Can You Manage Time?

Can You Manage Time?

Can You Manage Time?

You have probably come across many videos, books and heard lots of people say that learning how to manage time better will make you so much more productive, and more successful in life.  Is it possible to do that?

No, you cannot. It is impossible to manage time and control it in any way. It will continue to pass whether you like it or not. You can only manage yourself to make sure that you are living your life consciously, and freely and are spending your time doing things that matter to you, give you joy, and are aligned to your purpose and true self before it is too late.

So, you may be wondering, does time management reduce stress in your life? Let’s find out the answer to that question next.

Does Time Management Reduce Stress?

As stated before, you cannot manage time, however, when you work on your self-discipline, learn to manage yourself better, and have self-awareness, you can most definitely live a less stressful life. It is easier to make decisions in life based on your life purpose, values, mission, and vision. 

You can say yes to only doing things that give you joy, are aligned to your true higher self, and help you create your best-desired life.

Next, let’s find out some ways for you to improve your relationship with time before it is too late and it is time for you to go back to where you came from.

7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Time

We are here on this earth for a temporary amount of time and most of us waste our time, live our lives on default instead of creating our ideal best life, and do not use our time consciously. We must have a better relationship with time, honour it, and spend it wisely. Let‘s discuss ways you can improve your relationship with time.

Be Grateful

As soon as your eyes open in the morning, be grateful, and appreciate the blessing of another breath and a beautiful day. Use the moments in each day that you have been given to grow, fulfill your purpose, serving and help others. Connect with your creator daily and spend some time in silence so you can hear the whispers of your soul and living guidance from your creator.

Be Mindful

Spend each moment throughout the day mindfully and by being fully present and aware of the task and activity that you are doing. Stop and notice the beauty and miracles all around you like the trees, nature, warmth from the sun, beautiful sunset and sunrise, feel the wind against your skin and hair, fragrance from the flowers, your breath and miraculous organs and perfect health and body, your children’s and loved one’s laughter, hugs and smiles.

Live Intentionally Every Day

Live each day intentionally and purposefully. You are here now for a reason. Discover your purpose, unique gifts, and mission, and know your top core values and life vision so you can live your best life. Know what your perfect ideal day looks like and work on making it a reality by taking the right actions. 

Do What Matters

Be disciplined enough to schedule and do things that matter and are a priority for you. Review your values and add those things to your schedule first. For example, if you value yourself, family, and relationships then schedule spending time with your loved ones, and activities for your self-care into your schedule first.

Your mind and body have been given to you to use to serve others so take care of both. Be okay with saying no to the things that are not important to you. 

Prioritize Self-Growth

Invest some time in your self-growth so you can always be around for a long time, evolve, and serve others in a bigger and better way. Do not let your fears and doubts keep you in your comfort zone. Your growth is on the other side of comfort.

You are a powerful soul. You can access your creator’s divine strength and intelligence. Be courageous and have faith. When you do so, you can inspire others to overcome their fear and doubts and take action towards building their life of dreams.

Do Not Waste Time

Do not waste time from your gifted precious present moments now thinking about and having regrets from your past. Your past is over and you cannot change it or control it. You were meant to learn from your past.

You would not be who you are if you did not go through the challenges that you have faced and overcome. Use the lessons learnt from your challenges to teaching others so they do not have to suffer as much as you once did.

Do Not Postpone Happiness

Do not postpone your happiness to someday when you accomplish a goal or a desired outcome. Enjoy each moment of your life journey and do what gives you joy daily. Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life. It is a better way to live because you do not know how long you are here. 

Love others and spread kindness because that is who you are by nature and know that while you’re here, you are entitled to live a joyful life because you matter and you are enough or you would not be here.

In conclusion, you now know that you cannot manage or control time. It will continue to pass whether you like it or not. You can only manage yourself to make sure that you are living your life consciously, freely and are spending your time doing things that matter to you, give you joy, and are aligned to your true self before it is too late.

When you learn to manage yourself and have self-awareness, you can most definitely live a less stressful life. It is easier to make decisions in life based on your life purpose, values, mission, and vision.

You can say yes to only doing things that give you joy and are aligned to your true higher self.
You also leant 7 ways to improve your relationship with time before it is too late like being grateful for each day, being mindful of the present moments throughout the day, living intentionally every day, be disciplined to schedule and do what matters to you the most, invest time in self-growth, not waste time regretting the past and not postponing happiness to someday when you have achieved the desired outcome.

I hope you will start implementing what you have learned so that you can improve your relationship with your time and start living your best intentional life today! Good luck!

Next read for Why is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important further helpful tips and insights.

Is It Okay To Be Different From Others?

Is It Okay To Be Different From Others?

Is It Okay To Be Different From Others?

Imagine how boring this world would be if everyone looked, behaved, and sounded the same. It is exciting to see a variety of people on this earth. Yet, our society has led us to believe that it is okay to mistreat people of a certain colour, size, gender, and social group because they look different.
The reality is that we have all come from the same place and will be returning there someday. No one is considered superior according to your creator. So, is it okay to be different from others?
Yes, it is more than okay to be different from others. It is not an accident that you are here now and were created to look different by your creator. Be brave enough to honour your values, be kind to others, and live your authentic soul-guided life of growth and service that you were born to create and live.

So, you may be wondering, what does it mean to be different from others? Let’s find out.

What Does It Mean To Be Different From Others?

It is a distinct, conscious, and authentic way of living your life based on your inner guidance and intuition unlike the other majority of people who conform and copy each other due to the fear of missing out and living a reactive life guided by their outer circumstances.
Next, let’s find out the reasons why/how being different is good.

7 Reasons Why Being Different Is Good

Are you afraid to be different? So many people are afraid to be different and their true selves because they do not want to stand out. They conform, blend in, and adapt to the ways of the rest of their community and society. Let’s discuss seven reasons why you should always be okay with being different and your true self.

You Were Created To Be Different On Purpose

You were created to be different by your creator and not the same for a reason. You are not meant to blend in with everybody else or all of us would have been created to look the same. You were created in a certain way with all of your inner wisdom on purpose.
Live a life that is true to yourself and be proud of who you are. Be grateful and cherish the fact that you are different and shine your light unapologetically however different it may be.

It Is Freeing To Live That Way

Accept and love yourself just the way that you are. Living an authentic life of joy will make you feel liberated and free. Do not walk on eggshells, conform, and adopt anyone else’s plan and dreams for your life.
People who love you will accept and love you just the way you are. You should never have to pretend to be somebody that you are not so that you can be loved. No one should have to live their life being untrue to themselves.

You Will Gain Confidence

The more you live your true life the more confident you will feel. You will be able to align with your soul and follow your inner guidance to navigate through life and fulfill your calling and purpose. Do not worry about other people’s judgement. Remember you are only accountable to yourself and your creator and no one else.

You Will Inspire Others

As you live your true life of purpose, you may inspire and permit others who are like you to do the same. They will see you shining your light brightly and they may be less scared to shine their light and live their authentic life of purpose and meaning freely.

