What Is The Worst Parenting Style?

What Is The Worst Parenting Style?

What Is The Worst Parenting Style?

Parenting a child you are blessed to raise can be one of the most joyful and important roles your creator can trust you with. 

Since this role does not come with a universal manual, most of us wonder whether we are doing a good enough job raising children who can fulfill their purpose, positively impact this world, and function as healthy adults. 

How do you know the answer to that question? Is there a best and worst way to parent your child? What is the worst parenting style?

The worst parenting style and the one with the worst future outcomes for the child is the one in which the parent is uninterested, unengaged, uninvolved, neglectful, and does not care about their child. 

The parent is not fully present and gives no feedback or attention to their child. This leads to the child having a lack of trust in themselves and others. They form a negative image of themselves and are unable to form healthy attachments and good relationships

So, you may be wondering how you make sure you are raising your kids well. Let’s discuss below some of the differences between ego-centered parenting which you need to avoid versus the awakened parenting style which you need to adopt because it is the best way to raise your kids.

Ego Centered Parenting Versus Awakened parenting

The impact of ego-centered parenting is detrimental to the children as they become adults and should be avoided at all costs. Here are eight differences between ego-centered versus awakened parenting. 

Focus On Self Versus Child

An ego-centered parent prioritizes and focuses on their own needs, desires, reputation, and insecurities, often at the expense of the child’s well-being. 

An awakened parent is child-centered and is focused on the child’s holistic development, fostering a deep understanding of their unique needs, strengths, and challenges. 

Control Versus Empowerment

An ego-centered parent seeks to control their child’s choices behavior and achievements to fulfill their ego needs such as validation or status.

An awakened parent aims to always empower their child to express themselves authentically, make their own choices, and learn from their experiences.  

Expectations Versus Acceptance

An ego-centered parent has rigid expectations and demands for their children, often projecting their unmet ambitions onto them. 

An awakened parent practices acceptance and non-judgment, embracing their children for who they are and supporting their growth paths.

Authoritarian Versus Compassionate

An ego-centered parent may involve authoritarian or manipulative communication, emphasizing power dynamics rather than empathy and understanding.

An awakened parent prioritizes open, honest, and compassionate communication, fostering trust, and emotional connection between parent and child.

Distracted Versus Present

An ego-centered parent may be preoccupied with their concerns or distracted, lacking presence and attunement to their children’s needs. 

An awakened parent cultivates mindfulness and presence in their interactions with their children, creating a nurturing and supportive environment. 

Hierarchical Versus Collaborative Relationship

An ego-centered parent may result in hierarchical, one-sided relationships where the parent’s needs take precedence over the child’s.

An awakened parent fosters collaborative relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation, where both parent and child have a voice and agency. 

Impose Values Versus Encouraging Individuality

An ego-centered parent may impose their values, interests, and aspirations onto their children, stifling their individuality and autonomy.

An awakened parent celebrates and encourages their children’s uniqueness, allowing them to explore their passions, express their identities, and develop a strong sense of self. 

Misunderstood Versus Confident Child

An ego-centered parenting may lead to the child feeling pressured, misunderstood, or unfulfilled, potentially resulting in strained relationships and emotional wounds that persist into adulthood.

An awakened parent nurtures their child’s emotional intelligence, resilience, and self-confidence, laying the foundation for positive self-esteem and fulfilling relationships in adulthood. 

In Conclusion, the worst parenting style and the one with the worst future outcomes for the child is the one in which the parent is uninterested, unengaged, uninvolved, neglectful, and does not care about their child. 

The parent is not present and gives no feedback or attention to their child. This leads to the child having a lack of trust in themselves and others. They form a negative image of themselves and are unable to form healthy attachments and good relationships

You also now know the difference between egocentric versus awakened parenting like focus on self versus child, control versus empowerment, expectations versus acceptance, authoritarian versus compassionate communication, 

Also distracted versus present, hierarchical versus collaborative relationship, impose values versus encourage individuality, and misunderstood versus confident child.

I hope you realize how important it is to raise your child as an awakened parent and not as an ego centered one.

Next, read can childhood affect your adulthood for further helpful insights and tips.

Why Do You Not Feel Good Enough?

Why Do You Not Feel Good Enough?

Why Do You Not Feel Good Enough?

Chances are very high if you are reading this and live on this earth with other people that you have had several moments in your life where you felt like you are not good enough. Why does that happen? Why do you not feel good enough?

The reason you do not feel good enough is because you have been living your life from the outside in instead of creating your best life from the inside out. 

You give your power away for the formation of your self-esteem, image, and worth to the external experiences, circumstances, situations, and people in your life when you let them influence you.

The expectations and approval of others dictate how good, satisfied, and happy you feel about the life that you are living, and the choices and decisions that you are making. 

Whenever you feel that you are not living up to these outer expectations then you feel not good enough and less happy about your overall life experience.

So, you may be wondering how to overcome not feeling good enough. Let’s discuss 7 things you can remind yourself and stop feeling not good enough.

7 Things To Remember When Feeling Not Good Enough

The best way to stop feeling not good enough is by working on changing your energy by drenching yourself in gratitude by remembering everything that you are grateful for. 

You can also follow that by finding and serving someone powerfully. In addition, here are seven things for you to remind yourself of when feeling not good enough.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Do not compare yourself to other people because the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Every soul is on their journey and will therefore go through challenges to learn the lessons and grow so that it can fulfill its calling and purpose in a bigger and better way. 

Ultimately all souls are here on the earth to grow and to serve. Always remember comparison is the thief of all joy so instead keep your focus on discovering and fulfilling your purpose before it is too late.

You Create Your Reality

Know that you are 100% responsible for creating your reality and living your very best meaningful and fulfilling life. So, if you are not happy about a certain area of your life then know that you are not helpless and have the power to change it. 

The best way to begin to change it is to adopt an identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits that serve you and help you create your desired reality in any area of your life.  

Your Mistakes Do Not Define You

Always remember that it is okay to make mistakes and that they do not define who you are. They help you grow and learn lessons so that you can serve your purpose in a bigger and better way. 

