Why Is Taking Care of Your Body Important?

Why Is Taking Care of Your Body Important?

Why Is Taking Care of Your Body Important?

We are currently living a busy life full of information overload and constant distractions and so we forget to prioritize things that are crucial and should matter to us the most. One such thing is taking care of your body. Why is taking care of your body important?
It is important to take care of your body because your soul is temporarily housed in your body and it would be very hard for it to fulfill its purpose and calling if your body is not functioning optimally. Also, it will be difficult for you to live your best, happy, content, meaningful, and impactful life if you do not have a healthy body.
So, you may be wondering next, is it possible that you can make your body function well? Let’s find out the answer to that question.

Can I Make My Body Function Well?

Yes, you most definitely can. You are responsible for the type of life you create for yourself. Begin by accepting and being grateful for the perfect type of body that you have been blessed with to fulfill your purpose. Know who you are, adopt the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, personality, and habits, and then intentionally create your desired destiny.
Next, let’s discuss some of the best ways to take care of your body.

5 Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Body

Your body was given to you as a gift by your creator and if you don’t take care of it then you will suffer the consequences like illnesses and other physical challenges.
Let’s discover the five best ways to take care of your body below.

Drink Enough Water

We are mostly made up of water and our organs, brain, and spine all need water to function well. Some of these organs get water last because all the other organs take the water first. We must be drink enough water so that there is enough supply for all of our organs.
Start by drinking water first thing in the morning because all your organs are dry and they need water to start working optimally. Remember to have water throughout the day. Send constant reminders to yourself to do so by setting an alarm to go off every half hour or so.
Have a bottle of water near you on your desk if you’re working or if you are sitting somewhere. Most people need about two liters of water daily. The amount of water you need daily is dependent on your weight. 
There is plenty of information on the internet to calculate the exact amount of water you should personally drink daily. Make sure you’re having enough water based on your weight and hydrate your cells, tissues, and organs so that they can function optimally for your body and serve you.

Eat Healthy Food

Eat healthy nutritious food, daily vitamins, and supplements that fuel your body for vitality and optimal function. You are literally what you eat. Stay away from unhealthy junk food that is full of empty calories, drinking alcohol excessively, smoking, and consuming other substances that do not help you live optimally and affect your organs negatively.
When you consume things that intoxicate and make you lose control of who you are and your actions like excessive alcohol or drugs, you cannot stay on purpose and will not be able to align and live by the qualities of your soul and reflect your creator in your actions. 

Move Your Body

Move your body every single day because it’s important for the optimal functioning of your organs and for you to live a long healthy life. It’s good to raise your heart rate every single day whether it is through exercise, playing sports, walking, or dancing.

It is good exercise for two and half hours ideally every week however that may not always be possible to do depending on the season of life that you are in.
It is important to remember any time exercising is better than no time at all. I get joy from dancing, playing racket sports, or jumping on my mini trampoline, and have built that into my routine.

Get Enough Restful Sleep

It’s very important to have restful sleep of 7-8 hours at least per night so that your body and brain can repair and rejuvenate. Ideally, be fast asleep between the hours of 10 PM and 2 AM every day including on the weekend because that is when a lot of the restoration happens at that time and if you sleep later than that then you miss out on this process. 
Ensure that your room is dark and switch off any electronics or anything that emits blue light at least an hour before you go to bed. It is better to read a book and then practice gratitude as you fall asleep every night to have a peaceful and restful sleep instead of thinking about everything that went wrong that day.
You tend to marinate in the thoughts that you have right before you fall asleep for the whole night so make sure you choose your thoughts well.

Have A Good Emotional Diet

Your body and mind are connected so make sure you have a good emotional diet. You become what you consume. Your mental state and beliefs do affect your body and biology.
Make sure that you are consuming a positive emotional diet by listening to positive messages, praying, reading spiritual books, and sitting in silence and aligning to your creator by meditation so that you can live your best, happy, meaningful, and impactful life.
If you consume negativity all day then that’s who you become and it informs your beliefs, identity, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, words, personality, and habits and then creates the destiny that you did not mean to create.

In conclusion, you now know it is important to look after your body because your soul is temporarily housed in your body and it cannot fulfill its purpose and calling if your body is not functioning optimally. Also, it will be impossible for you to live your best, happy, content, meaningful and impactful life if you do not have a healthy body.
You most definitely are capable and can make your body function well. You are responsible for the type of life you create for yourself.
Begin by accepting and being grateful for the type of body you have been blessed with to fulfill your purpose. Know who you are, adopt the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, personality, and habits, and then intentionally create your desired destiny.
The best ways to take care of your body are drinking enough water, eating healthy food, moving your body, getting enough restful sleep, and taking care of your psychology by having a good emotional diet.
I hope you will start taking care of your body immediately by incorporating these practices into your routine every day if you are not already doing so. I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, and best life!
Next, read Why Do Habits Matter And Are So Important for further insights and helpful tips.

What Are Life Lessons?

What Are Life Lessons?

What Are Life Lessons?

I believe it is very important to acknowledge and learn the life lessons that we need to learn or else the challenges will continue to re-occur until we learn the lessons that we are meant to learn. What exactly are life lessons?
Life lessons are lessons that are taught to us by other people like parents, friends, and teachers or we learn them as we experience life challenges and gain a better understanding of ourselves. They help us improve ourselves and make better future decisions.
You may be wondering, why is it important and necessary to learn life lessons?

Why Is Learning Life Lessons Important?

It is also important to learn lessons in life so we can grow and become a better version of ourselves. This is one of our purposes as human beings while on this earth school temporarily. Our growth then enables us to better serve our purpose and help others with what we found challenging and overcame so that they do not suffer as much as we did.

Most Important Life Lessons To Teach Children

You may have been taught lessons from previous generations that do not serve you and they have become part of your subconscious programming. You are most likely going to then teach these lessons to your children and repeat the cycle as they will raise their children in the same way.
Your programming creates your reality and your life because it leads to your identity, beliefs, thoughts, behaviour, words, personality, habits, and destiny. Next, let’s discuss some important life lessons to teach children.

You Are Enough And Matter

One of the most important lessons that you can learn as a child is that you are enough and matter otherwise you would not be here. Your value does not diminish no matter what you go through in life. Every child should be told that.

You Deserve To Be Loved

You deserve to be loved unconditionally and should not feel that you have to please others to be loved as long as you are living in alignment with your soul’s qualities which are love, peace, purity, joy, compassion, and abundance.
Your creator does not have favourites, he has created you from love and loves you unconditionally. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not loveable because of your physical appearance. 

Know Yourself

It is important to be self-aware. Knowing yourself is the prerequisite for having a meaningful and blissful life of impact and purpose that you came here to live. Know your unique god-given gifts, your purpose, the work you would love to do, what your perfect day would look like, where you want to live, and the type of relationships you want to have and attract. You can not live your best life without fully being self-aware.

