Is It Better To Be A Business Owner Or An Employee

Is It Better To Be A Business Owner Or An Employee?

Is It Better To Be A Business Owner Or An Employee?

Is business ownership in your future possible? Maybe you want to know which one is better, being a business owner or an employee. Before getting started, let’s see which one is better.
I believe Business ownership is a much better route if you value time freedom, want to create an unlimited fortune, and wealth and make a big financial impact in the world. Business owners leverage systems and teams to make money that is not dependant on them trading their time for money.
There is a limit on how much time you can designate to serve others and make an impact. However, there is no limit on how much impact you can make with your money.
Employees trade their time, which is limited, for money and therefore limits their potential to earn money and make an impact.
So, what are the main differences between a business owner and an employee?

Differences Between A Business Owner And An Employee


Business owners have faith and courage to take risks to fulfill their dreams and purpose, while employees are afraid to take risks, play it safe, and fulfill other people’s dreams instead of their own.


Business owners leverage systems and teams to build unlimited fortune and wealth based on results while Employees trade time, which is limited and therefore make a fixed amount of money.


Business owners take charge, lead and find long term solutions to problems to keep the organization moving forward while Employees say it’s not their fault and seek direction and guidance to solve problems as they arise


Business owners constantly learn and grow as they need to be generalists and know a little bit about a lot of things while employees are specialists who are hired for their expertise to do a specific role within the company.


Business owners do not equate working for someone to security like an employee and therefore sacrifice receiving a steady paycheck to build a company while employees equate security with a job, receiving steady bi-weekly paychecks, and other benefits such as health.
Jobs are not as secure as perceived to be, because they are not guaranteed for life and employees can be let go for a variety of reasons like company politics or acquisitions and position redundancies.


Business owners create rules, values, and company culture while employees follow rules and like to be told what tasks they have to perform within a role and what goals they are expected to accomplish.


Business owners are responsible to determine the vision, mission, and brand of the company and ensure that all decisions are made in alignment with them, while employees are responsible for decisions about the role that they are hired for.


Business owners embrace change and can pivot their businesses and explore new opportunities when necessary. They choose and create their destiny while employees follow set processes, procedures and practices of the company they work for and have a hard time implementing changes.


Business owners have the freedom and flexibility to decide their work schedule and the amount of time taken off every year, while employees work the set hours they are scheduled to work every week and have a limited amount of agreed time off.


Business owners are ultimately responsible for all aspects of their business and to determine how each person’s role contributes to the business and its growth as a whole, while employees prefer to have a defined range of responsibilities.


Business owners are lonely and often seek and invest in mentors and masterminds to discuss ideas, especially at the earlier stages, while employees do not invest in themselves and discuss other people with their co-workers.


Business owners invest time and money in self-growth, team, tools, equipment, processes, training, systems, and experiences to improve their business and make it more efficient while employees invest time and money in obtaining credentials (degrees, certificates).


Business owners love numbers and review their cash flow, profits and loss statements regularly to better forecast their company’s financial health, while employees are only concerned about their paycheck and yearly bonuses.

Employee Versus Business Owner Mindset

Business owners have different mindsets and think very differently in comparison to employees.  

Dream Big

Business owners are change makers and problem solvers. They dream big and have a vivid imagination and future vision of their life and business.
They think outside the box and do not put a limit on what they can create and the money they can generate to fulfill their purpose. They do not follow any rules that do not serve them.


Business owners learn to deal with doubts that arise and believe they can create whatever they can imagine. They create a plan, and take the required actions to fulfill these dreams.
They know that if they have a dream, then they have the capability within them to fulfill this dream. They seek opportunities instead of coming up with excuses.


Business owners love what they do and are crystal clear as to why they have created their business. The reason inspires them to keep moving forward, even when experiencing temporary setbacks and frustrations.


Business owners value learning and growing every day, so they can serve and improve their customer’s lives better and make a bigger impact. Most Employees stop learning independently once they finish their formal schooling.


Business owners are confident and know they are 100% responsible to create the type of business and life they want. They do not point fingers at others if they are not happy about something and work on themselves instead.


Business owners know that time is their most valuable asset. It is limited, and once it is gone, it will never come back. They work smart, so that they free up their time by automation, tools, systems and teams leveraging other’s time.

Long term

Business owners think long-term. They have a vision of how they want their business to look in 10+ years and what kind of legacy they want to leave. They set all their goals with the end destination in mind.

Build wealth

Business owners think of money as seeds to multiply into more money for a bigger impact, while employees see money as the actual fruit that is to be consumed upon receiving.


Business owners have empowering perspectives of failure and see it as feedback to learn from and use as a stepping stone for success.
So, you may be wondering… can you be an employee and a business owner at the same time?
Yes, you can be. An employee can start a business while they work full time, as long it does not conflict with their role.
They may eventually decide to quit their job once they can replace the job salary with income earned in the business.

Is a business owner employed?

It depends. If a business cannot run without the business owner for a prolonged amount of time, then a business owner would be considered employed.
A business owner without a team and systems would be an example of this

Is a self-employed owner considered to be an employee?-

Yes, if the self-employed person is the one doing all the work or some of the work and cannot remove themselves from the business for a long amount of time, then they are considered employees.
A Doctor or a Dentist with their practice would be an example of this.
In conclusion, choosing to be a Business owner will enable you to live your best life of unlimited possibilities on your terms and make an unlimited wealth and impact on this world.
So, employee or business owner? Is it time for you to get past your fears and doubts and switch before it’s too late? The choice is yours!
If you are ready to start your purpose-driven business which is one of the best businesses you can start, download the “3 secrets to starting a business you love” below!

What Are Good Morning Habits?

What Are Good Morning Habits

What Are Good Morning Habits?

I believe to have an exciting and meaningful life, one must have a future vision for their life based on their purpose. 
Our vision and goals put us on a chosen path in life however it is our habits that keep us on that path and create our destiny. 
So, what exactly are habits and what do we consider to be good morning habits?
Habits are actions we perform repeatedly that eventually become automatic and controlled by our subconscious mind. 
Our brain always strives to make all our repeated actions efficient by forming neural pathways, so that they consume the least amount of energy as they run automatically. 
That is why most people drive to work without actually consciously thinking about it and remembering the actions they took.

Good morning habits are consciously created by you, so that you can start every day intentionally, proactively by design so that you can have a peaceful, joyful and meaningful day that is in alignment with your purpose and soul (true nature).
You may be now wondering, what would be some good morning habits to develop. Let’s discuss that next.

18 Good morning habits to develop

Here are some good healthy habits that everyone should develop to experience an optimal day.

Wake Up Early

Wake up early and experience the silence, peaceful energy and the quiet before the rest of the world wakes up. You can connect with your creator and ask for guidance before getting distracted with your worldly obligations and responsibilities.

Positive Thoughts

Smile and think positive thoughts as soon as your eyes open, such as “good morning god”. “I am grateful and excited for this wonderful day that you have gifted me with”. “I will be your instrument and do your work, live my purpose, bless, serve and help others who cross my path”.

Positive Talk

While you brush your teeth, look in the mirror, talk to yourself, and say “I love you, I am a powerful soul, I am a peaceful soul, I am a loving soul, and I am in perfect health and have a strong body”.

Small Win

Accomplish your first win of the day and gain some confidence by making your bed.


Drink warm water first thing in the morning. You can also add some turmeric, honey, and pepper to it. 
Your body and all your organs, especially your spine and brain, require water after 7-8 hours of rest and repair to start functioning optimally again.


