What Causes Money Blocks?

What Causes Money Blocks?

What Causes Money Blocks?

Everybody deserves to have all the money and abundance they desire. Abundance, wealth, and prosperity are who we are by nature and it is our birthright. 
Our creator is abundance, wealth, and prosperity. So, we have the capability of having wealth and prosperity and abundance in our life whenever we desire it.  
We have to focus on being like our creator by growing, serving, helping others, and tuning into the unlimited abundance and prosperity available to us. 
However, most people are not able to attract money, abundance, and prosperity into their lives.  
You may be asking, why does that happen? It’s because they have money blocks. What causes these money blocks?
Money blocks are caused by negative beliefs and thoughts that you have about money. 
These money beliefs are influenced and formed by what you hear, see, and experience about money when you are with your parents or guardians at a young age.
These beliefs create your reality, identity, thoughts, words, feelings, behaviours, habits, destiny, and all life experiences as an adult.
You may be wondering, what exactly are money blocks? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

What Are Money Blocks?

Money blocks are negative beliefs and thoughts about money that become a part of your subconscious mind and run and influence all your financial decisions in life unconsciously.
These beliefs then prevent you from achieving financial success like being debt-free, having a large income-producing investment portfolio, having multiple income streams, owning income-producing assets, and living the freedom lifestyle of your dreams. 
So, what are some of these money blocks? Let’s list some of the common money blocks that most people have.

List Of Money Blocks

Money blocks prevent wealth, abundance, and prosperity from coming into your life. 
Hopefully, you can use this knowledge to consciously get rid of these blocks so you can live in abundance and prosperity and have all the money that you desire.  

Negative Association With Money

If you believe that money is evil and all rich people are bad, and not spiritual, then your subconscious mind will prevent you from having money so that you are not bad and evil.
These beliefs are not true. There are lots of rich people who are not evil, they donate and give a lot of money to charities, and they are spiritual. 
Instead of having negative thoughts towards the rich, cheer them on and send them blessings.
Monitor your limiting beliefs, question them, find proof against them, and change them to serve you.
The more money you have, the more you can give back and make an unlimited difference and impact. Every human being’s purpose is to ultimately grow, serve, and help others. 

Lack Of Belief In Yourself

You may have never thought and believed that you can make millions. 
You may feel like you are not worthy or capable of earning millions and be prosperous like others because of the limits that others have placed on you.
Always remember you are an individualized expression of God. You can achieve anything you want, provided you believe in the possibility. 
Your life has infinite possibilities. There is nothing you can not be, do, and have. As previously mentioned, abundance and prosperity are your birthrights.
You create your life from your beliefs and your thoughts and if you don’t believe that it’s a possibility for you, then it will not be. 
So, the sooner you change that belief to help and guide you towards wealth and prosperity, the better it is for you.

Avoidance Of Financial Numbers

You tend to avoid and are not aware of your financial numbers because you believe it is too complicated for you. 
You have no idea how much money is coming in and how much is going out. 
Start paying attention and focus on where your money is coming from and where it’s going, because what you focus upon always expands. This is one of the universal laws.
Learn to complete an income statement every quarter. Save and invest some of your money every month. 
If you are spending more than you’re earning, then either decrease your expenses or increase your income. 
Create a plan to pay off all consumer debts with high-interest rates. 

Lack Of Financial Goals

You don’t have any financial goals because you do not believe that you deserve any more than what you are currently earning. You are letting someone else decide how much you will earn.
It is good to have financial goals and to make plans towards earning the type of money that you want to earn so you can live your best life.  
Start a purpose-driven business, add value in the market, and serve others by coming up with products and services that transform and better their lives and earn an unlimited amount of money.

Have Only One Income Stream

It is dangerous to rely on one income stream if you only have one income stream. If that income gets eliminated, you would experience an extreme amount of financial stress. 
It’s better to have more than one income streams. In fact, most wealthy people have seven income streams on average. 
Start and focus on one income stream at a time, once stable and systemized, start the next one. 
Some of the other income streams you can add are through taking on freelancing opportunities on websites such as Upwork, or Fiverr.
You can also consider starting your purpose-driven business, selling transformational products or services, starting a niche website, investing in a stock portfolio, buy income-producing assets like real estate, etc.

Lack Of Community

You are isolated and don’t have any role models around you that are wealthy, prosperous, and are earning millions. You have no one to support you. 
You are comfortable where you are because everybody around you is comfortable. Always remember you are on average like the five people whom you associate with.  
If wealth, abundance, and prosperity are what you desire, then you need to be amongst other wealthy people. You can learn from them and they can cheer you on and guide you.

Lack Of Action

You do not take any action towards achieving wealth because nobody is encouraging you to do so. 
No one around you is taking any actions towards achieving wealth, so the sooner you get around people who have done it, or are doing it, are wealthy, and are taking the actions, the sooner you can get there.  
So, figure out how much money you want to make and how much abundance and wealth you want to sustain your dream lifestyle, create a plan, and start taking actions towards your financial goals.

Fear Of Failure

Fear of failure keeps a lot of people stuck. Success is on the other side of failure. The sooner and more you fail, the faster and more successful you will be with your financial goals. 
There is no such thing as failure, it is simply feedback. Failure teaches you and guides you to the correct path. 
Do not be scared of failure and learn to embrace it.

Having A Short Term Mindset

You have a short-term mindset and feel that you should have had results and wealth yesterday. Remember wealth is a long-term play, so be patient and trust the universal timing. 
The universe always has bigger and better plans for you. We create plans which are way smaller than what the universe wants for us. 
Set your financial goals but don’t get attached to the goals.
Trust the Universal timing and know that it’s not short-term, it’s a long-term commitment that you have to plan and take actions towards.

You Procrastinate

You procrastinate and don’t invest your time wisely and do not do activities that help you achieve your financial goals. 
We are all here for a limited time and if you are spending a lot of your time on distractions then you will not be able to fulfill your purpose and goals. 
Some of these distractions are scrolling on social media, constant interruptions from phone notifications, or watching programs and movies on Netflix.
Start spending your time consciously. It is the most valuable resource, because once it is gone, it will never come back. 
Allocate and schedule some time towards fulfilling your purpose and achievement of your goals.

Fear Of Judgement

You are fearful of others’ opinions, judgement, and about losing your friends if and when you earn a lot of money.  
Your true friends will cheer you and celebrate your success with you. Those who do not are not your true friends and are not meant to stay in your life. 
Some people come into your life for a reason, some for a season, and some are meant to stay in your life forever. 
Always remember you are on this earth for a purpose and it is important that you make that your number one focus. 

Not Willing To Pay The Price

You are not willing to pay the price and want the result instantly. Building wealth is a long-term play, not a short-term play. You have to be committed and put in the time.
Focus on adding value in the market and serving people with your transformational products and services and let the universe handle the rest. Money will start flowing into your life.

In conclusion, stand guard, and be aware of all the negative thoughts and beliefs that you have acquired about money, from your parents, and guardians from childhood. 
They create your reality, identity, thoughts, words, feelings, behaviours, habits, destiny, and all life experiences. 
They influence all your financial decisions in life. They block money, abundance, wealth, and prosperity from coming to you. 
These limiting beliefs prevent you from achieving financial success like being debt-free, having a large income-producing investment portfolio, having multiple income streams, owning income-producing assets, and living the freedom lifestyle of your dreams. 
Start adopting positive beliefs and think thoughts about money that serve you and help you achieve all your financial and wealth goals, help you have abundance and prosperity, and help you live your dream life sooner.
If you are ready to start creating wealth via a purpose driven business than download the 3 secrets to starting a business that you love and start making the income and impact you always dreamed of.