Spend Time In Silence

Learn to spend time in silence daily, turning inward, and connecting with your creator. Your guidance, wisdom, and answers to all your questions are within you. You have access to your creator’s divine mind, intelligence, and strength.

Fully Express Your True Self

Be proud of who you truly are, accept yourself, and learn to fully express yourself and not worry about others’ judgment. They may not have the capacity to understand your purpose. As long as you are not harming anyone else and are living your authentic soul-guided life, you have every right to live your best life defined by you.
It is better to be loved for who you are than for who you are not. Follow you’re the joy in your heart as a compass and confirmation that you are on the right path.

Be Independent

Be independent of thought, intelligence, and emotion, and know that you do not need to follow and conform to other people’s rules and ways of living that do not apply to you. Circumstances should never determine how you react.
Learn to pause and then respond in alignment with who you are which is peace, love, joy, etc. Do not let society and the grades you receive determine your worth and intelligence.

Okay To Ask For Help

Know that it is okay to ask for help when you need it. If you ask for help it does not mean that you are weak. Everyone needs help once in a while and collaboration and masterminding with other people is a good thing.
Let other people fulfill their purpose and experience joy by helping you. It is important to flex both your giving and receiving muscles and keep it in flow and balance. You deserve to receive.

Always Stay Curious

When you stay curious you tend to seek new knowledge and growth.  When you are always growing and evolving you can serve yourself and others in a bigger and better way constantly.

Learn To Manage Self

Be self-disciplined and learn to manage yourself better by being aware that you are experiencing misalignment from your true self and soul and attempting to return to being in alignment as quickly as you can. Practice will help make this process quicker.
Do not let outside circumstances dictate how you react or behave. Learn to pause and respond when unpleasant situations and circumstances that trigger you arise.

Do Not Fear Making Mistakes

Do not fear mistakes and let them prevent you from living your big life. There are no mistakes, they are feedback and results. You can learn and if you do not like the results then you can change course and pivot.
Believe in yourself and go after and create your big dreams, and best life, and always stay connected and aligned with your soul and creator for ongoing guidance.

In conclusion, you now know life lessons are either taught by other people like parents, friends, and teachers or we learn them as we experience life and gain a better understanding of ourselves. They help us grow, improve ourselves, and make better future decisions in life.
It is important to learn the life lessons that we need to learn or else the challenges will continue to
re-occur until we learn them.
It is also important to learn lessons in life so we can grow and improve as it is one of our purposes as human beings while on this earth school temporarily.
Our growth then enables us to better serve our purpose and help others with what we found challenging and overcame so that they do not suffer as much as we did.
The most important lessons to teach your children are you are enough, you deserve to be loved, know yourself, spend time in silence, fully express yourself, be independent, okay to ask for help, always stay curious, learn to manage self, and do not fear mistakes.
Please make sure you teach these lessons to your children or any child that you have a relationship with so that they can live their true best life of purpose, meaning, and impact.
Next, read what are the principles for living a happy life for further insights and helpful information.

What is a life challenge?

What is a life challenge?

What is a life challenge?

If you are alive and on earth school then it is not possible to live a life without any challenges. How much you suffer and if you suffer at all is your choice and it is very much dependent on your mindset. What exactly is a life challenge?
It is whenever you find yourself in unfamiliar circumstances or situations in life that your brain finds unsafe because it’s number one goal is your survival and safety. You feel scared and find it physically and/or mentally taxing and scary because you are unsure of your capacity to come up with an appropriate solution to deal with it.
You may be wondering, what is one of the hardest challenges in life? Let’s discuss that next.

What is the hardest challenge in life?

One of the hardest challenges in life I believe is losing a loved one and the grief that you suffer. It is very hard to function and everyone takes a different amount of time to deal with such a thing.
We all get very attached to our loved ones and forget that like them we are all a soul that is having a temporary human experience in this body and have to return to that form one day.
Have you ever found yourself saying “why does God put us through challenges?” Let’s find out the answer to this question

Why God Put Us Through Challenges?

God has given you free will and does not put you through challenges. You were not made to live your life as a victim and have full responsibility and power to create your life from your karma.
You forget your strength, and power and therefore unconsciously create a life that you did not want. You error in forming an identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, words, personality, habits, and ultimately our destiny.
God is always here to guide, nudge and give you strength to deal with any of these challenges and lessons that you need to learn through your challenges whenever you connect and ask for it.
Always remember whenever you do not feel good and joyful you are being guided and alerted by your emotions that you have errored in your thoughts and are not aligned to the true nature of your soul which is peace, love, purity, joy, wellbeing, abundance, and compassion.
Let’s go over some reasons why challenges are important in life next.

10 Reasons Why Challenges Are Important In Life

We often wonder why we have to go through so many challenges in life and why is life so unfair. You must go through life challenges so you can transform your life.
Let’s discuss 10 reasons why challenges are necessary and important in life.

Help You Grow

Challenges help you learn lessons, grow into a better person, and transform your life. Growth is necessary because it is always on the other side of comfort. A butterfly has to go through a painful process of pushing itself out of a cacoon to transform into a beautiful butterfly.
Challenges make you more conscious of your strength and help you fulfill your purpose. The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others.

Make You Humble

Challenges make you humble and accepting of the fact that no one is spared from life challenges while on earth school. Everyone is connected, the same, and will go through challenges despite their colour, race, social status, size, gender, etc. Our Soul came to this earth to learn lessons, grow, and serve others.

Build Your Confidence

You build confidence as you learn to deal with different challenges in your life. You will know that, like everything else, this period will pass too. You will realize your life is full of infinite possibilities. You are bigger than any problem and can therefore conquer it. Always remember that you are a powerful soul.

Give You Strength And Courage

When you experience challenges you become stronger, courageous, and resilient. You learn to keep functioning and going despite what’s happening. You can control some things but not everything. Do not worry about things that are not in your control like other people and outer circumstances.
Learn to live an emotionally independent life and change your attitude about challenges instead. Know everything in life happens for a reason including challenges as they are here to teach you a lesson. Also remember sometimes you have to stay in the storm to see the rainbow at the end of it.

Help You Develop Mental Strategies

You develop mental strategies as you deal with the challenges and fear that you face to continue to function in life and continue to fulfill your obligations. You could learn to meditate, pray, spend time out in nature, get help, and speak to a friend or therapist. These strategies will help you deal better with other challenges that you may face in the future.

Makes You Better

You will become a bigger and better higher version of yourself as you go through many challenges in life. You realize that who you are is much more powerful than any challenge out there. You are a powerful soul that has come from a powerful creator. You are connected to and are like your creator and have access to this power, intelligence, and strength.

Gives You Better Ability To Help Others

As you grow and transform your life after going through your challenges, you are better equipped and able to help others who are going through similar challenges. You can help reduce their suffering and difficulties as you teach them the strategies you developed when you went through similar challenges.