You Will Feel And Be More Creative

As you follow your inner guidance and connect to your true self and your creator you will be more and more creative. You are powerful and responsible for creating your life of infinite possibilities. You create your life by your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, behaviour, actions, personality, and habits which then create your destiny.

You were Uniquely Built To Serve Your Purpose

You are uniquely built to serve your purpose right now that is why you are here on this earth. You matter and are enough to be able to serve your purpose. You are here for a reason and have been perfectly created, grown, and built to serve your purpose in your unique way.
The way you look and the challenges that you have gone through have all prepared you to serve the people that need your solution to their problems in a bigger and better way

You Will Attract People Who Need You

When you are brave enough to be different and yourself, you will attract those people that need you. You will be able to serve whoever you come across and are ready to be helped and served by you with your unique gifts and live your meaningful and fulfilling life. 
Chart your way and do not conform to others. They are here to fulfill their purpose and their soul’s calling. Always remember your creator’s guidance, mind, intelligence, and strength are always available to you. Put a routine in place to connect to your creator every single day so that you can continue to receive your ongoing guidance.

Let’s discuss next why is it important for all of us to accept people’s differences.

Why Is It Important To Accept People’s Differences?

As stated previously, this would be a very boring place to live if everyone looked, sounded, and behaved the same. It is very beneficial to live in a pluralistic society with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, and experiences so that we can all have growth opportunities and learn from each other and make this world a better place to live for all of our future generations. Diversity should be embraced and viewed as a strength and not a weakness.
In conclusion, you now know that it is more than okay to be different from others. It is not an accident that you are here now and were created to look different by your creator. Be brave enough to honour your values, be kind to others, and live your authentic soul-guided life of growth and service that you were born to live.
You also know that to be different from others is a distinct, conscious, and authentic way of living your life based on your inner guidance and intuition unlike the other majority of people who conform and copy each other due to the fear of missing out and living a reactive life guided by their outer circumstances.
You learnt about 7 reasons why being different and authentic is good. You were created to be different by your creator on purpose, it is freeing to live an authentic life, you will gain confidence, you will inspire others, and you will feel and be more creative, you were uniquely built for your purpose, and you will be able to attract people who need you.
We need to accept people’s differences. We are very lucky to live in a society with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and experiences so that we can all have growth opportunities.
Next, read Why Is Having A Sense Of Purpose In Life Important? for further helpful insights on living your authentic life.

When Does A Spiritual Awakening Happen?

When Does A Spiritual Awakening Happen?

When Does A Spiritual Awakening Happen?

I believe going through a spiritual awakening is one of the best gifts you can either give yourself or the universe can nudge you to go through. You begin to realize who you are, how powerful you are, and what you are here to do. When is it most likely to happen? 
A spiritual awakening can happen anytime and at any age. It can happen through your seeking, insights, or unexpectedly through serious life challenges like illnesses both physical and mental, accidents, near-death experiences, the ending of relationships, and any other crisis.
So, you may be wondering, why does a spiritual awakening happen? Let’s find out the answer to that question.

What Is The Reason For Spiritual Awakening?

It is the universe’s way to lovingly guide you and remind you who you truly are, and why you are here when you have forgotten and are distracted by the material world and your different worldly roles while you are here.
You may also be asking at this point, what do I do after a spiritual awakening? Let’s discuss that next.

What Do I Do After A Spiritual Awakening?

As a spiritually awakened person, it is important to continue to grow your consciousness, continue with your spiritual practices, stay connected to your creator via prayers, and meditation, and live your authentic life in alignment with the true qualities of your soul which are love, purity, peace, compassion, kindness, abundance, and wellbeing. 
Always remember just because you have gone through a spiritual awakening does not mean that you will be able to always stay aligned with your higher self. As a human being, you will still have moments where you will experience misalignment and let your ego dictate your actions and words. It is important to be aware when that happens and get back into alignment as quickly as possible. 
Let’s discuss the things that you should give up when you spiritually awaken to make your life experience and journey better next

10 Things You Give Up When You Spiritually Awaken

As you begin to spiritually awaken, there are some things that you should let go and give up because they no longer serve you and cause you to suffer. Here are 10 things you should seriously consider giving up.

The Imbalance And Noise

You will realize that you no longer enjoy the hustle, noise, distractions, and imbalance in your life. You will seek more peace, spend time in silence by yourself, appreciate the beauty all around you as you go for a walk out in nature, meditate, pray, and connect with your creator.
You will seek the answers to the questions and receive guidance as to who you really are and why you are here on the earth right now

Ego And Selfishness

You will aspire to live a life of service towards others instead of an I-centred, ego-driven selfish life that you may have previously been accustomed to living. Your ego which is your false self will begin to have less and less influence over you as you start listening to and be guided to live your life by the whispers of your higher self and soul.

Victimhood And Resistance

You will no longer be resistant to life events and challenges as you begin to realize that you are not a victim in this life. You realize that you are powerful and are 100% responsible to create your life by your identity, thoughts, and beliefs which then lead to your feelings, behaviours, actions, words, habits, and destinies.
Life serves you so you can grow and learn because everything in life does not happen to you, it happens for you


You will give up judgment and be more compassionate because you will realize that you do not need to judge others. Judgement blocks your alignment with your soul and your creator. Everyone is here for a reason and they are on their own path and journey.
They are doing their best. Help them if they are willing to be helped and are ready to be helped. Always remember that not everyone will be ready and willing to be helped by you. Help those people who are ready to receive your help. 


You will stop consuming negativity and being around negative people. Negativity clogs your soul and makes it difficult for you to live your best aligned, and awakened life.
Do not make listening to negative news, consuming negative social media posts, and negative music a part of your daily routine because they become your emotional diet and affect who you become, your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, actions, habits, and your eventual destiny. 

Attachment To Worldly Things

You will begin to be less attached to material things and outcomes because you will realize and know that you came in a naked body and will someday leave in a naked body. You are not going to take anything that you acquire in this world apart from your good deeds done in service of others in alignment with your soul’s calling and purpose. 

Staying In The Comfort Zone

You will no longer aspire to stay in your comfort zone. Growth will be your number one priority and it lies on the other side of comfort. You will trust that life is happening for your growth and have the courage to take bigger actions and not worry about failing.
There is no failure, it is simply result and feedback so you can pivot and change course. The more you grow, the more you can serve in a bigger and better way.

Old Bad Habits

You will begin to identify the bad habits that do not serve you and start letting them go. For example, you will start taking care of your body and your mental and physical health, stop addictive behaviours like smoking, drugs, and alcohol, and consume food that is not good for you.
Your soul is housed temporarily in this body so the better you take care of your health and your body, the better your soul can fulfill its calling and purpose. You will know that if you want peace, you can turn to your creator, meditation, and prayers.


You will stop comparing yourself to other people because you will realize that you do not need to do that anymore. Everyone is on their journey and has their capabilities. Do not compare your chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 10. Focus on your growth, soul’s path, purpose, calling, and service towards others which is exactly why you are here.

