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What Is A Karmic Account?

What Is A Karmic Account?

We create our lives and are all personally responsible for making daily deposits into our karmic accounts while here on earth temporarily. Are you making the right deposits? What is a karmic account?
A karmic account is your personal account like a bank account and it has good deposits from all the good that you think, speak, and do in this life and your past lives.
It also has the bad deposits from all the bad that you have thought, spoken, and done in this life, and all the previous lives that your soul might have lived.
So, you may be wondering next, how can you improve your karmic account? Let’s discuss that next.

How To Improve Your Karmic Account

Start making a conscious effort to deposit more good in your karmic account because you will reap whatever you saw, in other words, your good deposits will attract good karma toward you.
Learn to do the following eight things to make sure that you are intentionally making more good deposits into your karmic account so that you can get good karma back and cancel out any unintentional bad deposits.

Know Who you Are

Get to know who you are. You are a soul with a body and not the other way around. Your true nature which is also the qualities of your soul is peace, compassion, kindness, purity, love, joy, wisdom, strength, and abundance.
As long as you live a soul-aligned life and honor the qualities of your soul and strive to reflect it in your every thought, word, and action then you will make good deposits in your karmic account and attract it back to you as per one of the laws of karma.

Forgive Yourself

Forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you made in the past will help you settle your past karmic account and help you consciously make good deposits going forward based on your growth. You are here on this earth like everyone else to grow from your mistakes and challenges.
Forgiveness is a form of self-love because when you forgive others you are helping yourself feel better on the inside. When you do not forgive it only harms you and so the sooner you can forgive yourself and others the better it is for your own health and well-being.

Accept Yourself And Others

Learn to accept yourself and others the way they are instead of judging them. Remember everyone is on their soul journey. All souls are created equally. Everyone’s soul is in the right body, color, and gender for the purpose they are here to fulfill.
Accept and love yourself unconditionally no matter what the color of your body, size, and gender. Know without a doubt that you have been given your body and everything that you need to fulfill the purpose that you are here to fulfill.

Practice Compassion

Live compassion and kindness every day because that is who you are by nature. Do not judge people harshly because they may not have the capacity to be or give you what you want.
People have every right to live their lives the way they see fit. They will awaken when it is the right time for them to do so. In the meantime send them love and blessings.

Grow From Your Mistakes

Learn to grow from your mistakes and always know that everything happens for a reason. All the mistakes that have happened had lessons for you to learn, grow, and become a bigger and better version of yourself so you can serve in a bigger and better way. Always take the time to acknowledge lessons learned.

Always Be Honest

Always be honest with yourself and with others. Make honesty one of your top values especially if you want to live a soul-aligned life and have good karma. Own your mistakes and apologize if your actions have hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally.

Help Others

Make helping others one of your top priorities. The purpose of every human being on this earth is to grow and serve and help others.
How you do it is dependent on your unique gifts and natural talents. Make a positive difference in people’s lives while you are here, fulfill your purpose, and live a meaningful and impactful life.

Meditate Daily

Spend time in silence connecting to your inner wisdom and creator. Make meditation a daily practice. The more you connect to your higher self and creator the more you’ll be able to live according to the qualities of your soul which is how your creator wants you to live and make good deposits into your karmic account.  
You are here to reflect your creator who has created you and you have the light inside you to guide you. Your creator is always available to help you and guide you. We have been given free will so if you don’t ask nobody can intervene in your life so always be open to guidance and ask for it.

In conclusion, you now know that a karmic account is your  personal account like a bank account and it has good deposits from all the good that you think, speak, and do in this life and your past lives.
It also has the bad deposits from all the bad that you have thought, spoken, and done in this life, and all the previous lives that your soul might have lived.
You also learned eight ways to improve your karmic account so that you can make good deposits into your karmic account and attract it back to you.
They are know who you are, forgive yourself, accept yourself and others, practice compassion, grow from your mistakes, always be honest, help others and meditate daily.
I wish you all the best in your life journey and endeavour to intentionally make good deposits into your karmic account.
Next, read what is karma? for further insights and helpful tips.

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