Does your environment matter more than willpower?

Does your environment matter
more than willpower?

Does your environment matter more than willpower?

I have noticed that people have the best of intentions to make big permanent changes in their life for the better. 
They set big goals for themselves in different areas of life every year and end up not accomplishing the majority of them.
They have the best of intentions, however, the reason they are unable to fulfill their goals has to do with their environment. It is not designed to help them achieve success.  
Does your environment matter more than willpower?
Yes, your environment does matter more than your willpower when it comes to making any big permanent changes in your life, accomplishing any desires or goals, and living a better life. 
Your environment shapes who you are and its effects will exceed your willpower which is a limited depleting resource as you progress through your day. 
So, you may be wondering… how exactly does our environment affect us and keeps us from accomplishing our goals? Let’s discuss that next

How does your environment affect you

Having the right environment is very important if you want to live a better life and accomplish your goals.
You are now aware that personal effort and willpower are not sufficient by themselves for you to successfully make a change and accomplish your desired goals without the right environment.
Your environment also affects how motivated you feel to take desired actions to make progress towards your goals and accomplish them.
Here are some ways your environment is continuing to affect you or has unconsciously affected you in the past.


Your physical environment is either set to energize, excite, and inspire you or to deplete your energy and make you feel uninspired and hopeless.
The spaces you spend a lot of time in can also greatly influence your wellbeing (physical and mental).
Your physical environment like your home affects how you think, feel, act, and function. Your body and mind also learn to adapt to your environment.

A home can affect the quality of your life if it is in a bad neighbourhood, needs repairs, renovations, has unpleasant colour on the walls, and has uncomfortable furnishing.
Lots of clutter, chaos, no exposure to natural light and crowding affects the quality of your life too.
It can cause stress, hopelessness, anxiety, depression, and other mental issues.
Exposure to environmental hazards in your home like toxic chemicals, mould, pollution, dust, and food contaminants can also increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, asthma, and other illnesses.
The cues in your environment determine what you choose to do. 
It is very hard to make the right choices if you have lots of distractions around your home that tempt you to do things that are not aligned to your goals and are not good for you.
Your physical health is also affected by how comfortably and well you sleep at night, whether you have a habit and reminders to drink a sufficient amount of water.
Amount of temptations around your house to eat unhealthy junk food and drinks, whether you have habits, reminders, and cues for you to exercise daily and have other healthy routines like prayer and meditation also affect you.
If you have unpleasant views from your home and are bombarded and exposed to negative messaging on the clothes that you wear, and other décor items and picture frames around your house then it will be hard to live a happy fulfilled life and accomplish your goals.
The environment cannot change your genes or DNA, however, it can determine which genes will express themselves. The genes have to be exposed to a certain environment for them to become active.


We are social creatures and love to be surrounded by people. 
Who you are around and associate with both at work and home will affect you and determine who you are becoming. 
You become like the five people you hang out with the most.
If you are around negative toxic people both at home and work, you will eventually be influenced by them and become like them.
Feeling constantly conflicted around these people can also make you sick both physically and mentally. 
Especially if you constantly feel like you do not belong with them and your values and morals are not aligned with theirs. You are expected to compromise your values.

If you are constantly watching the news, shows, movies, and playing games with lots of violence, then you will start believing and thinking that this world is a negative place and start acting and behaving violently yourself.
Whatever you consume becomes a part of who you are. It shapes your identity which then shapes your beliefs, thoughts, actions, habits, and destiny.
If you were raised by a parent who did not take the time to make you feel loved and emotionally supported then you can have a tough time forming close, trusting, and loving relationships when you are an adult.
If you did not have an enriching and stimulating home, and school environment where you were heard, understood, seen, and accepted by your parents, teachers, and others. 
That can also have negative effects on you and the personality you end up forming.
To get love and acknowledgement from them, you strategically form a personality that is liked and approved by them.
We spend a lot of time at work and if there is a lot of negativity at your workplace, people are rude, your boss does not trust and empower people, you do not agree and are not aligned with their vision, mission, and purpose, then your mental and physical health can both be affected.

Ways to change your environment for a better life

If you have desires to change your life for the better like starting a purpose-driven business, be healthier, and improve your relationships, then you will have to examine your environment and make changes if it does not serve who you want to become and the goals you want to accomplish.
The environment is more powerful than your internal resolve and willpower. Create and design an environment that will increase your enthusiasm, productivity, and motivation. Here are some suggestions to consciously begin doing this.


Examine your home and make changes that are aligned to the goals you want to accomplish to better your life. Fix all the things that deplete your energy.
Make your environment pleasant by repairing all the things that need to be fixed, paint the walls a different colour, declutter, and get rid of junk.
What you focus upon every day expands and manifests in your life. 
So, have inspiring pictures hanging in your house, wear clothing with positive messaging, reduce or eliminate watching negative news, listen to music, watch movies that have positive messaging, and get some exposure to natural light daily.
Improve your habits and make sure you are getting sufficient hours of sleep every day, implement a self-care morning routine of prayers.
Start meditating, exercising, recite positive empowering affirmations daily, learn new things, and feed your mind with positive messages daily.
Get rid of all the junk food and substitute it with healthy food if one of your goals is to feel healthier. You become what you eat.


Reduce contact with people who are not aligned with your values and morals and find other people who are aligned with you to socialize with. 
Choose like-minded people who cheer you on, celebrate your success, and are not intimidated by your big goals.
Change your job or start your own purpose-driven business if you are not able to be authentic, happy, and are not aligned to their values, vision and mission.
In conclusion, the environment does matter more than your willpower when it comes to making any big permanent changes in your life or accomplishing any desires or goals and living a better life.
Your environment is very important if you want to better your life and accomplish your goals. It keeps you motivated as you work on your goals.
Your environment shapes who you are and its effects will exceed your willpower which is a limited depleting resource as you progress through your day. 
If you are convinced, ready and want to start changing your environment and make it serve and help you to accomplish your desired goals and better your life by shopping these inspirational products.

How is imposter syndrome different from self-doubt?

How is imposter syndrome
different from self-doubt? 

How is imposter syndrome different from self-doubt? 

When we are first born, we do not have any doubts and we know exactly who we are and why we are here. 
We try new things without worrying about what we look like and what others will think of us. 
We then learn what is the expected behaviour in order to get conditional love from others. Fear, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome start to control how we live our life. 
So, how is self-doubt different from Imposter syndrome?
Self-doubt is a lack of belief and confidence in your abilities, decisions, and actions. 
It is associated with anxiety, depression, procrastination, lack of motivation, emotional instability.

It also leads to experiencing low self-image and esteem, low self-confidence.
It can also lead to difficulty making decisions, feeling of hopelessness, and a feeling that one has little control over their life.
Imposter syndrome is a thought pattern that leads you to feel chronic self-doubt, perceived incompetence, fear of discovered fraud or feelings of inadequacy. 
It negatively affects your self-image, worth and esteem too.  
It leads to a belief that success is not deserved by you despite your talents and skills. You credit luck and external factors for your achievements
It is often experienced when starting a new venture or journey like starting a business, parenthood, or a new work promotion. 
It can cause anxiety, depression, fear, and a lack of courage to the action required to pursue living a purposeful and fulfilling life.
Now that you know the difference between self-doubt and imposter syndrome, you may be asking yourself: “What causes imposter syndrome?” Let’s discuss that next.

Causes of Imposter Syndrome

Here are some reasons that can cause you to develop an imposter syndrome


It is caused by both personality traits like perfectionism and anxiety levels as well as family background or behavioural reasons. 


