Can Sadness Make You Sick?
Can Sadness Make You Sick?
Sadness is a universal emotion that we have all without a doubt experienced in our life at one time or another and therefore we know exactly what it feels like despite our age, background, social status, sex, and color. What does sadness do to you? Can it make you sick?
Yes, sadness most definitely can make you sick. It affects both your mental/emotional state and physical well-being. Your body, mind and emotions are connected and therefore cannot exist, function, or be treated in isolation.
Sadness can affect you mentally by making you feel unhappy, low mood, depressed, anxiety, and also physically like tightening feeling in the chest, irritating your stomach, insomnia, fatigue, and headaches.
So, you may be wondering, where does sadness come from? Let’s discuss that next.
Where Does Sadness Come From?
Sadness is experienced because of your perception, stories that you make up, interpretation, and assumption about an event, circumstance, or other person’s actions/behavior which then leads to your resulting negative thoughts, unpleasant feelings, unkind words, and inappropriate behavior, and actions.
Always remember any feeling that does not make you feel good is a sign that it is resulting from the wrong thinking pattern which you can work on changing by being aware of it before it results in negative consequences and emotions.
The more you practice this pattern, the sooner you will be able to catch it and stop the resulting negative emotions and actions and consequences faster and faster.
Let’s discuss next 10 other reasons why you may be feeling sad and what to do about it.
10 reasons Why You May Be Feeling Sad
The last couple of years has been tough for a lot of people including myself because we’ve been going through the pandemic. We were isolated for a while and not allowed to see anybody and now we have normalized staying at home. We do feel like going anywhere and so a lot of us are feeling sad and down at the moment.
Here are 10 reasons why you may be feeling sad and what to do to get out of this emotional state. These are the things that have worked for me and hopefully, they can help you as well.

Consumption Of Negative Information
If you consume too much negativity by watching a lot of news, listening to toxic lyrics of music, and watching violent movies then the chances of you feeling sad are very high.
The negativity that you consume then informs your identity, beliefs, and thoughts and then creates all your results. Be very careful with what you consume every day and make sure you consume more positivity because that will help you have a better mindset and better thoughts and a better life.
Mindless Scrolling On Social Media
If you are always on your phone and are scrolling aimlessly and comparing yourself to others on social media, that will also lead to sadness. People normally post their few good moments on social media that does not mean that they are always happy.
You should not compare yourself to others because you are on your path and are here for a purpose. Learn to take a break from technology and get rid of the fear of missing out.

Lack Of Sleep
Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is very important to function optimally in life and not feel sad and react to other people, circumstances, and situations. Most people need at least 7-8 hours every night. It is good to go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.
Switch off all the devices that emit blue light at least an hour before sleeping. Have a wind-down routine before going to bed every day. Read a book with positive messages, meditate, and practice gratitude as you fall asleep.
You will have a better, peaceful, and restful sleep and you’ll be able to control your emotions better, function better, and react less.
Not Getting Enough Fresh Air
If you do not get enough sunlight and fresh air then you will experience sadness. Human beings function based on the circadian rhythm and therefore need to feel the sunlight on our skin which signals daytime.
Try stepping out every day to get some fresh air even if it’s for 10 -15 minutes. Preferably somewhere nice and scenic like around a body of water or lots of trees.
No Social Connection
Isolation and seclusion can also cause sadness. We are social creatures and need physical contact and touch with other humans. It is important to be around the energy of people who love and support us. Arrange a coffee date with a friend or go out shopping. Visit and invite family and friends over.

Feeling Hopeless
It is easy to feel sad if you feel hopeless and have nothing to look forward to in life. Hope is very necessary for motivation and progress. Know that you’re here now for a reason or you would not be here. Raise your energy by practicing gratitude, and then reach out and make a difference in someone’s life.
The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. Always remember there are plenty of people who need your help. Start by serving the person that is in front of you at the moment.
Not Getting Enough Exercise
You may be feeling sad because you are not getting enough exercise. When you move your body daily, your brain releases certain feel-good hormones. If you do not like exercising, start playing your favorite music to dance to and move your body freely for a few minutes. You will shift your energy and feel better.
Lack Of Hydration
You will not feel good and may feel sad if you are not getting enough water into your body. Your body is made up of water mostly and your organs cannot function optimally without it. Google and figure out how much water your body needs daily based on your weight and stay hydrated.
Drowning In Fear/Worries
You may be feeling sad and getting consumed by fear, worries, and all the challenges that you are facing in your life currently. Know that you are powerful and bigger than any problem that you may be currently facing.
You are a soul that’s having a temporary human experience. You’re powerful and connected to your creator’s mind, intelligence, and strength. Your life has infinite possibilities which you have to believe and begin reminding yourself about daily.
Lost A Loved One
You may be feeling like you’ve lost a loved one during the pandemic or maybe your relationship ended. