What Does Intention Mean?

What Does Intention Mean?

What Does Intention Mean?

We came on this earth to live an amazing intentional purposeful life and yet very few of us live like that. Most of us go wherever the wind blows us or make other people’s opinions and directions our priority.
We do whatever someone else or society tells us to do with our lives. What does intention mean?
Intention guides you and is your reason(why) you do something. It precedes every action and creation whether you do that consciously or through your subconscious mind, programming, perspective, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and strategically adopted personality.
So, you may be wondering why intentions matter. Let’s find out the answer to that question.

Why Do Intentions Matter?

Intentions do matter and it is important to set them consciously so that you can ensure that your actions are aligned with your soul qualities, values, morals, and ethics especially if you want to live your best, authentic, meaningful, fulfilling, impactful, purpose-driven life that you came on this earth to live.
Next, let’s discuss the seven ways setting intentions can change your life for the better.

7 Ways Intentions Make Your Life Better

You will find that when you take the time to set intentions for your whole day in the morning it will be better and all your interactions will go better.
Take the time to set an intention before you take any actions throughout the day. Here are seven ways setting intentions will help you live a better life.

It Keeps You Centered

When you take the time to connect to your soul and set intentions that are heart-centered you will be able to live your true authentic soul-aligned life. 
All your actions will be taken in alignment with your soul qualities which are love, peace, Joy, compassion, abundance, etc and as a result, you will live a much happier and better life.

It Enables Strategic Actions

You will be able to take deliberate actions that are consciously motivated by your true authentic self and will be able to grow, serve others, and move forward with the fulfillment of your purpose, dreams, vision, and goals set for your desired life.

Helps You Manifest What You Desire

It will be easier for you to manifest what you want because your intentions determine your focus and where your attention goes.
Where your attention goes is where your energy flows and that area will expand and grow. Intention can be a very helpful tool for us to stay accountable and better commit to our goals and achieve our life vision, mission, and life purpose.
It’s a very powerful tool for you to be able to commit to staying on the path to achieving your goals, life vision, mission, and purpose.

Helps You Focus And Better Every Area Of Life

Setting intentions will become a regular practice for you and you will be able to focus, grow, and set conscious intentions in every area of your life, and as a result, you will experience and live a much better life.
You will be able to focus on your personal development and growth, better your mental, emotional, and physical health, have much closer connections with people, and improve all your relationships.

It Changes Your Emotional Energy

You will be able to change your emotional energy live an emotionally independent life and be less affected by your outer circumstances and people.
You will be able to live a more soul-aligned life and feel your true qualities the majority of the time like love, peace, Joy, Purity, divinity, abundance, compassion, and kindness, and be less inclined to feel lower ego-centered qualities like anger, resentment, jealousy, depression, and anxiety. 

It Makes You More Mindful

You will become more mindful and be able to be and act in tune with your spirit more. You will spend more time in silence and hear your soul’s whispers and guidance instead of the ego’s screams.
You will be able to live a better intentional purpose-driven life because your soul knows exactly why you’re here.
All of your wisdom, and power to fulfill your purpose is also within you so learn to tap into it instead of asking someone else what they think your purpose is.
You are an individualized expression of your creator and are here to do his work. Don’t miss the opportunity to serve your purpose because you are only here for a short time.

Help you Improve Every Area of Life

Setting intentions and living your true authentic, intentional life will improve every area of your life.
So, ask yourself what is your true intention behind every action that you take in every area of your life. For example, in a relationship why am I doing something for someone? what is my intention?
If you’re aligned with your soul your intention simply is to serve and love that person but if your intention is in alignment with your ego then you will answer I am doing this because I expect this person to do something for me in the future.

In conclusion, you now know that intention guides and is the reason(why) you do something. It precedes every action and creation whether you do that consciously or through your subconscious mind, programming, perspective, identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and strategically adopted personality.
You also know intentions do matter and is important to set them consciously so that you can ensure that your actions are aligned with your soul qualities, values, morals, and ethics especially if you want to live your best, authentic, meaningful, fulfilling, impactful, purpose-driven life that you came on this earth to live.
When you set intentions, you live a better life because they keep you centered and aligned, enable you to take the right actions, help you manifest what you desire, enable you to focus on every area of life, change emotional energy, make you more mindful and improve every area of life.
I hope you are convinced to live a more intentional and conscious life after reading this article. I wish you all the best in your intentional life journey!
Next, read What is Consciousness for further helpful tips and insights.

Why Not Compare Yourself To Others?

Why Not Compare Yourself To Others?

Why Not Compare Yourself To Others?

It is quite common for all of us to entertain ourselves today by watching other people’s vlogs, social media posts, Instagram stories, reels, and TikTok videos.
We can’t help but compare our lives to theirs however that is never a good idea. Why is not a good idea to compare yourself to others?
It is not a good idea to compare yourself to others because when you do and put your focus on what they are doing and how they are living their lives you end up wasting your energy, and precious time, feeling bad, less grateful and joyful about your own life.
Next let’s discuss seven further reasons why comparing yourself to others can block your own joy and happiness.

Why Comparison To Others Can Block Your Joy

You have been trained by society to constantly compare yourself to others and therefore feel that it is very normal.
As a baby you were probably compared to other babies as far as your height and weight are concerned and whether you are above or below average on a growth chart and graph.
When you were in school you were then compared to other students and their grades and where you ranked in the class.
So, it makes complete sense then that you would continue to compare yourself to others throughout your life and are unable to live the authentic fulfilling purpose-driven life that you came here to live.
Here are seven reasons comparison will block your joy and happiness.

Creates An Illusion That Others Live A Perfect Life

When you scroll on social media you assume, think, and feel that everyone’s life looks perfect and happier than your own.
Always remember most people are posting a few seconds of their life for everyone to see. You have no idea what the rest of their minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and life look like.
All human beings have their challenges in life that they go through so that they can grow as long as they are on this earth school. Most people will not post those challenging moments for the world to see.
Stop making assumptions about other people’s lives based on what they post and spend your energy and time instead on discovering and fulfilling your purpose and calling.