Have self-compassion and forgive yourself and others for all the mistakes that they have made that impacted you and helped you learn something and grow.

You Are Enough

Accept yourself the way you are and know that you are enough and perfect even if you are still working on improving yourself. 

You have been created perfectly and have been given unique gifts to use and develop for the fulfillment of your purpose.

You Deserve To Be Loved

Know that you deserve your unconditional self-love and to be loved by others because you are special. We are all equally special souls who are connected and loved by our creator unconditionally.

Present Moments Matter

Enjoy and be present in every moment that is a gift to you right now. Do not waste your energy on your past regrets, guilt, and your future which is not guaranteed. 

Make it a habit to practice gratitude for every breath, family, loved ones, your intuition which is your loving guidance and your sacred beautiful mind, and everything else that you can think of and change your energy and vibration.

You Matter

Always know that you matter and are worthy or you would not be here right now and be trusted to do your creator’s work.  Your value doesn’t get diminished by all the mistakes and everything that you go through in life.  

You matter just the way you are.  You have been built perfectly with the wisdom and power to fulfill your purpose.

In conclusion, you now know that the reason you do feel not good enough is that you have been living your life from the outside in instead of creating your best life from the inside out. 

You give the power for the formation of your self-esteem, image, and worth to the external experiences, circumstances and situations in your life.

The expectations and approval of others dictate how good, satisfied, and happy you feel about your life and the choices and decisions that you make. 

Whenever you feel that you are not living up to these outer expectations then you feel not good enough and less happy about your overall life.

You also know to remind yourself of the following seven things when you do not feel good enough like to stop comparing yourself to others, you can create your reality, mistakes do not define you, you are enough, you deserve to be loved unconditionally, you matter and your present moments matter.

I hope you found these seven things to remind yourself when not feeling good enough helpful. Please share them with your children and all the other people that you feel need to know about these.

Good mental health is extremely important to live a meaningful and fulfilling best life that you came here to live. Make sure your children know that they can come to you to talk about how they are feeling. 

Share how you are feeling with them regularly so that the topic of mental health is not seen as a taboo subject.

Next, read what to do when you feel unhappy for further helpful tips and insights.

What Is Soul Loyalty?

What Is Soul Loyalty?

What Is Soul Loyalty?

If you are not consciously and intentionally spending some time in the quiet, daily then chances are high that you are not prioritizing and living a life that is loyal to your soul. What is soul loyalty?

Soul loyalty is achieved when you let your soul which is your true essence, and its qualities, drive every decision you make in life and how you conduct yourself. 

It is a way of living life from the inside out instead of letting the outer circumstances, situations, and your ego’s screams dictate how you behave, and react to your outside world. 

So, you may be wondering what are some ways you can begin to live a life that is loyal to your soul. Let’s discuss that next.

8 Ways To Be Loyal To Your Soul (True Self)

You must know how to be loyal to your soul and learn to always stay connected to it if you want to live your very best, purposeful, meaningful, blissful, and fulfilling life that you came here to live. Here are eight ways that you can be loyal to your soul.

Always Be Aware You Are A Soul

Always be aware and acknowledge that you are a soul that is on a journey that is in your body temporarily. Accept that your essence and true self is your eternal soul. The more you take the time to connect, consult, and listen to it the more powerfully it will be able to guide you.

Know Your Soul Is Connected To Your Creator

Know that your soul is part of you that is connected to your creator. It has come from your creator and will return there one day. Always stay connected to it and your creator through it.  

Learn to spend time in the quiet and listen to it for your guidance. All your wisdom that you need while here on this earth is within you.  

You are here as an individualized expression of your Creator. You are part of your creator’s army that’s here to fulfill a purpose otherwise you wouldn’t be here. So, know that you matter and are enough the way you are. 

Know It Keeps You Alive

Know that your soul is what keeps you alive so learn to connect to it, listen to it, and appreciate its guidance. Your body will die someday when your soul leaves it. Your soul is temporarily parked in this body.  

Accept It Is Changeless

Acknowledge and accept that your soul is the only thing about you that is changeless. Your soul will never die because it is eternal and ever-living. 

It will leave your body someday however it will never die. Everything else including your body and appearance is in transition and will continue to change throughout your life. 

Know Spending Time In Silence Is Necessary To Hear It

Know that it is important that you intentionally create quiet space in your life potentially daily so that you can hear your life guidance from your soul. Ask it questions and you will always get your answers.  

Your soul knows exactly why you came here and the purpose you are here to fulfill.  The more loyal you are to your soul and the more you hear and follow its guidance the better your life will get. 

Learn To Live Your Life As An Observer

Learn to live your life as an observer and know that you are not your body, title, occupation, and role. When you look in the mirror remember it’s your soul looking at your body. 

You are not your body, know that you are a soul with a body that is having a temporary human experience. 

Know And Live In Alignment With Your Soul Qualities

Know and learn to live your truth in alignment with your soul qualities which are love, joy, peace, purity, divinity, wisdom, and power.  All of these qualities are accessible and within you. 

You can also learn to connect to your creator and access your creator’s intelligence, power, and strength by spending time in the quiet and meditating.  

Learn To Listen To Your Intuition

Learn to listen to listen to your intuition which is your inner loving soul guidance. It is always available to you while you are here on this earth. It will help you stay on track with the fulfillment of the purpose that you came here for.  

In conclusion, you now know that soul loyalty is possible when you let your soul, its qualities, which is your true self, drive every decision you make in life and how you conduct yourself. 

It is a way of living life from the inside out instead of letting the outer circumstances, situations, and your ego’s screams dictate how you behave and react. 

You also know 8 ways you can begin to be loyal to your soul which is being aware your true self is your soul, knowing your soul is connected to your creator, it keeps you alive.

It is changeless, and need to create quiet space to hear it, learn to live your life as an observer, know and learn to live in alignment with your soul qualities, and learn to listen to your intuition and loving soul guidance.

I hope you make living a life that is loyal to your eternal, ever-living soul your number one priority and help everyone else in your family, community, and society do the same!

Next, read what is the best time for quiet time for further helpful insights and tips.

Why Is Self-love Hard?

Why Is Self-love Hard?