Living Life From The Outside In

You will give up living your life from the outside in you and let the circumstances of your life dictate how satisfied you are with your life, and how you behave and instead live life from the inside out. Turn inward for your peace, and guidance.
The more you work on your growth, connect, and align with your creator and let your soul guide your life the more you will be able to live your best, most meaningful, fulfilling, and impactful life. 

In conclusion, you now know that Spiritual awakening can happen anytime and at any age. It can happen through your seeking and insights or unexpectedly through serious life challenges like illnesses both physical and mental, accidents, near-death experiences, a relationship ending, and any other crisis.
It happens because it is the universe’s way to lovingly guide you and remind you of who you truly are, why you are here when you are distracted by the material world and your different roles while you are here.
As a spiritually awakened person, it is important to continue to grow your consciousness, continue with your spiritual practices, stay connected to your creator via prayers, and meditation, and live your authentic life in alignment with the true qualities of your soul which are love, purity, peace, compassion, kindness, abundance, and wellbeing. 
Always remember just because you have gone through a spiritual awakening does not mean that you will be able to always stay aligned with your higher self. As a human being, you will still have moments where you will experience misalignment and let your ego dictate your actions and words. It is important to be aware when that happens and get back into alignment as quickly as possible. 
You also learnt that you should give up imbalance, selfishness, resistance, judgement, negativity, attachment, staying in your comfort zone, bad habits, comparisons, and living life from the outside in as you spiritually awaken.
Next, read what is a Spiritual Awakening for more helpful tips for your spiritually awakened life. 
Best of luck with your spiritually awakened journey! 

Is It Okay To Dream Big?

Is It Okay To Dream Big?

Is It Okay To Dream Big?

Dreaming should not be restricted to when you are asleep. I dream and visualize what my perfect day would look like and what I want in every area of my life to live my best ideal life. I cannot picture living a life without any dreams. So, is it okay to dream big?
Yes, it is not only okay to dream big but it is the key to living your best meaningful and fulfilling life while you are on this earth. You were created to live an abundant life not a mediocre, hopeless, and helpless life. 
You may be wondering next can you dream too big? Let’s answer that next.

Can You Dream Too Big

No, your dreams can never be too big. Your dreams should be big enough to scare you and make you grow and stretch to achieve them. You are a powerful soul and you are here to live a life of infinite possibilities. Who you are is much bigger than any dream that you could ever want to achieve.
If you have a dream and desire within you then know that it is possible for you to achieve it or you would not have it. Create a plan and start taking actions towards your dream as soon as possible.
Listen to your inner guidance and know that you can access your creator’s mind, intelligence, and strength for support to all your endeavours that are aligned to your higher self and your soul.
Let’s discuss next some further reasons why you need to dream big.

8 Reasons Why It Is Important To Dream Big

Most people do not know what their perfect life would look like and what they want in every area of their life. They can very quickly tell you what they do not want. In order for you to live your abundant best life that you were created to live, you have to know what you want.
Here are 8 reasons why it is important to dream big in life while you’re here.

You Will Figure Out What You Want

You will have to figure out what gives you the most joy and what you want in each area of your life to work towards your big dream life. You will come up with a vision of your ideal life and know what kind of relationships you want to be in, what kind of house you want to live in, where you want to live, who you want to be around, etc.  

It Will Give You Direction

It will give you direction and the ability to set goals based on your dreams in every area of your life. For example, your annual income, health, relationship, personal development, and family experience goals.
You can set both outcome and process goals that are aligned with your values. Review and measure your results often so you can stay on track.

It Will Inspire You

Having a vision of your big dream will inspire and excite you to begin each day with great enthusiasm. Your life vision will give you the will, momentum, and purpose to move forward and towards your dream every single day. You will be living a life by design and know exactly what tasks you need to do every single day, week, month, and quarter towards your dream life.  

It Will Increase Your Self-Belief

One of the best ways to grow and become a better version of yourself is through dreaming big, making plans, and taking steps towards them. You will increase your self-belief as you grow and take the steps towards your dream life.
You will gain awareness as to what skills you need to acquire, mentors, and coaches to hire to accomplish your dreams. You will be able to identify and eliminate limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Remember whatever you can believe, you can achieve.

It Will Increase Your Confidence

Your growth, forward momentum, and steps you take towards your dream life will increase your confidence, help you persevere, and keep moving forward even when you experience any temporary blocks.
Always remember that you have access to your creator’s divine mind, intelligence, and strength to accomplish anything you want to as long as you’re not harming anybody else.

It Will Help You Overcome Failure

It will help you overcome failures. You might try something and you may not succeed but persevere because you will be pulled by the vision of your dream life and where you are heading. You will believe in your dreams and you will find other ways to get to that dream.
You will know that the failure is not a failure, it’s feedback. So, perhaps that’s not the path you’re supposed to take to go to your dreams you’ll change and you’ll take a different path but you’ll never give up on your dreams.

It Will Motivate You

Dreaming big will motivate you to keep going even when things do not work out. It will make you see the opportunities and paths that are all around you to help you get to your dreams. You will see other people in your network living a big life and it makes you believe in the possibility and will inspire you to keep going. 
You will see opportunities that you won’t see if you don’t dream big enough because when you grow, you will see opportunities around you that you wouldn’t see if you were not dreaming big and becoming a better version of yourself with your accomplishments, skills, and mindset. You will be able to identify and eliminate the limiting beliefs that block you from achieving your dreams.

You Will Have A Rewarding Life

Your life will be rewarding because you will be growing and becoming a better version of yourself as you work towards having your big dream life. It is better to live a life of purpose and possibility even if you never accomplish all your desires because of who you become in the process.
When you aspire to live a bigger life and dream bigger you will inspire others to do the same. You will also be able to serve in a bigger better way because of who you have become and also with all that you have acquired. You will be able to give to others abundantly without ever running out. There are no limits on how much money you can donate.

In conclusion, you now know that it is okay to dream big. It is the key to living your best meaningful and fulfilling life while you are on this earth. You were created to live an abundant life not a mediocre, hopeless and helpless life.
There is no such thing as dreaming too big. Your dreams should be big enough to scare you and make you grow and stretch to achieve them. You are a powerful soul and you are here to live a life of infinite possibilities. Who you are is much bigger than any dream that you could ever want to achieve.
You also know some reasons why it is important to dream big like it will make you figure out what is it that you want in every area of your life, give direction in life, inspire you, increase your self-belief, increase your confidence, help you overcome failure, motivate you, help you lead a rewarding life, and help others endlessly in a bigger and better way.
I hope you will start envisioning and building your life of big dreams right away. I wish you the best of luck living your best life by design.
Next, read what are life goals? for further helpful insights for your best life by design.

Why Are We Born In The First Place?-H1

Why Are We Born In The First Place?

Why Are We Born In The First Place?