Increase Your Ability And Desire To Dream Big

Once you realize your capability to conquer your challenges, you will be more inclined to dream big and have big goals for your best life. You will have the self-belief and aim to live a life full of possibilities that is fulfilling and meaningful.

Motivate You To Align With Your Creator

The challenges that you conquer will make you more conscious of your truth and higher self and you will be motivated to align with this version of yourself more and more. You will also want to live a more purposeful and impactful life in alignment with your creator’s guidance and use your unique gifts in the service of others. You will have less desire to live an ego-centered life.

Develop Trust

You will be able to develop trust in yourself and your creator once you learn to successfully deal with your challenges. Your creator and universe always have your back and are here to nudge you to learn the lessons and return to your purposeful path by providing loving guidance via your inner wisdom and intuition.

In conclusion, you now know life challenges happen when you find yourself in unfamiliar circumstances or situations that your brain finds unsafe because its number one goal is your survival and safety. You will feel scared and find it physically and/or mentally taxing and scary because you are unsure of your capacity to come up with an appropriate solution to deal with it. 
You learned that one of the hardest challenges in life is getting over the grief of the loss of a loved one. You get very attached to them and forget that, like them, we are all a soul that is having a temporary human experience in this body and have to return to that form one day.
You also learned that God has given you free will and does not put you through challenges. You are not a victim and have full responsibility and power to create your life from your karma. You forget your strength, and power and therefore unconsciously create a life that you did not want.
You error in forming an identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, words, personality, habits, and ultimately our destiny.
Next, we discussed Some of the reasons why challenges are necessary for life is it helps you grow, make you humble, make you confident, give you strength and courage, you develop mental strategies, you become better, and you can help others, increase your ability to dream big, able to align to your creator and develop trust.
Next, read What To Do When You feel Unhappy for further helpful insights.

Why Does Giving Gifts Feel Good?

Why Does Giving Gifts Feel Good?

Why Does Giving Gifts Feel Good?

Giving gifts to others or giving in any of the other many ways possible is one of my very favourite things to do. I always consciously aim to impact at least one person’s life every single day. A gift does not have to always be something physical and does not have to always cost money for example your time and attention can be shared and given too.
I love watching the joy that the recipient feels and experiences after they receive my gifts. It makes me feel very good. Why does giving gifts feel good?
Giving gifts feels good because apart from your brain releasing feel-good hormones, it is also because you know that you have directly impacted and caused another person to feel some happiness and joy. It is part of our purpose as human beings to give, serve, and help others.
Kindness is also one of the virtues of our soul. Whenever we are aligned to our soul, we feel good.
So, you may be wondering, what are some ways that you can give to others and start feeling good? Let’s discuss some gifts that are within you that you can start giving yourself and others immediately.

8 Gifts Within You To Give

You may have heard lots of people say that they do not have anything to give or help others. Here are some ideas of your inner gifts given to you by your creator that you can now start giving yourself and others.

Purity And Divinity

You are a pure divine soul. You are an energetic luminous being. The light of your creator is within you. Remind yourself every morning, evening, and whenever possible throughout the day as to who you are and where you have come from. Aim to be like your creator and reveal and reflect that in your identity, belief, feelings, behaviour, words, and habits.
The more you honour and align with your divinity and creator, the happier you will feel and you will be able to serve others because your energy will be felt and they will feel good by simply being in your presence. Other people will be inspired by your energy and to learn about their own purity and divinity so they can feel good by connecting to their creator.


Peace is also who you are by nature. It is one of the qualities of your soul. It is always available to you. Learn to be still and sit in silence, tap into it, and experience it at your will no matter what chaos or turbulence you are going through on the outside because of your circumstances or people in your life.
Think about other people in your life who are going through challenges and difficulties and send them blessings and peaceful thoughts. Remind them that they can sit in silence and connect to their creator too and tap into and access their inner peace which is always available to them.


Your creator is unconditional love and so are you. Learn to tune in to the energy of love as it is one of the qualities of your soul. Remind yourself throughout the day that you are love and treat yourself and others with love. Spread the energy of love to all the people that cross your path thought out the day.

Repeat the mantra “I am love, I am love, I am love” and feel the energy around you shift after a couple of times of reciting “I am love” and you will also begin to feel good. Teach others to repeat this mantra daily, align with their soul’s quality of love, and spread it to themselves and others.


You are a powerful soul. Know that you are bigger than any obstacle or challenge that you may be going through. You are also connected to your creator and can access and tap into your creator’s power and strength. Start using your power to serve others as well to remind them of their power and who they are and where they have come from.
We are all powerful souls that are having a temporary human experience and have been given inner wisdom to fulfill our purpose while on this earth. Encourage others to learn to tap into their own inner power and wisdom.


Compassion is also who you are by nature. Start by showing empathy, kindness, and compassion towards yourself. Forgive yourself and do not have regrets and constantly punish yourself for mistakes that you made in the past.

There are no mistakes and failures there are lessons, results, and feedback from everything that did not work so you can learn, pivot, change course, grow, teach, and serve others in a bigger and better way. 
Seek to understand others’ perspectives if you are ever in a conflict situation. Have compassion and empathy and be kind to others. Teach others to forgive and be kind to themselves and other people.

Joy And Bliss

You are joy by nature. The joy and bliss that you feel when you live your purposeful life with your creator and in alignment with your soul cannot be attained by anything else in this world. Your joy serves as a compass and it confirms that you are living a soul-aligned life. Do things that give you joy every day.
Help others remember who they are, reconnect to their creator, and feel joy and bliss by aligning to their soul, and purpose and living their best impactful, meaningful, blissful, and happy life. Encourage others to identify what gives them joy and make the time to do that activity daily.


Abundance is part of your nature and birthright. You can give to others endlessly and know that you will never run out. There are more than enough resources for every one of us. Learn to trust, tune into, and align with the frequency of abundance and it will start flowing to you. Start believing abundance is all around you and always available to you without any doubts.
If you are privileged and have the skills to earn a lot of money then you must help others with it. Privilege comes with responsibilities. The more you give the more you will be trusted as a steward to distribute and enjoy by the universe and your creator.
Help others to let go of their limiting beliefs, worries, and scarcity thinking about money and align to the vibrational energy of abundance which is their birthright. Encourage them to share their resources with others.


Well-being is who you are by nature too. We create our unwanted life results unconsciously by forming a wrong identity, thinking, beliefs, behaviours, words, and habits and then we form our destiny from that. Create daily self-care routines, start connecting to your creator, listening to your soul’s whispers and aligning with it so that you can create the life of your dreams.
Discover your unique gifts and use them to serve your purpose with them. Practice gratitude every single day, serve someone and learn to forgive yourself and others. Let the resentment and anger go and do not let the negative energy get stuck inside of you because it will harm you and create health issues and other challenges that are harmful.
Teach others to create well-being for themselves by having healthy routines that include sitting in silence, connecting to their creator, practicing gratitude, serving, helping, and forgiving others and themselves.

