Can Parents Help Their Child’s Mental Health?
Can Parents Help Their Child’s Mental Health?
Most people are aware of how important it is to take of their physical health however most people do not take care of their mental wellbeing which is also very important and necessary.
Mental health issues are prevalent amongst lots of people currently, including children. Can parents help their child’s mental health?
Parents can most definitely help their child’s mental health and wellbeing. You can begin by taking care of your own mental well-being and healing from your emotional wounds and traumas.
Raise your energy by having regular spiritual practices and model healthy self-care rituals, morning routines, and habits.
Create a loving, supportive, non-judgemental, inclusive environment at home. Encourage open and honest communication.
Foster a home environment that makes your children feel loved, seen, heard, and understood, and helps them develop the emotional strength that they need to lead a happy, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.
Next, let’s discuss 8 principles that you can teach your children so that they can live a happy and successful life on their terms.
8 Principles To Teach Children for A Happy Life
Here are 8 principles that every parent needs to learn and teach their children so that they can live a happier and more successful life on their terms.
They Are A Soul With A Body
Always remember and teach your children that they are a soul with a body and not the other way around. Make sure they know that their soul is temporarily in the body that they have been given to fulfill their purpose.
Make them aware that they are a changeless eternal soul that never dies, unlike their body which will continue to change and die one day.
The more they live in alignment with the qualities of their soul which are love, peace, divinity, purity, joy, and abundance the happier they will feel.

They matter
Make them aware that they matter and are here right now for a reason or they would not be here. Make sure to teach your children that their soul has come here on this earth for a reason.
They are not an accident or a mistake. We live in a very intelligent universe and nothing is an accident. Help them learn ways to discover why they came on the earth right now by spending time in the quiet and listening to their soul’s whispers.
They are enough
Teach them to know without a doubt that they are enough no matter what they look like and have gone through in life. They can never lose their value, power, wisdom, and who they are.
Make sure they know that they are perfectly built for the purpose that they came here to fulfill. They have the right body, color, gender, and sexual orientation for their purpose despite what they may have been told by other people and society.
Guide them to turn inward for their soul guidance and not get distracted by other people’s judgments and opinions about their lives and the purpose that they came here to fulfill.
They Have Unique Gifts
Know and convey to your children that they have been given their unique gifts and wisdom to help them fulfill their purpose which they are fully capable of fulfilling. They are smart enough to fulfill their purpose and do not have to let their school grades dictate how smart they feel.
They have been given the inner wisdom to fulfill their purpose. Help them turn inward and figure out what their unique gifts are, discover their purpose, and what problem they want to help others solve.
Their Life Has Infinite Possibilities
know and teach your children that their life has infinite possibilities. There is nothing they cannot be, do and have. They are a powerful, wise soul that is an individualized expression of their creator. The more they align to their soul and serve others the more abundance their birthright they will receive.
Teach them that they are one hundred percent responsible for creating their own life through their identity, beliefs, perspective, thoughts, feelings, words they speak, behavior, actions, personality, and habits that they adopt.

Not To Live Life In Fear
Do not live your life in fear and teach your children the same. They did not come to live a miserable life. Make sure they know that they are love by nature and fear is a sign that they are not in alignment with their soul. They are love, joy, and peace, not fear, anger, and jealousy.
Know and teach them that challenges will happen in life because they help us grow so that we can serve in a bigger and better way.
Make sure they know that life always happens for them and that they are not a victim. They are bigger than any problem that they may encounter.
The Importance Of Forgiving Yourself And Others
Learn and teach your children to forgive themselves, and others and not to live a life full of regrets from their past. Teach them to have compassion towards themselves because what they did in the past was what they were capable of doing in that moment.
They can now do better because they have grown instead of wasting the present moments regretting the past which is over, cannot be repeated and relived.
They must learn to forgive others because if they do not they may get blocked energy in their body which can cause further health issues.
Spirituality Is The Solution
Always remember and teach your children when they have low moments in their lives and are feeling down that faith and spirituality are always the answer to get them out of that state.
The more they learn to connect to their essence, and soul the more they will realize how powerful and wise they are and the happier they will feel.
They can Emerse themselves in gratitude and think of all the things that they have to be grateful for. It is one of the best ways to raise their energy and get out of any rut and then from that energy reach out and be of service to someone else. The act of service will help them get out of focusing on their problems.
In conclusion, you now know that parents can most definitely help their child’s mental health and wellbeing. You can begin by taking care of your own mental well-being and healing from your emotional wounds and traumas.
You can raise your energy by having regular spiritual practices and model healthy self-care rituals, morning routines, and habits.
Create a loving, supportive, non-judgemental, inclusive environment at home. Encourage open and honest communication.
Foster a home environment that makes your children feel loved, seen, heard, and understood, and helps them develop the emotional strength that they need to lead a happy, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.
You also learned 8 principles to teach your children for happier life like they are a soul with a body, they matter, they are enough, they are gifted, they life has infinite possibilities, not to live life in fear, the importance of forgiving yourself and others and spirituality is the solution to every problem.
So, I hope you are inspired and excited to teach these eight principles to your children so that they can live a happy, meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, and impactful life that they came here to live.
Please share this message with any other parents and children that you know that need to hear this message too.
Next, read why it is so important to have good mental health for further helpful insights and tips.