One of our greatest desires as human beings is to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. So, how do you do that? The answer is in the answer to a question that most of us have wondered at one point in our life which is Why was I born?
You were born to do your creator’s work and fulfill a purpose by using your own unique gifts and natural talents that have been given. The common purpose of every human being is to learn and grow through our life experiences and challenges, serve other people, and make their lives better.
So, you may be wondering, where were you before you were born? Let’s discuss that next.
Where were we before we were born?
Your soul was with your creator. You agreed and volunteered to reincarnate at this time into a body so you can grow, fulfill a purpose, and help other people who are currently on this earth that need your help.
Let’s discuss next things that you knew before you were born that you may have now forgotten. It is important to remember these so you can live your meaningful, impactful, fulfilling, and best life.

7 Things You Knew Before You Were Born

You knew exactly why you were coming on this earth when you were in your mother’s womb. The order in which everything happened like when your heart started functioning when your soul entered the body, and when your lungs developed was all according to the divine plan and timing by your creator.
Once you are born, the family, community, and society take over and the conditioning begins. They may have the best of intentions for you, however they can only teach you what they were taught by their parents.
You are taught how to behave and told what your limits are. You learn how to behave and act to get their approval so you can feel loved by them.
Remember you have come through your parents however you are here to fulfill your soul’s calling and purpose. Let’s remember things that you knew before you were born that you may have now forgotten so you can begin to understand why you are here before it is too late.

You Are An Eternal Soul

You are an eternal soul that is here on this earth temporarily. You are a soul that is having a temporary human experience in this body. You are an energetic, cosmic being who is an individualized expression of your creator. Your body will die, but your soul never dies.
It will be free, vast, and not bound, contained, and restricted in your body upon death. Your soul will return to your creator upon your death. Take the time to sit in silence and listen to your soul’s whispers because it knows exactly why you are here and what you are here to do.

Your True Power

You are a powerful soul who was made in your creator’s image. You were born with the inner wisdom that you need to navigate through all of life’s challenges and fulfill your purpose. All the answers that you seek are within you.
Stop seeking the answers to your challenges and struggles on the outside. Learn to sit in silence, connect to your creator, and access the answers to all your questions.

You also have access to your creator’s divine mind, intelligence, and strength. You are very powerful and nobody else has authority over you and your life. Do not give your power away and always remember no one and nothing can make you feel any way unless you allow it/them. You have the inner wisdom to live your very best life that you are here to live.

Your True Nature

You are pure love, peace, joy, compassion, well-being, kindness, and abundance by nature. They are the qualities of your soul which is your true essence. Learn to live your authentic life by listening to and aligning with your soul and fulfilling its calling.
Know that whenever you do not feel good and feel anger, frustration, jealousy, judgement, and negativity, you are aligning with your ego at that moment instead of your soul. Connect to your creator regularly and remember your true nature and qualities to align back to your soul throughout the day.

You Are Here To Grow

You are here to grow so having challenges in life is inevitable. You must learn the lessons quickly so that the same challenges do not have to repeat before you learn the lesson. How much you suffer as you go through these challenges is your choice.
Learn to accept and live life in trust that everything is happening for your greatest good and growth. Seek growth throughout your life so that you can serve in a bigger and better way.

You Are Here Now For A Reason

You are here on this earth at this time to serve a purpose. It is not an accident. You matter and are enough to be able to serve your purpose in the body that you are in no matter your colour, size, gender, and race. You have been given unique gifts to use to help and serve others who need you.
Discover your purpose and unique gifts and start helping others before it is too late and your time here on earth is done. Don’t die with regrets and unfulfilled purpose, dreams, and potential

You Chose Your Relationships

You chose your parents and relationships as a soul to experience and learn different lessons so you can grow. This is an important thing to be aware of especially if you have difficulty getting along with your family. You need to go through the challenge and growth so you can awaken, fulfill your purpose, and serve others in a bigger and better way.

You Are Here To Co-create Your World

You are here to co-create your world with your creator.  You are here to do your creator’s work as an individualized expression of your creator.
Your creator is always available to support you.
Sit in silence connect with your creator every single day and make sure you’re listening to your inner guidance and your soul’s whispers and guidance.

In conclusion, you were born to do your creator’s work and fulfill a purpose by using your own unique gifts and natural talents that have been given. The common purpose of every human being is to learn and grow through our life experiences and challenges, serve other people, and make their lives better.

Your soul was with your creator. You agreed and volunteered to reincarnate at this time into a body so you can grow, fulfill a purpose, and help other people who are currently on this earth that need your help.
You also now remember some of the things that you knew before you were born that you may have now forgotten. You knew that you are an eternal soul, how powerful you are, your true nature and qualities, you are here to grow, you are here now for a reason and purpose, you chose your parents and relationships, you are here to do your creator’s world and to co-create your world.
I hope you are well on your way now to discovering your purpose and why you were born. Best of luck!
Next, read what is consciousness to help you with your journey.

Can Childhood Affect Your Adulthood?

Can Childhood Affect Your Adulthood?

Can Childhood Affect Your Adulthood?

Two adults while watching the same movie or looking at the same thing would be having a different inner dialogue and thoughts going on in their heads. They would use different thought processes to make decisions in their life. Why? Does it have anything to do with their childhood? Can your childhood affect who you become as an adult?
Yes, most definitely your childhood lessons and experiences, both good and bad do affect your adulthood. They shape and influence your personality, self-image and esteem, and affect your mental and physical health which then impacts and determines the quality of your life experiences and relationships.

How Does A Person’s Childhood Affect Adulthood?

Most of your beliefs and perceptions are formed by the age of seven based on what you hear, see, and experience as a child. At that age, you trust and are most influenced by the people around you.
These beliefs get filed and stored in your brain, become a part of your subconscious mind, and they dictate and influence every decision you make in life like a computer program without your consciousness knowledge.
Your perception, identity, and beliefs lead to habitual thoughts, feelings, words you speak, behaviour, actions, and habits you form which then leads to your results and destiny in life. You create your life and reality from your perception, identity, beliefs, and thoughts.
If you grew up in a supportive, loving, and caring environment, you will thrive, do well, and become a well-adjusted adult. If you were micromanaged by your parents, you may have lower self-esteem, confidence, and a lot of fear as an adult.
You might also have a tough time making decisions and will have high expectations and depend on other people in your life as an adult.

How To Unlearn Childhood Lessons

When we are first born, we are connected to our creator, know exactly why we are here, and what purpose we are here to fulfill. Then, we are guided and shaped by our loving best-intentioned parents, teachers, friends, community, and society and we are often misled and trained to conform to what others want us to do with our lives.
We agree to abide by their rules so that we can feel loved by them. We forget our purpose and power and we go down a path that’s not meant for us.
Let’s go over eight lessons that you can unlearn before it is too late because they are not serving you and are blocking you from fulfilling your purpose.

