When Is Intuition Useful?
When Is Intuition Useful?
We live in a society in which intuition is not valued and is often considered to be flaky in comparison to our rational mind and evidence-driven scientific data.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift that has been given to each one of us. It comes from that part of us that is all-knowing, infinite, and unlike our rational mind, it is never affected by the outer world. When is intuition useful to us?
Intuition is useful when you want to use your inner guidance, genius, and power to answer any questions that you may be struggling to answer or to help you make any important decision that you face in life that is for your best and highest good.
So, you may be wondering next, does intuition work? Let’s find out the answer to that question.
Does Intuition Work?
Yes, intuition which is your loving internal guidance always works. The more you improve your capability of listening to your inner guidance and taking the guided actions the more frequently and easily you will be able to receive and understand the authentic guidance that is always available to you.
Some of the ways you can increase your ability to hear your intuition are to spend time in the quiet, meditate, practice asking questions, be open to receiving answers, and spend time alone possibly out in nature.
Next, let’s discuss 7 reasons intuition is important in your business and work.
Why Intuition Is Important In Your Business
Your intuition, which is your inner genius is very useful, important, and valuable in your work and business for many reasons. It will enable you to stay on the path that is most authentic to you, your purpose, vision, and mission.
Let’s discuss below 7 specific reasons why intuition is important in your work and in your business.
Leads To More Success
You will be able to build a more successful business by listening to your intuition, be guided by your heart to create products and services that you are meant to come up with, and feel good about.
Your products and services will help better and transform people’s life. Your intuition will guide you and tell you if you’re on the right path and when to pivot, innovate and course correct.
Enables Confident Decision Making
Intuition will enable you to make inner-driven decisions confidently. You can quickly tap into your intuition and sense how the different options that you are facing feel in your body to help you decide whether you are making the right decisions for yourself.
The more you learn to tap into your intuition the less you will second-guess your decisions. Nobody else from the outside can tell you whether a decision is right for you or not. You will have an inner knowing that you are making the right decision for your business and life.

Helps You Make Deeper Connections
Intuition will help you make deeper connections with your team and customers.
You will be able to feel your team members and customers’ energy, have an open communication policy, and encourage them to share their feedback by asking them the right questions, asking for clarification asking follow-up questions when guided to do so, and then listening deeply.
This process will lead to you being better able to serve them both by creating the right systems and processes in your business for your team and irresistible offers for your customers.
Enables More Creative Solutions
You will be able to come up with more creative offers and better solutions to your customer’s problems because you will have a better understanding of their struggles, frustrations, and challenges.

Helps You become A Better Leader
You will become a better leader when you use your intuition to make decisions which include what services and products to offer to best serve your customers, hiring the right people that are enthusiastic, intuitive, passionate, and aligned with your values, vision, mission, and purpose.
Keeps You In A Flow State
You will be able to stay in flow and receive timely guidance to make important decisions in your business. The more you tap into your intuition and listen to it the more it will flow to you and the more you will be able to follow it and the more successful your company will be.
You will feel ease and flow as you run your business instead of having to hustle.
Empowers You To Self-Coach
As you tap into your intuition you will be guided every step of the way and you’ll be able to coach yourself in your business.
When you implement a regular practice of asking yourself questions you will find that you get the answers from within you. Your inner guidance and wisdom are available to help you do the work that you are meant to do.
Remember you are here to fulfill the purpose that you agreed to with your creator. When you ask and connect to your creator you can also access the divine mind, intelligence, and strength along with your inner genius.
You can hire mentors and coaches to give you the framework but for your success, you have to consult with your inner knowing as to whether this is the right way for you to do things and help the people you are meant to serve.
Do things that feel right and authentic to you. Never sell something to someone that is not going to serve them and better their life. Remember your transaction does not end when someone buys something from you and pays you for it.
It is the beginning of your relationship because every time they use your product, and feel their transformation they will be sending you blessings.
On the flip side, if it’s the wrong product that you have sold someone because you just wanted to make money then it’s not blessings that they’ll be sending you they will instead send you thought energy that is not good.
In conclusion, intuition is useful when you want to use your inner guidance, genius, and power to answer any questions that you may be struggling to answer or to help you make any important decision that you face in life that is for your best and highest good.
Intuition which is your loving internal guidance always works. The more you improve your capability of listening to your inner guidance and taking the guided actions the more frequently and easily you will be able to receive and understand the authentic guidance that is always available to you.
Some of the ways you can increase your ability to hear your intuition are to spend time in the quiet, meditate, practice asking questions and be open to receiving answers and spend time alone possibly out in nature.
You learned why intuition is important in your work and business, it leads to more success, enables confident decision-making, helps you make deeper connections, enables more creative solutions, helps you become a better leader, keeps you in a flow state, and empowers you to self-coach.
I hope you have realized how valuable your intuition is and will start using it and live your best authentic life. The more you do it the better you will get at hearing it.
Best of luck with your being more intuitive journey!
Next, read can intuition be improved? for further insights and helpful tips.