Why Is Self-love Hard?

Most of us, especially mothers, use so much of our energy and time to make sure that everyone in our lives like our family, and friends feel loved, and are well taken care of. What about loving ourselves? Why is self-love hard?  

Self-love is hard because we do not prioritize it, are influenced to take actions, and form habits based on our limiting beliefs possibly formed from our childhood experiences habitual negative thoughts, and inner self-talk. 

Our society also considers self-love and care to be selfish especially if you are a mother. 

We also find it difficult to love ourselves because we have forgotten our true identity as a soul, where we have come from, whose image we are made in, and how powerful and loved we are by our creator. 

Most of us are less forgiving and compassionate towards ourselves and therefore tend to keep punishing ourselves for the mistakes that we made in the past. 

So, you may be wondering what are some revealing signs that you lack self-love. Let’s discuss that next. 

10 Signs That You Lack Self-love

Most of us have a very hard time living our true lives and loving ourselves unconditionally. We must learn to do so because only then we can know and teach others how to love us. Here are 10 signs that reveal that you lack self-love. 

Hide Your True Self

You feel like you do not matter, are not enough, worthy, and therefore you mask and hide your true self around others. You think if others know the true you they will not like you. 

Always be proud of who you are and be your true self. You are an individual expression of your creator, a soul on a journey that’s here right now to fulfill a purpose. People who are meant to be in your life will love you the way you are.

Overanalyze Your Behavior

You are afraid of being you and acting the way you want to because you fear that you will be judged by others. You mimic, adapt, and try to do what everybody else around you is doing.

You do not need to blend in and do what feels uncomfortable or harm yourself by adopting bad addictive habits to fit in. Always be true to yourself and listen to your emotional and physical guidance.  

You may inspire other people to be themselves too. Accept yourself and learn to be proud of who and how you are. The right people who are meant to be in your life will accept and love you just the way you are.

Have A Strong Fear Of Being Judged

The fear of being judged will lead you to always questioning and being less accepting of what you look like, and what you’re doing with your life in comparison to others.

Your life and purpose are between your soul and your creator.  It is not anyone else’s business. Do not worry about others judging you because they may not understand your purpose. Stay steadfast on your path to fulfilling your purpose before it is too late.   

Struggle With Mental And Physical Health

When you are in pain because you do not love and care about yourself you will be more likely to be drawn to addictions like others that are not good for you physically like excessive drinking, smoking, and overeating food that does not fuel your body and give it vitality. 

Your soul is in your body at the moment so take care of it. You cannot fulfill your purpose if you are not physically healthy.

You will also be more likely to adopt the wrong identity, beliefs, and thoughts which will lead to painful feelings, negative self-talk and words that you say to yourself, wrong actions and habits which will then lead to undesired destiny, an unhappy life, and mental health issues. 

Learn to be aware, catch, and stop adopting false identities, negative thoughts, and all the limiting beliefs that don’t serve you.

Feel Inferior To Others

There is no need to compare yourself to others, and feel inferior to them. Every soul is on a journey and is here to fulfill their purpose and calling. 

No one is superior and everybody deserves the same respect despite their worldly titles, education, occupation, gender, color, and social status.

Hard On Yourself

You tend to be hard on yourself and don’t take the time to celebrate and appreciate your accomplishments. Always acknowledge and be proud of who you are, what you have done with your life, and how much you have grown.  

Despite all the distractions if you are awakened and aspiring daily to live a more soul-aligned life take the time to celebrate and be proud of yourself.  

Be kind, and compassionate towards yourself, and learn to forgive yourself because it is okay to learn from your mistakes and grow. 

Lack Confidence

You lack confidence and self-belief and therefore believe that you do not deserve self-love. Always remember you are loved unconditionally by your creator and are here for a purpose or you would not be here. 

You have been built and are in a perfect body and have been given all the wisdom you need within you to fulfill your purpose.  

Be confident that you were built to serve your purpose and that you are capable. You are not limited and your life has infinite possibilities but you have to believe that. What you believe will always come true for you. 

Need Validation

You constantly need validation, approval, permission, and affirmations from others about how you are living your life, and how you look.  

Always remember everyone has lived a very different life and has had very different life experiences in comparison to you and therefore it will be impossible for them to approve and like everything about your life. 

You don’t need other’s validation and approval to live your dream life. Don’t give other’s opinions power over you.

Have Difficult And Unstable Relationships

You will attract partners and have difficult and unstable relationships. You will feel like you are staying in an abusive relationship because you don’t love yourself and feel that you do not deserve any better.  

Always remember you are loved unconditionally by your creator, you matter, are enough, and deserve the best. You should never allow yourself to be mistreated. You should be treated as an equal soul in any relationship.

Settle For Less

You tend to not dream big and settle for less because you fear that you do not believe in yourself and fear that you are not going to be successful.  

Start taking steps toward your dream life. It is okay to try different things, make mistakes, and have failures because they will help you grow and teach you to be better, make you stronger, and help you grow so you can serve others in a bigger and better way.

Leap and start moving towards what you want. Have faith in one hand and fear in the other, start discovering what your purpose is and start working on that.

In conclusion, you now know that self-love is hard because we do not prioritize it, are influenced to take actions, and form habits based on our limiting beliefs possibly formed from our childhood experiences habitual negative thoughts, and inner self-talk. 

Our society also considers self-love and care to be selfish especially if you are a mother. 

We also find it difficult to love ourselves because we have forgotten our true identity as a soul, where we have come, whose image we are made in, and how powerful and loved we are by our creator. 

Most of us are less forgiving and compassionate towards ourselves and therefore tend to keep punishing ourselves for the mistakes that we made in the past. 

The 10 signs to watch for that signal you lack self-love are you hide your true self, overanalyze your behavior, fear being judged, struggle with physical and mental health, feel inferior to others, are hard on yourself, lack self-confidence, need validation, have difficult relationships and settle for less.

I hope you will start loving yourself and scheduling some time daily for your self-care immediately. 

Next, read why self-love is not selfish for further helpful insights and tips.

What Is Purposeful Work?

What Is Purposeful Work?

What Is Purposeful Work?