If your family values achievement above everything else, then there is a high chance that you could suffer from imposter syndrome.
If you were compared to your sibling who always did better than you in certain areas then you may experience imposter syndrome.
People often assume that in order to matter, be enough, and be loved, they have to achieve at the level expected.


Environment and discrimination can cause feelings of imposter syndrome. 
Especially when you belong to a minority racial or ethnic group for whom people have stereotypes about competency. 
The more you can see and hear people like you, the more confident you can feel and you are less likely to feel like an imposter.

What are imposter syndrome symptoms

Anyone can experience symptoms of imposter syndrome. Feeling like they are not experts, experienced, or good enough.
They worry that they aren’t worthy of your attention, worthy of the time and energy they will invest, or if they are worthy at all. 
They may not talk about it, but they do feel it.
Let’s discuss some of the symptoms of imposter syndrome.


One of the symptoms is severe lack of confidence, feeling inadequate, unworthy, and undeserving of success. 
You feel like you need to know everything before starting a new project or journey and constantly look for courses, accreditations and training. 


Perfectionists set very high expectations for themselves. They focus on mistakes and failures and they can never be satisfied with their achievements even if they accomplish the majority of their goals. 
They question their competence even if they make a small mistake.


The fear of failure keeps you from trying anything new and/or unknown. You would be less likely to apply to a new job even if you do not have all of the qualifications
You worry about poor feedback and so you procrastinate. You are less likely to speak up because you are afraid to look stupid. 


You experience constant fear of judgement and feeling like you are a fraud and will be found out.


You deny your own success and feel like you do not deserve it. You feel like you were lucky and do not acknowledge and celebrate your effort.
You put pressure on yourself to accomplish your tasks independently because, to you, asking for help means you are a failure or a fraud.

Work hard

You work harder than others to prove that you are not an imposter. You put a lot of pressure on yourself and feel the need to be successful in all areas of life.

How to deal with imposter syndrome

The most important step to overcoming imposter syndrome is to acknowledge that you are experiencing imposter syndrome.
Here are some ways to help you deal with imposter syndrome any time that you go through it. As long as you are on earth school, you may continue to experience it at different times in your life. 
Let’s discuss some steps for you to deal with it.


Start by asking yourself: “Why am I feeling like an imposter?” 
Most of the time, you will discover that the thoughts that you are thinking and your internal negative dialogue are causing you to feel like an imposter. 
Write these thoughts down in a journal so you can review them.
Identify, acknowledge, and be aware of these thoughts and internal dialogues that do not serve you. 
Reframe and replace them with thoughts and words that empower and help you accomplish what you want in order to live your best life.


Talk to your friends and mentors whom you trust with how you feel, and let them help you. 
You may realize that lot of people feel the same way and you are not alone. You may also try seeking professional help.


Focus on your strength and accomplishments to gain confidence. Celebrate your success from the past to boost your confidence. 
Find a community of like-minded people to associate with who can support, help, and cheer you on.


Learn to develop the courage to try new ventures and uncomfortable opportunities. Know that failures are feedback and they help you grow and get better. 


Learn to live from the inside out and take responsibility for your successes, achievements, shortcomings, and failures.
Always remember that your identity creates your beliefs which then lead to your thoughts and feelings, which then lead to your actions, habits and destiny.


You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience. You matter, are enough, and you are here to fulfill a purpose or you would not be here. 
Are you listening to your soul’s calling and purpose? 
You are not an imposter or fraud and you have everything you need to fulfill your purpose. 
The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. How you do that is determined by the unique natural talents and gifts that you have been given

In conclusion, as previously mentioned, self-doubt is a lack of belief and confidence in your abilities, decisions, and actions. 
It is associated with anxiety, depression, procrastination, lack of motivation, emotional instability.

It also leads to experiencing low self-image and esteem, low self-confidence, difficulty making decisions, feeling of hopelessness, and a feeling that one has little control over their life.
It can lead to anxiety, depression, procrastination, lack of motivation, emotional instability, low self-image and esteem, self-confidence, difficulty making decisions, feeling hopeless, and lack of control over one’s life. 
Imposter syndrome is a thought pattern that leads you to feel chronic self-doubt, perceived incompetence, fear of discovered fraud or feelings of inadequacy. 
It negatively affects your self-image, worth and esteem too.  
It leads to a belief that success is not deserved by you despite your talents and skills. You credit luck and external factors for your achievements
It is often experienced when starting a new venture or journey like starting a business, parenthood, or a new work promotion. 
It can cause anxiety, depression, fear, and a lack of courage to the action required to pursue living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Self-doubts and imposter syndrome may be experienced many times in our life as we are on the earth school and so it is important to know how to deal with them.  
We discussed several ways to deal with it within this article. It may be a good idea to explore next: 
How fear and self-doubt keep you stuck, and how to deal with it.

Is making money online possible and easy?

Is making money online possible and easy?

Is making money online possible and easy?

Making money online has become very popular in recent times. More people are now going online to learn, shop, etc. 
In the future, it is anticipated that more people will be getting access to the internet and going online to shop and learn.
So, is making money online easy and possible? Is that something you can easily do?
Yes, making online is possible and easy if you are committed, patient, and you believe it is possible for you.
It is also easy if you take the right steps like investing, learning the right skills, willing to pivot, change and design a method/online business that serves your life’s vision and purpose (growing and serving).
It can be hard and impossible to make money online if you are not committed, patient, and/or do not believe it is possible for you.
If you do not take the right steps like investing, learning the right skill(s), are not willing to pivot, change, and design a method/online business that serves your life’s vision and purpose (growing and serving).  
You may be wondering where to start and what would be good steps to take before making money online. Let’s discuss that next.

5 steps to take before you begin making money online


The method you choose to earn income online should be aligned to your values and your life vision which is what you consider to be the best way to live your life.
Begin by figuring out why you want to earn money online, What is your income goal? Is it to earn a full-time income? Make a little bit of extra money on the side? 
How much time are you willing to invest in it (hours/days in a week)? will you be hiring a team? Are you interested in passive or active ways to earn money? How much vacation will I take? 
Discover your purpose and decide what your long-term life vision is. How do you want to live your best life? Identify what matters to you (top values)? 
If you had no limitations, what would a dream day in your life look like? What are your most desired experiences in every area of your life? What habits, beliefs and identity would you have? 
What types of relationships would you have? How would you serve others and make an impact? How much time would you spend on personal growth?


Who are you being called to serve? Choose an audience that you are passionate about helping. Someone who is ready for a transformation or about to start a new journey. 
This person is often in a similar life stage or situation that you used to before you started your transformational journey or solved your problem. 
It can also be someone who is in the same cohort group as one of your loved ones that you want to help.


Given your life experiences (highs and lows), skills, purpose, and talents, what problem do you want to help others solve? What desires can you help them achieve? 
Who can you aspire them to be? It is important to choose a problem that lights you up and that you are excited about.
It is important to choose a problem that you are enthusiastic about solving to carry you through the tough times that you may experience while building your business.


Decide what model you want to use to earn money online. 
Validate the method, niche, and market by researching other competitors earning money online in the same market to get ideas of different models they are using to earn money online that you can use too.


Find and invest in mentors, coaches, courses, and communities that are earning money online so you can learn and expand your skills, talents, knowledge, network, and relationships.
We can achieve a lot more when we work together and have other people cheer and help us on our making money online journey.

Ideas for making money online

I am going to share below some ideas of different ways to earn money online. Some require low investment and are easier than others. 