In conclusion, you now know that giving gifts feels good because apart from your brain releasing feel-good hormones it is also because you now know that you have directly impacted and caused another person to feel some happiness and joy. It is part of our purpose as human beings to give, serve, and help others.
Kindness is also one of the virtues of our soul. Whenever we are aligned with our souls, we feel good.
Some gifts that are within you that you can start giving yourself and others immediately are purity, peace, love, power, compassion, joy, abundance, and wellbeing.
Next, read Why Giving Back Is Good For You for further valuable insights.

Can Negative Thoughts Come True And Become Your Reality?

Can Negative Thoughts Come True
And Become Your Reality?

Can Negative Thoughts Come True And Become Your Reality?

You and everyone else are exposed to a lot of negativity and bad news on any given day via stories told to you by other people, what you consume through different social media platforms, and news. It is very hard to go through a whole day without any exposure to negativity. 
The information that you consume then informs your identity, beliefs, and perspective which then leads to automatic, repetitive thoughts that you think throughout the day. Most of your habitual thought processes tend to be negative. Can these negative thoughts come true and create your reality?
Yes, your repetitive negative thoughts are derived from your perspective, identity, and beliefs and they do tend to ultimately come true and create your reality. They lead to how you feel, behave, the words you speak, your personality, actions, habits, and eventually your destiny. You attract and manifest life experiences from who you are being.
So, you may be wondering, what exactly happens when you have negative thoughts? Let’s discuss that next.

What Happens When You Think Negative Thoughts?

Your negative thoughts lead to you perceiving this world as an unfriendly and not a very good place to live. The negative thoughts make you dwell on negativity, worry constantly, and feel helpless, hopeless, and less excited about your life and future. They also can lead to several adverse physical and mental symptoms and conditions.
Next, let’s discuss how to deal with these negative thoughts.

Ways To Deal With Negative Thoughts

It is important to know some ways to deal with your negative thoughts so that you can create the desired life of your dreams consciously instead of unconsciously creating a life that you did not desire to create by thinking and focusing on negativity and attracting more of these experiences into your life.

Separate Yourself From Negative Thoughts

Learn to distance yourself and separate yourself from your negative thoughts. Know that you are the thinker of your thoughts however you are not your thoughts. You are a soul that is the observer of your thoughts.

Be Aware Of Your Thoughts

Guard your mind and be aware of your thoughts. Do not let them run wild and have power and authority over you without your consent. Remember you create your destiny and reality from these thoughts. They determine how you feel, behave, the words you speak, your personality, habits and eventually your destiny.
Awareness is the key to taking responsibility for your life and creating it consciously. Once you are aware of those thoughts you’ll be able to catch them and decrease their power over you.

Don’t Believe Your Thoughts

Acknowledge and be grateful for your thoughts, the resulting feelings and their guidance. Thoughts are neutral however you give them the charge based on the stories you tell yourself based on your perspective, identity and beliefs.

Identify and find errors in your beliefs. Ask yourself: are these beliefs and thoughts really true?  Can you find proof in your life that is the opposite of these beliefs and thoughts?

Check How You Feel If Believe These Thoughts

Check how you feel when you believe these thoughts and your body for resulting areas of discomfort. Find proof and examples against these thoughts and beliefs. Know that you are powerful, peaceful, abundant, compassionate, and kind souls. 
You are bigger than any problem out there. You are powerful and you have come from our creator and you have access to his intelligence and strength. 

Ask For Guidance

If you are not clear about where these thoughts are coming from and why then spend some time sitting in silence and ask what message are these thoughts and feelings trying to convey to you and why now.
You will always get the answers if you are open to being guided back into alignment with your true higher self and soul. Emotions that do not feel good are always trying to convey a message of misalignment. Listen up before it is too late.

Replace Negative Thoughts

Start replacing your negative thoughts and stories with thoughts that actually serve you and bring you back into alignment with your soul. Remember and affirm your true identity and essence as a powerful, peaceful, kind, compassionate, and abundant soul.
You are temporarily here in a human form right now to fulfill a purpose. You matter and are enough just the way you are to be able to fulfill your purpose or you would not be here right now.

Check How You Feel With Replaced Thoughts

Notice how you feel when your identity, beliefs, and thoughts are aligned with your soul and the real you. Focus more on thinking and believing who you really are than dwelling on the misaligned beliefs and thoughts and live your best confident, aligned conscious best life.
Do not let fear, doubts, and worry keep you from your best life. The sooner you can have empowering beliefs and thoughts the sooner you’ll be able to fulfill your purpose in a bigger and better way.

Practice Mindfulness

Start implementing mindfulness practices that will help you become more self-aware and make it easier for you to live an inner-driven proactive, responsive life rather than living an outer-driven, reactive, unconscious life in which you constantly get triggered by outer circumstances, challenges and people.
Meditation, spending time out in nature and having a morning routine that feeds your mind, body, and soul are some of the mindfulness practices that you can start incorporating into your daily routine.

In conclusion, you now know that negative thoughts are derived from your perspective, identity and beliefs and they do tend to ultimately come true and create your reality. They lead to how you feel, behave, the words you speak, your personality, actions, habits, and eventually your destiny. You attract and manifest life experiences from who you are being.
The negative thoughts that you have after consuming negativity lead to you perceiving this world as unfriendly and not a very good place to live. The negative thoughts make you dwell on negativity, worry constantly, and feel helpless, hopeless, and less excited about your life and future. They also can lead to several physical and mental symptoms and conditions.
It is important to know some ways to deal with these negative thoughts so that you can create the desired life of your dreams consciously instead of unconsciously creating a life that you did not desire to create by thinking and focusing on negativity and attracting more of these experiences into your life.
8 ways to deal with negative thoughts that we discussed are separate yourself from your thoughts, be aware of your thought patterns, question, and do not believe your thoughts. Know how you feel if you believe your negative thoughts, ask for guidance, replace negative thoughts with positive aligned ones, and check how you feel when thinking positive aligned thoughts and having a routine with mindfulness practices.
I wish you all the best with your journey to living a more conscious, confident and inner-driven life by becoming aware of and changing your negative thoughts to more soul aligned positive thoughts.
Next, what is positive thinking and living? read for guidance and insights for your conscious, confident inner driven life journey.

What Is A Negative Habit?

What Is A Negative Habit?

What Is A Negative Habit?

All of us have habits that we repeat every single day. Some of them are more common and adopted by the majority of people like brushing your teeth in the morning and some are not as common like smoking throughout the day.
We form habits because they give us a sense of normalcy, security, and comfort. Are all habits beneficial? You may have heard of negative or bad habits, what are negative habits?
A negative habit is repeated harmful behaviour that has become a normal practice for an individual and it dictates who you become and ultimately your destiny and reality.
It leads to a formation of an identity that is not aligned with your real authentic true self.
So, you may be wondering how else negative and bad habits affect your life. let’s discuss that next.

