Which One Is Better, Having A Son Or A Daughter?
Which One Is Better, Having A Son Or A Daughter?
Every parent needs to be grateful if they have been blessed with the responsibility and honor of raising a child.
I am always amazed when I think about how a child develops in the mother’s womb and how every developmental stage happens at the right time without any interference from any human beings.
Once the baby is born though people take over and they immediately start experiencing the cultural, and gender biases of the family and society starting with whether it gets a pink or blue blanket and how people talk to them.
So, which one is better to have a son or a daughter?
I believe that having any child is a blessing however a lot of the parents who are living in a patriarchal society, across many different cultures, cities, and parts of the world prefer having a son over a daughter so that they can carry their name and support them and their families financially.
If you are a parent you must take the time to work on yourself and heal from your own childhood traumas to be able to raise any child well.
Your identity, beliefs, thoughts, words, behavior, actions, and habits will influence who you are as a parent and will therefore have a direct impact on how you raise your children.
If you have been blessed with a daughter then you have a very important responsibility to raise her well because she may choose to raise her kids and directly influence and impact our future generations as a mother.
Next let’s discuss 12 things to never say to your daughters so that they can live their happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
12 Things To Never Say To Your Daughter
I believe parents are empowered and have a lot of influence over how they raise their daughters.
Always remember that every word you speak to your daughter carries energy so you should be very careful what you are saying to your daughters.
Your words will affect her self-image, esteem, mental well-being, and your relationship with her. Here are 12 things to never say to your daughter.

You Are Too Emotional
You are too emotional, sensitive, dramatic. Everybody has a right to fully express their emotions and should be encouraged to do so. Emotions which are simply energy in motion serve a purpose and are always trying to tell us something.
Teach your daughter to sit with her emotions and figure out why she is feeling them. What is her identity, beliefs, and thoughts that are leading to those feelings and emotions?
You Should Look More Like Your Friend
Your daughter should never hear you say to her that she should look more like her friend or sibling. Love and accept your daughter for her uniqueness and for who she is instead of comparing her to other people.
She is here to live her life which has infinite possibilities. She is a soul that is here for a purpose and has been given the wisdom, right body, color, and sex to serve that purpose.
You Are Not Pretty Enough
Everybody is beautiful and should not be told that they are not pretty enough. She has the right body to fulfill her purpose. Don’t judge her based on what society says is considered pretty.
Instead, teach her to be proud of, love, accept, and celebrate who she is help her figure out why she is here, and support her in serving her purpose.
You Are Not Smart Enough
Make sure your daughter knows that she has been given inner power and wisdom to fulfill the purpose that she is here to fulfill right now instead of telling her she is not smart enough based on the grades that she got from a school that does not honor all geniuses equally.
Teach her to be grateful for and celebrate, honor her strengths, and use her unique gifts to serve her purpose.
Boys will Not Like You If You Are Too Strong
Stop telling your daughter boys will not like you if you’re too strong, or independent. Your daughter is not here to live her life for the boys in her life or to please anyone else.
She is here to fulfill a purpose using her unique gifts. When she is focused on living her true soul-aligned, authentic life of purpose she will attract the right partner when she is ready.

I Did Not Want A Girl
I did not want a girl nobody is an awful thing to say to your daughter that you have been trusted by your creator to raise. Always remember your daughter may have come through you however she is not your property and does not belong to you.
She belongs to her creator and is here to fulfill her soul contract, mission, and calling. Any child that you are trusted to raise consider it a blessing despite its gender and so learn to accept, and appreciate, that soul no matter what body it is in while here on the earth.
I Wish You Could Be More Like When You Were Younger
Do not live in the past and wish that your child was younger. Enjoy and cherish the present moments with them. Learn to cherish, accept, love, hear, and understand her at every stage of her life, and be there for her to guide and support them.
Be proud of and honor who she is and enjoy your relationship with her at every stage and phase of life. Teach her that change is a normal part of life.
Our bodies will continue to change and so will our life and who is in it. Your soul is the only thing that will always remain changeless.
You Will Not Amount To Much
You will not amount to much is not a good thing to say to your daughter instead make sure she knows how powerful she is and that her life has infinite possibilities.
Make sure she knows how to feel good about and honor her strengths. She should never let someone else’s opinion impact her self-image and esteem.
Teach her to be resilient and strong because someday she may decide to raise your grandchild and you want to make sure that she is strong enough so that she can then raise our future generations well.
Your Brother Can But You Can Not
Make sure you have the same rules for your daughters and sons. Don’t have separate and unfair rules for your daughters because she is a girl.
Teach her that she is a powerful soul that is equal to any boy out there. Do not make her feel that she is powerless because she is a girl.
Once You Are Married Don’t Come Back
You should never tell your daughter once you are married you are no longer my problem and can never come back. Daughters are a blessing and therefore should never treated like they are a burden.
You must teach your daughter to be resilient, strong, and empowered to end and leave any intimate relationships where she is not loved and treated as an equal soul.

Learn To Cook So That You Can Feed Your Husband
Make sure your daughter knows how to cook so that she can live an independent life and make food for herself not so that she can cook for her husband and in-laws. If she decides to take on that role then that is a choice that she can decide to make with her partner.
You Are A Girl So You Cannot
Never say to your daughter that you are a girl so you cannot choose this career or that you should not waste time in school instead master domestic skills.
Daughters should be encouraged and supported to go and pursue education and choose a career that inspires them.
In conclusion, you now know that a lot of the parents who are living in a patriarchal society, across many different cultures, cities, and parts of the world prefer having a son over a daughter so that they can carry their name and support them and their families financially.
You also know if you have been blessed with a daughter then you have a very important responsibility to raise her well because she may choose to raise her kids and directly impact our future generations.
You now know what 12 things to never say to your daughters so that they can live their happy, meaningful, and fulfilling lives.
Please share this article with anyone else that you know is raising a daughter and let’s start a movement and raise strong, empowered girls who can, if they decide to raise stronger future generations.
Next, read Can parents help their child’s mental health for further helpful insights and tips.