You can be hired as an independent contractor to provide services for different companies online. It gives you the flexibility to work from home or remotely from any part of the world.
There are several different services that you could be hired for like customer support, data entry, and proofreading. The most popular freelance websites are Upwork and Fiverr. 
You can visit these websites to get that a better idea of what kind of jobs you would be suitable for based on your skills, talents, and past work experience.

Virtual Assistant

You can become a virtual assistant, an online secretary that helps different business owners with routined or general business tasks so they can focus on their more important tasks.
Some of the tasks a virtual assistant does are organize and prioritize daily schedules, set appointments and meetings, set reminders for important tasks, follow up with different stakeholders, organize and answer emails, any documentation tasks, and data entry tasks.

Create a Niche website

You can pick a niche, validate it, and start writing articles on this topic. Once you start getting a lot of traffic coming to your site, you can earn ad revenue from different companies like ezoic, media vine, or ad thrive.
You can also share and promote someone else’s product and get paid a commission every time someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product. Amazon has an affiliate program that you can apply to.
This is a good model if you have a large social media following. You can share products that you value, believe in, use with your audience, and use an affiliate link in a blog post or you tube video.


You can help people improve and grow in a particular area, solve a problem, and transform their lives based on your own results, skill, talents, and experience. 
You can build a following and audience by adding value and creating free informational content. 
Once people know, like, and trust you, they will hire you to coach/consult with them. You can coach/consult with people virtually. 

Sell physical products

You can order products from suppliers from China, Thailand, India etc in bulk and sell them on your website (Shopify) or other online platforms like Amazon as a third-party seller. 
Amazon is the biggest retailer in the world. The majority of people buy products online from Amazon. It is trusted and most people have their credit cards already attached to their account. 
This business requires an investment of a couple of thousand dollars for the stock and to get started and a couple of months for the products to be shipped to you. 

Sell digital products

You can create a step-by-step course based on your skills, knowledge, talent, experience, and expertise. The online education business will continue to expand and grow as more and more people turn to online learning.
You can also offer an online membership program to build a community to help each other accomplish specific goals, expertise, hobbies, skills, and way of life.
This model requires a lot of work, technical know-how, and expenses. Therefore, it is not very beginner-friendly.

Book Publishing

You can publish and sell books on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. You can also publish a book on Amazon as a paperback, hardcover, or audio. 
Research, validate, demand, and decide which niche you would write a book in.
You can also hire a writer to write your book for you. You can publish a book under your name or a pen name.
This business model does not cost a lot of money. The only required expense is for the book cover and marketing. 
Since books are a low-ticket item, you will have to sell a lot of books to make lots of money.
Reflect on each of these opportunities and identify which niche you want to build a business around. 
You don’t want to do all of these business models at the same time. Rather, you want to start with one, master it, and then add more over time.
In conclusion, it is easy and possible to earn money online if you are committed, patient, and you believe it is possible for you. 
It is also easy and possible to earn money online if you are taking the right steps like investing, learning the right skills, willing to pivot, change and design a method/online business that serves your life’s vision and purpose (growing and serving).
It can be hard and impossible to make money online if you are not committed, patient, and do not believe it is possible for you. 
It can also be hard and possible for you to earn money online if you are not taking the right steps like investing, learning the right skills, willing to pivot, change, and design a method/online business that serves your life’s vision and purpose (growing and serving).
I hope you have an idea of what steps to take if you want to start earning money online and what business model fits with your income goals and desired lifestyle.
Next, read: “Is it better to be a business owner or an employee to help you decide which model is good for you?” 

What Are Empowering Beliefs

What Are Empowering Beliefs

What Are Empowering Beliefs

Your beliefs control and create your reality, so it is important to have empowering beliefs and to get rid of the disempowering beliefs that do not serve you. 
You may be asking yourself: “What are empowering beliefs?”.
Empowering beliefs are transformative, supportive beliefs that we can consciously choose and adopt so that we can create our best life of joy, purpose, meaning, fulfillment, harmony, abundance, and impact. 
Our beliefs guide our perspective, identity, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, values and destiny.
So, how do we form our beliefs? Let’s discuss that next.

How Do We Form Beliefs?

Our beliefs are formed by what we experience, hear, and see when we are young. Most of our beliefs are formed by the age of 7. 
They become part of our subconscious mind and they run and influence our decisions in life unconsciously like a computer program. 
Your beliefs create your truth, reality, identity, and they shape your life experiences. 
Let’s list some examples of empowering beliefs that you can adopt so that you can live your very best life.

Empowering Beliefs

Review the list of the following empowering beliefs and choose the ones that are good for you to adopt for your desired best life.


I believe in myself, I matter, and I am worthy because I have been put on this earth by my creator to represent him and fulfill a purpose. 
I am worthy and deserve love no matter what.
All human beings have a similar purpose which is to grow and serve others. How you serve is determined by the unique gifts that we have all been blessed with.
The thoughts, words I use to express who I am are aligned to my spirit, identity, beliefs, thoughts, values, and actions.


I am 100% responsible for the life I create for myself by the beliefs I adopt and choose to have. I am not a victim and the outer circumstances do not control how I feel.
I know all change and success happen from the inside out.


My life as a human being has infinite, limitless potential and possibilities. I can be, do, and have anything I desire and set my mind to achieve. 
I serve, inspire, and motivate others to live their full infinite potential by being an example.


My best is yet to come. As long I am alive, I will continue to grow and expand so I can serve in a bigger and better way. 
When you are focused and disciplined, you can acquire any skills in any area that you want. I invest time and money towards my growth.
Nothing ever goes wrong in my life. Every change, challenge, failure, setback and adversity that I experience happens for me to learn a lesson. 
I am resilient and capable of overcoming any obstacle. 
Mistakes are greater teachers for me when I look for the lessons for myself and teach to others. Everyone that is in my life currently is capable and there to teach me a lesson.


I have been blessed and always have a lot to be thankful for. I practice gratitude every day, raise my vibration, align with my creator, and invite more abundance into my life.
I am grateful for my perfect body, organs, and good health. I am grateful for all the people in my life.


I attract the right people in my life by being my true and best self and by living the aptitudes, characteristics, and personality traits that I desire in my relationships.
I am constantly surrounded by a community of like-minded people and we help each other live a soul-aligned best life.


Kindness always wins. It is who we are by nature. Whenever you are kind to others instead of being right, you are showing strength instead of what society says that you are being weak. 
Whenever we are being who we are by nature, love, peace, compassion, kindness, and abundance, we operate at a higher vibration that is in tune with and is powerful just like our creator.


I trust in the universal intelligence and timing and understand that the universe always has bigger and better plans for me if I do not get what I want right away.


I center my life around my passion and do what I love and am passionate about. Abundance and prosperity is my reward. 
Passion will help me persevere and keep me steadfast towards my life vision and goals when things get difficult.


Guilt and regrets are a waste of my current energy and therefore I believe in forgiveness and compassion towards myself and others. 
I send blessings to people instead of judging them.

I am going to let go of the guilt and regrets and stop releasing toxins in my body by being angry about the past and make room for the blessings life is bringing to me now. 
The past is who I used to be and I am grateful to have grown and now I have a different perspective, realization, and the ability to let go of who I used to be. 


I am my creator’s trustee of abundance and share my knowledge and wealth with others without ever running out.


Prosperity is an inside job. As long as I focus on my purpose and being of service to others, prosperity will chase me instead of the other way around. 
Money does not change people, it will amplify who I am already.
Abundance is my birthright. The more I attract and make the more I can give back and make an impact endlessly.


I practice self-care and activities that give me joy so that I can better serve others from the overflow instead of empty.


I accept that feeling fear is a part of the brain’s survival mechanism whenever we attempt something new and unknown. 
I know my true freedom and growth lie on the other side of it. 
I always stay open to both recognizing and pursuing new opportunities and move towards my fear with faith and courage and know that everything will be okay.