Affects Your Self-esteem

Comparing yourself to others will negatively affect your self-esteem and your overall mental health. When you compare yourself to other people you may feel that you are not worthy of all the good things that they have in their life because you do not have it.
Know that you are worthy, valuable, and enough just the way you are otherwise you wouldn’t be here.  You are perfect just the way you are and were made to fulfill your purpose. 
Keep your focus on the fulfillment of your purpose and do not waste time comparing yourself to others.

Stops You From Living An Authentic Life Path

Know without a doubt that everybody has unique gifts, life paths, visions, and purposes.  Your soul came here for a reason and it is not the same reason as theirs.  You are an individualized expression of your creator.
Learn to discover what your unique gifts are and keep your focus on using them to fulfill your Soul’s calling and purpose before it is too late and it is time for you to leave this earth.

Prevents You From Focusing On Your Growth

When you compare yourself to other people you miss out on the opportunity to acknowledge your self-growth. So instead of comparing yourself to other people compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
Make sure you are always learning and growing so that you can serve your purpose and help others in a bigger and better way.
The purpose of all souls is to grow and serve others. How you serve exactly will depend on your unique gifts and purpose.

Keeps You From Charting Your Own Life Vision

Comparison will lead you to desire a life that others are living and have their goals, dreams, and life vision. You may feel jealousy and resentment towards them for having that kind of life.
These feelings are not in alignment with your soul.  Send them love and blessings instead and know that whatever is possible for them to achieve is also possible for you.  Your life has infinite possibilities and abundance is your birthright.
Remember you are most likely not here for the same purpose as them and therefore you have to work on your own life vision, mission, and goals. 

Prevents You From Celebrating Your Achievements

Comparing yourself to others will prevent you from valuing and celebrating your achievements no matter their size.
Focus on measuring your achievements and growth and take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your milestones reached and all lives of the people that you were able to impact positively.
This will motivate you to continue to improve, stay, and move forward on your purposeful path and growth.

Makes You Forget To Celebrate Your Unique Strengths

Instead of wanting unique strengths that others have take the time to celebrate and appreciate your unique strengths and gifts that you have been blessed with and use them to fulfill your purpose. 
Know that your creator loves you and has given you gifts and trusted you with the responsibility as a member of his army to serve others and fulfill your Soul calling and purpose.

Makes You Chase Other’s Wisdom

Instead of chasing other people’s success and wisdom and copying them learn to spend time in the quiet, connect to your creator, and tap into your inner loving guidance(intuition) and wisdom to fulfill your purpose.
Implementing daily mindfulness practices into your life will help you become more aligned with your soul and uniqueness. 

You are here to live a joyful happy life and you’re here to fulfill your purpose don’t worry about other people and what they are doing with their life don’t waste your time because you are only here temporarily and the most time you spend comparing yourself to others the less time you’ll have to fulfill your purpose.
Limit your time on social media if it is affecting you and keeping you from living your authentic purpose-driven life.

In conclusion, you now know that it is not a good idea to compare yourself to others because when you do and put your focus on what they are doing and how they are living their lives you end up wasting your energy, and precious time, feeling bad, less grateful and joyful about your own life.
You also know comparing yourself to others leads to you living an unhappy life because you think others are living a perfect life, it affects your mental health and self-esteem, stops you from living an authentic life path.
It also prevents you from focusing on your growth, charting your life vision, celebrating and valuing your achievements and strengths, and makes you chase other people’s success and wisdom instead of your own.
I hope you are now inspired and empowered to live your authentic, best, fulfilling life of purpose and impact and immediately stop comparing yourself to others.
Next, read how much mental illness is caused by social media? for further helpful insights and tips.

What Does Grief Mean?

What Does Grief Mean?

What Does Grief Mean?

Chances are that you have experienced grief at least once in your life. My heart goes out to everyone who is currently grieving a loss of a loved one. What does grief mean?
Grief is an emotional state in which you feel shock, anger, disbelief, guilt, deep sorrow, and sadness as a result of experiencing some kind of loss or the death of a loved one.
Its effects can also most often be felt physically, cognitively, and socially.
So, you may be wondering, what are some ways to deal with grief of losing a loved one? Let’s discuss that next.

10 Ways To Deal With Grief

It is almost impossible to go through your entire life as a human being without experiencing grief. We all get attached to our loved ones and feel grief and emotional pain when we lose them. Here are 10 helpful ways to deal with your grief that you.

Understand Soul Is Eternal Body Is Not

Make sure you understand that the person who passed away was an eternal soul that came to this earth temporarily in a human body. They were, like you, on this earth however they were not of this earth. 
Death of our body is something that is inevitable and all of us have to eventually go through as a normal part of life because all of our souls will return to our real home which is with our creator.

All Souls Come With A Mission

Know that all souls including your loved one’s soul had come on this earth for a reason, calling, mission, and fulfillment of a purpose.
A soul comes with its creator’s contract and once it has been fulfilled it will leave this earth despite its physical body’s age.

Have Self-Compassion

Have a lot of compassion towards yourself as you are going through different stages of grieving. Always remember it is a very personal individualized Journey that you will have to go through. There are no quick fixes and the duration of your journey will vary.
No one has the right to pass judgment and complain that you are taking too long in your grieving process. Take as much time as you need to go through your grieving journey so that you can be okay at the end.

Accept All Feelings

Accept, acknowledge, and work on all the different feelings that come up to be worked on as you grieve. You may feel better some days and a lot worse the next day.
There may be times when you feel like crying because something reminded you of your loved one. Know that this is very normal and do not expect your healing and grieving journey to be linear.

Channel Your Energy

Always find ways to channel your energy and release your emotions so that they do not get stuck in your body and lead to other health issues. You can create some artwork, dance sequences, or sit in the quiet and meditate. 

Journal About Your Feelings

Journal to identify your emotions and feelings that you are feeling. You can also draw a picture depicting the emotions that are coming up for you.
Learn to tap into your inner wisdom by sitting in the quiet and asking why you are feeling this way so that you can work on your emotions and release them before they get stuck in your body and cause other health issues.

Express Gratitude

Express a lot of gratitude for the soul of your loved one that was part of your life for however long. They were sent by their creator to come on to this earth to perhaps teach you something and to learn something from you and grow.

The precious time that they spent with you on earth was a gift from your creator and now they have returned home to their creator.

Create Rituals To Honor Your Loved One

Keep the memories of your loved one alive by creating rituals to honor them. For example, you can get together every year to celebrate their birthday, and/or death anniversary.
You can also visit the places that they loved visiting, smell their favorite scent, eat their most loved food, look at their pictures, and watch their videos. 

Keep The Right Company

Make sure you keep the right company as you go through your grieving journey. Be around supportive, loving people who are compassionate and caring.
Do not be around judgemental, opinionated people who are impatient and constantly tell you to stop grieving and get over it. No one has the right to pass judgment on you.
You have the right to take as long as you need to grieve and the people that you choose to have around you will be respectful of your wishes.

Seek Help And Support

Always be open to seeking external help and support from a therapist or a grief counselor. They might be able to give you some helpful tips and insights so that you can better deal with your grief.

In conclusion, you now know that grief is an emotional state in which you feel shock, anger, disbelief, guilt, deep sorrow, and sadness as a result of experiencing some kind of loss or the death of a loved one.
Its effects can also most often be felt physically, cognitively, and socially.
You also know the 10 helpful ways to deal with grief of losing a loved one which are understanding your loved one was an eternal soul that temporarily came in a body, they were a soul with a mission which was completed.
Have a lot of compassion towards yourself, accept and work on all feelings, find ways to channel your energy, journal about your feelings, and express gratitude for the soul of your loved one.
Also, creating rituals to honor your loved one, keeping the right company and staying open to seeking help from external resources available like a therapist or a grief counselor if and when needed.
I hope you will be able to use some of the ways we discussed above if and when you have to deal with any grief.
Please share this article with anyone else who also may be grieving and would benefit from these suggestions.
I wish you all the best in your grieving and healing journey!
Next, Can sadness make you sick? read for further helpful tips and insights.

Can Parents Help Their Child’s Mental Health?

Can Parents Help Their Child’s Mental Health?

Can Parents Help Their Child’s Mental Health?

Most people are aware of how important it is to take of their physical health however most people do not take care of their mental wellbeing which is also very important and necessary.
Mental health issues are prevalent amongst lots of people currently, including children. Can parents help their child’s mental health?
Parents can most definitely help their child’s mental health and wellbeing. You can begin by taking care of your own mental well-being and healing from your emotional wounds and traumas.
Raise your energy by having regular spiritual practices and model healthy self-care rituals, morning routines, and habits. 
Create a loving, supportive, non-judgemental, inclusive environment at home. Encourage open and honest communication.
Foster a home environment that makes your children feel loved, seen, heard, and understood, and helps them develop the emotional strength that they need to lead a happy, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.
Next, let’s discuss 8 principles that you can teach your children so that they can live a happy and successful life on their terms.

8 Principles To Teach Children for A Happy Life

Here are 8 principles that every parent needs to learn and teach their children so that they can live a happier and more successful life on their terms.

They Are A Soul With A Body

Always remember and teach your children that they are a soul with a body and not the other way around. Make sure they know that their soul is temporarily in the body that they have been given to fulfill their purpose.
Make them aware that they are a changeless eternal soul that never dies, unlike their body which will continue to change and die one day.
The more they live in alignment with the qualities of their soul which are love, peace, divinity, purity, joy, and abundance the happier they will feel.

They matter

Make them aware that they matter and are here right now for a reason or they would not be here. Make sure to teach your children that their soul has come here on this earth for a reason.
They are not an accident or a mistake. We live in a very intelligent universe and nothing is an accident. Help them learn ways to discover why they came on the earth right now by spending time in the quiet and listening to their soul’s whispers.

They are enough

Teach them to know without a doubt that they are enough no matter what they look like and have gone through in life. They can never lose their value, power, wisdom, and who they are.

Make sure they know that they are perfectly built for the purpose that they came here to fulfill. They have the right body, color, gender, and sexual orientation for their purpose despite what they may have been told by other people and society. 
Guide them to turn inward for their soul guidance and not get distracted by other people’s judgments and opinions about their lives and the purpose that they came here to fulfill.

They Have Unique Gifts

Know and convey to your children that they have been given their unique gifts and wisdom to help them fulfill their purpose which they are fully capable of fulfilling. They are smart enough to fulfill their purpose and do not have to let their school grades dictate how smart they feel. 
They have been given the inner wisdom to fulfill their purpose.  Help them turn inward and figure out what their unique gifts are, discover their purpose, and what problem they want to help others solve.

Their Life Has Infinite Possibilities

know and teach your children that their life has infinite possibilities.  There is nothing they cannot be, do and have. They are a powerful, wise soul that is an individualized expression of their creator. The more they align to their soul and serve others the more abundance their birthright they will receive.
Teach them that they are one hundred percent responsible for creating their own life through their identity, beliefs, perspective, thoughts, feelings, words they speak, behavior, actions, personality, and habits that they adopt.

Not To Live Life In Fear

Do not live your life in fear and teach your children the same.  They did not come to live a miserable life. Make sure they know that they are love by nature and fear is a sign that they are not in alignment with their soul. They are love, joy, and peace, not fear, anger, and jealousy.
Know and teach them that challenges will happen in life because they help us grow so that we can serve in a bigger and better way.
Make sure they know that life always happens for them and that they are not a victim. They are bigger than any problem that they may encounter.

The Importance Of Forgiving Yourself And Others

Learn and teach your children to forgive themselves, and others and not to live a life full of regrets from their past. Teach them to have compassion towards themselves because what they did in the past was what they were capable of doing in that moment.
They can now do better because they have grown instead of wasting the present moments regretting the past which is over, cannot be repeated and relived.
They must learn to forgive others because if they do not they may get blocked energy in their body which can cause further health issues.

Spirituality Is The Solution

Always remember and teach your children when they have low moments in their lives and are feeling down that faith and spirituality are always the answer to get them out of that state.
The more they learn to connect to their essence, and soul the more they will realize how powerful and wise they are and the happier they will feel.
They can Emerse themselves in gratitude and think of all the things that they have to be grateful for. It is one of the best ways to raise their energy and get out of any rut and then from that energy reach out and be of service to someone else. The act of service will help them get out of focusing on their problems.