Spend some time praying and connecting to your creator.


It is a proven fact that meditation has a lot of health benefits.
Practice sitting in silence and concentrate on your breath.


Taking in deep breaths helps your brain get the influx of oxygen that it needs to function well. 
Take a deep breath in as you count to 4, hold your breath and count to 4, and release through your mouth as you count to 4. Repeat this cycle 4-6 times.


In your journal write down all the reasons you are grateful for today, what you are excited about, what you are going to create today, who are you going to give and serve today, how you are feeling and why.


Read something positive to set your mindset correctly for the day. Your attitude will determine how you experience the rest of your day.


Learn something new. The more you grow and expand your knowledge the more you can serve your family and friends and others in a bigger and better ways.


Repeat empowering affirmations to yourself and change your physical and emotional state to a more positive one.

Send Blessings

Picture someone you know, send them blessings, and wish them an amazing day.
Send blessings to a loved one who has passed away.

Move Your Body

Exercise helps your blood circulate better along with lots of other both physical and mental benefits.
Go for a brisk walk out in nature for 20-30 minutes. If that is not possible due to the weather conditions or lack of time, then put on your favourite dance music and move for 10 minutes.


Take a cold shower to help your blood flow, circulation, optimal body functioning, and vitality.


Have a healthy breakfast to nourish and fuel your body, so it can function well. Have green smoothies and other healthy alternatives.

Review Goals and To-Do List

Review the goals that you wrote at the end of the previous day and tasks to be done for the day. Have a daily 1-3 tasks to complete. Start with the hardest task.


Visualize having a perfect day and achieving all your goals of the day for your and others greatest good.

8 Bad Morning Habits to Get Rid of

Change the following habits at all costs, because they are not good, and will influence how the rest of your day goes.
For example, if you are running around and stressed out in the morning, then the rest of your day will also be hectic as you will be less tolerant and more reactive to the unpleasant circumstances and people that you may encounter throughout the day.

Snooze Button

Stop hitting the snooze button and opting to stay in bed longer.
This signals to the universe that you are not excited about the day that’s been gifted to you, by your creator and you prefer to be in bed, rather than be excited about the day so that you can fulfill your purpose and serve others.

Negative Thoughts

Stop complaining about the way you look when you see yourself in the mirror as you brush your teeth. 
Stop saying oh my god why do I look like that, oh my god look at the bags under my eyes because again that’s not respecting who you are your creator created you in his image and thinks you are beautiful.

Taking a Hot Shower

Stop taking a hot shower in the morning, because it will relax you and make you sleepy. 
It is better to take a shower with lukewarm water or cold water because that will energize you by improving your blood circulation.

Having Coffee

Stop having coffee first thing in the morning instead of water. Your body needs water.

Unhealthy Breakfast

Stop having breakfast with lots of carbohydrates and sugar. They do not fuel your body with the nutrients it needs.

Checking Your Phone

Stop checking your phone first thing in the morning, because it can lead to you following other people’s agenda as you see emails and texts demanding your response.  
It can also cause you to be upset and anxious when you see your photo, or a post not getting enough views or likes.

Not Having a Morning Routine

Stop starting your work day right away without easing into it with a morning routine to take care of your mind, body and soul.
In conclusion, it is a good idea to intentionally and consciously develop good morning habits like the ones mentioned above so that you can have a peaceful, joyful and meaningful day every day.
Get rid of all the bad morning habits that are not good for you as they will influence how the rest of your day goes. 
You will be more reactive and less responsive to the unpleasant circumstances and people that you come across.
Now that you know how to intentionally design and influence your day by developing the right morning habits it is time to find out next how to design and live your best life.

Can Single Moms Build Wealth?

Can Single Moms Build Wealth?

Can Single Moms Build Wealth? 

The majority of single mothers have wondered whether it is possible for them to build wealth so that they can provide the best possible life experience for their children, along with other big questions like how to survive financially and how to achieve financial security. 
Money affects every area of life. It affects your family because when you are worried, stressed, distracted, worrying about bills, and overworked, you are more likely to not be present with your children and miss out on having special moments with them, and get irritated and/or angry very quickly.
Lack of money also affects your well-being, because you are less likely to spend money on your health check-up, gym memberships, eat organic healthy food, and feel anxious about your family’s future.
I have good news. Yes, it is definitely possible for a single mother to build wealth provided she has the right mindset, habits, knowledge, mentors and she is committed and believes in this possibility for herself.
Now that you know a single mom can build wealth, you may be wondering how exactly can a single mom build wealth. Let’s discuss that next.

How To Build Wealth As A Single Mom

You are considered to be wealthy when you have a complete-time (limited resource) freedom to do whatever with whoever and whenever without ever being forced to work for your money, and worrying about lack of money to pay your bills for the rest of your life. 
Let’s discuss the exact steps you can take to start your journey of becoming a wealthy single mom.

Step 1-Believe In Yourself

Know that you are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. You have been created with inner wisdom and power and your true essence is love, joy, peace, harmony and abundance. 
Your life has infinite possibilities. There is nothing you can’t be, do, or have. Dream BIG and take responsibility for your life and know that you create your life from the inside out. 
Your self-identity creates all your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviours, actions and habits that then create your destiny.

Step 2-Design Your Best Life

Decide what kind of lifestyle you want to live. Map out what your perfect day would look like. Imagine, design and document your ideal vision for every area of your life. 
Your vision will empower you and pull you to achieve the intended results.
Identify your core values and align them to your life vision. Your values will help you stay true to yourself and guide all your decisions and actions.
Review your vision plan every day. Create a vision board that you can see every day showing your desired vision in every area of your life with pictures. 
Figure out why you want this lifestyle and get clear about how much money you will need to sustain this lifestyle. The stronger the reason the more you will be able to persist through tough times and challenges.
Set financial goals (weekly, monthly, and yearly) to turn your vision into reality. To be successful, it is important to make sure you are setting S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based) goals.
Some of your financial goals could be to start a business (full time or part-time on the side), pay off debt, and creating a spending plan. 
You will begin to gain confidence as you start achieving some of these goals.

Step 3-Develop A Wealth Mindset And Habits

80% of all your accomplishments are based on your mindset and psychology and 20% on the tactics.
Identify and change any subconscious limiting money beliefs that you may have learnt and adopted as a child that do not serve and lead you to your desired life vision. 
The way you were taught to think about money when you were growing up determines your relationship with money as an adult.
If you repeatedly heard money is the root of all evil, rich people are not spiritual, and they are filthy rich, then you will never want to be wealthy by association due to the implied negativity.
One of the best ways to change your money stories is to find proof that your beliefs about rich people are not true. There are plenty of rich people who are spiritual and generous.
Associate with and study wealthy people, learn from them, read their books, take their courses, attend their seminars. Model their mindsets and strategies and what they are doing.
Learn to sacrifice for the short term and spend less than what you earn, delay gratification, save your money, and invest it for your future to create wealth.

Step 4-Know Your Current Financial State 

Know your current net worth number. The way you calculate this number is by adding up all your assets (cash in the bank, investments, your online business) and subtracting the total number of all your liabilities (debt). 
Your net worth number must be positive and not negative. You must be keeping and investing more money than you are making. It is hard to multiply your money and get ahead if you are living paycheck to paycheck.
Form a habit of tracking your net worth every quarter (3 months), so that you can measure progress. Remember what you focus on always expands. Your goal should be to make sure this number is always going up.