How do we form beliefs?

Our beliefs are formed by what we experience, hear, and see when we are young. Most of our beliefs are formed by the age of 7. 
They become a part of our subconscious mind and influence our decisions unconsciously. Your beliefs create your truth and your life. 

How do you create empowering beliefs?

Follow the steps outlined to change beliefs that are not empowering to the ones that are empowering.


Become aware of the patterns of habitual thoughts you think every day. Your thoughts come from the beliefs that you hold in your subconscious mind. 
Identify the belief behind your thought by asking yourself: “why am I thinking that thought”?


Ask yourself: “Is this belief true”? Can you find proof that negates the belief that you currently hold?


How are these beliefs and thoughts making you feel? A disempowering belief will not make you feel good.


What empowering beliefs and thoughts can you replace them with? How does the empowering belief and thoughts make you feel? An empowering belief will make you feel good.
Repeat the empowering belief and thoughts to yourself every day to make it permanently become automated and a part of your subconscious mind.
In conclusion, adopt those empowering beliefs that help you live your very best life possible. 
Remember your beliefs inform and create your identity, thoughts, feelings, words, actions, habits, and destiny so choose wisely. 
Choose one empowering belief to install for the next 90 days that would make a big difference and improve your life. 
Think good thoughts, take-action, speak words, have habits and values that guide your decisions that are in alignment with this belief.
Live an empowered life of joy, purpose, meaning, fulfillment, harmony, abundance, and impact.
Next read can you create your own identity?

What Does A Spiritual Relationship Mean?

What Does A Spiritual
Relationship Mean?

What Does A Spiritual Relationship Mean?

We are social creatures. Relationships are very important to us because we love having intimate connections, physical touch, talking, and having people around us. 
Good, loving relationships are also one of the key contributors to living a good, healthy, and happy life. 
Spiritual relationships are the most fulfilling relationships you can ever have. What exactly does a spiritual relationship mean?
A spiritual relationship is a relationship between two equal souls with one another despite their age, colour, race, or gender of their body which is currently housing their soul while here on this earth. 
So, how do you create a spiritual relationship with your partner? Let’s discuss that next.

How to create a spiritual relationship with your partner

Here are some ways to start building a spiritual relationship with your partner. 
Since a spiritual partnership is the most fulfilling relationship you can ever have with your partner, it is worth learning about and aspiring to create for yourself.


Have the clarity and awareness that you are a soul with a body who is now in a relationship with another equal soul with a body. 
One person is not superior in comparison to the other. 
We are all made equally by the same creator. We have been given the perfect body, colour, and gender to fulfill our purpose while here on this earth. 
Each one of us is here to grow and serve others. How we do it is determined by the unique gifts that each one of us has been given by our creator.


Practice giving unconditional love to each other at all times. Your love towards your partner is not based on any conditions or expectations. 
Compete to love each other more. We have come from love (our creator) and we are love by nature.
Love and support each other unconditionally despite sometimes not agreeing on things. 

No Expectations

Have no roles or expectations based on gender. The roles are divided with a mutual agreement based on natural talent and what gives an individual joy while they are doing it.


Growth at a mind, body, and spirit level should always be encouraged. Growth should be prioritized in all areas both as a couple and individually. 
It is one of our purpose for coming here on the earth.
Create a safe space for both of you to be able to heal from the past, grow, and learn to become better every single day. 
Always remember that the pain from the past comes up for a reason. It is a sign that we have traumas from the past that we have not learnt lessons from and let go of. 
It is important to support each other through this process.


Always default to generosity and service towards each other and others. You can give your time or money to impact and make other’s life better. 
This is who we are by nature.


Have a daily routine individually and possibly together to connect with your creator by meditating, going for a walk out in nature, and praying. 
Have a daily routine to connect and spend some time with each other.


Have a vision for your life. Have aligned morals, values, and goals for your relationship. Set some time to track and review them together often.


Celebrate your differences, the different experience and paths that you have come from and learn from each other. 
Have mutual respect for each other. Respect each other’s boundaries, free time, and space. 
Spend some time in solitude for growth and self-development.


Create a routine and safe space for each other to be vulnerable and communicate honestly and openly. 
Have time and space to enter into deep spiritual conversations and practices together.


Create a comfortable environment to feel a sense of peace and joy around each other and have the freedom to be your authentic self around each other. 
You should not be afraid to show each other any of your flaws and quarks.


Figure out each other’s love languages and please your partner more often by doing what they enjoy, not what you think they should like or what you want them to like. 
Some people like compliments, acts of kindness, time spent together, touch, and affections.


Take full responsibility for any error, miscommunication or misunderstandings and apologize for what may have caused your partner to feel hurt. 
Demonstrate and be what you want your partner to be to you.


Whenever possible, discuss and resolve an issue before going to bed. An ongoing grudge can be harmful to both and can hinder you from having a restful, rejuvenating sleep overnight.

How to create a spiritual relationship with your child

Here are some ways to start building a spiritual relationship with your child. A spiritual relationship with your child can be very fulfilling.


Children are a blessing given to us in trust by our creator. They come through us, however, they are not our property and should not be treated as such. 
Aim to have your child always feel heard, understood, seen, and accepted by you.
Always respect and treat your child as an equal soul with a body that has been created by the same creator as you. 
Your child is here to fulfill their purpose and they have the wisdom within them to be able to do that. 


Practice giving unconditional love to your child at all times. Your love towards your child should never be based on expectations and conditions. 
The best way to convey your love is to show it by your actions. Actions speak louder than words.
Your child should feel loved unconditionally despite sometimes not agreeing on things. 


Encourage your child to learn and grow every single day. Growth will enable your child to serve their purpose in a bigger and better way.


Instill a daily habit for your child to connect with their creator. Teach them to meditate, pray, and spend time in nature.
Create a strong bond with your child by spending some time connecting every day.


Teach your child to be generous, giving, and always help better other people’s lives. 


Create a safe and open environment for vulnerability and open and honest heart-to-heart conversations about any topic with your child. 


Help your child create a vision and figure out their top values and goals for every area of their life. This will help your child live a purposeful life by design.
Discuss and create a family vision, values, and goals. Track and review them often.


Help your child figure out what gives them joy and make sure to engage in those activities daily. 
You can also figure out what your child’s love language is so you can reward them in ways they prefer. 
Does your child like compliments, acts of kindness, time spent together, touch, and affections?


Take the responsibility for your actions and apologize when you have errored. Teach them to own up to their error, apologize, and take responsibility for their actions too.
Aim to resolve a conflict before going to bed to ensure a restful night.
In conclusion, spiritual relationships are the most fulfilling relationships we can have as human beings. They are the key contributors for us to live a good, healthy, and happy life. 
A spiritual relationship is a relationship between two equal souls with one another despite their age, colour, race, or gender of their body which is currently housing their soul while here on this earth.
Next read https://salimahhaji.com/what-are-the-principles-for-living-a-happy-life/

Can wealth Make You Happy

Can wealth Make You Happy

Can wealth Make You Happy

Money is a tool that helps you sustain your mission, purpose, and desired lifestyle. It is also an exchange of energy and value. When managed and invested properly, it is possible to grow and accumulate a lot of wealth, so that you can live a life of your choice with time freedom.
Can wealth make you happy? Let’s find out the answer to that next.
The answer to that question is, it depends. Having an appropriate amount of money for your basic survival and necessities definitely leads to a more satisfactory and less stressful life. 
Accumulating additional wealth beyond that allows you to experience a more comfortable life. However, money and wealth can only make you truly happy and fulfilled if you earn it with joy, provide service to others, and want to grow and multiply it for the right reasons. 
You are crystal clear on the reason (why) you want it, earning and growing your money in alignment with your soul’s calling and purpose (serving and giving others endlessly), and absolutely love the work that you do. 
To experience a happy life, it is also very important to have all the other components in life be present too like autonomy, and close and fulfilling relationships to enjoy wealth and have amazing life experiences with.
Wealth can make you miserable if you do not like how you earn your money. You hate the work that you do, find it unfulfilling, and feel trapped in it. 
You have to work long hours with people who are not like-minded, travel a lot, and are away from your family most of the time.
It can also make you miserable if you are constantly chasing after more money at any expense, using and taking advantage of people so you can hoard it and feel powerful and superior in comparison to other people in society.
So, you are probably asking yourself, “how can I create wealth”?