In conclusion, you now know that parents can most definitely help their child’s mental health and wellbeing. You can begin by taking care of your own mental well-being and healing from your emotional wounds and traumas.
You can raise your energy by having regular spiritual practices and model healthy self-care rituals, morning routines, and habits. 
Create a loving, supportive, non-judgemental, inclusive environment at home. Encourage open and honest communication.
Foster a home environment that makes your children feel loved, seen, heard, and understood, and helps them develop the emotional strength that they need to lead a happy, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.
You also learned 8 principles to teach your children for happier life like they are a soul with a body, they matter, they are enough, they are gifted, they life has infinite possibilities, not to live life in fear, the importance of forgiving yourself and others and spirituality is the solution to every problem.
So, I hope you are inspired and excited to teach these eight principles to your children so that they can live a happy, meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, and impactful life that they came here to live.
Please share this message with any other parents and children that you know that need to hear this message too.
Next, read why it is so important to have good mental health for further helpful insights and tips.

What Is A Heart-centered Entrepreneur?

What Is A Heart-centered Entrepreneur?

What Is A Heart-centered Entrepreneur?

I can confidently say that this world would be a much better place if we had more heart-centered entrepreneurs and businesses.
They can positively impact and change our world for the better for all of us and our future generations to come. So, what exactly is a heart-centered entrepreneur?
A heart-centered entrepreneur is someone who follows their heart, soul, and intuition (loving inner guidance) to create transformational products and services that are aligned to their purpose, and passion by utilizing their unique gifts and natural talents.
Next, let’s discuss 7 key mindset shifts heart-centered entrepreneurs need to be successful.

7 key Mindset Shifts For Successful Heart-centered Entrepreneurs

If you want to be successful as a heart-centered entrepreneur then you must make the following key mindset shifts.

Being Patient

You will need to be very patient as you navigate through the entrepreneurial journey. Your business will be one of the most reliable vehicle for your very own self-development and transformation.
As you learn and grow you may realize that what you thought was your business model may not be the right model for you to continue to follow.
Always remember that you do not have to aim for perfection. Take imperfect actions trust your timely guidance and be open to pivoting and changing your business model.
Any further clarity can only come when you take action based on your loving inner guidance. Once you show trust and take that first step you will be given the ability to see step two.

It is always okay to listen to your guidance and confirm whether you are on the right business path and whether your passion and purpose are in alignment with your soul’s purpose and calling that you came here to fulfill.

Use Your Natural Talents To Serve

Learn to use your strengths, natural talents, and unique skills that you have been blessed with to serve others and fulfill your life purpose. You have a responsibility to serve others with the privileged gifts that you have been given by your creator.
You always have to honor and listen to your inner wisdom and guidance to create your business your way despite what you may have learned from the mentors that you may have been following.

Have An Abundance Mindset

Always have an abundance mindset and never try to sell someone something that they do not need because you are desperate to make money. Only sell to people what you believe and know would help transform their lives and make them better. 
Always remember you are not meant to serve everybody because some people will not resonate with you, your message, passion, and purpose.
Abundance is your birthright so it is not necessary to compete with other similar businesses. Learn to collaborate with other business owners who also have been blessed with their own unique gifts and same purpose as you. Refer people that you cannot serve to them.  
Together we will be able to serve a lot more people and can make a bigger positive impact in the world.

Choose What Problem You Want To Solve

Examine your own life, who you used to be before your transformation, and the problems that you have been able to solve for yourself. What you will discover will help you decide which problem you want to help others solve. 
Think about your childhood and what you enjoy doing, what things come naturally to you, and follow those as your clues to realize what unique gifts and natural talents you are meant to use to do the work you were born to do and fulfill your purpose.

Make Marketing And Selling Your Duty

It is your duty to market and sell your transformation products and services. If no one knows about your products and services that can help them transform their lives then you are doing them a disservice by not making them aware.
There are a lot of people who need your products and services.  Do not doubt that you are qualified to help others and sell your transformational products and services because you have solved these problems for yourself.

Know It Is Okay To Make Money

Know without a doubt that it is okay for you to make money by adding value to other people’s lives. Money is not evil. It is a tool that will help you sustain your mission, purpose, and your chosen lifestyle.
Being obsessed with money and forcing people to buy products and services that they do not need or are not good for them is bad. Money is an exchange of value. It is okay for you to make the money because the more you make the more you can give endlessly.

You can give money without any limits however your time to physically serve is limited. Making money is not unspiritual, or greedy. Make all the money you can so that you can make a bigger impact in the world endlessly.

Earn Blessings

Always aim to earn blessings along with money in your business. Know without a doubt that your transaction is not done once you sell something to someone and they pay you.
The transaction continues every time they use your product or service and they either feel thankful and send you blessings or realize the product or service is not useful to them and think and send you bad thoughts and energy.
Make sure that the money that you make and feed your family with always carries good energy.

In conclusion, you now know that a heart-centered entrepreneur is someone who follows their heart, soul, and intuition (loving inner guidance) to create transformational products and services that are aligned with their purpose, and passion by utilizing their unique gifts and natural talents.
The mindset shifts required for success as a heart-centered entrepreneur are being patient, using your natural talents to serve others, having an abundance mindset, choosing what problem to solve, marketing and selling your duty, knowing it is okay to earn money as an exchange of value and make sure to earn blessings along with money.
I hope you will make these mindset shifts in your business because they will benefit you and share these with anybody you know who is running their own Purpose driven business.
Next, read when is intuition useful for further helpful insights and tips.

Why Do Some People Annoy Us?

Why Do Some People Annoy Us?

Why Do Some People Annoy Us?