Most people choose the work they do based on either the maximum income potential it would give them or because they were told to do so by their parents based on what they considered would lead to again their child making the maximum amount of money, having high status and success in life.
A minority of people however choose to do purposeful work which leads to prosperity and abundance as it’s bi product. What is purposeful work?
Purposeful work is the work you have been built for and trusted to do on this earth, right now, by your creator using your unique gifts and geniuses that you have been blessed and equipped with.
The focus of this type of meaningful work is to serve others with your or your employer’s products or service whose mission and purpose is to transform and make their customer’s lives better.
So, you may be wondering why most people do not seek out purposeful work. Let’s discuss 8 reasons why people you may not be seeking and doing your purposeful work.

8 Reasons Why You Are Not Doing Purposeful Work

When we are born we know why we are here on this earth and what is it that we are here to do however as we go through life we forget why we came and what we are here to do. 
It is not an accident that you are here on this earth right now. You are here to fulfill a purpose.  Here are eight reasons why you are not doing your purposeful work.

Do Not Realize Who You Are

Know that you have come from your creator and are made in his image and therefore possess the same qualities. One of the most important qualities that you have been trusted with is to create. You are here to create experiences for the people that you are here to serve.
You can better people’s lives by creating transformative products and services that help them solve their problems based on your own life experiences, problems that you solved for yourself, by using your unique gifts and genius.

Not Connected To Your Soul

If you do not connect, align, and listen to your soul, it will be hard for you to know and fulfill your purpose. You can only hear the screams of your ego because you, like everyone else, live in a very noisy world instead of being in the quiet and hearing the whispers of your soul.
Live your truth and essence which is your soul’s qualities which are peace, joy, love, purity, divinity, wisdom, and inner power.

Do Not know Your Purpose

Discover your purpose and stop living a busy life doing what society defines as important for a successful life.
Your soul is here to fulfill its contract, mission, and calling that it has with the creator.  Ask your soul to reveal to you what your purpose is and why you are here right now because it knows the answer to that question.
The more you learn to connect to your soul the more it will continue to guide you and give you answers that you need to fulfill your purpose. You have been given inner wisdom to fulfill your purpose on this earth.

You Procrastinate

Stop procrastinating and let fears and doubts keep you from fulfilling your mission and purpose. Always remember that you are a powerful, divine, and wise soul who is fully capable of fulfilling your purpose by serving others and pleasing your creator.
You will always have your intuition, which is loving inner guidance available to you. You can also connect with your creator and access his intelligence, strength, and power. 

You Are Distracted

You are only here for a short time and distraction will keep you from fulfilling your mission and purpose. Stop worrying about and prioritizing what society uses as measures of success like your social status, roles, tiles, and material possessions which will all end one day or stay on this earth when you leave.
Always remember your soul will never die and is eternal. It will take all of its deeds and karma with it when it leaves this earth. Make sure you are fulfilling the purpose that you came here for and are listening to your soul because it has a contract, calling, and mission it came here to fulfill.

Don’t Believe In Self

You are a wise soul that is fully equipped to fulfill its purpose.  Stop having imposter syndrome and thinking thoughts and beliefs that do not serve you and keep you from fulfilling your purpose.

You are fully capable of helping and serving the people whose lives you are here to help transform. You are a powerful soul with a body and you have everything you need to fulfill your purpose despite what society might have led you to believe. 

Have Low Self-esteem

Don’t adopt an identity that does not empower you to fulfill your purpose and instead makes you feel inferior and have a low self-esteem and image.
You are a genius and gifted with the abilities that you need for the fulfillment of your purpose despite the grades you might have gotten in school. 
Let go of all the limiting beliefs that you may have acquired from school, parents, and society. Everything that you need to fulfill your purpose is within you and nobody has to approve of your mission. It’s between your soul and your creator.

Don’t Realize The Consequences

Start doing your work before it is too late. You are on this earth for a short while. You don’t realize the big consequences of not doing your work and the impact it has on this world.
There are people who desperately need you to do your purposeful work and help them. It’s important that you do your work and help those people that you are meant to help and make this world a better place. 
If you have children be a role model to them because they are here to fulfill a purpose as well and like you are also a soul that is on a journey and has a mission and calling that they are here to fulfill. 
Inspire them and everybody who crosses your path to connect to their soul, discover and figure out why they are here, and fulfill their purpose before it is too late.

In conclusion, you now know that purposeful work is the work you have been built for and trusted to do on this earth, right now, by your creator with the use of your unique gifts and geniuses that you have been blessed and equipped with.
The focus of this type of meaningful work is to serve others with your or your employer’s products or service whose mission is to transform and make their customer’s lives better.
Some of the reasons why you may not be doing your purposeful work are that you do not realize who you are, you are not connected to your soul, don’t know your purpose, you procrastinate because of fear and doubts.
You are also distracted, have low self-esteem, feel like an imposter because you don’t believe in yourself and don’t realize the consequence of you not doing your purposeful work.
Next, read what does spiritual alignment mean or further insights and tips.

Is It Important To Teach Self-love To Your Child?

Is It Important To Teach Self-love To Your Child?

Is It Important To Teach Self-love To Your Child?

Most of us have a habitual negative internal dialogue and say things to ourselves that we would never say to a friend. We do not realize that we are often not very loving and very hard on ourselves.
We then end up raising kids, who see us as role models, that are not very loving towards themselves. Is it important to teach self-love to a child?
It is very important to teach self-love to a child so that they can live a conscious, self-aware, soul-aligned life, have a loving healthy relationship with themselves, and have a positive self-image, and self-esteem to confidently live their true, authentic, meaningful life, and fulfill their purpose.
They will also be able to attract closer, accepting, loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationships.
So, you may be wondering how do you teach your child to love themselves. Let’s discuss that next.

10 Self-love Lessons To Teach Your Child

Most children have not been taught to love themselves and therefore end up having a low self-image and esteem. They also suffer both physically and mentally because they do not love themselves..
This is unfortunate because our children are our future generation who may someday choose to raise their kids. Here are 10 important self-love lessons to teach your child and empower them.