Step 5-Learn To Manage Your Money

In order to be trusted with more money and build wealth, you have to learn to manage what you currently have. You will not be able to handle millions of dollars if you cannot manage the money you have now.
Know how much income you are earning every month and what exactly your expenses are. Track and review your expenses every week, end of the month and for 3 months at least two different times of the year so that you are aware of the exact total number of your monthly expenses.
Create a monthly spending plan (fixed expenses, varied expenses, long term, short term and financial freedom investment savings, donation, self-education, and fun) for yourself.
Set up a peace of mind account and start saving a total of 12 months of your monthly expenses. This money can be available for use in case of any unplanned challenges like a job loss and any other unexpected expenses.
The most important goal you should have is to spend less than what you earn and invest the rest. Reinvest your profits so that your money can work for you and create more wealth.

Create a plan to pay off any consumer debt starting with the highest interest one first or the one with the lowest balance owing to gain momentum and confidence. Make a choice that suits you

Step 6-Decide On A Vehicle For Creating Wealth

Decide what vehicle you would like to use to build wealth, so you can live your vision of the lifestyle and wealth you desire. There are longer or shorter routes to building wealth, depending on the vehicle you choose to achieve it. 
The majority of the wealthy people that I have studied are business owners. Your income potential is unlimited as you are most likely not trading time for money and making money based on results and value-added in the market.
In my opinion, one of the best routes to building wealth and feeling financially secure is through starting your purpose-driven online business where you have the potential to earn as much income as you want by serving others and doing something you love and are passionate about. 
If you are committed to the process and persist through challenges, it is possible to become wealthy within 5-10 years with much lower start-up costs.
You can decide to continue working if you love your job and can achieve your desired lifestyle vision and invest your money in dividend-paying stocks, real estate and other cash-flow producing investments. 
This is a slower route in my opinion because the amount of money you have to invest and earn interest is limited to your salary in a job which is dependent on your time spent working which is also a limited resource.

Step 7-Expand And Learn About Your Wealth Vehicle

Once you choose your wealth vehicle, you need to decide who you will learn from, which courses you will invest in, what high-income skills you will need to learn, what book you will read, what habits you will let go of, and what habit you will need to acquire to be successful
Focus on and immerse yourself in this vehicle for at least a year before implementing new income streams. It is good not to rely on one income stream to generate all your monthly income however start focusing on and implementing one at a time.
If you have chosen the entrepreneur route then Sales and Marketing are the most essential skills that you should learn and master. 
Create transformational products and services and always over-deliver as you build your reputation and brand. 
Always strive to be resilient, never give up, move forward and learn to grow from every mistake and failure which is an inevitable part of life and doing business.

Step 8-Scale Your Wealth

For you to be truly wealthy and have the time freedom you must use systems (standard operating procedures) in your business and start delegating and leveraging other people’s time by hiring a team to help you handle the day-to-day operation of your business. 
Also, Invest in tools for automation to further free up your time.  
As a business owner, you should have time to spend on your business doing high-level activities like innovations, reviewing strategy, mission and vision and not in the daily operation of your business.  
Spend your time on activities that give you joy and generate high income if you choose to continue to do so.

Step 9-Maximize Your Wealth

Consult with an accountant to strategize and plan areas for tax savings, like optimizing your business structures, using donations and other investments like Real Estate.

Step 10-Protect Your Wealth

Buy appropriate insurance coverages (Life, Home, Car, and Liability) to protect your family, business and all of your other assets.
Hire an accountant to set up trusts for your children so that they can keep the wealth and save on taxes.
Hire a lawyer to draft a will so that your wealth can be transferred to your children without any legal battles and delays.
In conclusion, now you know that you can build wealth as a single mom. Don’t waste any further time and start your wealth acquiring journey by following the steps discussed in this article.
Start by believing in yourself, design your best life vision, develop a wealth mindset and habits, track your current financial state, learn to manage the money you currently have, decide on a vehicle to create wealth, learn and master your wealth vehicle, scale your wealth, maximize your wealth and protect your wealth. 
Are you excited and ready to start your wealth-building journey by starting a purpose-driven online business?
If so take action today!
Download 3 secrets to starting a business that lights you up!

Can you create your own Identity?

Can you create your own Identity?

Can you create your own Identity?

All of us, at some point, have wondered whether we can get rid of parts of our identity that we do not like and create an identity that we like. 
The answer is Yes, you can consciously choose to create your own Identity that serves you in creating your best, purposeful, and impactful life and change your self-identity, which is your perspective of your identity or personal sense of who and what you are especially if it does not benefit you.
So, you may be wondering, what exactly does your identity mean? Let’s discuss that next.

What is your Identity (Who am I)?

If you ask most people who are you? The answer will most likely be followed by their name, role (mum, sister, etc), a profession (doctor, dentist, etc).
We also identify with our gender, nationality, social class, age, race, physical characteristics, and abilities/disabilities. 
Our self-identity is the way we define ourselves. This includes our values, beliefs, and personality. Our past memories, hopes for the future, as well as our hobbies and interests are also ways that we define ourselves.
These identifications are based on the worldly acquired titles or roles we fulfill in our family or society and they do determine how you experience life and play a significant role in forming your self-identity.
They imply that you did not exist before coming on this earth or would cease to exist upon your death when you are no longer any of those previously mentioned answers. 
The real you which is your spirit existed before you came into this world physically and will continue to exist when you leave the earth. 
You are a physical extension of source energy and have values that are aligned to it. You are an infinite creative force with unlimited possibilities. 
You are a vibrational blessed loving being. You are abundance, harmony, joy, love, peace, compassion, and wellbeing by nature. 
We have all come on this earth to fulfill a purpose. We are here to grow, love and serve others based on our natural talents and god-given gifts. 

Why is it good to create your own identity?

Your thought vibrations radiate intentions. You create your reality and experiences and there is nothing you cannot be, do and have when you have a strong identity and self-identity. 
When your desires are a vibrational match to the source energy and there is no resistance you attract and receive whatever you want. You were born with this knowledge.
Therefore, it is important to maintain a strong identity, self-identity, and belief to chart your autonomous path confidently and build your best life that is in alignment with your values, purpose and vision.
People with strong self-identity are also confident, and resilient to navigate through life’s major challenges.
Self-identity is also important in establishing good boundaries with your family, friends and partner.

Where did your identity come from?

While you are in the womb, everything is in divine order. Your soul enters your body, your heart starts beating, all your organs and body parts are formed and start functioning at the perfect time and without any interference from anybody.
As soon as you are born, your family, culture, and the society takes over. You internalize what you see, hear and experience. 
Parents teach you what they learnt from their parents and hence the cycle of multigenerational habits, traditions, beliefs, programming starts.
You develop personality traits that serve you within your family, community, culture and society. You learn what to say, not to say, and how to behave to get your parents, siblings, friends, teachers and other people’s approval and love. 
You begin to identify and form an attachment to your ego which is an image that is not your true identity. This leads to the feeling of superiority or inferiority in relationships. 
We view some roles in society as higher than others. We get attached to these roles and make them our identity. 
Every soul deserves the same respect regardless of the role and societal status. We are all equal at the soul level.
You also develop other limiting beliefs about self-worth, how much money you are capable of earning, etc. These beliefs sabotage you from your true potential of abundance and infinite possibilities. 
Your programming leads you to form your self-identity and beliefs that guide your thoughts, feelings, results, and destiny. 
It is hard to be aware of the above-mentioned because this process takes place in your subconscious mind.
95% of your daily actions in the day are controlled by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind works at a much faster speed than your conscious mind. 
Your brain has formed neural pathways for efficiency based on your repeated thought patterns. 
You have created the results that you currently have in your life by your thoughts and beliefs. You experience life as who you are, you get what you think about, and your inner life determines your results in your outer life.
You must change your identity and self-identity to live your best purposeful, meaningful, and harmonious life.

