Can Poverty Programming Be Changed?
Can Poverty Programming Be Changed?
Most of us may not realize that our brain likes to conserve energy by creating pathways for efficiency when it is repeatedly exposed to something or a way to do something.
This helps us with the ability to recall something or make a decision faster, as we respond to various situations in life, based on the pathway and automatic programming formed in our subconscious mind due to our past exposures and experiences.
Our subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our perceptions, and attitudes. It also involves automatic thoughts, habits, beliefs, and learned behaviors that influence our daily lives.
Unfortunately for most of us, our cultural hypnotic societal poverty programming is one such automatic programming that keeps us poor.
Our scarcity mindset blocks us from tapping into the abundance that is all around us and living an abundant life which is our birthright.
So, you may be wondering if this poverty programming is something that you are possibly stuck with for the rest of your life or if it can be changed.
Poverty programming can most definitely be changed due to the discovery of our brain’s neuroplasticity, which is its amazing ability to form new pathways when exposed to new information on a repeating basis throughout our lives.
Next, let’s discuss some helpful ways for you to start overcoming and breaking free from your potential poverty programming.
How To Overcome Poverty Programming
It will be very beneficial for you to take your control and responsibility of creating your best life back and begin to master ways to overcome your cultural hypnotic societal poverty programming.
Here are eight ways for you to start overcoming your poverty programming.
Awareness Of Programming
Recognize and become aware of poverty programming in your life that is not serving you. This includes societal norms, cultural influences, family beliefs, and personal experiences that shape your thoughts and behaviors.

Take the time to reflect on who you are, where you have come from, and why you are here. Know that abundance is your birthright and money is the biproduct of fulfilling your purpose and pleasing your creator.
Examine your identity, beliefs, thoughts, attitude, words, actions, character, and personality, and ask yourself if they are serving your best interests, or if they are holding you back.
Question Assumptions
Challenge and question your assumptions and beliefs that are running as your programming that you have accepted without critical examination. Ask yourself where these beliefs came from and whether they serve you, and align with your values and goals.
If they are not leading you to fulfilling your vision, mission, goals, purpose, mission and helping you live your best, meaningful life then they do not need to be part of your life anymore.
Know your life has infinite possibilities when you assume the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, attitude, words, actions, character, and personality.
Seek New Perspective
Seek and expose yourself to diverse perspectives and alternative viewpoints. Engage with people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. This can help broaden your understanding and challenge entrenched ideas.

Educate Yourself
Take proactive steps to learn about topics that interest you or challenge your current beliefs. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and attend workshops or lectures. Knowledge is power, and education can help you break free from limiting programming.
Practice Critical Thinking
Develop and practice your critical thinking skills by analyzing information, evaluating sources, and questioning assumptions. Don’t accept information at face value, seek evidence and consider multiple viewpoints before forming conclusions.
Practice Mindfulness
Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness practices such as meditation, journaling, or therapy.
These practices can help you become more attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, allowing you to identify and challenge programming in real-time. Tap into your sacred mind and boundless imagination.
Take Action
Take proactive actions and steps to change your thoughts, habits, and behaviors based on your newfound awareness and understanding.
This might involve setting goals, establishing boundaries, or adopting new practices that align with your values and aspirations.
Always remember that change takes time and effort, so be patient and persist in your journey toward liberation from programming.
In conclusion, you now know that poverty programming can most definitely be changed due to the brain’s neuroplasticity, which is its amazing ability to form new pathways when exposed to new contradicting information on a repeating basis.
Some ways to overcome poverty programming are becoming aware of your programming, practicing self-reflection, questioning assumptions, seeking new perspectives, educating yourself, practicing critical thinking, practicing mindfulness, and taking proactive actions.
I hope you will begin to use these to change your poverty programming and start living your abundant and prosperous life of impact and purpose because you and your family deserve better!
Next, read what does it mean to have an abundance mindset for further helpful tips and insights.