Self-Acceptance And Love

Teach your children to love and accept themselves as they are. Make sure to remind them that they are an individualized expression of their creator.
They are enough, matter, and are loved by their creator unconditionally and their value does not diminish based on what they go through in life.
They were created in their creator’s image who is very loving and powerful. Don’t let society and other people dictate what they need to look like and be. 

Created Perfectly

Tell them not to compare themselves to others and let it rob their inner joy. They were perfectly created for their purpose and have a unique genius, natural talents, and gifts that they were given to fulfill it.
Teach them to be proud no matter what they look like because their soul is in the exact right body, color, and gender for the purpose that they have come here right now to fulfill. 
Ensure your child knows that their purpose is between them and their creator and that no one else needs to approve of it.

Self-love Journey Is Not Linear

If they are not used to loving themselves then the self-love journey is not going to be linear, and a rapid process. It will take time to form the habit of loving and catching your inner sabotaging self.
If they keep focusing on making progress and intentionally reminding themselves who they are and why they are here then they will eventually get to a point where loving self will become natural.

Self-love Is not Selfish

Make sure they know self-love is not selfish even though our society may have them believe to be so. Tell them to spend some time doing what gives them joy every day so that they can serve others in a joyful true state.

Self-love Is Necessary

Make them understand how important and necessary it is to love themselves and know what gives them joy so that they can better teach and make others understand how they want to be loved and what gives them joy.

Practice Self-compassion

It is important to teach them to practice self-compassion and forgiveness because if not it will lead to their suffering and health issue.
Make sure they know it is okay to make mistakes and grow and learn so that you can then serve others in a bigger and better way. 

Follow Your Intuition

Teach them to value, honor, listen to their inner loving guidance, and intuition and follow their heart and joy as a compass for guidance on what to do in life.

Live An Intentional Life

Show them how to practice mindfulness and live their intentional authentic, soul-aligned life instead of following someone else’s plan for their life.
Make sure they know that their soul knows why they are here and learn to spend time in the quiet so that they can hear their soul’s whispers.
Teach them to start a morning routine where they spend some time in the quiet, meditating, journaling, and reminding themselves who they are which is a soul with a body, and why they are here.

Show Up For Yourself

Make sure they know how to protect and show up for themselves by setting healthy boundaries. Teach them the importance of boundaries for their self-love and to remove people who they do not feel safe and happy to be around.

Practice Self-care

Make them understand the importance of practicing self-care regularly. It is not selfish especially if you want to serve your purpose in a bigger and better way.
It is crucial to take care of yourself, put your oxygen mask on first, fill your own cup before so that you can pour into others from an overflow and not an empty cup.

In conclusion, you now know that It is very important to teach self-love to a child so that they can live a conscious, self-aware, soul-aligned life, have a loving healthy relationship with themselves, and a positive self-image, self-esteem to confidently live their true authentic life, fulfill their purpose.
They will also be able to attract more closer, accepting, loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationships.
You also know the 10 self-love lessons to teach your child which are accepted and love yourself, you were created perfectly, self-love is not going to be linear, not selfish.
It is necessary for better relations, the importance of self-compassion, following your intuition, living an intentional life, have healthy boundaries, and importance of practicing self-care regularly.
Next, read can parents help their child’s mental health for further helpful tips and insights.

Is Self-reflection Important?

Is Self-reflection Important?

Is Self-reflection Important?

Most of us have created a very busy life for ourselves doing everything that society has told us is necessary for us to do to be successful.
This is not necessarily the right formula for everyone to live a satisfactory life because success can never be defined in the same way for all us. Always remember that you are here to live your best life as an individualized soul.
Do you know what that is for you? If not, how will you know what that is for you? Is self-reflection the answer and where you start? Is self-reflection important?
Self-reflection is an extremely important practice to adopt and do regularly especially if you want to continue to live your true, conscious, soul-aligned, purposeful, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
It will help you have a better relationship with yourself by knowing, and understanding who you are, where you have come from, and why you are here right now.
It will also help you identify and appreciate your unique gifts, your soul’s calling, and purpose, and make sure that you know whether you are on your purposeful life path and have set the right aligned vision, mission, and goals for yourself.
You may be wondering what are some questions to ask yourself as you practice self-reflection. Let’s discuss what some of these questions are next.

Self-reflection Questions To Ask Yourself?

If you do not take the time to know yourself then you cannot live your true, authentic, best life. You must sit down and answer these 12 self-reflections mentioned below. 

What Are My Top Core Values?

You need to know what your top core values are so that you can create a life of your dreams. Make sure you take the time to figure out what your top core values are by asking yourself what frustrates you the most, and what you care about to help you figure out what your values are.
Your values drive all the decisions that you make in life so the more familiar you are with them the easier it will get for you to make decisions. 
For example, if one of your top values is freedom then perhaps you would want to own your business and work for yourself instead of working for someone else who would then dictate what you do while at work and how much vacation and sick time you can take off.

What Beliefs And Principles Are Important?

Do you know what beliefs and guiding principles are important to you?  Your destiny will be directed by your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, and habits and you must be aware of them.
For example, if you believe that you reap what you saw or that you treat people the way you want to be treated then those beliefs and principles will guide how you conduct yourself and influence the decisions that you make in your life daily.

What Are My Priorities?

Make sure you know your priorities and that they are reflected in your habits and schedule. For example, if spending time with your family is one of your priorities and if you never do so then you are not prioritizing what is important to you and will feel the consequences and sadness as a result.
This exercise will give you awareness and know whether you need to make changes to the way you live your life so that you can prioritize what you feel is the most important to you and not what other people or society says should be important.

What Are My Unique Gifts?

You like everyone else have been given unique gifts and natural strengths and talents by your creator to fulfill your purpose. Figure out what those gifts are for you and ask yourself are you using them to benefit yourself and others. 
If you do not know what they are then ask yourself what did you enjoy doing as a child, what do people compliment you on all the time, what do people to you for advice for.
Also, what comes naturally to you while other people struggle with the same thing or what problems have I gone through in life that I have solved for myself and I can now help others solve. The answer to these questions will begin to give you clues to your purpose and gifts. 

What Are My Blind Spots?

