What Is A Mentally Strong Person
What Is A Mentally Strong Person
Today we are going to talk about one of the most important subjects. What is a mentally strong person, why it is important to be mentally strong, and how to become mentally strong if you are not.
I believe everybody is worthy and deserving of living their very best life while they are temporarily on this earth. A mentally strong person can experience life in a much better way than someone who is not.
So, how do you know if you are mentally strong? Let’s discuss that next.
A mentally strong person does not weaken by the ongoing challenges they experience and face in life.
They know and accept that they are here on this earth to learn and grow from these challenges, so that they can live their purpose and serve others in a bigger and better way.
They trust that the universe is always conspiring for them and life is happening for their benefit. They also have habits that help them stay mentally strong.
Is It Possible To Become Mentally Stronger?
Yes, you can most definitely become mentally stronger if you commit to making that your priority and start practising the below-mentioned habits of the mentally strong people and stop doing everything that they do not do.
Your life, as a divine creation, has infinite possibilities, and so there is nothing that is not possible for you.
How Do You Become Mentally Stronger?
Start implementing the following practices, that mentally stronger people do, into your life immediately so that you can become mentally strong.
A daily exercise routine is important to maintain a positive mental attitude. Hormones are released in your bloodstream that help maintain calmness and fewer chances of reactivity to life circumstances.
Hydration and eating healthy food that fuels the body helps with the vitality and well-being of the body.
This prevents going through extreme shifts in energy and mood due to a high amount of sugar intake. Your gut health is known to have a direct effect on your overall mood and energy level.
Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily to stay mentally strong. Lack of sleep has many adverse health consequences to the body, it reduces good decision making, and reduces the overall functionality of the body.
Positive Thoughts
Be aware of your automatic habitual thoughts. Make sure they honour your divinity and are positive.
Positive Self-talk
Be aware of your inner talk. Make sure it honours who you are, serves you, and is positive. Don’t say things to yourself that you would not say to a friend or loved ones.

Master Your Emotions
Don’t give your power to others by constantly reacting to what they say to you and do. Take a few minutes and choose to respond instead and maintain your composure.
Raise your energy daily by practising gratitude. Gratitude attracts abundance into your life.
Give both your time and money generously.
Serve someone daily by performing a random act of kindness, sending them a message, compliments, blessings, etc.
Give money consistently to causes and people as opportunities present themselves. When you give others what you want for yourself you will get everything you want.
Be Open-Minded
Always be open-minded and learn about other’s different perspectives and learn to handle criticism well. See it as an opportunity to grow.
Learn From Challenges
Always learn to look for blessings and lessons from every challenge that you experience in life. Remember there is no such thing as failure only feedback.

Have Boundaries
Learn to set healthy boundaries for yourself. Learn to say no more often instead of saying yes, all the time, don’t spread yourself too thin and sacrifice your self-care.
Practice Self-Care Daily
Make it a daily practice to take some time for self-care.
Take some time daily to sit in silence and connect with your creator, meditate and ask for guidance and spend some time out in nature.
Feed your mind by reading or listening to something positive every day. Repeat empowering affirmations to yourself daily.
Take some time daily to do something that you love and that gives you joy.
Life Vision
Discover your purpose and write down your life’s vision in every area of your life. Set goals to accomplish this vision.
Visualize and feel what life would look and feel like once you accomplish all your goals and are living your life vision.
Prioritize and budget some money for fun. It is important to feel excited and look forward to some fun for yourself every month.
It does not have to be something big or expensive. It can be buying and lighting a candle with your favourite scent, having a diffuser with your favourite essential oil, taking a bubble bath in the candlelight etc.
Be Resourceful
Know that you can figure out anything as long as you believe in yourself and be resourceful.
Remember who you really are and all the wins that you have experienced so far in your life.
Keep Word
Always conduct yourself with integrity and keep your word. It creates trust and healthier relationships.
Always arrive on time to honour and be respectful of your own commitment and other’s time.
Always honour and defend yourself. You are a divine creation and so deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
Next let’s discuss what mentally strong people do not do.

What mentally Strong People Do Not Do
Mentally strong people do not do the following. If you do, start making the changes today and stop doing the following.
Negative Self-Talk And Thoughts
Do not have automatic, habitual negative self-talk and thoughts. Your thoughts and beliefs create your feelings which then determine the actions you take and habits you form, which then creates your destiny.
Your negative thoughts create a life that you do not want.
Do not live life from past experiences. Be excited and embrace the possibility of creating the life you want, despite their past results and experiences.
Do not be defeated by fear. Fear is an anticipation of future results that may never happen.
It comes in many forms like self-doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, resistance, insecurity and the most common, fear of failure.
Let go of all the worries over things that you can’t control.
Do not seek other’s approval. You are here to fulfill your purpose and others may not understand your actions and do not get to determine what you do with your life.
Do not have doubts about what you are capable of achieving in life despite what others have told you. Your life has infinite possibilities.
Do not blame others or circumstances in your life for your results. You are responsible for all the results in your life.
Stop blaming others for anything in life that you do not like and know that you can change it all by starting with changing one thought at a time.
Do not delay actions and fixate on perfection. Clarity will come from the actions that you take with trust.
Do not have the need to feel superior over anyone else. We live in an abundant world and there is more than enough for everybody. Cooperate and help others instead of competing with them.
Do not bottle emotions. Express them and know that they are coming up for you to work on them and release them, or else they become blockages in your body, which then manifest into health challenges.
Give up
Don’t quit and give up on your life vision, goals, and plans when they get difficult. Practice persistence until you achieve them.
“Can’t” must not be a part of your vocabulary. Know that nothing is impossible for you to achieve. You are bigger than any challenge.
People Pleasing
Do not try to please people and compromise your own true self, self-care, values, purpose, life vision and goals. Always remember no matter how nice you are you will never be able to please everyone in life.
Unhealthy Relationships And Activities
Stop or reduce spending time with people in your life that do not respect you as a person and are negative and toxic.
Let go of all unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking excessive alcohol. They are not good for you and lead to health challenges.
Social Media
Don’t spend excessive time on your phone or social media. Spend time doing activities that are good for you and lift you up instead of making you feel bad. Stop comparing yourself to others who are only showing the highlights of their lives.
What Do You Call Someone who is Mentally Strong?-
A mentally strong person is also known as someone who is resilient, strong, self-assured, tenacious and tough.
In conclusion, you are worthy and deserving to live your best life, and so commit to becoming mentally strong. Incorporate the habits of mentally strong people, let go of any habits that mentally strong people do not have.
So, now that you know how to be mentally strong, it is time to find out how to design and start living your best life next.