How do you create your own identity?

The good news is, now that you are aware of who you truly are (a limitless and formless soul with a body), you can now be empowered to take 100% responsibility for your life, live an authentically powered life guided by your soul, and let go of old ways of thinking. 
If you are committed and willing then there is nothing that will be impossible for you to attain.
You are now called to reorganize your life based on what your soul needs rather than what your small sense of self and role needs. 
When you listen to the call of your soul, you move towards growth, self-love, spirituality, greater fulfillment, and living in alignment with your higher selves. If you do not listen, your emotional and physical health both suffer.
You can no longer live your life as a victim by blaming, complaining, and justifying why you cannot achieve what you want in life. You can change the programming. You choose your personality traits and beliefs when you were a child. 
Your beliefs and personality traits were formed when you were little and now that you know as a conscious being, you can choose to stop believing in these sabotaging beliefs from running your life. 
According to studies done by Dr. Lipton, your biology (Cells and DNA) can be changed by your beliefs and thoughts.
Shift your thinking to align to source energy. Rediscover your original nature which is sincerity, generosity, service, kindness, compassion, peace, joy, abundance, harmony, and reverence for all living things. 
You access divine energy and manifest what you desire when aligned with your creator. Catch and stop the negative habitual thoughts that do not serve you and are not for your and others’ greater good.
When you start listening to your soul, you realize that your true identity, greater joy, and fulfillment do not come from material things, even though you may appreciate and enjoy them. 
You experience a deep desire to be of service and make an impact in other people’s lives. You feel something needs to be created, birthed, or expressed through you. 
You start asking: who am I and what is my purpose? You long to find and connect with like-minded people who are asking the same questions. 
You have a sense that you need to shed and let go of things that do not serve your emerging higher self like relationships and limiting beliefs. You are open and curious about deepening your connection with your creator. 
You have a desire to live in alignment with your authentic and highest self. You discover spiritual laws. 
You can now choose to live your life consciously and be fully present in every moment of your day. Remove judgement and resistance from what is happening. When you blame, justify, explain you negate your capabilities.
Take the time every day to contemplate, think, and meditate. What you focus upon expands. Your soul can only open to guidance if you learn to sit in silence alone. Align your thinking to your creator. 
Heath, success, and happiness will flow into your life.
Align with your passion, purpose, and soul’s calling. Serve whoever is in front of you, as compassion is your true nature.
Your emotions and feelings serve as indicators of whether you are aligned with the source in any given moment or not. 
It is important to be aware that whenever you feel love, joy, peace, and abundance, you are more likely aligned to your creator and when you feel anger, jealousy, fear and doubts, you are misaligned. 
In conclusion, know that you have the power to create your own best meaningful and impactful life. You can adapt an identity that will help you serve your purpose on this earth and is aligned with your soul’s calling.
If you need help with this process, please click the form below to apply and see if we are the right fit to work together.

What kind of business can I start as a mom?

What kind of business can I start
as a mom?

What kind of business can I start as a mom?

I believe it is very important for a mom to take charge of her finances and understand how to make money, save it, spend it, multiply it, and donate it, so she can teach her children to do the same. 
The ripple effects of a mom who is educated and comfortable with her finances are huge and can change the trajectory of her family for multiple generations. 
One of the best ways to make money is through owning your own business.
So what kind of business should moms start?
An online business is one of the best businesses any mum can start. Given the acceleration of shopping and education both moving online recently and the known profitable future potential of both these industries, it is an excellent business model for any mom to learn and start.

Why moms should start an online business?

Owning an online business is one of the best ways for you to grow, serve, create change and make a worldwide impact. 

Let’s discuss 10 reasons why moms should seriously consider starting an online business.

Fulfill your purpose

Starting your own online business makes it possible for you to have the freedom to design and create your life, work on what you love, and what gives your joy.
You can utilize your God-given gifts, natural talents and skills to create a brand, products and services that serve, solve problems, better the lives of your customers, and provide them with transformational results and experiences.


One of the fastest ways to personal development is through owning and starting your own business.
As you learn and grow you can continue to innovate your company and its offerings.
Also learning to manage yourself is a skill that will definitely improve as you begin this journey since there will be no one to watch over your shoulders, tell you what your priorities are, and give you deadlines.

Aligned values

It is possible to have your business’ values aligned to your core values.
For example, you can put your family first and take guilt-free time off when required especially in case of sickness and emergencies.


You can be in charge of your energy and spend time doing tasks that give you energy rather than depleting it.
You can stay healthy mentally by deciding and controlling how much negativity you will tolerate and allow in your business.
Decide how you want people to feel about your business brand.
You decide what kind of attitude you would tolerate from your team, vendors, and clients. 
You can easily maintain a positive outlook, higher energy, and well-being since there are also fewer chances of getting sick when you work from home and are less exposed to germs from co-workers.


Knowing and believing that you are capable of generating your own income will lead to higher self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.

Low start-up cost

The start-up cost is lower as there are no rental, utilities, or telephone expenses
Web hosting costs of $100-200 per year are required for your website.

Lower expenses

There are lower car-related expenses like gas, parking, and maintenance since you are no longer commuting to and from work. Your insurance rate will also go down because you are not going to be using your car as often.
Clothing and lunch expenses will also be reduced since you are not going to the office.

Location Freedom

You are free to work from whatever location within your house as well as in the world. You are not restricted to a desk and space that is chosen by your employer as long as you have an internet connection.
You are not restricted to work with customers who live in your local area and can have customers that are located worldwide.

Time Freedom

You have the flexibility to make your own schedule and work at whatever time that is suitable for you and your family.
You can decide whether you will start working in the morning or afternoon and how many breaks you will take. 
You can choose how many hours per day, week, month, quarter, and year you will work instead of having an employer determine that for you. 

High-profit potential

There is a higher potential to earn since you are paid based on your results and you are not trading time for money.
Also, you can eventually build a team, accomplish more, and generate higher income.

Can sell business

You have the potential to sell your business asset and walk away with a large sum of money within 18 to 36 months.

More spare time

You can outsource all the things you do not enjoy and enjoy more time off with your family.
You can also take guilt-free time off when you are not feeling well.
No boundaries
Your business is not time-bound which allows you to earn money 24/7 

Job security

You are in control of your destiny and financial security.
You can easily pivot and the chances of a crisis or a pandemic possibly affecting your business are much lower.

16 Reasons why moms make best business owners

Moms definitely have the skills and strengths required to be the best business owners. 
Let’s discuss what some of these reasons are:

Strong Reason

Moms have a very strong reason to succeed in business especially when their family is relying on their financial success.
Also, moms would want to succeed so they can be good role models to their kid(s), inspire them to live their dreams and start their own businesses in the future.

Commitment and persistence

No matter how tired moms get they would still persist and do whatever tasks required for their children. They are fully committed to making sure their children are well taken care of and okay.
In the same way, once a mom commits to a business, she will persist through the rough patches in the initial stages.