Relationships are a very important part of us living our very best fulfilling life however it is not possible to get along with everyone that we come across all the time.
I am sure all of us have encountered people who simply annoy us. Why do some people annoy us?
You will find some people annoying because they do not share your life perspective, values, ethics, and morals. The reason you feel this way is because you believe that everyone ought to be the way you are which is the right way to be. 
People can’t be exactly like you are when they have not had the same life experience as you, they don’t have your identity, personality, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behavior, and habits.
They also may not be okay because of their own life experiences, wounds, and traumas which they may not be aware of or they may not have had the opportunity to heal.
I believe it is important to express gratitude for all the annoying people in your life because they are serving a purpose or you would have not ever come across them.
You may be wondering and asking why do you need to be grateful for the annoying people that you encounter. Let’s discuss the answer to that question next.

7 Reasons To Be Grateful For People Who Annoy You

It is very easy for all of us to be grateful for people who are good to us, that we love, and who find pleasant to deal with.
It is very hard not to get upset and to be grateful for those people that we find annoying and do not like to associate or deal with. Here are seven reasons to be grateful for people who annoy you.

Increase Your Ability To Hear Your Soul

Annoying people make it necessary for you to walk away, spend some time alone in the quiet, examine and ask why are you attracting people like that in your life, and why are you getting triggered by them.
They also help increase your chances of hearing your soul’s whispers and guidance in the quiet instead of listening to your ego’s screams whenever you are in a very distracted setting.

Guide You To A More Aligned Life

Annoying people guide you to live a more aligned life. When you get quiet and start listening to your soul more you will master your energy and stay true to yourself and live a more authentic life, soul-aligned, and empowered life.
Living an authentic soul-aligned life means aligning with your soul’s qualities some which are which are peace, love, joy, purity, divinity, and abundance.

Help You Master An Inner-driven Life

When you take the opportunity to practice staying true to yourself and not reacting to an annoying person you will be empowered to be emotionally independent.
You will become a master at living an inner-driven life instead of letting the outer circumstances and annoying people influence and direct how you live your life.
You will become better able to pause when annoyed by people, maintain your freedom, and learn to respond instead of losing control, reacting instantly, and giving people power over your you and your life.

Help You Decrease Ego-driven Behaviors

An annoying person will help you be aware of, control, and decrease ego-driven behavior and quickly align to your authentic soul-aligned true self. 
Your ego will always scream and guide you to behave in alignment to it like retaliating and screaming louder verses your soul which will gently whisper your loving guidance to you to behave in accordance with your true essence and soul’s qualities.

Help You Master Forgiveness

An annoying person will help you practice exercising your forgiveness muscles. When you begin to live life as your true authentic aligned self you will find it easier to forgive others.
When you cannot forgive other people, you end up harming yourself. You create stuck energy in your body which can then possibly lead to other serious harmful health issues.
When the energy in your body does not flow it then blocks all the guidance, and abundance from coming through and eventually prevents you from living your very best fulfilling purposeful life.

Enable You To Grow And Transform

Annoying people also help you grow, transform, and become a better person so that you can serve in a bigger and better way.
The faster you can figure out why you are attracting annoying people in your life, where you are misaligned and not being your true self the faster you can change it and get aligned.

Do a quick check and see what is your current identity, perspective, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, speech, behavior, personality, and habits. 
You are a powerful soul and so there is nothing that you cannot be, do, and have. You are completely empowered to create and live your best life of infinite possibilities. You will find as you grow you will get faster from being affected to aligning to your soul.

Act As A Catalyst For Change

Always remember even an annoying tyrannical person in your life is serving a purpose. They help you feel emotions that act as your guide and catalyst for you to transform or recognize a different opportunity and change some aspect of your life like a job, or the physical location of where you live so that you can live your purposeful life and serve people you are meant to serve.

In conclusion, you will find some people annoying because they do not share your life perspective, values, ethics, and morals. The reason you feel this way is because you believe that everyone ought to be the way you are which is the right way to be. 
The seven reasons to express gratitude for people who annoy you are they increase your ability to hear your soul’s guidance, guide you to live a more aligned life, help you master living an inner-driven life, help you decrease ego-driven behavior, help you master forgiveness, enable you to grow and act as a catalyst for the required change.
Next, read why is immersing in gratitude important for further helpful tips and insights.

Can Spirituality Help Mental Health?

Can Spirituality Help Mental Health?

Can Spirituality Help Mental Health?

We are living in a time and age where mental health issues are felt and experienced by a lot of people across every age, group, and race.
The isolation that we had to go through during the pandemic has made matters much worse when it comes to our mental well-being.
So, what can we do about it? Can spirituality be the answer? Can it help our mental health?
Spirituality most definitely can help improve our mental and physical well-being and overall quality of life. It also better equips us to deal with the challenges that we continually face in our daily lives by offering us hope, and a new perspective on life, and reducing the negative effects of our past regrets, depression, and anxiety about the unknown future.
So, you may be wondering how spirituality helps mental health. Let’s answer that question next.

How Does Spirituality Help Mental Health?

I believe all problems and challenges can be solved by living a spiritual life and having regular spiritual practice.
Spirituality is always where I find my strength and solutions to my life challenges. Here are six ways spirituality helps mental health.

Makes You Realize How Powerful You

When you live a spiritual life and have a regular, nurturing spiritual well-being practice that you do every single day you will realize who you are and where you have come from.
You are on this earth however you are not of this earth. You are a soul (changeless and eternal) that is currently in a body temporarily.
You are not a body with a soul you are a soul with a body. You have come from your very powerful creator. Your Creator’s light and power are within you. 
There are no issues that your soul is not empowered to deal with.  You are a divine, wise, powerful loving, soul that is here to grow and serve others.
The more you connect to and listen to your soul the stronger you will get and the fewer mental health issues you will have to face. 
Have a regular spiritual practice that you do in the morning whether it’s meditation, prayers, reading a religious book, listening to something spiritual, or watching videos that are talking about spirituality.

Allows Connection To The Real You

A regular Spiritual practice will guide and help you to sit in the quiet, connect, and turn to your soul for your solutions to all challenges and mental health issues.
You will be guided to align to your authentic soul’s qualities which is your true essence. Some of these qualities are love, peace, compassion, purity, divinity, joy, and not anger, jealousy, depression, and anxiety.

