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Why Is My Mom Stressed?

Why Is My Mom Stressed?

Motherhood is one of the best roles that you can be blessed with however it is prevalent for many mothers in today’s day and age to battle anxiety, worry, and a lot of other challenges silently, and feel very stressed as they are going through their parenting journey. 

It would be very reasonable for their child to wonder why my mom is stressed.

There are many reasons why a mom could experience stress one of the main ones being not prioritizing and spending enough time on her self-care and wellbeing. 

She may be feeling overstretched because most often she is responsible for handling the majority of the household demands of her family.

An unresolved hurt and trauma from her childhood can also cause her to feel stressed and anxious very quickly. 

She may have been programmed subconsciously to react excessively or not know how to handle the situations and challenges that seem to come up in her life. 

So, how does this affect a child? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

How Can Parents’ Stress Hurt A Child?

Parent’s stress can lead to physical issues in their child like changes in the brain structure as they are developing. 

It can also, cause headaches, stomach aches, difficulty learning, and concentrating, verbal and motor skill challenges, and difficulty falling asleep. 

It could also lead to poor emotional and mental health issues like anxiety and extremely exaggerated reactivity.

Next, let’s discuss how to handle mom’s stress by discussing and learning helpful strategies to cope with it.

8 Strategies To Deal With Stress

Challenges will always be part of our lives as moms. Always remember you are here to learn and grow from these difficult experiences so that you can serve your purpose in a bigger and better way. 

The sooner you can learn how to deal with stress and problems in life the better it is for you. Here are 8 ways to deal with stress. 

Identify The Core Issue

Identify and understand what is the real core issue and trigger that is causing you to feel stressed out. 

Is it the societal pressure to keep up, lack of time, or, overwhelm that you are experiencing because of the thoughts that you are thinking? Once you know what it is then you can figure out a way to better deal with it. 

Most of the time it is our identity, beliefs, and thoughts that lead us to feeling stressed which then leads to our attitude, words, actions, habits, and then our destiny. The sooner we break this cycle the better it will be for us and our family. 

Focus On What Is in Your Control

Always focus on what you can control and influence and change because there is no need to waste your energy and spend time worrying and thinking about things that are beyond your control. 

You are not responsible for and cannot control how other people will behave and situations that are happening out in the world however you have 100% control over yourself. 

You have wisdom, purity, divinity, peace, love, and joy all available within you and all you have to do is turn inward for you to experience that.  

When we let others and our circumstances and situations determine how we feel then that is like giving them the remote control over ourselves and we become their puppets by constantly reacting to them.  

Take your power back and observe and be aware of your triggers, beliefs, and thoughts before it leads to you feeling a certain way because of someone else or situation and circumstances, and stop that cycle. 

Practice Gratitude

Practice gratitude and count all your blessings by thinking of all the good things that you have in your life to be thankful for. It will make you feel good by helping you shift your energy instantly.  

Train your mind to see the good in every situation. Even amidst challenges, there are often things to be grateful for, like family support, health, or small moments of joy.

If you’re feeling down it will help you feel more like your true essence self which is your soul and its qualities like peace, joy, love, divinity, pureness, wisdom, and power. 

You can then reach out to someone and serve them.  Also, practice forgiveness if it’s a person that’s causing you to feel stressed. Let your hurt and grievance go otherwise they just stay in your body, and harm you.  

Seek Support

Know that is okay for you to ask for help if you are not able to get out of a stressful situation by yourself. Sometimes it is okay to borrow someone else’s courage. 

Call up a friend, family, community resources, or a therapist. Sharing burdens can make them lighter.

It is good to show your children that no one is perfect including you. it’s okay to ask for help and that they do not have to battle stress on their own.

Reframe Negative Thoughts

Catch, challenge, and reframe your negative thoughts, beliefs, and identity and consciously install the more positive ones, serve your higher self, and are aligned with your soul instead of thinking thoughts that are automatically and habitually negative. 

For example, instead of thinking “I am a bad mom because I cannot do it all,” reframe it as I am doing my best, and it’s okay to ask for help.”

Your identity, beliefs, and thoughts create your feelings and reality and so stand guard at what they are at all times. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Make sure to prioritize your self-care because it is extremely important and not selfish. It is crucial for managing stress and challenges effectively. 

Make time for activities that recharge you, whether it’s exercise, hobbies, spending some time in silence out in nature if possible, or meditating. 

You can also make time to do something that gives you joy like relaxing, reading, dancing, practicing yoga, or playing a sport. 

Decide on how much time you want to spend in self-care and rejuvenation depending on the stage of motherhood you are in and the age of your child. 

If you are a dedicated mother who wants to be healthy and there for her family for a long time then you absolutely must spend some time in self-care. 

Celebrate Achievements

Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your growth, successes, and all of your achievements no matter how small. It could be as simple as getting through a tough day or achieving a goal. 

Most of us forget to acknowledge how far we have come in comparison to who we used to be how much knowledge we have acquired and wiser we have gotten.

Stay Flexible

Always stay flexible, curious, and adaptable because there will always be challenges in life that you will have to overcome and face. Learn to look for the lessons and blessings in every adversity.  

Reflect on what you can learn from the problem and how it can help you grow personally or as a parent. Sometimes the solution may require adjusting expectations or trying a different approach.

There are no accidents and life is always happening for you. Always examine what is it that this challenging situation is trying to tell you that you perhaps need to change in your life. 

Take the time to reflect on your motivations and values as a mom. This can provide clarity and strength during difficult times.

In conclusion, you now know that there are many reasons why a mom could experience stress one of the main ones being not prioritizing and spending enough time on her self-care and wellbeing. 

She may be feeling overstretched because most often she is responsible for handling the majority of the household demands of her family.

An unresolved hurt and trauma from her childhood can also cause her to feel stressed and anxious very quickly. 

She may have been programmed subconsciously to react excessively or not know how to handle the situations and challenges that seem to come up in her life. 

You also know parent’s stress can lead to physical issues in their child like changes in their brain structure as they are developing. 

It can also, cause them to experience headaches, stomach aches, difficulty learning, and concentrating, verbal and motor skill challenges, and difficulty falling asleep. 

It could also lead to poor emotional and mental health issues like anxiety and extremely exaggerated reactivity.

You learned 8 strategies to deal with stress like identifying core issues, focusing only on what you can control, practicing gratitude regularly, seeking support when needed.

You can also practice reframing your negative thoughts, prioritizing your self-care, taking the time to celebrate your achievement no matter how small, and always staying flexible.

I hope you will start using the strategies to deal with stress in this article and that it helps your motherhood journey a little easier. 

Please share this article with any other mother in your life who is feeling stressed and can benefit from knowing and using these strategies.

Next, read can childhood trauma affect your adulthood for further insights and helpful tips.

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