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What Does Intention Mean?

What Does Intention Mean?

We came on this earth to live an amazing intentional purposeful life and yet very few of us live like that. Most of us go wherever the wind blows us or make other people’s opinions and directions our priority.
We do whatever someone else or society tells us to do with our lives. What does intention mean?
Intention guides you and is your reason(why) you do something. It precedes every action and creation whether you do that consciously or through your subconscious mind, programming, perspective, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and strategically adopted personality.
So, you may be wondering why intentions matter. Let’s find out the answer to that question.

Why Do Intentions Matter?

Intentions do matter and it is important to set them consciously so that you can ensure that your actions are aligned with your soul qualities, values, morals, and ethics especially if you want to live your best, authentic, meaningful, fulfilling, impactful, purpose-driven life that you came on this earth to live.
Next, let’s discuss the seven ways setting intentions can change your life for the better.

7 Ways Intentions Make Your Life Better

You will find that when you take the time to set intentions for your whole day in the morning it will be better and all your interactions will go better.
Take the time to set an intention before you take any actions throughout the day. Here are seven ways setting intentions will help you live a better life.

It Keeps You Centered

When you take the time to connect to your soul and set intentions that are heart-centered you will be able to live your true authentic soul-aligned life. 
All your actions will be taken in alignment with your soul qualities which are love, peace, Joy, compassion, abundance, etc and as a result, you will live a much happier and better life.

It Enables Strategic Actions

You will be able to take deliberate actions that are consciously motivated by your true authentic self and will be able to grow, serve others, and move forward with the fulfillment of your purpose, dreams, vision, and goals set for your desired life.

Helps You Manifest What You Desire

It will be easier for you to manifest what you want because your intentions determine your focus and where your attention goes.
Where your attention goes is where your energy flows and that area will expand and grow. Intention can be a very helpful tool for us to stay accountable and better commit to our goals and achieve our life vision, mission, and life purpose.
It’s a very powerful tool for you to be able to commit to staying on the path to achieving your goals, life vision, mission, and purpose.

Helps You Focus And Better Every Area Of Life

Setting intentions will become a regular practice for you and you will be able to focus, grow, and set conscious intentions in every area of your life, and as a result, you will experience and live a much better life.
You will be able to focus on your personal development and growth, better your mental, emotional, and physical health, have much closer connections with people, and improve all your relationships.

It Changes Your Emotional Energy

You will be able to change your emotional energy live an emotionally independent life and be less affected by your outer circumstances and people.
You will be able to live a more soul-aligned life and feel your true qualities the majority of the time like love, peace, Joy, Purity, divinity, abundance, compassion, and kindness, and be less inclined to feel lower ego-centered qualities like anger, resentment, jealousy, depression, and anxiety. 

It Makes You More Mindful

You will become more mindful and be able to be and act in tune with your spirit more. You will spend more time in silence and hear your soul’s whispers and guidance instead of the ego’s screams.
You will be able to live a better intentional purpose-driven life because your soul knows exactly why you’re here.
All of your wisdom, and power to fulfill your purpose is also within you so learn to tap into it instead of asking someone else what they think your purpose is.
You are an individualized expression of your creator and are here to do his work. Don’t miss the opportunity to serve your purpose because you are only here for a short time.

Help you Improve Every Area of Life

Setting intentions and living your true authentic, intentional life will improve every area of your life.
So, ask yourself what is your true intention behind every action that you take in every area of your life. For example, in a relationship why am I doing something for someone? what is my intention?
If you’re aligned with your soul your intention simply is to serve and love that person but if your intention is in alignment with your ego then you will answer I am doing this because I expect this person to do something for me in the future.

In conclusion, you now know that intention guides and is the reason(why) you do something. It precedes every action and creation whether you do that consciously or through your subconscious mind, programming, perspective, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and strategically adopted personality.
You also know intentions do matter and is important to set them consciously so that you can ensure that your actions are aligned with your soul qualities, values, morals, and ethics especially if you want to live your best, authentic, meaningful, fulfilling, impactful, purpose-driven life that you came on this earth to live.
When you set intentions, you live a better life because they keep you centered and aligned, enable you to take the right actions, help you manifest what you desire, enable you to focus on every area of life, change emotional energy, make you more mindful and improve every area of life.
I hope you are convinced to live a more intentional and conscious life after reading this article. I wish you all the best in your intentional life journey!
Next, read What is Consciousness for further helpful tips and insights.

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