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What Does Getting In Your Own Way Mean?

What Does Getting In Your Own Way Mean?

Most people feel hopeless, and helpless and are not living the life of their dreams. One of the biggest reasons why people do not possibly live happy, meaningful, and blissful life is that they get in their own way. What does getting in your own way mean?
Getting in your way means having identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, actions, and habits that do not match, serve and help you create the life and destiny that you desire.
You tell yourself lies that sabotage you and allow your ego, fears, doubts, automatic negative thoughts, and inner critical chatter to keep you from living your purposeful and abundant life of infinite possibilities which is what you deserve and is your birthright.
So, you may be wondering, what are some of these dangerous lies that you may be telling yourself that keep you from playing full out and living the life of your dreams? Let’s discuss that next.

What Are Some Dangerous Lies That You Tell Yourself?

It is a good idea to become aware of which of these 8 dangerous lies you are telling yourself so that you can work on letting them go and instead install identity, beliefs, and thoughts that can help you create and live the desired life of your dreams.

I Will Be Happy When …

Do you tell yourself “I will be happy when I get somewhere or something”? Happiness is not a destination to strive towards. It is a way of life that you can choose to live now.
Stop telling yourself I will be happy when for example I have a million dollars, a bigger house, my dream job, or my dream car.
If you are always striving to reach somewhere before you can be happy then your life would be very miserable because you are letting your happiness be dependent on something in the future or external situations which may not always be in your control.
Live life from the inside out and learn to experience inner happiness by connecting to your creator, meditating, and realizing that you are enough and how magnificent you are.
Take full responsibility for your life and choose to be grateful and happy at this moment no matter where you are in life. You will attract more happiness by being happy and content.

I Am Not Strong Enough

Do you say to yourself I am not strong enough to handle this? If that is what you believe then that will become your reality. You are a powerful soul that has come from and is like your powerful creator.
You can access divine strength, mind, and intelligence. Tap in to access your inner strength and wisdom. You are bigger than any problem or challenge that you may encounter in life.
Always remember you are powerful and can create your life consciously and intentionally by adopting the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, actions, and habits which will then lead to your eventual desired destiny.

I Am Waiting For The Perfect Moment To Do…

Do you tell yourself I am waiting for the perfect moment to do something like make a difference, start a business that lights me up, live a purposeful life, and get my new dream job? Know that there is no such thing as a perfect moment. 
Do not overthink and get paralyzed and stuck in analysis paralysis.  Decide, move forward, and take the first step toward your goals today.
The clarity for the next steps will come once you take the first step. You be guided as to what the next step is and then the next one and the one after that.
It is okay to make mistakes, learn, pivot, and course correct. You will be better equipped to serve and inspire others to follow in your footsteps and take small, imperfect steps and actions toward serving others.

I Am Not Smart Enough

You have probably told yourself I am not smart and capable to do something. Your life has infinite possibilities and you have been blessed with all the wisdom you need to serve and fulfill your purpose fully.
Tap into your inner power and never let your school grades and past teachers dictate how smart you feel. Schools may not be equipped to measure the type of genius and unique gifts that your creator has given you.
Always remember that you are a powerful soul that always has access to your creator’s divine intelligence.

I Am Too Old To…

Do you tell yourself it is too late for me and I am too old to do something like fulfill my purpose, start my purpose-driven business, or change careers? If you are alive and breathing then it is not late for you to serve others and fulfill your purpose.
Don’t let society dictate based on your age what you can do and what you can’t do there is no such thing as if you can believe something then you can achieve it.
There are plenty of examples of people who started doing their work at a later age like Nelson Mandela becoming president at the age of 75, Loise Hay started her company Hay House at age 61, and Colonel Sanders started KFC at age 65.

This is Just My Limiting Nature

Have you ever said to yourself that “I cannot help it this is who I am and it is just my limiting nature and I cannot do anything about it”?
The genes that you inherit from your ancestors cannot manifest into a condition unless you give them the right environment to express themselves. 
Your true nature is not limiting at all. It is your soul qualities which are divinity, pureness, love, peace, kindness, wisdom, and power.
You are 100% responsible for creating a life of infinite possibilities. You are a powerful soul that’s here now to fulfill a purpose or you wouldn’t be here. 
You can use your mind and inner wisdom to create your life on your terms. Your inner wisdom and creator are always available to answer your questions and assist you with your purpose here on earth.

I Am Too Busy

Do you tell yourself I am too busy and I do not have the time to do something? Everybody has the same amount of time in a day. You spend time doing what you consider to be important and a priority for you.
Nothing is more important in life than to figure out who you are, the unique gifts you have been given, your purpose, and why you are here and help others before it’s too late.

I Am Not lucky Like Others

Do you believe other people get lucky and you can never do what they do?  Stop comparing yourself to others and thinking they are luckier. Everyone is on their own path and journey and is here to fulfill their own purpose.
If you see other people doing then know that that is proof that you can do it too. You can achieve anything that you believe can do. We are all equal souls and we are here to grow and serve others using our own unique gifts that we have been given.
You are in a perfect body, mind, and gender to fulfill your purpose.  Your wisdom is within you and so learn to go inward for assistance.

In conclusion, you now know that getting in your own way means having an identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, actions, and habits that do not match, serve and help you create the life and destiny that you desire.
You tell yourself lies that sabotage you and allow your ego, fears, doubts, automatic negative thoughts, and inner critical chatter to keep you from living your purposeful and abundant life of infinite possibilities which is what you deserve and is your birthright.
8 most dangerous lies that you probably tell yourself are I will be happy when…, I am not strong enough, I am waiting for the perfect moment to do…, I am not smart enough, I am too old to…, this is just my limiting nature, I am too busy, and I am not lucky like others.
You now possibly know which of the dangerous lies you have been possibly telling yourself and can begin to let them go and not get in your own way and live your best-desired dream life.
Wishing you all the best on best life creation journey!
Next, read What Are Empowering Beliefs for further insights and helpful tips.

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