Can multitask well

Moms have also mastered the art of multitasking. There is always more than one thing that is on a mom’s schedule to do such as laundry, cooking, working, helping with homework, paying bills etc. 
This skill is easily transferable to a business wherein the beginning you have to do a lot of the tasks yourself without any help. 


Moms also take a nurturer’s role in a family. They keep everyone united.
This skill is a definite asset initially in a business where a lot of nurturing and care is required in the initial stages of a business which is similar to looking after a newborn.

Work under pressure and urgency

Moms can work very well under pressure by focusing on one task at a time. For example, when there is a deadline to be met at work and also have to juggle all of the other household tasks like cooking, looking after a sick child, etc.
In a business, moms can do tasks with this same focus and prioritization.

Manage bad behaviour

All moms who have children that are 2 years or older have experienced the tantrums of the terrible twos and have learnt to manage them.
This skill is helpful when dealing with unreasonable customers, vendors, and staff.


Negotiation is an everyday occurrence in most households with children. Children love to push boundaries and negotiate. Moms learn to master the art of knowing when to negotiate, and how to get a win-win outcome by restricting the choices offered.
This skill can also be used in a business when negotiating deals with customers, vendors, and team members.


Motherhood requires a lot of patience especially when things do not go as planned, as well as a higher tolerance for pain.
A business requires a lot of patience and tolerance of painful moments especially initially when a lot of work is being done, however, the business is not known, is not serving a lot of people, and is not producing a lot of revenue.


Moms are more inclined to listen to their intuition and gut feeling.
This skill can help moms make the right decisions that feel good in their business when it comes to communicating with the team, deciding who to do their business with, and who to hire.


Moms are very organized when it comes to coordinating all the tasks and events for their children and family.
These skills are very useful and important in a business when it comes to organizing all the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly work tasks, activities and events.


Moms are very much compassionate and in tune with others’ feelings when delivering bad news to others. They display their emotions freely and teach their children to do the same.
This skill is very useful when feedback and performance guidance is given to the team and vendors without talking down to them. 

Leadership instinct

Moms have a natural leadership instinct and are always able to guide their family’s actions based on their family morals and values.
These skills can be used in a business as a visionary to make sure that all decisions are made in accordance with business values.

Not afraid to speak their mind

Moms are not afraid to jump in and speak their minds, give their opinions, and guidance.
This skill helps to resolve issues sooner in both family conflicts and those within your business.


Moms have great networking skills and are more open to seeking and talking to other moms, mentors, and other like-minded people to find answers to their questions related to their family or children.
These skills help them get answers to their difficult questions in a business sooner, enabling them to progress faster.


Moms invoke trust faster. It is assumed that a mom has certain characteristics and she will not be out there to lie and take advantage of other people.
Potential customers tend to have an easier time supporting and buying from a mom and forming know, like, and trust relations with mom business owners faster. 

Ask a lot of questions

Moms are not afraid to ask a lot of questions in order to better be able to guide their children, family, and friends.
This skill is helpful when it comes to finding out exactly what the customers, vendors and team member’s needs are to fully solve their problem(s) and serving them.

Event planning

Moms are better event planners and have great attention to detail. Most moms are responsible for planning events such as birthdays, graduations, engagements, weddings, bridal showers, funerals, etc.
It is easy for a mom to transfer these skills to planning a work event and handling all the details like ordering food, booking public speakers, booking a venue, etc.
In conclusion, if you are a mom who is ready to take control of her own finances then starting an online business is one of the best businesses you can start
It can be started with low investment and provides enough flexibility to allow you to start this business on the side while having a full-time job until you start generating enough money to replace your current salary.
As discussed moms definitely have the skills and strengths required to be the best business owners. 
If you are ready to start a business that you love and change the trajectory of your family for multiple generations then click the button below to download and discover the 3 secrets to starting a business that lights you up!

What does it mean to have an abundance mindset?

What does it mean to have an abundance mindset?

What does it mean to have an abundance mindset?

I strongly believe if you want to live your best, joyful, harmonious and impactful life while you are on this earth then it is important that you adopt an abundance mindset and give up scarcity mindset.

What exactly is the abundance and scarcity mindset?

An abundance mindset is a view of the world and belief that there are more than enough resources for everyone and the universal pie is always expanding 
The scarcity mindset is a view of the world and belief that there are not enough resources for everyone and the universal pie is always shrinking.

What Causes a Scarcity instead of abundance Mindset?

Most people have been unconsciously conditioned by their parents, guardians, friends and society to live with a scarcity mindset. 
If you grew up hearing statements like “We don’t have enough… and we cannot afford this…” then the chances are very high that you have a scarcity mindset programming running your life and you make all your decisions from the perspective of not having enough.

How can you have the mindset of abundance vs scarcity in your business?

Start a business that you love

Discover your purpose and start a purpose-driven business that you love, offering products and services that help transform lives, while utilizing and sharing your unique God-given gifts and talents.


Know and believe that are more than enough customers for you and everyone else instead of believing that there are fixed customers. 
They will buy from you because they resonate with your message more or they may buy from more than one person. 
It is okay to have a polarizing message and attract the customers who need your products versus trying to have an offer and message that speaks to everyone and attracts and serves no one.
Cut ties with bad customers who do not resonate with your company’s vision, brand and do not respect your rules and values.

See Opportunities

Know that there is no saturation of a market. Just because someone is already selling similar products and services does not mean that you cannot sell the same thing. 
Look at it as proof of market and concept and put your focus on solving problems for others, giving and adding value, creating and offering both beneficial and transformational products, as well as services.


Instead of shrinking your expenses to find money, learn to grow your investments by earning money and cash flow via multiple streams of income.
Invest money and time in tools, resources and hiring a team so that you can add automation to your business so that you can scale, serve, and impact more people all around the world. 


Hire coaches, mentors and commit to investing in lifetime growth via books, courses and etc. 
This will enable you to constantly have material to teach, share, innovate your offers, services, products and serve people in a bigger and better way.
Invest in your team’s growth, give them credit for good work, promote and celebrate their achievements and successes. 
Create an environment and culture of trust, openness and transparency.


Collaborate and create joint venture partnerships with others in order to serve your customers in a bigger and better way instead of comparing yourself to them, feeling jealous of their success, being suspicious of their motives and competing with them.  
Always create win/win solutions for your partners, team members and customers. 

10 Ways to develop an abundance mindset

Practice Gratitude

A daily habit of practicing gratitude is the key to unlocking abundance, happiness and well-being in your life. Think or write in a journal all the things you appreciate about yourself, your unique gifts, strengths, relationships and all the other things in life that you have been blessed with to enjoy.

Take Responsibility

Know that you create your life from the inside out. Your outer results reflect your inner identity, beliefs and thoughts which then determine your feelings, behaviour, actions, habits, results and destiny.
Decide and create a vision of who you want to be and what you want your life to look like in the future. Focus on goals and small, achievable steps to get there.
Take responsibility for your life and business and do not blame others for your results and outcomes.
Create joyful, memorable and meaningful life experiences.

Believe that your life has infinite potential and possibilities 

Train your mind to see expansion and possibilities for your life. Practice meditation and spend some time in silence in order to be able to become aware of opportunities and possibilities for you.
Try implementing different opportunities and know that there is no such thing as failure, it is only feedback for better possibilities.
Trust in the universal timing and do not get attached to the exact desired outcomes. Focus on the process, growth, building confidence, and a better possible unimagined outcome from the Universe.