Helps You Access Loving Inner Guidance

Your spiritual practice will also allow you access and hear your loving inner and creator’s guidance which is always available to you.
Learn to turn inward because all your wisdom, answers, solutions, and healing from any mental health issues are within you. 
You can also turn to your creator, ask, and listen to the loving guidance by asking why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling. What are your emotions trying to tell you?
Have you formed the wrong identity, and beliefs, thinking thoughts that don’t serve you, saying and doing things that are not aligned to your soul, and helping you fulfill your purpose?
Your creator has blessed you with a sacred mind and free will to navigate through life however your creator is always available to guide you. You just have to sit in silence, connect, and ask for help.

Helps You Realize You Are Bigger Than Any Problem

You will begin to realize that your soul is wise, divine powerful, and bigger than any problem that you may be facing. You are a powerful, wise, individualized expression of your creator whose powers are within you. 
Do not let anybody ever tell you who you are and what your limits are. Don’t let society, your family, friends, and peers tell you who you are. Always remember
Your true identity is that you are a soul with a body and you’re powerful just like your creator. Do not compare yourself to anybody because you are here for a reason and purpose that is different from why others are here.

Make You Aware Can Tune In To Inner Power

When you have a regular spiritual practice you will know without a doubt that you can always turn inward for any solution to your problem. 
Your wisdom is within you and so are the answers for whatever you need to fulfill your purpose. Don’t get distracted by what society and family tell you matters and is important.
Know that you can turn inward for all your solutions you have the wisdom available within you to deal with any mental issues so learn to connect to the soul and listen to its guidance.
Your soul whispers while the ego screams so you will have to create a quiet space to hear the wisdom from yourself the more you hear it the more it’ll talk to you. 
There’s no problem that is not solvable by you figure out the solution it’s within you the wisdom is within you and it helps somebody else solve that problem as well let’s make mental health issues think of the past
You did not come here to waste your life by having regrets, feeling depressed because of your past mistakes, and being anxious about your unknown future.
Do not let someone tell you that you don’t measure up to what society wants you to be You’re not here to please the society you’re here to help people who need your help.

Improves Your Confidence And Self-esteem

You will be able to improve your confidence and your self-esteem when you live a spiritual life and have regular spiritual practice.
You will know without a doubt that you are here for a reason and purpose or you wouldn’t be here. You are here to do your creator’s work and fulfill your soul’s calling.
You matter, are enough, special just the way you are. You have a perfect body, sex, and color and were built for the work that you are here to do.
Don’t let anybody tell you that you are not enough or not measuring up to what society wants you to be. Don’t let anybody tell you that you don’t dress right because you have your unique style or that you are not smart because you get a D in school.
You’ve been given perfect unique gifts and wisdom to fulfill your purpose which the school may not be measuring at all.
Focus your energy on serving others powerfully. Discover your purpose and unique gifts by looking at clues like what comes naturally to you, what people come to you for advice, and what people always compliment you for.
Always remember you are not an accident otherwise you wouldn’t be here.  You belong and are fine just the way you are.
Figure out What problems have you solved for yourself and serve others who are having the same problems. Live your best life and mental health issues will become a thing of the past for you.

In conclusion, you now know that spirituality most definitely can help improve our mental, and physical wellbeing and health and overall quality of life.
It also better equips us to deal with the challenges that we continually face in our daily lives by offering us hope, a new perspective on life, and reducing the negative effects of past regrets, depression, and anxiety about the unknown future.
I hope you will embrace spirituality and make mental health issues a thing of the past in your life and join me and help others do the same. Best of luck!
Next, read What does spirituality mean for further helpful insights and tips.

What Does Spiritual Alignment Mean?

What Does Spiritual Alignment Mean?

What Does Spiritual Alignment Mean?

Most people listen to the screams of their ego and let it dictate and influence how they live their lives. I wish they knew how magical a spiritually aligned life feels. What does spiritual alignment mean?
Spiritual alignment means living a life that is alignment with your true essence which is your soul, its qualities some of which are love, peace, purity, wellbeing, compassion, abundance, and wisdom.
You allow your Soul to be in the driver’s seat, take the time to listen to its whispers, and let it influence how you live your life every day.
So, you may be wondering next, is spiritual alignment important for everyone?

Is Spiritual Alignment Important?

Spiritual alignment is extremely important if your intention and goal are to live your best, meaningful, purposeful life and fulfill your Soul’s calling that you came here on earth to do before it is too late.
Your soul which is an individualized expression of your creator incarnated on this earth so it can be its creator’s instrument, grow, and serve others.
Next, let’s discuss how to stay in spiritual alignment in your work and business.

8 Ways To Stay In Spiritual Alignment In Your Work/Business

We are all here for a purpose and the more purposeful and spiritually aligned you are in your work/business that you do every day the better it is. Let’s discuss eight ways to stay in spiritual alignment in your work/business.

Practice Daily Higher Purpose Reflection

Dedicate time daily to meditate, sit in silence for your higher purpose reflection, listen to your inner and creator’s guidance, and confirm that you are on the right purposeful path when it comes to doing your work and your business.
Always remember you are never left alone and your inner soul guidance is always available to you on an ongoing basis so that you can do the work that you came here to do. Allow the time and space to listen to it daily.

Know You Are Part Of The Bigger Picture

Know and accept that you are part of a much bigger picture and that your purpose has not only been given to you.
A similar purpose has been given to more than one person and you are all part of an army of people on this earth at the moment with the same purpose however you have been given unique gifts for you to fulfill your purpose.
Everybody has unique gifts to fulfill their purpose so that they can attract and help the right people who resonate with their message and are meant to be served by them.
There is no competition instead learn to collaborate with others who have the same purpose and let together serve a lot more people with each of our unique gifts given to us by our creator.

Be Grateful

Express gratitude that you are here right now as a soul with a calling, in a perfect body to fulfill a mission, and purpose that your creator has trusted you with through your work/business. 
Trust that you matter, are enough, are powerful, and have been perfectly made and capable of fulfilling your purpose or you would not be here right now.

Serve Others

Serve others and be the light for those people who need you and your work, business, products, and services. 
Don’t be afraid to shine and light your path so powerfully that others can see and get inspired to shine their light and be confident enough to do their work and fulfill the purpose that they came here to fulfill.