Do Not Show Emotions

Growing up, you probably heard people tell you to not cry or get angry as a child. There is nothing wrong with feeling and expressing your emotions. Emotions serve a purpose or they wouldn’t be coming up.
Emotions guide you to transform and be a better aligned higher version of yourself. If you are not feeling love, joy, compassion, and abundance then you know that you are not aligned with your soul’s qualities and are misaligned.
Spend some time in silence, sit with your feelings, and ask yourself why you are feeling that way. Know that it is okay to cry if you feel like it and release the stress hormones through your tears rather than bottling it up and letting it sit and turn into health issues in your body.
Most of the time it is your thoughts, identity, and beliefs that are leading you astray and making you not feel good. Be aware of these thoughts and begin replacing them with the ones that align with who you are and where you are going in life.

Bad Grades Mean Lower Intelligence

You may have heard you are not smart because you are not getting good grades in school. You may have a genius that is not recognized or valued in schools. There are many different areas where you can be a genius.

Grades do not reflect how intelligent you are. Giving your best effort should always be a priority and do not let it affect your self-image, esteem, and confidence. Trust that life happens for you and stay open to universal guidance.

You Can Get Everything You Want

You may have been told you can get everything you want. You cannot get everything you want without working for it. Things are not just going to fall into your lap without any action. You can get everything you want only if you have the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits.
You co-create your life with your creator who is always available to guide you. You also have to trust and be patient that sometimes the things that you want and are asking for are not good for you and the universe has bigger and better things planned for you.

You Have To Fit In

You were probably also told you should fit in, and be like others who have qualities that society values and do not stand out. You do not have to fit in and compare yourself to others who are on their path. Always be your authentic self. You are meant to fulfill your purpose by being whoever you are including all of your quirks.
Other’s people’s judgments about you should not matter. When you embrace your truth, you also may inspire someone else who is like you to do so. Connect to your creator regularly and ask for guidance so you can fulfill your purpose while here on this earth.

Failure Is The Worse Outcome

You probably heard failure is the worst outcome. Failure is not the worst outcome. It is simply feedback to learn from so you can pivot and course-correct towards the correct path which will lead you towards your purpose.
It is better to take action and fail in life than to live a mediocre, hopeless, and unhappy life. Take action so you can gain clarity and be guided to live a life of purpose and meaning.

It Is Unacceptable To Take A Break

You were told it is unacceptable to take a break it important to always keep busy. It is very important to take a break and spend some time in the quiet. You will be able to hear your soul’s whispers and guidance. If you always stay in the doing, noise, and distractions, you will only hear the screams of your ego.
The doing, resting, and listening to your guidance should be in flow for you to live your best life of purpose and meaning. Try to spend some of your quiet time out in nature.

You Should Be Punished For Small Mistakes

You were probably punished for small mistakes and accidents. Everyone will inevitably have accidents and make small mistakes. The goal is to learn from these mistakes and accidents and know how to mitigate or avoid them from happening repeatedly if they are in your control.
Your parents mean well and it is their role to keep you safe however do not live in the past, feel guilty, and have regrets about mistakes that you made in the past especially if they were not in your control. Work on growing and improving from mistakes and accidents that are in your control.

It Is Okay To Judge Others

You heard comments and were made to believe it is okay to feel superior and judge others. You should never feel superior over people who look different from you and make fun of them or mistreat them. We are all the same on the inside and have all come from the same creator. We are all souls that are having a temporary human experience.
Everyone is in the right body, colour, and gender, to fulfill their purpose here on earth. You matter and are enough because you are. Your creator has never told you that you’re not enough so you don’t have to believe that at all. 
Stand up for and help people if you see someone discriminating against them. Teach your friends and family that it’s not okay to judge others as the pandemic has shown us how connected we are. No one was spared from the virus. This world would be much better if we all worked together rather than against each other because of how we look on the outside.

In conclusion, you now know that yes, your childhood lessons and experiences, both good and bad do affect your adulthood. They shape and influence your personality, self-image and esteem, and affect your mental and physical health which then impacts and determines the quality of your life experiences and relationships.
Most of your beliefs and perceptions are formed by the age of seven based on what you hear, see, and experience as a child. Your perception, identity and beliefs, lead to habitual thoughts, feelings, words you speak, your behaviour and actions and habits you form which then lead to your results and destiny in life.
If you grew up in a supportive, loving, and caring environment you will thrive, do well, and become a well-adjusted adult. If you were micromanaged by your parents, you may have lower self-esteem, confidence, and lots of fear as an adult, and will have a tough time making decisions, have high expectations, and depend on other people in your life as an adult.
You also learnt which lessons to unlearn because they are not serving you and blocking you from fulfilling your purpose are not showing emotions, thinking that bad grades reflect your intelligence, you can get anything, you have to fit in, failure is the worse outcome, it is unacceptable to take a break, you should be punished for small mistakes and accidents, and it is okay to judge others.
Questioning and examining your identity beliefs, and perceptions do not end here. It is a lifelong process that you should continue to do. Replace and adopt identity, beliefs, and perceptions that serve you and help you fulfill your purpose and live your very best meaningful and impactful life.
Next it would be helpful to read What Are Empowering Beliefs.

What Is Lifestyle Business?

What Is Lifestyle Business?

What Is Lifestyle Business?

We live in the best of times and have a lot of choices to generate income in many different suitable ways. The 9-5 working at the office model, building someone else’s dream is no longer the only option available to us to maintain our lifestyle.
There have been mass resignations recently after the pandemic due to more people looking for a better way to live their life that is more balanced. One way to live a more balanced life is by starting your own lifestyle business.
A lifestyle business is built in alignment with your desired perfect day and dream lifestyle. It gives you the flexibility and freedom to live your best life your way. It is often earning a full-time income on your terms, doing something you enjoy, love, are skilled at and are passionate about doing without compromising your core values, well-being, and vision for your life.
So, you may be wondering, how do you build a lifestyle business? Let’s discuss that next.

How To Build A Lifestyle Business

So many people make the mistake of choosing their work/career/business first and then trying to squeeze and fit their life into it even if that means compromising their health, values, and relationships with their loved ones. This leads to you feeling miserable, misaligned with your Soul’s calling, and not fulfilled no matter how much money you earn.
Let’s discuss some things to consider if you want to start building a lifestyle business.

Know What Puts You In A Flow

Know what you love doing. When you do it for a while, you go into a flow state. You could do this work forever and do not realize how much time has passed. You feel inner joy and happiness when you do it. Consider starting a business around this activity and work will never feel like work again. 

Discover Your Natural Talents

Discover your skills, unique gifts, and natural talents. What comes naturally to you? What are your unique gifts? Get some clues by asking the following questions: What did you enjoy doing as a child? What do people ask you to help them with? What do people compliment you on? The answers to these questions will give you further clues about the areas to consider building your business in. 

Determine Your Perfect Day

Figure out what your perfect day would look like. What time would you want to wake up? Who are you next to when you wake up? Where do you live? What is your morning routine? Do you meditate? Pray? How much time do you spend out in nature?
How many hours do you want to work? What time do you want to start and end your workday? How many breaks do you want to take? Do you want to work at home? Commute to work? With a team or alone? How much time do you want to spend with your family and loved ones daily? 
Do you want to travel for work? Pleasure? How much time do you want to spend reading, learning, and growing? What type of food are you putting into your body? What time do you want to eat? Sleep? Make sure you take the time to answer these questions so you can build your business around your desired day and life.