Surround yourself with people and an environment that cultivates abundance

Seek and surround yourself with committed, self-aware, positive and abundance-minded people who can celebrate you, cheer you on and keep you accountable with your big goals.
Also, try spending some time out in nature and be reminded of its unconditional and abundant giving. 
For example, the trees are always giving oxygen and never running out, and the sun’s light is always shining on everyone and providing warmth without ever getting depleted.

Share your Passion and Purpose

Increase your self-confidence and self-beliefs by sharing your unique gifts and talents and provide value by serving those who would benefit the most through your work or business.

Grow and expand

Make learning and growing a daily practice in your life. Know that you do not know everything about topics you may have mastered. Love of learning and resilience is essential for great accomplishments.
Experience something new and uncomfortable in order to maintain an attitude of openness, enthusiasm, and willingness to override existing preconceptions.

Take care of your body

In order to feel confident, happy, and abundant, it is important that you take care of your body. 

Eat correctly and fuel and nourish your body for vitality. Sleep well (7-8 hours), stay hydrated, meditate and exercise daily, take some time to rest, relax, think, and rejuvenate. These factors greatly contribute to your mental/emotional health. 

Do more of what you love

Schedule some time daily doing what gives you joy and what you absolutely love doing. 
Time is the most important resource and the more disciplined you are in scheduling what is important to you, the fewer regrets you will have when it is time to go.

Notice the good

The human brain is wired to see what is wrong in order to survive in our past history. 
The next time you have a problem, reframe it by trying to find a positive perspective of it. For example, ask yourself: “How is this serving me, or what lessons could this be teaching me?”

Say daily affirmations

Saying daily affirmations can reduce stress and shift mentality from scarcity to abundance even though it may not feel natural at first.

Final Thought

As discussed, you are now aware of what it means to have an abundance mindset, where scarcity mindset comes from, how to have an abundance mindset in your business, and ways to create an abundance mindset.
Start implementing the abundance mindset strategies mentioned and start creating and living your best life instead of living with a scarcity mindset that does not serve your higher self.
If you are ready to share your unique gifts with others and start a purpose-driven business that you love, then download the 3 secrets below. 

How Self-doubt And Fear Keeps You Stuck

How Self-doubt And Fear Keeps You Stuck

How Self-doubt And Fear Keeps You Stuck

All of us, at some point, have wondered what life would look like if we were living the very best life that we desire and always dreamed of. Unfortunately, most people do not live their very best lives because of fears and self-doubts.
Let’s explore what exactly fear and self-doubt do to people, where it came from and what we can do about it.
Fears and self-doubt are the biggest obstacles that keep people stuck and settling for a life of mediocrity instead of living their best life while here on earth. 
They paralyze people and prevent them from living the healthy, authentic, harmonious, meaningful, purposeful, abundant and impactful life that they desire and are here to live. 
Specifically, they prevent people from dreaming big, experiencing life to the fullest, saying yes to opportunities to grow, starting purpose-driven businesses and serving others in ways that only they can with their unique gifts given to them by their creator. 

What Are Fears And Self-doubts?

Fear protects us from the unknown, unsafe, new or uncomfortable situations. It is also an unpleasant emotion we feel in anticipation or awareness of something that seems dangerous.
Fears come in many forms like self-doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, resistance, insecurity and a most common fear of failure
Self-doubt specifically is a lack of belief and confidence in our abilities, decisions and actions. It is caused by fear and stops us from taking action towards something with an unknown outcome. 
It is associated with anxiety, depression, procrastination or lack of motivation, emotional instability, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, difficulty making decisions, and feeling that one has little control over one’s life.

Common Causes Of Fear And Self-doubt

Childhood And Upbringing

What we hear, see, experience, model and internalize as a child shapes our personalities and impacts who we become as adults. 
It is inevitable that you would experience fears and self-doubt if you were raised by parents or other guardians who were not awakened and constantly said statements like “you are to be seen not heard, you are not going to amount to much, you are just like so and so and they did not amount to much”. 
They also did not accept you for who you are, compared you to your siblings and told you that you were not good enough.  
You will also experience fears and self-doubt if you went to a school that labelled you and judged students’ success in life based on the grades they received and did not value each child’s learning style and natural genius in subjects that they were good in that are not considered valued by the school.
Exposure to all this negative messaging can lead to a life full of fears, self-doubt and an internalized habit of not believing and trusting oneself and questioning self-worth. 

Past Experiences And Mistakes

Past mistakes like having certain addictions, bad habits, and unpleasant experiences like abusive situations, shame, abandonment, and betrayal can shake our beliefs and can have a huge impact on how we react to life situations and whether or not we trust ourselves and take calculated risks required to live a successful life.

Comparing Ourselves To Others

It is very easy for us to feel like we are not enough, not value what we have and constantly compete, compare ourselves to others, and envy others’ lives especially today in the world of social media. 
We constantly believe that we can’t do it the way someone else does it. We gauge our success and failure by the norm which is set by others.

Attachment To A Particular Outcome

Fear of failing is one of the biggest reasons we get paralyzed and close ourselves off to all other possibilities. 
The joy of the endeavour becomes masked with fear if you are not open to failure.

New Challenges

The fear of the unknown is normal as we have no experience with the challenge and do not know how to handle it.
Fear can arise out of unexpected and unwelcome circumstances like a frightening diagnosis, a financial setback, a relationship ending, etc.

How To Overcome Self-doubt And Fear?

Know Who You Are

Despite what you heard as a child always remember that you are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. 
You are an infinite creative force with unlimited possibilities. You are abundance, joy, love, peace, compassion, and wellbeing by nature. 
You create your reality and experiences and there is nothing you cannot be, do, and have. 

You developed limiting beliefs about your self-worth and how much money you are capable of earning. These beliefs sabotage you from your true potential of abundance and infinite possibilities. Abundance is your birthright.
You choose your personality traits and beliefs when you were a child and now that you know as a conscious being, you can choose to stop believing in these sabotaging beliefs from running your life. 
Your programming has led you to form beliefs that then guide your thoughts which then guide your feelings which then guide your actions which then guide your habits which then lead to results and your destiny. It is hard to be aware of the above-mentioned because this process takes place in your subconscious mind.
You have created the results that you currently have in your life by your thoughts and beliefs. You experience life as who you are. You get what you think about. Your inner life determines your results in your outer life.
The good news is that now that you are aware of who you truly are, a limitless formless soul with a body you can now be empowered to take 100% responsibility for your life and live an authentically powered life guided by your soul and let go of old ways of thinking. 
If you are committed and willing then there is nothing that will be impossible for you to attain.
You can no longer live your life as a victim, blaming, complaining and justifying why you cannot achieve what you want in life. You can change the programming. 
When you listen to the call of your soul you move towards growth, self-love, spirituality, greater fulfillment and living in alignment with your higher self. If you do not listen your emotional and physical health both suffer.
Rediscover your original nature which is sincerity, generosity, service, kindness, compassion, peace, joy, and reverence for all living things. Alignment is awareness in action. 
Catch and stop the negative habitual thoughts that do not serve you and are not for your and other’s greater good.
You can now choose to live your life consciously and be fully present in every moment of your day. Remove judgement and resistance from what is happening. 
When you blame, justify, and explain, you negate your capabilities.
Take the time every day to contemplate, think and meditate. What you focus upon expands. Your soul can only open to guidance if you learn to sit in silence alone. Align your thinking to your creator. Heath, success and happiness will flow into your life.
Align with your passion, purpose and soul’s calling. Invest in your growth, serve others by starting a purpose-driven business that you love. 
Your emotions and feelings serve as indicators of whether you are aligned with the source in any given moment or not. 
It is important to be aware that whenever you feel love, joy, peace, and abundance, you are more likely aligned with your creator. However, when you feel anger, jealousy, fear, and doubts, you are misaligned.