How Bad Habits Affect Your Life

Negative or bad habits prevent you from living your best meaningful and fulfilling life of infinite possibilities and purpose in alignment with your Soul. You are a soul with a body and your true qualities are love, joy, peace, compassion, kindness, wellbeing, and abundance.
It is not easy to break or change habits. Why? Let’s find out.

Why Habits Are Hard To Break

Habits are hard to break and change because after a while your brain which prefers efficiency to conserve it’s energy forms shortcut pathways in your brain for you to do the habitual actions without thinking about them. Changing a habit requires an ongoing awareness of the triggers of the negative habits as they happen and can be changed with effort, patience, and time.
Next, let’s discuss some habits that affect your mental health negatively.

12 Habits Affecting Mental Health Negatively

Your mental health matters and it is so important that you take care of it. Most people take care of their bodies by exercising and do nothing to take care of their mental health. Your mental health deserves some attention as well because it is responsible for making you feel whatever/however you feel.
Let’s discuss 12 habits that affect your mental health negatively and hopefully you can start changing them.

Constantly Checking Your Phone

Your has become your master instead of you being its master. You are never completely present and are constantly distracted and checking your phone. You feel anxious and run to it when it beeps no matter what you are doing, and are continuously scrolling through social media due to the fear of missing out.  It accompanies you to the dining table, washroom, and bedroom.
It is good to just unplug from all the social media on your phone and put your phone away every day for some time so you can be present with your loved ones. Your life will improve and you will feel happier and more in control of your time and mindset.

Consuming Negativity

Consuming negative news, music, videos, and violent movies influences and affects your mental health, thoughts, beliefs, identity, perspective, feeling, words, behaviour, and actions negatively. This negative information becomes part of your emotional diet. What you consume and allow in becomes your reality.
Be aware and guard what you are consuming carefully. Consume positive messages every day so that they become part of who you are, what you believe, and how you think, and guide all your actions and eventually form your destiny.

Negative Self-Talk

Watch what you are saying to yourself when there is no one around. Most people say negative things to themselves that they would never say to their friends like I look so fat, I wish I looked like so and so, I do not like my body etc. Negative self-talk leads to you not feeling good about yourself and having low self-esteem and confidence. 
Accept yourself, be proud of who you are, practice self-love and care and stop saying negative things about yourself. You are perfectly created for your purpose and given challenges that you can grow from so you can serve others in a bigger and better way. Know and honour the fact that you are a powerful, divine soul and not your body, race, colour, gender, and all the other roles that you play.

Lack Of Sleep

Lack of not having enough sleep can lead to you not feeling good and not having enough energy. Aim to sleep 6-8 hours of every night. In order to get a good night’s sleep avoid having caffeine too late in the day, shut off all blue light emitting devices an hour before bed, do not do anything stressful and think any negative thoughts right before going to bed instead think of all the things that you are grateful for as you drift into your sleep.
If possible, be fast asleep between the hours of 10:00PM to 2:00AM for maximum rejuvenation and rest of your body and brain. A dark quiet room that is not too hot is good for ideal restful sleep.

Procrastination And Fear

Do not let fear, doubt and procrastination stop you from doing what and feeling stuck and overwhelmed. You are here now for a reason and deserve to live your best meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, and impactful best life.

Know that who you are is bigger than any fear and doubt. Your life is full of infinite possibilities. You are here for a purpose and for a short time so don’t waste that time and make sure you are proceeding forward with faith and trust. You live in a very intelligent universe that is always here to support you.

Disorder In Your Life

If you are always running around, and your life has no order or routine for self-care then you will eventually burn out and not feel good about yourself and life. Have a daily morning and evening routine for self-care, practice gratitude, recite positive affirmations, and connect to your creator via prayer and meditation.

Blaming Circumstances And Others

When you blame the circumstance or other people for how you feel you are giving power and control of your life away to others. It will be easy for you to feel helpless and hopeless. You are 100% responsible for creating your dream life. No one has that power over you unless you give it to them.
The way you feel is not determined by other people or circumstances it is a result of a story you make up and tell yourself based on your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, words, personality, habits, and destiny.

Not Enough Time In Silence

You will feel lost and unhappy if you are always distracted and around a lot of noise always.  It is important to find some time daily alone and in silence.
Go for a walkout in nature, meditate, and pray every single day to connect to your creator and get guidance so that you can fulfill your purpose. You are your Creator’s instrument and your soul is here to fulfill a purpose so discover what that is as soon as possible.

Too Much Clutter

If you have too much clutter in your environment and house it will lead to a cluttered mind, lack of concentration, clarity, and mental focus. Go through your house and other environments to declutter regularly and start donating things that you no longer use or need to other people who will love and enjoy them.


When you compare yourself to others you will start feeling not good enough or like you do not have enough. Don’t compare yourself to other people.  Everybody’s here to fulfill their function and their purpose just because someone looks happier doesn’t mean that they are happier and even if they are, you are here to fulfill your purpose.
The more you grow the more you serve the better you’ll do in life so don’t compare yourself to others everybody is here on their path and you don’t know what’s going on in their life. Do not waste your time instead focus on your growth and serve others and fulfill your purpose.


All addictions like eating processed food, excessive alcohol, drugs, and smoking will make you feel good temporarily never permanently.  Anything that is not in alignment with your higher self and soul is not going to give you permanent joy and bliss. Instead learn to sit in pain and figure out what you are feeling, and why you are feeling that way and heal yourself with forgiveness, and gratitude, and by putting your focus on serving others.


If you are used to being isolated and not visiting anyone then you maybe feel sad and experience loneliness. We are social creatures by nature we do need interaction and connection with other human beings. We have gone through a challenging few years due to the pandemic and not being allowed to see and get together with anybody.
Those of us who had family members were lucky to not be isolated and alone in comparison to those of us that had nobody to get together with. Do not stay isolated reach out to some friends, make new friends, go to the mall, the community center, public library to be around and interact with other people and lastly call for help if you need help. We all need interaction and connection with other human beings.

In conclusion, you now know that a negative habit is repeated harmful behaviour that has become a normal practice for an individual and it dictates who you become and ultimately your destiny and reality. It leads to a formation of an identity that is not aligned with your real authentic true self.
It prevents you from living your best meaningful and fulfilling life of infinite possibilities and purpose that you were born to as your higher self. You are a soul with the body and your true essence is love, joy, peace, compassion, kindness, wellbeing, and abundance.
Habits are hard to break and change because after a while the brain which prefers efficiency to conserve energy forms shortcut pathways in our brain for us to do the habitual actions without thinking about them. Changing a habit requires an ongoing awareness of the triggers of the negative habits as they happen, effort, patience, and time.
The 12 habits that affect your mental habits negatively are constantly checking your phone, consuming negativity, negative self-talk, lack of sleep, procrastination and fear, disorder, blaming circumstances and others, not enough time in silence, too much clutter, comparison, addictions, and isolation.
Next, read why is it important to manage your stress and anxiety for further helpful insights.

Can You Manage Time?

Can You Manage Time?

Can You Manage Time?

You have probably come across many videos, books and heard lots of people say that learning how to manage time better will make you so much more productive, and more successful in life.  Is it possible to do that?

No, you cannot. It is impossible to manage time and control it in any way. It will continue to pass whether you like it or not. You can only manage yourself to make sure that you are living your life consciously, and freely and are spending your time doing things that matter to you, give you joy, and are aligned to your purpose and true self before it is too late.

So, you may be wondering, does time management reduce stress in your life? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

Does Time Management Reduce Stress?

As stated before, you cannot manage time, however, when you work on your self-discipline, learn to manage yourself better, and have self-awareness, you can most definitely live a less stressful life. It is easier to make decisions in life based on your life purpose, values, mission, and vision. 

You can say yes to only doing things that give you joy, are aligned to your true higher self, and help you create your best-desired life.

Next, let’s find out some ways for you to improve your relationship with time before it is too late and it is time for you to go back to where you came from.

7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Time

We are here on this earth for a temporary amount of time and most of us waste our time, live our lives on default instead of creating our ideal best life, and do not use our time consciously. We must have a better relationship with time, honour it, and spend it wisely. Let‘s discuss ways you can improve your relationship with time.

Be Grateful

As soon as your eyes open in the morning, be grateful, and appreciate the blessing of another breath and a beautiful day. Use the moments in each day that you have been given to grow, fulfill your purpose, serving and help others. Connect with your creator daily and spend some time in silence so you can hear the whispers of your soul and living guidance from your creator.

Be Mindful

Spend each moment throughout the day mindfully and by being fully present and aware of the task and activity that you are doing. Stop and notice the beauty and miracles all around you like the trees, nature, warmth from the sun, beautiful sunset and sunrise, feel the wind against your skin and hair, fragrance from the flowers, your breath and miraculous organs and perfect health and body, your children’s and loved one’s laughter, hugs and smiles.

Live Intentionally Every Day

Live each day intentionally and purposefully. You are here now for a reason. Discover your purpose, unique gifts, and mission, and know your top core values and life vision so you can live your best life. Know what your perfect ideal day looks like and work on making it a reality by taking the right actions. 

Do What Matters

Be disciplined enough to schedule and do things that matter and are a priority for you. Review your values and add those things to your schedule first. For example, if you value yourself, family, and relationships then schedule spending time with your loved ones, and activities for your self-care into your schedule first.

Your mind and body have been given to you to use to serve others so take care of both. Be okay with saying no to the things that are not important to you. 

Prioritize Self-Growth

Invest some time in your self-growth so you can always be around for a long time, evolve, and serve others in a bigger and better way. Do not let your fears and doubts keep you in your comfort zone. Your growth is on the other side of comfort.

You are a powerful soul. You can access your creator’s divine strength and intelligence. Be courageous and have faith. When you do so, you can inspire others to overcome their fear and doubts and take action towards building their life of dreams.

Do Not Waste Time

Do not waste time from your gifted precious present moments now thinking about and having regrets from your past. Your past is over and you cannot change it or control it. You were meant to learn from your past.

You would not be who you are if you did not go through the challenges that you have faced and overcome. Use the lessons learnt from your challenges to teaching others so they do not have to suffer as much as you once did.

Do Not Postpone Happiness

Do not postpone your happiness to someday when you accomplish a goal or a desired outcome. Enjoy each moment of your life journey and do what gives you joy daily. Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life. It is a better way to live because you do not know how long you are here. 

Love others and spread kindness because that is who you are by nature and know that while you’re here, you are entitled to live a joyful life because you matter and you are enough or you would not be here.

In conclusion, you now know that you cannot manage or control time. It will continue to pass whether you like it or not. You can only manage yourself to make sure that you are living your life consciously, freely and are spending your time doing things that matter to you, give you joy, and are aligned to your true self before it is too late.

When you learn to manage yourself and have self-awareness, you can most definitely live a less stressful life. It is easier to make decisions in life based on your life purpose, values, mission, and vision.

You can say yes to only doing things that give you joy and are aligned to your true higher self.
You also leant 7 ways to improve your relationship with time before it is too late like being grateful for each day, being mindful of the present moments throughout the day, living intentionally every day, be disciplined to schedule and do what matters to you the most, invest time in self-growth, not waste time regretting the past and not postponing happiness to someday when you have achieved the desired outcome.

I hope you will start implementing what you have learned so that you can improve your relationship with your time and start living your best intentional life today! Good luck!

Next read for Why is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important further helpful tips and insights.

Is It Okay To Be Different From Others?

Is It Okay To Be Different From Others?

Is It Okay To Be Different From Others?

Imagine how boring this world would be if everyone looked, behaved, and sounded the same. It is exciting to see a variety of people on this earth. Yet, our society has led us to believe that it is okay to mistreat people of a certain colour, size, gender, and social group because they look different.
The reality is that we have all come from the same place and will be returning there someday. No one is considered superior according to your creator. So, is it okay to be different from others?
Yes, it is more than okay to be different from others. It is not an accident that you are here now and were created to look different by your creator. Be brave enough to honour your values, be kind to others, and live your authentic soul-guided life of growth and service that you were born to create and live.

So, you may be wondering, what does it mean to be different from others? Let’s find out.

What Does It Mean To Be Different From Others?

It is a distinct, conscious, and authentic way of living your life based on your inner guidance and intuition unlike the other majority of people who conform and copy each other due to the fear of missing out and living a reactive life guided by their outer circumstances.
Next, let’s find out the reasons why/how being different is good.

7 Reasons Why Being Different Is Good

Are you afraid to be different? So many people are afraid to be different and their true selves because they do not want to stand out. They conform, blend in, and adapt to the ways of the rest of their community and society. Let’s discuss seven reasons why you should always be okay with being different and your true self.

You Were Created To Be Different On Purpose

You were created to be different by your creator and not the same for a reason. You are not meant to blend in with everybody else or all of us would have been created to look the same. You were created in a certain way with all of your inner wisdom on purpose.
Live a life that is true to yourself and be proud of who you are. Be grateful and cherish the fact that you are different and shine your light unapologetically however different it may be.

It Is Freeing To Live That Way

Accept and love yourself just the way that you are. Living an authentic life of joy will make you feel liberated and free. Do not walk on eggshells, conform, and adopt anyone else’s plan and dreams for your life.
People who love you will accept and love you just the way you are. You should never have to pretend to be somebody that you are not so that you can be loved. No one should have to live their life being untrue to themselves.

You Will Gain Confidence

The more you live your true life the more confident you will feel. You will be able to align with your soul and follow your inner guidance to navigate through life and fulfill your calling and purpose. Do not worry about other people’s judgement. Remember you are only accountable to yourself and your creator and no one else.