Understand Different Business Models

Research, understand, validate, and test different lifestyle business models and determine which one suits your lifestyle, values, vision, and life and business goals the best. Online business is the best option especially if you need to have location freedom.
Some of the benefits of an online lifestyle business are lower start cost, you can have the flexibility to live and work anywhere in the world, the ability to quickly validate, explore, and test a passion project, have customers all over the world, and have diverse and multiple streams of income.
Some types and examples of online lifestyle business models that you can consider starting are providing virtual coaching sessions and packages in different areas of life, creating and selling digital courses, freelancing, being an online influencer, building a niche software application, and selling physical products online and many more. 

Know Yourself

It is very important to know yourself to decide what business would be good for you to start and be successful in. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do people give you energy or do they drain your energy? If you are an introvert and people drain your energy, you do not want to build a business as a speaker.
You would be hired to speak to thousands of people in a room. It would be more suitable for you to do one-on-one coaching and be in front of just one person. If you are an extrovert you can consider building a business as a speaker or doing one-to-many group coaching models and packages. Know what gives you joy and follow it.

Know What Is Important To You

Know what is important to you. What problem frustrates you that you have solved for yourself and now want to help others solve? Who do you want to help? Most of the time, your “who” is who you used to be before you solved this problem for yourself.

Figure Out What The World Needs?

Figure out what the world needs. You are here at this time for a reason. What is your purpose and how will you serve others, make a difference, and leave this world better than when you first came and found it? When you align your business and purpose, your life will be full of bliss.
So, if you’re not happy, please take some time to figure out what is it that gives you joy because we’re not here to live a miserable life. We’re here to live a life of bliss, joy, meaning and fulfillment. You are powerful enough to fulfill your purpose no matter your circumstances, colour, size, race, and/or gender. We are all a part of the human race and we all have a part to play to better this world.

In conclusion, you now know that a lifestyle business should be highly desired because it is built-in alignment with your desired perfect day and dream lifestyle. It gives you the flexibility and freedom to live your best life your way. It is often earning a full-time income on your terms, doing something you enjoy, love, are skilled at and are passionate about doing without compromising your core values, well-being, and vision for your life.
You also know what to take into consideration when you are building a lifestyle business like knowing what puts you in a flow, discovering your natural talents, determining your perfect day, understanding different business models, knowing yourself, knowing what is important to you, and what the world needs.
You should consider starting your lifestyle purpose-driven business especially if you are not happy with the current work that you do. Know that you always have a choice and you are never helpless and/or hopeless. You are divine, made by your creator, and have access to your creator’s divine mind, intelligence, and strength. I am sending you love and strength! 
Best of luck with your journey!
Next, it will be helpful for you to read Is making money online possible and easy?

Guiding you to transform and live your best inner driven meaningful, fulfilling and confident life that you deserve and serve others with in ways you were born to is what we do.
If this sounds like you, let’s explore if working together is a good fit.

What Is Consciousness?

What Is Consciousness?

What Is Consciousness?

Most of us live our life unconsciously and unintentionally. We constantly compare ourselves to others, let other people’s opinions affect our self-image, and confidence and allow them to dictate and tell us what we can do with our lives and what we cannot. We are far from living our conscious authentic life. So, what is consciousness?
Consciousness is a knowing that your true essence is a pure and powerful soul that is having a temporary human experience. An awareness that you are a cosmic being and an individualized expression of your creator. You are not your habitual thoughts, body, roles, occupation, titles, race, colour, or gender but rather an observer of all those things.
You intentionally make every decision in life like setting goals, choosing an identity, thoughts, beliefs, and actions and living every area of your life consciously, intentionally, and in alignment with the qualities of your soul which are purity, peace, love, power, kindness, abundance, and joy.
So, you may be wondering next, why should you aspire to live a more conscious life? Let’s discuss that next.

Why Live A Conscious Life?

We are here on this earth for a short time and if you want to live your best harmonious, meaningful, purposeful, blissful, and fulfilling life, then it is important to live your conscious and authentic life by knowing and accepting exactly who you are, why you are here, (purpose), what is your vision in different areas of your life and your core values.
So, are you living your life of infinite possibilities as a powerful soul consciously or are you living a conditioned life of limited possibilities that you have been led to believe? Let’s discuss the different levels of consciousness that you could currently possibly be living in.

Levels Of Consciousness

It is important to know what level of consciousness you are living your life from because that will determine how you react to life’s circumstances and challenges.

Let’s describe below four different stages of the evolution of your consciousness so you can start identifying which stage you are in and start consciously changing if you are not satisfied with your current level.

Living Like A Victim

In this stage, you feel like you are a victim with no control, are hopeless, helpless, and that life is happening to you. You blame other people and circumstances for all the things that you do not like in your life. You are not aligned to your soul’s high vibration qualities and are instead operating and living at a very low vibrational energy. You tend to ask why is this happening to me.

Knowing You Create Your Reality

In this stage, you begin to awaken, realize your power and know life happens by you and you are 100% responsible to create your life. You create your reality by having the right identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, words habits, and personality which then gives you results and creates your destiny. 
The sooner you consciously choose and change your identity, thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions, to the ones that serve you the sooner you can change your results, and destiny.

Living Inside Out

In this stage, you realize that life is happening through you. You know that you are a powerful soul with the body and not the other way around and that you can live life from the inside out and the wisdom for your best life is within you. 
You are connected to your creator, are here for a reason, and you know that your soul will guide you to your purpose because it knows everything.  Have faith, trust and follow your soul and your heart and you’ll be guided to fulfill your purpose. You are powerful and you will be able to fulfill your purpose despite what you look like.
You know you can turn inward to connect to your creator and experience your soul’s qualities which are peace, joy, love, compassion, and kindness. You don’t get caught up in the outer world chaos and let that dictate how you react in life and choose to respond instead. You learn to meditate, sit in silence, and listen to your soul’s whispers, intuition, and guidance.  

Knowing You Can Change The World

You realize that you are connected to your creator’s strength, mind, and intelligence and can co-create and change the world. You know we have all come from the same creator and despite how different we may look and we are all connected and the same on the inside. Our collective thoughts and consciousness impact all of us.
You know you matter or else you would be not here.  You are enough the way you are and you can change the world for the better. Start by fulfilling your purpose by helping others with your unique gifts and natural talents.
Align with your creator and receive the guidance to change the world, that’s why you’re here. You are here to fulfill a purpose that only you can. Connect with your creator and figure out how to listen to your loving guidance(intuition). 
Listen to your guidance while you meditate or spend some time in silence hearing the whispers of your soul and then figure out what your vision is for your life and let the vision pull you towards it.