How To Create Wealth

Wealth is having enough money to sustain your lifestyle and having a choice to never work again for an income. Here are some things to consider as you begin your wealth-building journey.


Figure out why it is important for you to build wealth. The bigger your reason, and the more it is about helping and serving others, the more you will be able to commit to this journey despite challenges.


Decide what kind of lifestyle you want and how much money you will need to sustain that kind of life vision. Determine where you are now and what is the current gap between what you want and what you have.

Letting Go

What identity (who do you need to become), beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviours, habits do you need to let go of that do not empower and serve you to be successful on your wealth journey?

Reduce Expenses

Review your expenses, reduce, and cut any unnecessary expenses so that you have more money available to save, invest, and grow.


List all your unique gifts and natural talents that you can use to serve and add value to the market.
Invest in skills that are valued, most sought after, and well-compensated in the market to increase your income.
Obtain side gigs using any other skills, talents, or hobbies that you have to bring in extra income. Do your research for the different opportunities both offline and online.
Use your skills, talents, hobbies, and passion to start a business. There are plenty of different business ventures available both online and offline. In my opinion, this is the fastest way to accumulate wealth. The majority of the millionaires are business owners.
For more information, refer to: “what is a purpose-driven business?” for exact steps to start your business journey.


The more money you can save and manage well, the more the universe will make it available for you to invest and grow.

Invest time and money in learning to manage your money. These skills will help you as the universe trusts you with more money and wealth.

Track your finances(income and expenses) and create a spending plan to have better control of your financial picture.  

One way to divide your income into different categories would be as follows: all your necessities and fixed monthly expenses (55%), long term wealth creation (10%), Long term savings (10%), Fun (10%), Education (10%), Giving (10%).

Start a peace of mind account for any unexpected events like losing a job, having an illness, etc.

Pay off any consumer debt. Pay off the high-interest debt first, so you can save more money and start building wealth sooner.

Live below your means and spend less than you earn, so you can save and invest more.


Invest time and money in learning different ways to invest your money and make it multiply and grow. Learn to make your money work harder for you than you work for it.


Research and begin accumulating wealth by investing in index funds and dividend-paying stocks.
You can also buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) which are less risky, help you diversify your investment portfolio, and avoid a lot of taxes and fees.
Invest in REITs (Real estate investment trusts) which are real estate company stocks involved in selling and buying properties. They give you a chance to profit and invest in the real estate industry without direct involvement.

Real Estate

Investing in a real estate property, or properties, for investment can be very lucrative. However, you need to come up with 20% of the property price as a down payment and any other renovation costs.
You also leverage mortgage holders’ borrowed money and profit from the whole amount.
You can profit from mortgage paydown from the renter, appreciation of the property, cash flow which is the difference between the rent and expenses, and tax benefits by investing in a rental property.
There are many different types and ways to invest in an investment property like an air BnB, single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, student rentals, etc.

Protect your wealth

Make sure to buy appropriate insurance coverages (Life, Home, Car and Liability) to protect yourself and your family, business and all of your other assets.
Hire an accountant to set trusts for your children so that they can keep the wealth and save on taxes.
Hire a lawyer to draft a will, so that your wealth can be transferred to your children without delays and legal battles. 
In conclusion, wealth, after a certain basic amount to pay for your necessities in life can reduce stress, help you live a more comfortable and possibly happy life. However, it is necessary to have other components like autonomy, fulfillment, and close relationships to live a truly happy life.
Wealth can also make you miserable if you do not like the way you earn your income and accumulate wealth. You could be constantly chasing after money at any expense so you can hoard it, and can be using and taking advantage of people so you can feel powerful and superior. 
Are you ready to obtain the financial education necessary and start building wealth for yourself? 
Read what does financial abundance mean blog next

What To Do When You Feel Unhappy

What To Do When You Feel Unhappy

What To Do When You Feel Unhappy

Nothing that happens to us in life is an accident. Whenever we have emotions and feelings that do not feel good it is a sign that there is something wrong. 
So, If you are feeling unhappy then it is worth your time to look into and find out why you are feeling that way.
So, what should you do when you feel unhappy?
Start by asking and examining why it is that you are feeling that way. What beliefs, perspectives, and stories are you telling yourself about yourself, someone else, or about a situation? 
Your beliefs create your reality.
What thoughts are you thinking? How are these thoughts making you feel? what words are you telling yourself? What behaviour are these thoughts and words leading to? 
Change your beliefs, perspectives, stories, thoughts, words, feelings and actions to start affecting how you feel immediately. 
List all the things you have to be grateful for. Reach out and serve someone and make them feel happy. Practice forgiveness and let go of any ill feelings towards yourself and others.
So, what are some reasons that we feel unhappy? Let’s discuss some common reasons that can make you feel unhappy.

Why Am I So Unhappy?

There are several different reasons that could make you feel unhappy. Let’s discuss some of them below and what to do to change unhappiness into happiness.

Don’t know self

You have forgotten how and where you have come from and how powerful you really are. You feel helpless and hopeless about your life. 
Know that you are a powerful soul and have all the wisdom within you to create an amazing life for yourself. Your life has infinite possibilities. 

Not living an Authentic life

You have been told what you can do and can’t do. You are unable to live your authentic life and be your true self because you have been led to believe that it is not good enough according to societal or cultural rules.
Honour who you are and always be true to yourself. Know what matters to you in life and what you stand for so that you can easily make decisions in life that are in alignment with your values. 

Not Growing

You are not growing and learning lessons that the universe is trying to teach you from all the challenges you have gone through in life. 
Grow every day and use your lessons learnt, knowledge acquired and discovered unique gifts to serve others in a bigger and better way and make their lives better. 

No meaning and purpose

Your life lacks meaning and purpose. You do not feel worthy and enough. 
Discover your purpose and soul’s calling and use your unique gifts to serve others and make their lives better. 
Your life will have meaning when you serve others and create products and services that transform their lives.

Not made peace with your past actions

You constantly think of all the mistakes you made in the past and feel guilty. Guilt is a waste of mental energy. 
The fact that you realize that you did something wrong in the past is proof that you have grown as a person so celebrate that.
Make peace with your past. Know that everything that you went through happened for a reason and it was there to teach you a lesson.
Show some compassion towards yourself and forgive yourself. 

No life vision

You do not have a vision for your life. You are not aware of your dreams and desires.
Take some time possibly out in nature and write down what your life vision is for every area of your life like career/Business, Financial, Relationships, and Personal development etc.

No meaningful relationships

You are lonely and lack meaningful and positive relationships in your life. 

Find communities of like-minded people who have values that are aligned with yours. You can lift and cheer each other up. 
Human beings are social and it is very healthy and beneficial for us to have a supportive tribe around us.