Be Kind

Always be compassionate and kind to every person that you come across as you do your work or run your business daily. Aim to leave every person better than when you first found them.

Remember we are all a soul that have come from the same creator and are connected. We forget who we are, and how powerful we are as a result of our different life experiences and teachings in life and from our childhood.
Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others. No matter who you are If you have wronged someone be open to apologizing because everybody makes mistakes and it’s okay for you to own up to your mistakes when it comes to doing your work/business. 

Have Fun

Create lots of fun experiences in your work and business. Having Fun is very important to learning, innovating, and trying to do things in new and better ways, creating your best work and products for your business.
We are not here to live a serious life without any fun. Make sure fun and playfulness are part of your life and daily work.

Be Open To Growth

Always be open to growth and becoming the best version of yourself. Your soul is here to grow and to serve and so be open to your growth learn from all the experiences that you go through in life.
This universe is an intelligent system nothing is an accident and everything that you go through, everybody that crosses your path, even people that irritate you, are all supposed to be exactly that way so that you can learn and grow. 
Instead of complaining, look for the lessons and blessings from each situation and challenge that you go through and be open to growing so that you can serve others in a bigger and better way. Your daily work is your best vessel for your growth and service.

Always Follow Your Joy

Always follow your joy and let it act as your compass to ensure you are on the right path as far as doing your purposeful work is concerned.  When you don’t feel Joy in doing something either hire someone else to do that part of the business.  
You can always change how you do the work or the work that you are doing or the products and services that you are currently offering in your business as solutions to your customer’s problems. 
Always remember you’re never stuck and it’s okay to change. The fact that you are no longer feeling Joy doing the work that you are doing is serving as a guide for you to change.  It’s okay to make changes, rebrand, or change jobs/careers.

In conclusion, you now know that spiritual alignment means living a life that is alignment with your essence which is your soul, its qualities some of which are love, peace, purity, well-being, compassion, abundance, and wisdom.
You allow your Soul to be in the driver’s seat, take the time to listen to its whispers, and let it influence how you live your life every day as your higher self
You can spiritually align in your work and business by allowing time for daily higher-purpose reflection, knowing you are part of the bigger picture, being grateful, serving others, being kind, having fun, being open to growth, and following your joy.
I hope you have realized how valuable and important spiritual alignment is and will implement these practices into your so you can stay in spiritual alignment and live your best, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life and do the work that you were trusted with and came here to do.
Next, read What Does Spirituality Mean for further insights and helpful tips.

Can A Single Parent Raise Successful Children?

Can A Single Parent Raise Successful Children?

Can A Single Parent Raise Successful Children?

I am sending a lot of love to all the single parents out there who are raising their children on their own. The single parenting journey has its many challenges and is not easy.
It is a journey that comes with many physical, emotional, and mental challenges and has its fair share of many ups and downs. Can a single parent raise successful children?
A single parent is equally capable of raising successful children in comparison to a two-parent household provided that they stay strong, are committed to doing so, and make their relationship with their children a priority.
Single parents can often be more successful. They are more relaxed and confident when it comes to making important household decisions because they do not have to consult with and hear anyone else’s opinion.

They have a closer relationship with their children because they have more time and energy available to invest in spending quality uninterrupted time in the absence of a partner who also can fight for their attention.
So, you may be wondering what are some tips that a single parent can use to make raising successful children their own reality. Let’s discuss that next.

8 Tips For Single Parenting Success

Implement the tips that we are about to discuss and you can create a beautiful environment and experience for your children who are growing up in a single-parent household.
Here are eight tips that would be helpful for any single parent.

Believe Your Children Will Be Okay

Be kind, and have a lot of compassion and love towards yourself. Believe without a doubt that your children will be fine and know that you are not going to shortchange your children in any way. 

Life always happens for you, not to you. You are not a victim so stop asking yourself why is this happening to me.
Learn to look for blessings and lessons from every challenging situation that you go through in life. You are also always given what you can handle.
Know that no matter what everybody else tells you can raise your children successfully on your own. You create your life from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behavior, and habits.
You will eventually get to a point where you’ll have gratitude for your single-parent journey, what you had to go through, and who you have become as a result of this experience.

Be Grateful

Start a daily practice of gratitude and teach your children to practice gratitude as well. Do it first thing in the morning, in the evening, and any other time that you feel the need to raise your energy and vibration. 
Make gratitude part of your regular life. You can also do it as a family at dinner time, and bedtime with your children.  We all have a lot of things to be thankful for no matter what we are going through in life.
Gratitude will help you change your vibration, who you are, and the energy of your home for the better.

Have A Daily Spiritual Practice

Take care of yourself and have a daily spiritual practice to stay grounded and strong instead of turning to addictions that are not good for you like drinking and smoking.  Say prayers, meditate, listen, or read a spiritual religious book.
Connect to your creator and ask for guidance because that’s where your power will come from.  Remember you are a powerful divine soul that is having a temporary human experience. You always have access to your creator’s strength, intelligence, and power.

Trust Everything Will Be okay

Trust that your kids will be okay. When you work on your spirituality, energy, and vibration you will be able to impact your children positively just by being in their presence.
Also, trust that you have been blessed and trusted with your children by your creator for a reason. They are here to fulfill their purpose and therefore have the wisdom within them to fulfill their soul’s calling.
They are a soul with a body as well. They can be an older Soul than yours that is here for the benefit of your soul’s growth. Make sure you tell them how powerful they are, who they really and where they have come from.

Encourage Open Communication

It is very important to have an open and honest age-appropriate communication policy in your household and to make sure that no subject is off the table with your children. Make them feel comfortable to come to you and talk to you about anything.
Make yourself emotionally and physically available to them. They should feel comfortable coming to you, someone who has had more life experience with any questions than a friend. Make them feel heard, seen, understood, and accepted.

Show Affection

Make sure to have a deep emotional bond, show affection towards your children, and make them feel loved. Make sure they know that just because they did something wrong or disappointing does not mean that you do not love them.