You Will Inspire Others

As you live your true life of purpose, you may inspire and permit others who are like you to do the same. They will see you shining your light brightly and they may be less scared to shine their light and live their authentic life of purpose and meaning freely.

You Will Feel And Be More Creative

As you follow your inner guidance and connect to your true self and your creator you will be more and more creative. You are powerful and responsible for creating your life of infinite possibilities. You create your life by your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, actions, personality, and habits which then create your destiny.

You were Uniquely Built To Serve Your Purpose

You are uniquely built to serve your purpose right now that is why you are here on this earth. You matter and are enough to be able to serve your purpose. You are here for a reason and have been perfectly created, grown, and built to serve your purpose in your unique way.
The way you look and the challenges that you have gone through have all prepared you to serve the people that need your solution to their problems in a bigger and better way

You Will Attract People Who Need You

When you are brave enough to be different and yourself, you will attract those people that need you. You will be able to serve whoever you come across and are ready to be helped and served by you with your unique gifts and live your meaningful and fulfilling life. 
Chart your way and do not conform to others. They are here to fulfill their purpose and their soul’s calling. Always remember your creator’s guidance, mind, intelligence, and strength are always available to you. Put a routine in place to connect to your creator every single day so that you can continue to receive your ongoing guidance.

Let’s discuss next why is it important for all of us to accept people’s differences.

Why Is It Important To Accept People’s Differences?

As stated previously, this would be a very boring place to live if everyone looked, sounded, and behaved the same. It is very beneficial to live in a pluralistic society with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, and experiences so that we can all have growth opportunities and learn from each other and make this world a better place to live for all of our future generations. Diversity should be embraced and viewed as a strength and not a weakness.
In conclusion, you now know that it is more than okay to be different from others. It is not an accident that you are here now and were created to look different by your creator. Be brave enough to honour your values, be kind to others, and live your authentic soul-guided life of growth and service that you were born to live.
You also know that to be different from others is a distinct, conscious, and authentic way of living your life based on your inner guidance and intuition unlike the other majority of people who conform and copy each other due to the fear of missing out and living a reactive life guided by their outer circumstances.
You learnt about 7 reasons why being different and authentic is good. You were created to be different by your creator on purpose, it is freeing to live an authentic life, you will gain confidence, you will inspire others, and you will feel and be more creative, you were uniquely built for your purpose, and you will be able to attract people who need you.
We need to accept people’s differences. We are very lucky to live in a society with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and experiences so that we can all have growth opportunities.
Next, read Why Is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important? for further helpful insights on living your authentic life.

When Does A Spiritual Awakening Happen?

When Does A Spiritual Awakening Happen?

When Does A Spiritual Awakening Happen?

I believe going through a spiritual awakening is one of the best gifts you can either give yourself or the universe can nudge you to go through. You begin to realize who you are, how powerful you are, and what you are here to do. When is it most likely to happen? 
A spiritual awakening can happen anytime and at any age. It can happen through your seeking, insights, or unexpectedly through serious life challenges like illnesses both physical and mental, accidents, near-death experiences, the ending of relationships, and any other crisis.
So, you may be wondering, why does a spiritual awakening happen? Let’s find out the answer to that question.

What Is The Reason For Spiritual Awakening?

It is the universe’s way to lovingly guide you and remind you who you truly are, and why you are here when you have forgotten and are distracted by the material world and your different worldly roles while you are here.
You may also be asking at this point, what do I do after a spiritual awakening? Let’s discuss that next.

What Do I Do After A Spiritual Awakening?

As a spiritually awakened person, it is important to continue to grow your consciousness, continue with your spiritual practices, stay connected to your creator via prayers, and meditation, and live your authentic life in alignment with the true qualities of your soul which are love, purity, peace, compassion, kindness, abundance, and wellbeing. 
Always remember just because you have gone through a spiritual awakening does not mean that you will be able to always stay aligned with your higher self. As a human being, you will still have moments where you will experience misalignment and let your ego dictate your actions and words. It is important to be aware when that happens and get back into alignment as quickly as possible. 
Let’s discuss the things that you should give up when you spiritually awaken to make your life experience and journey better next

10 Things You Give Up When You Spiritually Awaken

As you begin to spiritually awaken, there are some things that you should let go and give up because they no longer serve you and cause you to suffer. Here are 10 things you should seriously consider giving up.

The Imbalance And Noise

You will realize that you no longer enjoy the hustle, noise, distractions, and imbalance in your life. You will seek more peace, spend time in silence by yourself, appreciate the beauty all around you as you go for a walk out in nature, meditate, pray, and connect with your creator.
You will seek the answers to the questions and receive guidance as to who you really are and why you are here on the earth right now

Ego And Selfishness

You will aspire to live a life of service towards others instead of an I-centred, ego-driven selfish life that you may have previously been accustomed to living. Your ego which is your false self will begin to have less and less influence over you as you start listening to and be guided to live your life by the whispers of your higher self and soul.

Victimhood And Resistance

You will no longer be resistant to life events and challenges as you begin to realize that you are not a victim in this life. You realize that you are powerful and are 100% responsible to create your life by your identity, thoughts, and beliefs which then lead to your feelings, behaviours, actions, words, habits, and destinies.
Life serves you so you can grow and learn because everything in life does not happen to you, it happens for you


You will give up judgment and be more compassionate because you will realize that you do not need to judge others. Judgement blocks your alignment with your soul and your creator. Everyone is here for a reason and they are on their own path and journey.
They are doing their best. Help them if they are willing to be helped and are ready to be helped. Always remember that not everyone will be ready and willing to be helped by you. Help those people who are ready to receive your help. 


You will stop consuming negativity and being around negative people. Negativity clogs your soul and makes it difficult for you to live your best aligned, and awakened life.
Do not make listening to negative news, consuming negative social media posts, and negative music a part of your daily routine because they become your emotional diet and affect who you become, your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, actions, habits, and your eventual destiny. 

Attachment To Worldly Things

You will begin to be less attached to material things and outcomes because you will realize and know that you came in a naked body and will someday leave in a naked body. You are not going to take anything that you acquire in this world apart from your good deeds done in service of others in alignment with your soul’s calling and purpose. 

Staying In The Comfort Zone

You will no longer aspire to stay in your comfort zone. Growth will be your number one priority and it lies on the other side of comfort. You will trust that life is happening for your growth and have the courage to take bigger actions and not worry about failing.
There is no failure, it is simply result and feedback so you can pivot and change course. The more you grow, the more you can serve in a bigger and better way.

Old Bad Habits

You will begin to identify the bad habits that do not serve you and start letting them go. For example, you will start taking care of your body and your mental and physical health, stop addictive behaviours like smoking, drugs, and alcohol, and consume food that is not good for you.
Your soul is housed temporarily in this body so the better you take care of your health and your body, the better your soul can fulfill its calling and purpose. You will know that if you want peace, you can turn to your creator, meditation, and prayers.