Excessive Social Media usage

You are always on your phone checking and feeling disappointed about how many likes your pictures and posts have. 
Looking at other people’s posts and amazing pictures results in you feeling bad about your life because you are comparing your life to theirs. 
Addicted to video games and playing the majority of the hours in a day.
The most important “like” that matters the most is your own. Do not worry about other people’s opinions about you as long as you are not harming anyone else just be you and enjoy life. 
Don’t compare yourself to others and rob your joy. You do not have a full picture of someone’s life and their challenges by looking at a few strategic good moments captured and posted on social media.
Remember you are only here on earth school for a short amount of time. Instead of wasting the majority of your day on gaming, discover your purpose and soul’s calling and work on fulfilling it.

Significant Life Transition

You are going through a major and significant life change and as a result, you are having a very hard time accepting it. This could be a divorce, job loss, or disease/illness.
Know that we live in a very intelligent universe. We go through challenges so that we can learn lessons and grow stronger. 
Ask: “What is the universe trying to teach me?” “How may I be like my creator and serve in the midst of this change?”

Mental Health Issues

You may have been diagnosed with and are struggling with a mental health issue.
Examine your thought patterns and beliefs and ask: are they serving you to become your higher self and live a life in alignment with and led by your soul?
Seek a like-minded community and therapist’s help if you are unable to get better on your own.


You have lost a loved one recently that you were very attached to. You are having a hard time continuing to live your life and find joy again.
We are all here on earth for a short time. We are in the world but not of the world. The memories of your loved one will always live in your heart. They will always be part of your life. 
Express gratitude that you were blessed with this person’s company in your life by your creator. Time will help you heal and find joy again.

Holding Grudges

You are holding grudges and are not able to forgive people who have wronged or harmed you in the past.
Learn to be compassionate, which is who you are by nature, and forgive people. When you don’t you only harm yourself. 
You release toxins in your body, shave years off your life and block abundance from coming into your life. 


You worry and are always fearful, anxious and you tend to contemplate “what if…” about everything that can go wrong.
Life happens for you and so stop worrying and trust that everything happens for your good.

Happiness linked to future results

You tell yourself I will be happy someday when I have….
Choose to be happy now. Happiness is not a destination it is a way you can choose to live your life. Be grateful for everything that you currently have in your life. 


You put a lot of pressure on yourself because you want everything about your life to be perfect or at least to appear perfect.
There is no room for growth if you are perfect and always do your best. Learn to serve others with imperfection so that they can be inspired to do the same.

Afraid to fail

You are afraid to fail and constantly think thoughts about how devastating it would be if you failed and how would others judge you. 
There is no such thing as failure. Each challenge produces feedback and as a result, we can learn from and better ourselves and our lives.

Low self esteem

You have low self-esteem, worth and confidence. Your worth is determined by what others think and say about you.
Know that the fact that you are here and breathing you are worthy and enough. It is not an accident that you are here. You are here to serve a purpose. 
Use your energy to discover your purpose and serve others with the unique gifts that you have been blessed with.

In Debt

You constantly worry about money and have lots of unpaid consumer debt.
Create a plan to pay the debt off. Learn new skills and increase your income to get rid of the debt sooner. 
Reducing unnecessary expenses will also be beneficial.

Hate your job

You hate getting up every Monday because you know you have to go back to work.
Figure out what you are passionate about, what kinds of work gives you joy, and what makes you happy and create a plan to make that your full-time income from this type of work.

Scarcity mindset

You are constantly focusing on lack and feel like there is never enough.
You attract what you focus on and so start focusing on abundant thoughts. We live in an abundant world and the sooner you can believe and accept this the sooner you can attract it into your life.


You have overly committed yourself to different activities and are over-scheduled with not a moment to yourself.
Create some time for your sanity and to avoid burnout. Spend some time in silence by yourself and think and connect to your creator every day.


You are not drinking enough water, eating unhealthy food, and you are not getting enough exercise or sleep.
Hydrate your body so your organs can function optimally. Eat food that nourishes your body for vitality. Make sure you are getting enough exercise and sleeping enough hours daily.
Your soul is housed in your body. The healthier you keep your body the better it is for your soul to fulfill its purpose while here on this earth.
In Conclusion, I hope you are clear that if you feel unhappy then your very first step should be to ask yourself why is that you are feeling that way. 
Your beliefs create your reality. Examine your beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, and stories that you are telling yourself.
Start changing your beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, stories, words, and feelings and state that you will take action to start affecting how you feel immediately.
List all the things you have to be grateful for. Reach out and serve someone and make them feel happy. Practice forgiveness and let go of any ill feelings towards yourself and others.
Discover the principles to live a happy life next!

Is It Ever Too Late To Start A Business?

Is It Ever Too Late To Start A Business?

Is It Ever Too Late To Start A Business?

I believe purpose-driven business owners make this world a better place by creating impactful and transformational products and services that serve and solve their customers’ problems and help them live better lives.  
Is it ever too late for someone to start a business?
No, It is never too late for you to start a business. If you are breathing and alive then this is a perfect time for you to start your purpose-driven business.
It does not matter whether you are 40, 50, 60 or 70 years or older or younger. 
If you have a desire to start a business then you have to trust that you are capable and have the wisdom and what it takes within you to start your business. 
Serve the people you are meant to serve with your unique gifts, natural talents, and skills.
Let’s discuss other reasons why it is never too late for you to start a business next.

Reasons Why It Is Never Too Late To Start A Business

Here are some reasons to further convince you that it is never too late for you to start a business and achieve success.

Infinite Being

Always remember that you are an infinite being. Your age should never determine what you do and who you are. 
Your true essence, which is your soul, is ageless and formless. It is eternal and will continue to exist beyond your time on this earth.

Role Models

If you take the time to look around, you will see plenty of people as proof and examples who started their businesses much later in life.
Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken started his business at 65. Many people have been able to enjoy his delicious chicken recipe.
Louise Hays did not start her company, Hay House until she was in her fifties. Her company has made a big impact and transformed many people’s lives.

Know What You Love

You probably have had a lot of experience with different types of work and know what type of work you are passionate about, love doing, and what kind of business would give you joy and light you up that you can start. 
Passion is very important to help you to keep going in any business start-up venture.


You have lots of talent, knowledge, credentials, education, experiences, challenges, and problems that you have solved for yourself which you can now use to teach and help others and start your purpose-driven business. 
You would have many business models as an option due to your vast knowledge base.
You may have experienced previous economic downturns or other challenging situations in the past and be better equipped to deal with the future ones.


You have probably met a lot of people throughout your life and have excess to a network of people who can become your customers or assist you with resources should you require any. 
Given your high chances of success, you are better able to convince your network who are of similar age as you and have money to invest their capital in your venture.

Financial Security

At this stage of your life, you are probably an empty nester, fulfilled and paid your big financial obligations like mortgage, children’s education, etc and have funds available to invest in a business.


You probably have a vision for your life and are used to setting yearly goals to fulfill this vision. 
You can now use this important skill to set a vision and goals for your purpose-driven business too.

Not Scared To Fail

You have probably experienced some failures in life by now and are no longer scared to experience failures. 
You know that there is no failure per se, just lessons and results.

Self Confidence

It is probably easier at this stage of your life for you to make decisions confidently. You have the wisdom and experiences to help you do the same. 
Self-confidence will help you make intelligent decisions in your business venture.

Emotional Stability

As an older person, you will be able to demonstrate emotional resilience and toughness in comparison to someone younger. 
As you venture on this path, you will experience an emotional roller coaster and many ups and downs.

How To Start A Business

Chart your own path, answer your soul’s calling, and discover and fulfill your purpose. Here are few steps you should consider as you begin this journey.


