking about immediately and start changing your money destiny. 

Your Desire To Make Money Is Good

Know that your desire to make money is good. It is okay to have thoughts about making lots of money. Abundance is your birthright.  Always remember money is not bad and it does not carry a negative or positive charge. You decide what charge to give it based on your childhood programming and experiences. 
Money is a tool that helps you sustain your lifestyle, your mission, and your purpose. It is tough to sustain a mission and purpose without money to survive in this world.
Always remember to do good with the money that you have the privilege to make rather than hoarding it and keeping it all for yourself. The more you make the more you can give it endlessly unlike time which is in limited quantity and there is only so much available to give in service of others.

Rich People Are Not All Bad

Many rich people are good and make a difference in the world by donating their money and time. You can be part of this group. If you think rich people are bad then you can never be rich.
Instead, send people who have what you want blessings and love. Know and tell yourself you can do it too and soon you will be living that life as well, collaborating with them, and joining forces to make a major positive impact in the world together.

Rich People Can Be Spiritual

Rich people can be spiritual too they are not all unethical. A lot of rich people do give and share their wealth with others and do a lot of good things in the world. The belief that all rich people are bad, less spiritual, or not spiritual will not serve you well so install a new thought that rich people can be spiritual. 

It Is Good To Spend Less

It is good to spend less than you make. If we form a habit of increasing our expenses and consumption to maintain a lifestyle in relation to our income increasing then we will never be able to achieve financial freedom and wealth and give to others endlessly.
Always have room in your budget to give money away to others. While you’re here on this earth your purpose like every other human being is to grow and serve others with whatever you have.

Ownership Is Good

Start thinking ownership is good. It is better than always being a consumer and thinking that you can only get joy by spending and doing retail therapy.
Start owning a business and invest some of your cash flow in real estate, and stocks, to multiply your money and achieve financial freedom and wealth. Also, the more you multiply your money the more you can give back. 

Generous People Always Prosper

Know that it is one of the universal laws that generous people will always prosper. Apart from feeling good when you give to others you invoke universal karma to give you ten folds back. Help others and inspire them to help somebody else and this way we can all take some responsibility to make this world a wonderful place to live.

Wealth Is A Long-Term Play

Building wealth is a long-term play so be patient and take time to work on becoming the person who can manage the abundance and money that is coming your way instead of losing it all like some of the lottery winners. 

The more you show the universe that you can manage your money and give to others the more you will be trusted with. You can become your creator’s trustee and distribute the money and let it flow from you to others who need it.

In conclusion, you now know that your money thoughts are reoccurring habitual thoughts about money that you think daily based on your experiences, identity, and beliefs which are formed by what you witnessed and heard about money as a child from people around you like your family, friends, and teachers.
Your money thoughts which are derived from your perspectives, identity, and beliefs, are important because they lead to how you feel about money, the words you speak about money, how you behave and act around money, habits you form when it comes to money and then create your money reality, results and destiny.
You also learned 7 positive thoughts about money that you can start thinking today like your desire to make money is good, rich people are not all bad, rich people can be spiritual, it is good to spend less, ownership is good, generous people always prosper, and wealth is a long-term play.
May you achieve all your wealth and financial freedom goals by installing these positive thoughts and making them part of your daily habitual thoughts.
Next, Why Is Money Important In Life read for further insights and tips.