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Fear is a very common emotion when you are changing, growing and transforming beyond your comfort zone.  Its main purpose is to keep you safe and comfortable. 
In our history as human beings, real threats were much more prevalent and the fear response in our brain helped us survive and kept us alive. 
Today, this fear response in the brain wants to protect you from uncertainty. It realizes that the new and unfamiliar situations pose the biggest threats, so it will create a sensation like anxiety, doubts, and worry to dissuade you from doing things with an unknown outcome.
Fear wants you to stay the same because it is familiar and safe and so it will sabotage you from participating in things that can change your life for the better.
You need to anticipate the resistance you feel whenever you approach the edge of your comfort zone in pursuit of your growth.
It can be paralyzing you to seize an epic opportunity that could transform your business and impact. 
Without assigning judgement to yourself acknowledge that fear is present.
Then thank it for trying to keep you safe. It detects threats to your comfort and safety.
Assess the situation and if there is no real threat to your body just to your old habits and beliefs then you know it is not justified and overreacting.
You will have to leave behind old habits and ways of thinking and learn new beliefs and take big, bold actions towards the life of your dreams.

Acknowledge Past Experiences And Mistakes That Served You

Always remember all the past experiences that served you and happened to teach you lessons. Life always happens for you, not to you.
Identify what lessons you have learnt from your past mistakes and how you can help someone else so they do not have to go through these same challenges.

Take Action

Constantly overthinking the what-ifs and about your fears and doubts without taking action magnifies them. 
Set a small goal and wins and start taking tiny actions out of your comfort zone before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it.
Find situations related to your fear and doubts that are mildly uncomfortable and do them.
Know and embrace failure as feedback.
Remember all the successes you have experienced so far by taking consistent action and used them to boost your confidence.
See other’s success as proof of concept and acknowledgement that you can achieve the same results too.

Seek And Connect To Like-Minded People

Invest in a coach and community of like-minded people who can help you accomplish your dreams and goals. You are worthy enough. You can borrow their courage. Together we can accomplish sooo much more and change and impact this world for good.
In conclusion, imagine what life would be like if you could overcome all your fears and self-doubts.
What new opportunities would open up to you? 
Challenge yourself so that you can face your fears and doubts and live your life to reach all your desired outcomes.
Click the button below if you are ready to move beyond your fears, self-doubts, discover your purpose and start a business that you love so that you can live a meaningful life of your dreams.

What does it mean to be living your best life?

What does it mean to be living
your best life? 

What does it mean to be living your best life? 

I believe every human being, while on this earth, deserves to live their very best life. The problem is most people never take the time to figure out what exactly that means for them. 
So, what does it mean to be living your best life?
Living your best life means you have taken the time to consciously and intentionally design every area of your life in alignment with your values, Soul’s mission, and purpose(dharma).   
You will know you are living your best life when you feel joy, excitement, passion, you are constantly growing every day, transforming in all areas of your life, and have loving and close relationships with others whom you serve and positively impact.
Now that you know what it means to be living your best life let’s go over some key areas that you should focus on so that you can start designing and living your best life too.

Design your best life 

Taking some time to consciously and intentionally design the best vision for every area of your life is one of the best and most important time investments you will ever make. 
Most people decide on the type of work(career/business) they want to do first and then try to fit their life around it when it should be the other way around.
We should figure out what our best life would look like and then fit our work into it. 
So, let’s start figuring out what our best life would look like.

Know yourself 

Know that you are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. 
You are a soul with a body and you are a powerful divine being.
You are an individualized expression of your creator. 
You can be, do, and have anything you want. Your life has infinite possibilities.
Just like your creator, your true essence is love, joy, peace and abundance which is your birthright.

Take Responsibility for your life

You are responsible to create and experience your best life that is unique to you. 
Start with a deeply personal journey inward of self-connection, discovery, and awareness. 
Uncover your Soul’s mission, purpose (unique gifts and talents), desires, and wants. 
Figure out what makes you happy and gives your life meaning (reason(s) to wake up). 
Discover who you are now and who you need to become to live your best life. 
Identify and know your limitations.
What habits do you have? What triggers you? What makes you happy? How do you behave under pressure? What frustrates you? What gives you energy? What drains you? 

Decide what you want

Create a Vision, desired intentions, goals, and habits for every area (Health, Personal Growth, Spiritual, Relationships, and Career/Business) of your life that is authentic and in alignment with your soul’s mission and purpose. 
A strong vision will empower you and pull you to achieve the intended results.
Your goals will identify and put you on a path, and your daily habits will keep you on this path and moving towards the realization of your future vision.
Identify your core values and align them to your life vision. 
Your values will, like a road map, help you stay true to yourself, and guide all your decisions and actions.

Believe in yourself 

Your inner world creates your external results and life. You cannot create anything that you do not believe you can. 
Believe in yourself and in the possible accomplishment of your goals and life vision.
Your beliefs create your thoughts, which create your feelings, which create your behaviour (words and actions) which then create your habits which then create your results and destiny and your desired vision and goals.
Eliminate any fear, self-doubts and let go of any limiting beliefs that may block you from achieving your goals.
Don’t be around negative people or consume negative information which will inform and shape your perspective and beliefs which will then determine your actions, destiny, and results.
Always remember you can accomplish anything you commit to and put your mind to.

Adopt a growth mindset

Know that your capacity is not limited and you can grow and expand in every area of your life. 
Invest your time and money in relationships that help you expand like coaches, consultants, mentors, and masterminds.
Invest in books, training, workshops, and courses. Keep learning, developing, expanding, and upgrading yourself.
Watch how you are spending your time every day. Time is the most precious resource. Once it’s gone, it will never come back. 
Are you intentionally doing tasks that are aligned with your life vision?
Schedule important steps into your calendar, so that you can move closer to achieving your goals.

Trust the Universal Timing

Don’t get attached to the timing of the desired outcome.
Know and trust that the universe always conspires for you. Life always happens for your greatest good. 
Trust the timing of the Universe and if you do not receive what you want immediately, perhaps it is not good for you, or your creator has something better planned for you to receive. 

Give Abundantly

We live in an abundant universe, so always give and know that you will never run out. The more you give, the more you will receive. 
By helping others experience their best life, you will get to live your best life sooner. 

Signs you are not living your best life

Don’t know who you are or what want 

Most people do not know what they want in life or what their best life would look like when asked. 
They do not know what they love doing and what gives them joy.
They have never consciously and intentionally created a vision for every area of their life.
They do not live a life true to themselves instead they live life fulfilling others’ dreams and expectations of them. 

Do not feel good

If you constantly feel like a failure, unhappy, exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, stuck, jealous compare your life to others, envious of others people’s lives chances are you are not living your best life.
These emotions drain your energy because they are the opposite of who you are naturally. 
Your emotions are giving you a sign that something needs your attention so it can be changed.
These emotions are the opposite of what you would feel if you were living your soul-aligned true life.