Believe in yourself and what you are capable of doing. Remember you are an infinite being who is capable of anything. Your life has infinite possibilities. 


Stop making excuses, start your purpose-driven business and trust the universal guidance available to you from your creator.
Let go of any beliefs and thoughts that do not serve you. 
Always Remember your beliefs create your thoughts that make you feel a certain way, which determines your behaviour, actions, and habits that you form which then creates your destiny. 


Commit to your purpose and start taking courageous actions towards building your business. 
Have faith and stay connected to your creator for ongoing guidance. 

Purpose (Dharma)

Take some time to discover your purpose. The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. 
How you serve depends on your unique god given gift and personal calling encoded in you from birth.


Determine what your top core values are so that you can derive your company vision and mission that is in alignment with these.


Decide on an audience you are passionate about helping. This person is often a younger version of you or someone who is in a similar situation as you once were and beginning a new journey.


Choose a problem that lights you up that you can help others solve given your knowledge and experience.

Best Business Model

Decide what business model you like to use to provide your service or product. You can open a physical brick-and-mortar store, start an online business, etc. 
There are pros and cons to different models. Investigate and decide which model suits you best.
In conclusion, you are never too late to start your purpose-driven business. As long as you are breathing, you can serve others and start your business.  
As discussed, there are several advantages to starting a business at a later age. Start taking the steps we discussed to start your business today. 
Download the 3 secrets which will help you get going on this path.

What Are The Principles For Living A Happy Life

What Are The Principles For Living A Happy Life

What Are The Principles For Living A Happy Life

Human beings are on this earth for a short period of time and we all deserve to live our true, joyful, meaningful, purposeful, harmonious, and happy life. 
People who are successful at living a happy life all follow and live by some personal principles.
So, what exactly are principles?
Principles for living a happy life are rules that guide your beliefs, behaviour, reasoning, and all of your decision-making so you can create, experience, and live your happy life. 
You may now be wondering what the exact principles are to live a happy life. Read more to find out!

34 Principles to live a happy life

Here are some principles to help you live your own happy life. Know that this is not an exhausting list and feel free to add more to suit your personal and happy life.

Know yourself

Know that you are a spirit having a temporary experience on this earth. You are an individualized expression of God. You are a powerful, peaceful, loving, abundant, and compassionate soul.
We are all created equally by our creator and are connected because we all came from the same place.
We are here for a reason and deserve a life full of joy and happiness despite our colour, sex, religion, titles, roles, possessions and credentials.


Be your true self and do not worry about others’ likes, comments, and opinions about you that will affect you. 
Live a life that is aligned to your core values, purpose, and Soul’s calling.


Know that your life has infinite possibilities. There is nothing you can’t do, be, or have.


Learn to love, respect and take care of yourself, especially first thing in the morning. 
Do rituals that give you joy like praying, repeating empowering affirmations, reading something inspirational, motivational, and setting intentions for your day.
Start your day proactively by energizing yourself first.


Schedule time to meditate every day. Experience inner peace, connect with your creator and listen to the guidance that is available to fulfill your purpose.


Be content and learn to practice gratitude every day, especially first thing in the morning for the brand new day.
Be grateful for everything you have been blessed with such as your life, body, intellect, health, relationships, and all of the people in your life.
Spend time out in nature and appreciate all the beauty around you that you have been blessed with from mother nature such as the clouds, sunsets, sunrise, trees, flowers, bodies of water, etc.


Send blessings to people instead of judging them. Know that expectations lead to disappointments. Everyone lives life based on their own perspective and beliefs, however, we are all the same at the soul level.


Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others. When you do not forgive, you release toxins in your body that harm you and block your abundance.
Practice kindness and compassion towards others and yourself. It is aligned with your true nature. Everybody you encounter in life, even people you do not like, serve you in some capacity.


Take care of your body. Move it by dancing or exercising, fueling it by drinking enough water, eating nutritious food for vitality, getting enough restful and restorative sleep. 
Remember your body houses your soul and there are lots of benefits to being healthy.


Have a positive mindset and know that life happens for you. Everything is in divine order. You are meant to learn from your mistakes so that you can grow and serve in a bigger and better way. 
Have a plan and support in place when you need to borrow someone else’s courage and coping skills.


Give up attachment to titles, occupations, possessions, roles, and lifestyles which are temporary and learn to trust the universal timing for manifesting your desires.


Always be trustworthy. Keep your word and be where you said you would be on time. Follow the Golden rule and treat people the way you want to be treated.


Eliminate and stop tolerating everything in your life that is negative and drains your energy. Increase what gives you joy and inspires you.


Learn to have extra reserves for peace of mind and to eliminate worries and fear. Especially setting aside some money in case of unexpected needs and expenses.


Always be disciplined and exercise your freedom by responding to the situations instead of reacting and losing your temper.


Be open-minded and aim to grow and learn new things every day. Don’t make assumptions and take things personally.
Surround yourself with environments and people that continually challenge you and support your growth which is on the other side of comfort.


Live your life on your terms and learn to eliminate tasks and goals that add stress and complicate your life.
Do not let societal rules dictate how you live your life to your detriment. 
Automate and delegate tasks that do not give you joy.


Be impeccable with your words and only speak the absolute truth.


Decide and permit yourself to be happy in the moments you experience every day, rather than waiting for someday when you have …… 


Love and help others experience happiness. Always aim to leave them better than when you first found them. 
You will experience happiness by serving, blessing others, and helping them get what you want for yourself. It is the purpose of every human being to grow and serve others.


Nurture and spend time with family and friends. Create memories and unbelievable experiences with them.

Inside out

Live life from the inside out. Know that you have the wisdom within you to find solutions to any problems and challenges that you may be going through. 
You also have your creator’s guidance, love, strength, and intellect available to you always.


Alter and let go of any beliefs that do not serve you, your purpose, and fulfillment of your Soul’s calling.


Discover your purpose and grow and serve others before it is too late and it is time to leave. Spend your time wisely while on earth school. 
Do something you are passionate about and love daily. Earn a living by doing work that you love to do and is aligned to your purpose.


Have a clear vision for your life that pulls you towards achieving your purpose. Set SMART(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals. 

Be resourceful and seek knowledge and support as needed.


Imagine what kind of impact you want to make and how you would want to better the world for our future generations. How you would want to be remembered when you are no longer here.


Incorporate fun and lots of laughter in life. Watch funny movies and listen to funny shows. Don’t take life too seriously. 


Remember to celebrate small wins with family and friends. Acknowledge and celebrate birthdays no matter how old you are turning. 
Each moment that you are alive should be appreciated and celebrated.


Engage in creative activities such as writing, painting, drawing, and playing musical instruments. All of the above is known to make people happier.


Embrace and love all aspects of yourself including the imperfections as it is impossible to always be perfect. 
Always do your best and learn to serve others with whatever you have.


Create surprises and excitement in your life by experiencing something fun, new, and are outside of your comfort zone.


Listen to music and sing and move your body freely. Your brain releases dopamine which is a feel-good chemical when you do so.


Appreciate and learn to enjoy your life and stop comparing yourself to others. Nobody will experience life exactly like you. You are as unique as everybody else.


Collaborate with others and cultivate an abundance mindset. There are more than enough resources for everyone.
In conclusion, life is a gift and we all deserve to live a true, joyful, meaningful, purposeful, harmonious, and happy life. 
It is important to have personal principles, which are rules that guide our beliefs, behaviour, reasonings, and all decisions to live a happy life. 
Take some time now to figure out what principles work for your life and feel free to add some of your own. Check out my “What does it mean to be living your best life?” blog next to start designing your own happy life before it is too late!