Figure out what some of your blind spots are. What stories and excuses are you telling yourself that keep you from doing your work? Do you have fears and doubts that make you feel like an imposter or ask yourself who am I to do this work?
Always remember you were perfectly built by your creator to fulfill your purpose and therefore have the exact body, size, color, race, and gender for your soul’s calling.

Who Do I Want To Be?

Ask yourself who do I want to be? Are you currently living a life that is alignment with your soul? You are an individualized divine expression of your creator. 
Create a quiet space and time in your life to connect and listen to your soul and creator. Your soul has all your answers and knows exactly why you are here.
The more you can be your true self which is like your soul-loving, kind, peaceful, joyful abundant, compassionate, pure, divine, wise, and powerful the more you’ll be able to serve your purpose and live a meaningful, blissful, and fulfilling life. 

What Energy Do I Want To Bring?

You can serve others with your energy by simply being in their presence. You can do that by raising your energy by connecting to your creator and soul. Be very intentional with the type of energy you bring everywhere that you go.
People will feel a sense of peace, calm, and joy when they are around you if you are aligned with your soul and are vibrating at its higher frequency.  Reflect and represent your soul and creator in your every identity, belief, thought, feeling, word, action, and habit.

What Impact Do I Want To Make?

Ask yourself what impact and difference do you want to make. How do I want to serve others? Serve whoever is in front of you in a given moment because that person is sent to you so that you can serve them.
Make it a habit to ask yourself throughout the day how may I serve? Whom may I serve? The right people who need to be served by you will be sent your way.

What Am I Passionate About?

Figure out what you are passionate about, what excites and inspires you, motivates and engages you because that particular thing is the clue to your life’s purpose and why you are here.

What Are My Limiting Beliefs

Most of the decisions that we make in life are based on our subconscious mind which has been programmed since we were little kids.
You may have formed an Identity, have a belief, and thoughts that drive your feelings, words, and behavior that do not serve you and help you fulfill your purpose.
Be aware of these beliefs and ask yourself if they are true. The sooner you realize that the limiting beliefs are not true the sooner you can prevent it from keeping you from fulfilling your purpose.
It is better to live your life with beliefs that serve you than the beliefs that don’t serve you. 

What Do I Want?

Make sure you are crystal clear on what type of life you want to create for yourself. Have a vision for every area of your life.
Ask yourself what is my purpose, and life mission are, what your perfect day looks like, where do I live, who do I live with, what are my goals in the different areas of your life, etc.

When Am I At My Best And Come Alive?

Know when you feel your very best, joyful, and happiest.  When you start living your purposeful life in alignment with your soul you will feel blissful and no other feeling will ever compare to how good you will feel despite the outer circumstances and situations that you will encounter.
This elated feeling will serve as a clue that you are on your purposeful life path.

In conclusion, you now know self-reflection is an extremely important practice to adopt and do regularly especially if you want to continue to live your true, conscious, soul-aligned, purposeful, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
It will help you have a better relationship with yourself by knowing, and understanding who you are, where you have come from, and why you are here right now.
I hope you will take the time to answer the 12 questions that we discussed in this article and start living your purposeful life!
Next, read What is consciousness for further helpful tips and insights.

What Is The Best Time For Quiet Time?

What Is The Best Time For Quiet Time?

What Is The Best Time For Quiet Time?

We live in an informational age where we are bombarded with lots of information and noise. Any information that we need is literally at our fingertips and can therefore easily lead to overconsumption, and overload.
One other big downside of this age is that it is very hard to prioritize and experience individual moments of silence. One of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself would be to schedule and spend some time in the quiet every single day. What is the best time for quiet time?
The best time for quiet can be catered to your lifestyle, stage, or phase. Ideally, it would be beneficial for you to schedule some quiet time early in the morning when there are fewer distractions, noise, and demands on your time.

This practice will help you get grounded, connect to your spirit and creator before you start your day face other people, and deal with different situations throughout the day.
The ideal peaceful time to experience some quiet time, if your schedule allows it, would be around 4 am because most people are asleep at that time and therefore there are fewer interfering energies felt from the collective consciousness. 
So, you may be wondering how long is a normal quiet time. Let’s discuss that next.

How Long Is Quiet Time

The answer to this question will again depend on how much time you can designate to it depending on your lifestyle, and stage.
If you can designate about one hour for this practice it would be very beneficial to you.  Any time spent in silence even if it is only for two minutes will be better than not experiencing it at all.
Next, let’s discuss some further benefits and reasons why you should seriously consider this routine and ritual of spending some time in silence daily.

What Are The Benefits Of Spending Time In Silence?

A routine, especially early in the morning, where you spend some time in silence, in solitude, with your eyes closed, meditating, or going for a walkout in nature would be very beneficial for everyone for multiple reasons. Here are 10 such reasons.

It Will Help Your Brain

Your brain will benefit from this practice. It will be less affected by stress, and be able to function more efficiently.
Studies have also shown that sitting in stillness and silence for just two minutes has led to growth in the hippocampus area of the brain. The hippocampus is associated with memory and learning.

It Will Foster Turning Inward

All of your power, solutions, and wisdom to live your very best life are within you. When you sit in silence you can tune inward and hear your thoughts, feelings, and mind and become more self-reflective.
You will be able to live a more empowered, true, soul-aligned, purposeful, and fulfilling life. 

It Will Allow A Deeper Connection With The Self

You will be able to form a deeper connection with yourself and examine your desires, values, purpose and why are you here.
You will be able to hear the whispers of your soul when you sit in the quiet. Your soul knows exactly why you are here right now.

It Will Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Your emotional intelligence will improve because you will be able to question, and examine your emotions like fear, anger, and jealousy and figure out why are you feeling them. What identity, thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, and stories have led to these feelings?
Any emotion that does not feel good is showing you that you are not aligned with your soul.  When you are aligned to your soul you will have your true qualities which are peace, love, joy, divinity, pureness, wisdom, and power. 

It Will Promote Your Healing

Sitting in silence will help you heal. It will enable you to tune into your emotions and see what effects it’s having on your body.
Your mental health and emotions will have a direct impact on your physical body. Your body is very wise and will tell you when it’s getting affected by your emotions. 
The more you sit in quiet to find out what’s going on in your body the more you will feel which area you need to work on, let go and heal the pain so that it does not cause you to have serious illnesses, diseases, and cancers.