You will stop comparing yourself to other people because you will realize that you do not need to do that anymore. Everyone is on their journey and has their capabilities. Do not compare your chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 10. Focus on your growth, soul’s path, purpose, calling, and service towards others which is exactly why you are here.

Living Life From The Outside In

You will give up living your life from the outside in you and let the circumstances of your life dictate how satisfied you are with your life, and how you behave and instead live life from the inside out. Turn inward for your peace, and guidance.
The more you work on your growth, connect, and align with your creator and let your soul guide your life the more you will be able to live your best, most meaningful, fulfilling, and impactful life. 

In conclusion, you now know that Spiritual awakening can happen anytime and at any age. It can happen through your seeking and insights or unexpectedly through serious life challenges like illnesses both physical and mental, accidents, near-death experiences, a relationship ending, and any other crisis.
It happens because it is the universe’s way to lovingly guide you and remind you of who you truly are, why you are here when you are distracted by the material world and your different roles while you are here.
As a spiritually awakened person, it is important to continue to grow your consciousness, continue with your spiritual practices, stay connected to your creator via prayers, and meditation, and live your authentic life in alignment with the true qualities of your soul which are love, purity, peace, compassion, kindness, abundance, and wellbeing. 
Always remember just because you have gone through a spiritual awakening does not mean that you will be able to always stay aligned with your higher self. As a human being, you will still have moments where you will experience misalignment and let your ego dictate your actions and words. It is important to be aware when that happens and get back into alignment as quickly as possible. 
You also learnt that you should give up imbalance, selfishness, resistance, judgement, negativity, attachment, staying in your comfort zone, bad habits, comparisons, and living life from the outside in as you spiritually awaken.
Next, read what is a Spiritual Awakening for more helpful tips for your spiritually awakened life. 
Best of luck with your spiritually awakened journey! 

Is It Okay To Dream Big?

Is It Okay To Dream Big?

Is It Okay To Dream Big?

Dreaming should not be restricted to when you are asleep. I dream and visualize what my perfect day would look like and what I want in every area of my life to live my best ideal life. I cannot picture living a life without any dreams. So, is it okay to dream big?
Yes, it is not only okay to dream big but it is the key to living your best meaningful and fulfilling life while you are on this earth. You were created to live an abundant life not a mediocre, hopeless, and helpless life. 
You may be wondering next can you dream too big? Let’s answer that next.

Can You Dream Too Big

No, your dreams can never be too big. Your dreams should be big enough to scare you and make you grow and stretch to achieve them. You are a powerful soul and you are here to live a life of infinite possibilities. Who you are is much bigger than any dream that you could ever want to achieve.
If you have a dream and desire within you then know that it is possible for you to achieve it or you would not have it. Create a plan and start taking actions towards your dream as soon as possible.
Listen to your inner guidance and know that you can access your creator’s mind, intelligence, and strength for support to all your endeavours that are aligned to your higher self and your soul.
Let’s discuss next some further reasons why you need to dream big.

8 Reasons Why It Is Important To Dream Big

Most people do not know what their perfect life would look like and what they want in every area of their life. They can very quickly tell you what they do not want. In order for you to live your abundant best life that you were created to live, you have to know what you want.
Here are 8 reasons why it is important to dream big in life while you’re here.

You Will Figure Out What You Want

You will have to figure out what gives you the most joy and what you want in each area of your life to work towards your big dream life. You will come up with a vision of your ideal life and know what kind of relationships you want to be in, what kind of house you want to live in, where you want to live, who you want to be around, etc.  

It Will Give You Direction

It will give you direction and the ability to set goals based on your dreams in every area of your life. For example, your annual income, health, relationship, personal development, and family experience goals.
You can set both outcome and process goals that are aligned with your values. Review and measure your results often so you can stay on track.

It Will Inspire You

Having a vision of your big dream will inspire and excite you to begin each day with great enthusiasm. Your life vision will give you the will, momentum, and purpose to move forward and towards your dream every single day. You will be living a life by design and know exactly what tasks you need to do every single day, week, month, and quarter towards your dream life.  

It Will Increase Your Self-Belief

One of the best ways to grow and become a better version of yourself is through dreaming big, making plans, and taking steps towards them. You will increase your self-belief as you grow and take the steps towards your dream life.
You will gain awareness as to what skills you need to acquire, mentors, and coaches to hire to accomplish your dreams. You will be able to identify and eliminate limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Remember whatever you can believe, you can achieve.

It Will Increase Your Confidence

Your growth, forward momentum, and steps you take towards your dream life will increase your confidence, help you persevere, and keep moving forward even when you experience any temporary blocks.
Always remember that you have access to your creator’s divine mind, intelligence, and strength to accomplish anything you want to as long as you’re not harming anybody else.

It Will Help You Overcome Failure

It will help you overcome failures. You might try something and you may not succeed but persevere because you will be pulled by the vision of your dream life and where you are heading. You will believe in your dreams and you will find other ways to get to that dream.
You will know that the failure is not a failure, it’s feedback. So, perhaps that’s not the path you’re supposed to take to go to your dreams you’ll change and you’ll take a different path but you’ll never give up on your dreams.

It Will Motivate You

Dreaming big will motivate you to keep going even when things do not work out. It will make you see the opportunities and paths that are all around you to help you get to your dreams. You will see other people in your network living a big life and it makes you believe in the possibility and will inspire you to keep going. 
You will see opportunities that you won’t see if you don’t dream big enough because when you grow, you will see opportunities around you that you wouldn’t see if you were not dreaming big and becoming a better version of yourself with your accomplishments, skills, and mindset. You will be able to identify and eliminate the limiting beliefs that block you from achieving your dreams.

You Will Have A Rewarding Life

Your life will be rewarding because you will be growing and becoming a better version of yourself as you work towards having your big dream life. It is better to live a life of purpose and possibility even if you never accomplish all your desires because of who you become in the process.
When you aspire to live a bigger life and dream bigger you will inspire others to do the same. You will also be able to serve in a bigger better way because of who you have become and also with all that you have acquired. You will be able to give to others abundantly without ever running out. There are no limits on how much money you can donate.

In conclusion, you now know that it is okay to dream big. It is the key to living your best meaningful and fulfilling life while you are on this earth. You were created to live an abundant life not a mediocre, hopeless and helpless life.
There is no such thing as dreaming too big. Your dreams should be big enough to scare you and make you grow and stretch to achieve them. You are a powerful soul and you are here to live a life of infinite possibilities. Who you are is much bigger than any dream that you could ever want to achieve.
You also know some reasons why it is important to dream big like it will make you figure out what is it that you want in every area of your life, give direction in life, inspire you, increase your self-belief, increase your confidence, help you overcome failure, motivate you, help you lead a rewarding life, and help others endlessly in a bigger and better way.
I hope you will start envisioning and building your life of big dreams right away. I wish you the best of luck living your best life by design.
Next, read what are life goals? for further helpful insights for your best life by design.