Do not enjoy work

If you hate your job/career/business and therefore hate Mondays and can’t wait for Fridays instead of enjoying every day which is a gift from your creator, you have not taken the time to discover your purpose. You have also not found work that you love that is aligned with it.
In conclusion, we are only on this earth for a short while so live each day to the fullest. 
Take the time, if you have not already, to figure out what your true best life looks like in every area of life and live it before it is too late. 
Focus on growing, serving others, and experiencing a life that you love to the fullest.
Are you ready to start living your best life? 
Click the button below to book a consultation with me. 

What is a purpose-driven business?

What is a purpose-driven business?

What is a purpose-driven business?

If you know anything about me you know I believe starting a purpose-driven business is one of the best gifts you can give your future customers, this world, and yourself if you want to live a meaningful, fulfilling, harmonious, and impactful life. 

When you earn, a full-time income doing work that you love and came on this earth to do, then work, will never really feel like work. 

So, what exactly is a purpose-driven business?

A purpose-driven business is started by an individual who is aware of their unique God-given gifts, natural talents, and skills. 

These gifts are then used to create a brand, products, and services that serve, solve problems, and better the lives of their customers, and provide them with transformational results and experiences.

Now that you know what a purpose-driven business is, you may be wondering how you can start one. So now let’s go over the exact steps you would need to take to start a purpose-driven business.

How do I start a purpose-driven business?

Step 1 – Discover your purpose (dharma, why)

Start by taking some time to discover your purpose. The purpose of every human being that is born is to learn lessons and grow and serve others. 

How you serve differs for every human being based on your God-given gift of genius and personal calling encoded in you from birth. 

Your greatest joy is to discover your purpose and share this gift with the world with your company’s products and services. 

If you want to start discovering your purpose start by asking yourself what am I here to do? The answers to this question are provided as clues in your life for you to follow as bread crumbs to your path. 

Follow your low moments (lessons you have learned from the challenges that you have overcome in life that you can now help others overcome) and high moments (what you are naturally talented at, passionate about, and love doing that you can teach others)

Step 2 – Identify your core values and align them to your business

It is important to be aware of your core values so that you can derive the vision and mission of your business that is in alignment with them. 

Your values will, like a road map, help you stay true to yourself and guide all your decisions and actions. 

Start identifying your core values by asking yourself what do you stand for? and what is most important to you?

Step 3 – Decide who you specifically want to serve

Choose an audience that you are passionate about helping. Someone who is ready for a transformation or is about to start a new journey.

This person is often in a similar life stage or situation that you used to be before you started your transformational journey or solved your problem. 

It can also be someone who is in the same cohort group as one of your loved ones that you want to help.

Step 4 – Decide What Problem you want to specifically solve for this person

Given your life experiences (highs and lows), skills, purpose, and natural talents how can you best serve other people and add value to their lives? What problems can you help them solve? What desires can you help them achieve? Who can you aspire them to be?

It is important that you choose a problem that lights you up and is excited to share your insights and knowledge. 

Your enthusiasm will keep you inspired, excited, and engaged to carry you through the challenging times that you may experience while building your business.

Step 5 – Determine the Vision (aspirational future) of your business

Having a clearly formulated and relatable vision for your business will then help guide your business’s mission, goals, and actions.

Star constructing a clear future vision for your business by answering the following questions:

How much revenue is my business making annually? What is my business brand (known for)? What services and/or products does it offer? How does it operate?

Step 6 – Hire People who believe in your purpose

It is important to hire team members who understand and believe in and are passionate about your business’s purpose (why), vision, values, and mission.

Each team member is made aware of the importance of their role to the bigger picture, and fulfillment of the purpose, vision, and mission of the business.  

It is easy for everyone to make every business decision in alignment with serving the mission of the business.

Everyone is aware of the purpose, vision, mission, and values of the company, and how their role is important in impacting these are well understood.

Why are purpose-driven businesses more successful?

The committed owner

A purpose-driven business is started by the owner who is fueled by their passion and purpose. They are self-aware and have clarity of their purpose (why, dharma). 

The primary reason they start their business is to fulfill their purpose, which is why they are here on earth school.

The owner is committed with their entire authentic being to their greater purpose and creating products to improve and better the lives of their customers and therefore, is much less likely to give up during the challenging times. 

Their business allows them to live a meaningful, fulfilling, harmonious and impactful life as they earn a full-time income and live their purpose every day. 

A daily morning routine that includes prayers, meditation, and going for a walkout in nature to connect with their creator and receive guidance for their Soul’s calling is very common amongst purpose-driven business owners. 

This provides them with the energy and vitality to always serve from their highest self. Business is conducted with ease and flow instead of the hustle and grind.

They live from certainty, belief, faith, and intent and therefore find it easier to eradicate fear, procrastination and worry less about other’s opinions causing them to give up.

Ongoing growth and innovation

Since growth is prioritized and understood as part of their purpose for being on this earth they set time aside for themselves to learn and improve every day. 

Their teams are also very much encouraged to do the same. 

Customers are surveyed often to make sure they are being heard and served in the best way possible. 

There are never short of ideas to improve their products and services to better serve their customers be it from the same industry or another.

They always look for lessons that they can learn from every challenge and every failure is seen as feedback to innovate and improve.

Loyal and engaged customers

The customers feel the owner’s vibrational, loving energy that created the company’s products and services to help and provide them with the best solutions and outcomes to improve their lives for the better.

Since customer’s opinions are listened to often and are very much welcomed, they feel attracted, connected and they stay loyal to the brand. They feel heard, understood, seen, and accepted by the owner. 

This makes the competition irrelevant. Customers become raving fans and understand the value they are receiving and therefore are willing to pay, become repeat customers, and stay customers forever.

Treating their employees well and giving back to their communities and environment is a practice that is followed by a lot of purpose-driven businesses. 

Customers admire this trait and are drawn to purchase from those brands and feel good that part of their money will be going towards the greater good of the community, society, or the world.

Marketing and Sales are easier

The owner considers their duty and obligation to market their products and services which are needed and better the lives of their customers. 

The more customers who become aware of the business and its products, and services, the bigger the impact they can make. In fact, not marketing would be considered selfish.

Sales become easy as they are seen as service which is necessary to get the helpful products into the hands of as many customers as possible so that they can improve their lives.

More engaged and loyal employees

Purpose-oriented businesses have higher productivity and a more satisfied and engaged workforce who stay with the company longer.

Transparency, inclusivity, respect, and leading with empathy are some of the other valued traits of a purpose-driven business that employees are attracted to.

People want to work for companies with their shared values that are focused on the greater good of the community, society, and the world. 

Easier to attract investors

The owner’s passion and enthusiasm for the business make it very easy to attract investors who are willing to become partners, provide funds, and profit from the business. 

The energy, intent, belief, certainty, faith, and commitment of the entrepreneur is felt every time they talk about the business.

The investors value the culture of constant growth and innovation and feel assured that the business will adapt to any changes that may take place in the market or Industry. 

Having more engaged employees and loyal repeat customers also helps make it enticing for the investors to come on board.

In conclusion, I believe if everyone would focus on their why(dharma) and start a purpose-driven company this world would be a very happy place to be. 

We would be able to solve all the problems, improve humanity, live a legacy, and make a multi-generational impact. 

Let’s break the cycle of doing work that:

Does not give you joy!

Someone else told you to do it!

Not aligned to your purpose and values!

Are you ready to do your part? 

Start a purpose-driven business that you love?

Take- action now!

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