It Will Improve Your Relationships

All your relationships will improve because you will be able to form deeper connections with people. You will be more patient, accepting, and understanding because of your alignment with your soul’s qualities.  You will be at peace and find it easier to resolve conflicts with others. 

It Will Improve Your Physical Health

You will improve your overall physical health by decreasing your blood pressure, and inflammation in your body and will increase your immune function.
You will also be able to experience a more restful, and peaceful sleep which will lead to your body being able to rejuvenate and repair all the areas that need it. 

It Will Improve Your Focus

It will be easier for you to concentrate, do deep, focused work, and get into a flow more often. Your productivity will also improve.

Makes It Easier To Hear Your Intuition

You will be able to tap into your subconscious mind and hear your intuition, soul’s whispers, and loving guidance from your creator and do the work that you came here to do before it is too late.

It Will Allow Time For Self-Care

When you get into a habit of designating some time daily to sit in the quiet you will allow time and space for your self-care and wellbeing.
You will feel charged, energized, and more at peace which will then help you increase your capacity to serve others in a more powerful, bigger, and better way.

In conclusion, you now know that the best time for quiet can be catered to your lifestyle, stage, or phase. Ideally, it would be beneficial for you to schedule some quiet time early in the morning when there are fewer distractions, noise, and demands on your time.
This practice will help you get grounded, connect to your spirit and creator before you start your day face other people, and deal with different situations throughout the day.
The ideal peaceful time to experience some quiet time, if your schedule allows it, would be around 4 am because most people are asleep at that time and therefore there are fewer interfering energies felt from the collective consciousness. 
You also learned that if you can designate about one hour for this practice it would be very beneficial to you. 
Any time spent in silence even if it is only for two minutes will be better than not experiencing it at all.
I hope you found the 10 reasons why you need to designate some time to sit in silence every day, it will help your brain, foster tuning inward, help you form a deeper connection with yourself, improve your emotional intelligence, promote healing.
It will also improve your relationships, physical health, focus, make it easier to hear your intuition, and allow important time for self-caren.
I hope you are now convinced to start this practice of sitting in silence daily and start benefiting immediately.
Next, read what is a spiritual awakening for further helpful tips and insights.

Why It Is Important To Raise A Strong Daughter

Why It Is Important To Raise A Strong Daughter

Why It Is Important To Raise A Strong Daughter

If you have been given the responsibility and opportunity to raise a daughter or shape her perspective in any capacity make sure you realize how blessed you are and how important a task you have been given.
Make sure you raise her to be strong. Why is it important to raise a strong daughter?
It is important to raise strong daughter so that she can have the resiliency, strength, and confidence to proudly live her very best, soul-aligned, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life by helping others and doing the work that she came on this earth to do despite the gender-based societal expectations and imposed limitations.
Your daughter may also choose to raise her children in the future and be responsible for shaping our future generations to be strong, resilient, and confident. 
You may be wondering next what are some things that parents need to teach their daughters so that they can be strong, resilient, and confident. Let’s discuss that next.

12 Things You Need To Teach Your Daughter

I believe it is our responsibility as parents to empower and raise strong, resilient, and confident daughters. Here are twelve things that you can begin teaching your daughter and start empowering her today.

She Can Achieve Anything

Make sure your daughter knows that her potential is limitless. Remind her that she is a powerful soul, can therefore dream big, and believe in her ability to turn these dreams into reality.
She has been given inner power, unique gifts, and natural talents to fulfill the purpose that her soul came here to fulfill.

Her Dreams Are Worth Pursuing

Be her biggest cheerleader encourage her to pursue her passions and dreams, and assure her that you are there to provide unwavering support.
If she has been made aware of a dream or a desire then she should know that she has the capability built into her to pursue, achieve, and bring it to reality. 

Her Voice Is Important And Matters

Foster open communication by emphasizing the value of her thoughts and opinions. Let her know that her voice has the power to create positive change.
Cultivate leadership qualities within her. Encourage her to use her influence for good and positively impact the world around her. 
She is a powerful soul with a calling to serve, lead, and help others by transforming their lives for the better and making a difference and impact in this world.

She Is Unique And Special

Celebrate her individuality. Help her understand that being true to herself is a source of strength, and she doesn’t need to conform to societal expectations.
She has been created perfectly with the right body, mind, color, and gender to do what she is here to do and fulfill her purpose and calling. 

She Should Not Fear Mistakes

Encourage a growth mindset by teaching her that mistakes are a natural part of life. Emphasize the importance of resilience and learning from challenges.
Reinforce a positive attitude towards success and failure. Help her see that setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning.
Help her consider all life’s failures as stepping stones to your best fulfilling, purposeful life. The more you grow the more you can serve others in a bigger and better way.

She Is Not Defined By Her Appearance

Remind her that true beauty comes from within. Encourage a healthy body image and self-acceptance, emphasizing that her worth goes far beyond physical appearance or external expectations and opinions of others.
Reinforce her self-worth. Help her understand that external opinions don’t define her value and that she should stay true to her authentic self.
Make sure she knows that her journey is unique and discourage unnecessary comparisons. Help her appreciate her path, recognizing that everyone’s journey is different.

She Is Loved Unconditionally

Reaffirm your love and support. Let her know that your love is constant, regardless of success or failure. This foundation of unconditional love will empower her throughout life.
Make sure she knows her value does not diminish if she makes a mistake in life. She is a powerful, peaceful, loving, joyful, divine, pure, and wise soul who is here to fulfill her purpose and calling.

Her Intelligence And Ideas Are Valued

Acknowledge and celebrate her strengths. Help her recognize that intelligence comes in various forms, and her unique skills contribute to the world in meaningful ways. Encourage her creativity and original thinking
Let her know that she should never let her grades dictate how smart she thinks and feels she is. She has been given unique gifts, natural talents, and the right wisdom within her to fulfill her purpose.

