Why Is Taking Care of Your Body Important?
Why Is Taking Care of Your Body Important?
We are currently living a busy life full of information overload and constant distractions and so we forget to prioritize things that are crucial and should matter to us the most. One such thing is taking care of your body. Why is taking care of your body important?
It is important to take care of your body because your soul is temporarily housed in your body and it would be very hard for it to fulfill its purpose and calling if your body is not functioning optimally. Also, it will be difficult for you to live your best, happy, content, meaningful, and impactful life if you do not have a healthy body.
So, you may be wondering next, is it possible that you can make your body function well? Let’s find out the answer to that question.
Can I Make My Body Function Well?
Yes, you most definitely can. You are responsible for the type of life you create for yourself. Begin by accepting and being grateful for the perfect type of body that you have been blessed with to fulfill your purpose. Know who you are, adopt the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, personality, and habits, and then intentionally create your desired destiny.
Next, let’s discuss some of the best ways to take care of your body.
5 Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Body
Your body was given to you as a gift by your creator and if you don’t take care of it then you will suffer the consequences like illnesses and other physical challenges.
Let’s discover the five best ways to take care of your body below.

Drink Enough Water
We are mostly made up of water and our organs, brain, and spine all need water to function well. Some of these organs get water last because all the other organs take the water first. We must be drink enough water so that there is enough supply for all of our organs.
Start by drinking water first thing in the morning because all your organs are dry and they need water to start working optimally. Remember to have water throughout the day. Send constant reminders to yourself to do so by setting an alarm to go off every half hour or so.
Have a bottle of water near you on your desk if you’re working or if you are sitting somewhere. Most people need about two liters of water daily. The amount of water you need daily is dependent on your weight.
There is plenty of information on the internet to calculate the exact amount of water you should personally drink daily. Make sure you’re having enough water based on your weight and hydrate your cells, tissues, and organs so that they can function optimally for your body and serve you.
Eat Healthy Food
Eat healthy nutritious food, daily vitamins, and supplements that fuel your body for vitality and optimal function. You are literally what you eat. Stay away from unhealthy junk food that is full of empty calories, drinking alcohol excessively, smoking, and consuming other substances that do not help you live optimally and affect your organs negatively.
When you consume things that intoxicate and make you lose control of who you are and your actions like excessive alcohol or drugs, you cannot stay on purpose and will not be able to align and live by the qualities of your soul and reflect your creator in your actions.

Move Your Body
Move your body every single day because it’s important for the optimal functioning of your organs and for you to live a long healthy life. It’s good to raise your heart rate every single day whether it is through exercise, playing sports, walking, or dancing.
It is good exercise for two and half hours ideally every week however that may not always be possible to do depending on the season of life that you are in.
It is important to remember any time exercising is better than no time at all. I get joy from dancing, playing racket sports, or jumping on my mini trampoline, and have built that into my routine.
Get Enough Restful Sleep
It’s very important to have restful sleep of 7-8 hours at least per night so that your body and brain can repair and rejuvenate. Ideally, be fast asleep between the hours of 10 PM and 2 AM every day including on the weekend because that is when a lot of the restoration happens at that time and if you sleep later than that then you miss out on this process.
Ensure that your room is dark and switch off any electronics or anything that emits blue light at least an hour before you go to bed. It is better to read a book and then practice gratitude as you fall asleep every night to have a peaceful and restful sleep instead of thinking about everything that went wrong that day.
You tend to marinate in the thoughts that you have right before you fall asleep for the whole night so make sure you choose your thoughts well.
Have A Good Emotional Diet
Your body and mind are connected so make sure you have a good emotional diet. You become what you consume. Your mental state and beliefs do affect your body and biology.
Make sure that you are consuming a positive emotional diet by listening to positive messages, praying, reading spiritual books, and sitting in silence and aligning to your creator by meditation so that you can live your best, happy, meaningful, and impactful life.
If you consume negativity all day then that’s who you become and it informs your beliefs, identity, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, words, personality, and habits and then creates the destiny that you did not mean to create.
In conclusion, you now know it is important to look after your body because your soul is temporarily housed in your body and it cannot fulfill its purpose and calling if your body is not functioning optimally. Also, it will be impossible for you to live your best, happy, content, meaningful and impactful life if you do not have a healthy body.
You most definitely are capable and can make your body function well. You are responsible for the type of life you create for yourself.
Begin by accepting and being grateful for the type of body you have been blessed with to fulfill your purpose. Know who you are, adopt the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, personality, and habits, and then intentionally create your desired destiny.
The best ways to take care of your body are drinking enough water, eating healthy food, moving your body, getting enough restful sleep, and taking care of your psychology by having a good emotional diet.
I hope you will start taking care of your body immediately by incorporating these practices into your routine every day if you are not already doing so. I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, and best life!
Next, read Why Do Habits Matter And Are So Important for further insights and helpful tips.