Have A Healthy Way Of Resolving Conflict

Implement a healthy way to talk about and resolve any conflicts between you. There will be things that you don’t agree upon so is important that you have a process to work on it.
Remember your kids are here to teach you as much as you are here to teach them. We are all equal souls despite the bodies that we are in and we are here to learn, grow and serve

Have Family Routines And Goals

Make sure you laugh and have fun together by having routines, rituals, and goals as a family.
For example, saying prayers together every evening, scheduling frequent game nights, playing a sport, vacation once or twice a year, having a big Sunday dinner, and having a family meeting once a week.
These routines, rituals, and goals will allow your family to be more united, and close and increase your emotional bond towards each other.

In conclusion, you now know that a single parent is equally capable of raising successful children in comparison to a two-parent household provided they stay strong and committed and make their relationship with their children a priority.
Single parents can often be more successful. They are more relaxed and confident when it comes to making important household decisions because they do not have to consult and hear anyone else’s opinion about it. They have a closer relationship with their children because they have more time and energy available to invest in spending quality
Eight helpful tips to be successful as a single parent are to believe your children will be okay, be grateful, have a daily spiritual practice, trust everything will be okay, encourage open communication, show affection, have a healthy way to resolve conflict and have family routines, rituals, and goals.
I hope you found these tips helpful and will begin to implement them as a single parent.
Best of luck and I wish you well on your single parent journey!
Next, read why do parents never say sorry? for further insights and helpful tips.

Why Are Healthy Romantic Relationships Important?

Why Are Healthy Romantic Relationships Important?

Why Are Healthy Romantic Relationships Important?

We are social creatures and therefore are always seeking to have amazing relationships with different people in our lives like our life partners, children, other family members, and coworkers. Why are healthy romantic relationships important?
They are important because our romantic life partner is the most important partnership we will ever have as we navigate through life.
They will most likely have the power to influence and have an impact on our happiness, how we feel about ourselves, the quality of our life, and mental, emotional, and physical health.
So, you may be wondering how you develop healthy relationships. Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

12 Habits Of A Healthy Romantic Relationship

The key ingredient to having a healthy and strong romantic relationship is to form the right habits and attitudes toward each other. Here are 12 habits of a healthy romantic relationship.

See Them As An Equal Soul

It is very important to see your partner as an equal soul and not as someone inferior to you due to sexual orientation, gender, color, education, social status, etc.
Acknowledge and accept that you are coming together as individual powerful souls to help each other grow spiritually, heal, love, and serve each other and others.

Show Affection

Make it a habit to stay connected and show affection to your partner. Express how your love towards each other regularly by saying I love you daily. Stay connected throughout the day by perhaps texting or calling each other.
You can also decide to go on regular dates once a week, a month, or whatever works for you as a couple depending on your life stage and circumstance.

Know Your Partner’s Appreciation Style

Make sure you know how your partner likes to be appreciated and shown love so that you can give them what they like more often.
For example, know whether they like to receive flowers or other gifts, acts of service from you, like to be hugged and cuddled, to be complicated verbally, etc. 

Communicate Honestly

Always encourage and have an honest and open communication policy with your partner. Meet with each other once a week, biweekly, or once a month to discuss how you are doing and score as far as meeting your partner’s needs in your relationship is concerned, and if not receive suggestions on how to improve.
it’s important to be vulnerable and communicate how you feel because that’s the only way to heal, grow and improve as a couple and make sure that you always strive to meet each other’s needs as partners. You can then easily serve each other and others better.

Bond Emotionally

It’s important to bond emotionally, be vulnerable, empathize with each other, and talk about your feelings because that’s the only way to heal, grow and improve as a couple and make sure that you always meet each other’s needs as a partner.
You may have wounds or traumas that you’ve gone through in life maybe from your childhood which your spiritual partner and you come together to heal and help each other learn and grow from.

Healthy Way To Resolve Conflict

Have a healthy way to resolve your conflict constructively. Know that It is very normal to have conflicts because nobody is the same.
The way you look at the world and the way someone else looks at the world might be different.  Your perspective is dependent on what you were exposed to as a child and the experiences you have had throughout your life.

Express Appreciation

Make expressing appreciation for each other a regular practice because we often take our loved ones for granted. Have a regular practice to name a few things you are grateful for about your partner daily.

Have Goals Together

Come up with and have an exciting vision and goals for your relationship. Make sure you have goals and habits that are always moving you toward achieving your vision and goals. Review, measure, and check your progress frequently.

Laugh Often

Laugh often and have fun together because you are not put on this earth to exist in misery. When you laugh you exercise your facial muscles that cannot be exercised otherwise.
Your creator has created a beautiful and abundant world for you to enjoy. Every day you are provided different beautiful skylines at sunrise and sunset for you to enjoy and be in awe with.

Give Each Other Space

Respect and value each other’s independence. It is healthy to trust and give each other space to be alone daily or with friends occasionally. Take some time to meet up with your friends as frequently as you decide that works for you as a couple.

Balance Housework

Decide your housework responsibilities based on what works for you as a couple instead of letting society or anyone else dictate what you need to do in your household based on your gender.

Accept Partners

Accept and respect your partner for who they are with all their quirks and don’t try to change them. If you choose to be with them then chances are they are aligned with you as far as your top values and morals are concerned.
You would not be with them if they did not meet your big non-negotiables like perhaps having the same religion etc.

In conclusion, you now know that healthy romantic relationships are important because our romantic life partner is the most important partnership we will ever have as we navigate through life.
They will most likely have the power to influence and have an impact on our happiness, how we feel about ourselves, the quality of our life, and mental, emotional, and physical health.
The way to develop a healthy romantic relationship is by having the right habits and attitudes toward each other.
The 12 important healthy habits are acknowledging each other as equal souls, showing affection, knowing how your partner likes to be appreciated, communicating honestly, bonding emotionally, having healthy ways to resolve conflict, expressing appreciation daily, having goals as a couple, laughing together, give each other space, balance housework, and accept your partner as they are.
If you are in a romantic relationship I hope you will be open to implementing some or all of these healthy habits.  Good Luck!
Next, read does attachment cause suffering? for further helpful tips and insights.