She Has The Right To Set Boundaries

Teach her the importance of self-care and setting boundaries. Empower her to prioritize her well-being and understand that it is okay to say no when necessary.
Make sure she knows that prioritizing her mental health is as important as caring for her physical health. Tell her the importance and significance of self-reflection, mindfulness, and seeking timely support when needed. 

Her good mental health and well-being are extremely important in order for her to be able to fulfill her purpose and calling.

She Should Not Be Afraid Of Change

Instill resilience in her by framing challenges as opportunities for growth. Let her know that setbacks are temporary and she has the strength to overcome any obstacle. 
Tell her change is a natural part of life and she possesses the skills to navigate through it with resilience. She should not be afraid of it. 
She can thrive in new situations and adapt when things change. She has been built to be very resilient and therefore should never be afraid of change.

She Is In Control Of Her Happiness

Teach her to take charge and control of her happiness. No one or nothing externally can be responsible for her happiness. Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life and it comes from within her.
Empower her to find joy in the journey and not solely in external circumstances. It is not dependent on external circumstances or possessions.
Joy is your truth as it is one of the qualities of your soul. Create a life that you desire and enjoy by having the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits.

Kindness And Empathy Are Your Strengths

Emphasize the importance of compassion and empathy and the fact that they are her strengths and not weaknesses. 
Let her know that kindness is a powerful force that can positively impact not only her life but the lives of others. Always be kind, compassionate, and empathetic as you help and serve others.

In conclusion, you now know that it is important to raise strong daughters so that they can have the resiliency, strength, and confidence to proudly live their very best, soul aligned meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life by helping others and doing the work that she came on this earth to do despite what the society says is appropriate for her gender.
You also now know the 12 things every parent needs to teach their daughter which are she is capable of achieving anything, her dreams are worth pursuing, her voice and opinion matter, she is unique and special, she should never fear mistakes.
Also, she is not defined by her appearance, she is loved unconditionally, her intelligence and ideas are valued, she has the right to set boundaries, she should not be afraid of change, she is in control of her happiness, and kindness and empathy are her strengths.
I hope you will start telling your daughter these starting today. Please share this article with anybody else who is raising a daughter so we can make sure that our future generation has a strong body, mind, and soul.
Next, read can you teach a child emotional intelligence for further helpful tips and insights.

Why Female Leaders Are Important

Why Female Leaders Are Important

Why Female Leaders Are Important

I have had the pleasure of knowing some extraordinary inspirational women who are excellent leaders both professionally and personally. The presence of a strong female leader at work and in your life is very important.
I hope you can think of a few female leaders in your life who have made a profound difference and impact on who you have become and how you live today. Why are female leaders important at work?
Female leaders are important because they tend to enhance and bring different traits, skills, and perspectives to an organization’s leadership team in comparison to males who are in similar positions.  
Organizations that have female leadership are often more successful because they tend to have a better reputation, conduct themselves more fairly, have better productivity, and team spirit, and inspire employee dedication, retention, and loyalty.
You may be wondering what are some reasons that women excel in leadership roles. Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

8 Reasons Why Women Excel As Leaders

Women bring a wealth of strengths to leadership roles, shaping positive and impactful environments. Every company needs to seriously consider having women in leadership positions if they want to succeed today.
Let’s talk about the incredible power and qualities that women bring to the table that make them exceptional leaders. Here are 8 simple yet profound reasons why women excel as leaders.

Emotional Intelligence

Women tend to have higher emotional intelligence, are relational, have excellent interpersonal skills, and ability to connect with others on a deeper level because they understand and empathize with the feelings of those around them.
This quality fosters strong connections, and trust within the organization. Whenever empathy is the driving force behind leadership, it creates an environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and motivated to give their best.


Women tend to embrace a collaborative leadership approach, valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging teamwork. This enables them to understand the diverse needs of their team members, fostering a workplace culture of support and collaboration.

Effective Communication

Communication is key in leadership, and women often excel in articulating their ideas and actively listening to others. It is the glue that holds any successful team together, and women excel in this department.
Whether it’s expressing a vision, providing constructive feedback, or navigating through tough conversations, conflict resolution, effective communication is a cornerstone of female leadership.
It fosters a culture of transparency, openness, and clear understanding within the team. When everyone is on the same page, incredible things happen.

Adaptability And Resilience

Women often demonstrate remarkable adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges. This ability to navigate change and bounce back from setbacks contributes to effective problem-solving and decision-making.

Strategic And Innovative Thinking

Many women possess strong strategic thinking skills, considering long-term goals and the bigger picture. This foresight helps guide teams toward success with a clear vision in mind.
Women tend to bring a fresh perspective to problem-solving. Their unique experiences and viewpoints often lead to innovative solutions that might have been overlooked otherwise.
Diversity in leadership is not just a buzzword, it is a catalyst for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. By embracing the diverse strengths that women offer, organizations can navigate challenges with agility and stay ahead of the curve in our ever-evolving world.

Inclusive Decision Making

Women are known for seeking diverse opinions when making decisions. This inclusive approach ensures a variety of perspectives are considered, leading to well-rounded and comprehensive choices.

Empowering Others

Women often have a natural inclination to empower and uplift those around them. As a leader, they inspire their teams to reach their full potential, creating a positive and motivational work environment.

Adherence To Values And Ethics

Women leaders often prioritize values and ethics, creating a strong moral compass for the team. This commitment to integrity fosters trust among team members and stakeholders alike.

In conclusion, you now know female leaders are important because they tend to enhance and bring different traits, skills, and perspectives to an organization’s leadership team in comparison to males who are in similar positions.  
Companies that have female leadership are often more successful. They tend to have a better reputation because they conduct themselves more fairly, improve productivity, and team spirit, and inspire employee dedication, retention, and loyalty.
You also learn eight reasons why women excel in leadership they have a high emotional intelligence, communicate effectively, are collaborative, adaptable and resilient, strategic and innovative, make decisions inclusively, empower others, and adhere to values and ethics.
Join me in celebrating the extraordinary leaders who happen to be women!
Share if you believe in the power of diverse leadership and let’s inspire positive change together!
Next, read What does inclusion in the workplace mean for further helpful tips and insights.