In conclusion, you now know consciousness is a knowing that your true essence is a pure and powerful soul that is having a temporary human experience. You are aware that you are a cosmic being and an individualized expression of your creator.
You are also aware that you are not your habitual thoughts, body, roles, occupation, titles, race, colour, or sex but rather an observer of all those things.
You make every decision in life-like setting goals, choosing your identity, thoughts, and beliefs and living every area of your life consciously in alignment with the qualities of your soul which are purity, peace, love, compassion, abundance and joy.
We are here on this earth for a short time and if you want to live your best harmonious, meaningful, purposeful, blissful, and fulfilling life then it is important to live your consciously authentic life by knowing exactly who you are, why you are here, (purpose), what is your life vision in different areas and your core values.
You learnt about four different levels of consciousness such as living like a victim, knowing you create your reality, living inside out, and knowing you can change the world.
So, I hope you did figure out which stage you are in and learn to grow and evolve your consciousness because living a life that’s in alignment with your soul is the best way to live your authentic life.
Remember your guidance is within you and nobody else can guide you. Learn to tap into your inner power and wisdom.  
Next It would be helpful to read: “What is a high vibration living?” Enjoy!
Guiding you to transform and live your best inner driven meaningful, fulfilling, and confident life that you deserve and serve others with in ways you were born to is what we do.
If this sounds like you, let’s explore if working together is a good fit.


Is Spending Money Bad?

Is Spending Money Bad?

Is Spending Money Bad?

Money is a tool that helps you sustain the mission, purpose, and lifestyle that you desire to live. It is neutral, but we give it our biased energy and charge which is dependent on our relationship with money.
Your relationship with money is influenced by your beliefs, thoughts, and programming which are formed in our childhood based on how we witnessed our parent’s and caretaker’s relationship with their money. You may love to spend money or you may be scared to spend your money.
Which one is better? Is spending money bad?
No, it is not bad to spend your money. However, it is important that you do so consciously, intentionally, and not buy things because of societal or peer pressure. It is good to have a spending plan in place because it provides freedom and guides you to save for tomorrow, invest for the future, and spend some for today based on your needs, and wants and in alignment with your values.
So, you may be wondering, why do you feel guilty and have regrets after spending your money? Let’s discuss that next.

Why Do I Regret Spending My Money?

One of the most common reasons you may feel guilty after spending your money is that you did not do so intentionally and were pressured or influenced by someone else to do so especially if it was not aligned with your values. You felt fear of missing out and bought what you think you shouldn’t have.
You may also feel guilty because you think you are not worthy and deserving enough to purchase that particular product or service. Fear of not having enough money, it running out, and scarcity thinking are other big reasons that you may not feel good about after spending your money. 
Let’s discuss the thoughts that are good for you to think when spending your money instead of the ones that cause you to feel guilt and regrets.

7 Good Money Spending Thoughts

These 7 thoughts mentioned below would be good for you to adopt, incorporate, and make a part of your habitual thought pattern every time you spend your money, especially when paying bills. They will help you change from feeling guilt, regret, and experiencing tightness, and uneasiness in your stomach to feeling good and abundant.

Thank You For My Money

Always be grateful for all of the money that you are blessed and trusted with by your creator. You can now spend it, pay your bills with it, and do not feel bad to let it flow to other people.

Thank You For The Opportunity To Serve

Express gratitude for your creator giving you the means to serve others with your money. You can give back and donate some of your money to different causes and charities that need it and matter to you.
You can also serve others by paying your bills because the owner of the company then uses your money to pay their employees and buy food and other things for their families. You are letting the money flow from you to other people again, participating in the economy, and being of service to other people.

There Is A Lot More Where That Came From

Always remember to tell yourself that there is a lot more money where that came from because we are living in a very abundant world. Most of the time we block the abundance that is our birthright by our identity, limiting money beliefs, and thoughts.
You attract what you believe, think about, and focus on so be aware and choose to think abundant thoughts and have the right beliefs to keep the money flowing to you.

There Is More Than Enough To Go Around

There is more than enough money to go around. There is an abundant amount of money for everyone and it can never be depleted. Do not feel bad about having and spending your money because it does not mean that someone else will have less or go without.
It is up to them to take the responsibility to work on their money mindset, acquire the right skills, serve others, and earn the money for themselves. Even during a recession, money does not disappear. It simply flows to people who have the right identities, beliefs, thoughts, and actions to take to attract and manifest this money.

I Am A Money Magnet

Remind yourself that you are a money magnet. Align with the frequency of abundance by right identity, beliefs, and thoughts and attract more money into your life. Discover your purpose, take the right actions, and be of service to others with your unique gifts and natural talents and money will be attracted and flow to you.

The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. The more you do that and align with your soul and your creator the more blissful, meaningful, abundant, and fulfilling your life will get.

I Can Create More

You are a powerful being and your life has infinite possibilities. You can create more money and whatever you desire provided it does not harm anyone else and is aligned to your soul, creator, and purpose. You are pure, loving, peaceful, compassionate, abundant, kind, and powerful by nature.
You are an individualized expression of your creator and therefore you can tap into your creator’s divine intelligence, strength, and mind for assistance at any time. The more you create, the more you can give to others in an unlimited capacity. Time is limited and so there is only a limited amount you can give in service to others.

I Feel Good When I Spend My Money

You should feel good when you spend your money because you’re letting the money flow from you to others who need it. Money likes speed and when you hoard it gets stagnant. You deserve to feel good when you spend your money on yourself, family, friends, and charities and to pay all your bills.

In conclusion, you now know that it is not bad to spend your money. However, it is important that you do so consciously, intentionally, and not buy things because of societal or peer pressure.
It is good to have a spending plan (budget) in place because it provides freedom and guides you to save for tomorrow, invest for the future, and spend some for today based on your needs, and wants and in alignment with your values guilt-free.
You may feel regret and guilt after spending your money when you did not do so intentionally and were pressured or influenced by someone else to do so especially if it was not aligned with your values.
You may also feel guilty because you think you are not worthy and deserving enough to purchase that particular product or service. Fear of not having enough money, it running out, and scarcity thinking are other big reasons that you may not feel good after spending your money. 
Some of the thoughts that are good for you to think when spending your money are: thank you for my money, thank you for the opportunity to serve with my money, there is a lot more where that came from, there is more than enough to go around, I am a money magnet, I can create more, and I feel good when I spend my money instead of the ones that cause you to feel guilt and regrets.
Next, read: Why it is so important to start investing for some ideas for where it would be good to start investing your money. Enjoy!
Guiding you to transform and live your best inner driven meaningful, fulfilling and confident life that you deserve and serve others with in ways you were born to is what we do.
If this sounds like you, let’s explore if working together is a good fit.

Why Is It Important To Manage Your Stress And Anxiety?

Why Is It Important To Manage Your Stress And Anxiety?

Why Is It Important To Manage Your Stress And Anxiety?

We all experience stress as we navigate through our lives today. Some of us are better at coping with life’s stressors and societal pressures than others. All of us need to learn how to manage our stress and anxiety. Why?
It is important to know how to manage your stress so that your body does not feel that it is in constant danger, stay in a high alert state, and continuously release stress hormones and other chemicals in your body. 
Over time if left unaddressed, it can lead to serious physical and mental health issues like depression. It can also have adverse effects on all your relationships and prevent you from living your best life.
You may be wondering what stress and anxiety exactly do to your body. Let’s discuss that next.

What Stress And Anxiety Do To Your Body

Stress is a body’s normal reaction to potential danger and anticipated threats. Your body releases chemicals and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol which then cause your heart to beat faster and blood to flow to your extremities preparing you for fight or flight so that you can away from danger. 
You also may experience physical symptoms like aches and pains, headaches, dizziness or shaking, restlessness, exhaustion, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, muscle tension or jaw clenching, irritability, anger, fatigue, muscle pain, stomach or digestive issues and trouble having sex.
Prolonged exposure to stressors can lead to many other serious health issues like depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Anxiety is the body’s reaction to stress.
It leads to bad decision making, problems with memory or concentration, racing thoughts, and excessive persistent worries about the anticipated future without the presence of the actual stressor. 

Heart palpitations and rapid breathing patterns are also common when going through an anxiety attack. It is also possible to experience high blood pressure which can then lead to abnormal heart rhythms, cardiovascular, and heart disease or attacks and strokes.
So, what can we do to manage stress and anxiety? One way is to form habits that help you manage stress and anxiety. Let’s discuss what those are next.

12 Habits To Manage Stress And Anxiety

Over the last few years, we have been experiencing additional stress and anxiety due to the pandemic. It has not been easy to feel peace and joy given these circumstances. When we are not feeling peace, joy, love, and compassion it is hard to create our best life and fulfill our purpose.
Here are 10 habits that will help you deal with stress and anxiety and have you feeling peaceful and joyful again.

Wake Up Earlier

Start waking up a little bit earlier every day instead of continuously hitting the snooze button and then running around in the morning, screaming at your loved ones, and unnecessarily adding stress and anxiety into your day first thing in the morning.
The extra time will enable you to start your day proactively, and peacefully and will help you attract more moments of peace throughout the day. You will be able to respond to people and circumstances instead of reacting to them.


Smile and express gratitude as soon as your eyes open instead of thinking negative thoughts about the day that you have been blessed with and are about to experience. Smiling releases good hormones into your body that help you feel good.
Also think of all things you have to be grateful for. Gratitude will enable you to experience joy and help you raise your energy and align to your true self(soul).

Have A Morning Routine

Practice self-care every single day and start your day with a morning routine to feed your mind, body, and soul even if it is only for a couple of minutes given the season of life that you may be in. Your soul is currently housed in your body and therefore it is important that your body and mind are in a good state so that you can do the work you came here to do. 
Do some deep breathing, exercise, and move your body even if you put on your favourite upbeat music and dance. Remember to drink water and fuel your body with good healthy food.
Have a plan for your day, read or listen to something inspiring and positive for your mind, set intentions and visualize your day and all your meetings going well. Quiet your mind and spend some time in silence to align with and hear your soul, pray, and connect to your creator. 


Meditate every day and experience numerous associated health benefits. It is equivalent to charging yourself like you always charge your phone. Even a few minutes of meditation would be beneficial.
There are many different ways to begin your meditation practice. Choose the one that works for you. Even if you were to find a quiet comfortable place, close your eyes and repeat “I am love, I am love, I am love.” You will begin feeling your energy shift. You will feel more creative, calm, and at peace. 


Drink enough water throughout the day and especially first thing in the morning after fasting for a lot of hours. Your organs need water. Our body is composed of mostly water and can not function optimally without water. You will be agitated, react quicker, and experience brain fog and headaches if you do not hydrate.

Spend Time In Nature

Spend some time out in nature and recharge every single day if possible. Feel the loving energy from the trees, peace around bodies of water, hear the birds sing, smell the flowers, walk on grass bare feet, and feel and connect to mother earth. If you are unable to go out in nature, listen to or watch scenes and sounds of nature.

Avoid Negativity

Avoid consuming negativity especially first thing in the morning. Do not look at messages and emails on your phone and start falling into someone else’s agenda for you. Do not watch negative news because the media is biased and portrays negativity more than positivity. Negativity gets more people to watch their channel. Be careful with what you are consuming and letting in because whatever you consume is what you become. 

Stop Negative Self-Talk

Be aware of your mental negative self-talk and habitual thoughts. You create your life you’re your thoughts and beliefs. What we say and think of ourselves is exactly what we would never say to or think about a friend then why say those things to ourselves. Catch those thoughts and start deleting and changing them.
You are special and have been created to be in a perfect body, colour, and gender to fulfill your purpose so stop saying negative things about yourself. Do not let others and society dictate your worth.

Sleep At The Same Time

Make sure to go to bed early and at the same time every day. Your brain rejuvenates and restores itself between the hours of 10:00-2:00 and you may miss this function if you are awake. 

Have An Evening Routine

Have an evening routine before bed. Shut off all electronics and stop watching tv an hour before you go to bed. Read for a few minutes, meditate and think of all the things you are grateful for as you fall asleep. You will have a better, more peaceful sleep and the chances of you getting stressed out and anxious will be less.


Identify your triggers and stressors. Avoid them if possible or if you can not control them then learn to master and develop yourself so you can have healthy responses rather than getting angry and caught up in the moments.
Remember you are bigger than any problem that you may be facing. Learn to set healthy boundaries for yourself so you can avoid too much negativity and exposure to unpleasant situations. You do not always say yes to everyone else especially if it drains your energy.

Have Support Available

It is important to have people in your life who can help you and support you when you need them. This could be a family member, circle of friends, people from your place of worship, neighbours, or a therapist.

In conclusion, now you know it is important to know how to manage your stress so that your body does not feel that it is in constant danger, stay in a high alert state, and continuously releases stress hormones and other chemicals in your body. 

Over time if it is left unaddressed, it can lead to serious physical and mental health issues like anxiety and depression. It can also have adverse effects on your relationships and your overall quality of life.
You also learnt what stress does to your body. Stress is a body’s normal reaction to potential danger and threats anticipated or dictated. Your body releases chemicals and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol into your body. It causes your heart to beat faster and blood to flow to your extremities preparing you for fight or flight. You also learnt that you may also experience other physical symptoms.  
Prolonged exposure to stressors can lead to many other serious health issues. Anxiety is the body’s reaction to stress. It leads to bad decision making, problems with memory or concentration, racing thoughts, and excessive persistent worries about the anticipated future without the presence of the actual stressor. 
The 12 habits to manage stress and anxiety were also revealed to you such as waking up earlier, smiling first thing, having a morning routine, meditating, hydrating, spending time in nature, avoiding consuming negativity, stopping negative self-talk, sleeping at the same time, have an evening routine, develop healthy responses, and have support available.
I hope you will incorporate these habits and start managing your potential stress and anxiety. Please share this with anybody else who is struggling and having a lot of stressful and anxious moments. 
Next, read what to do when you feel unhappy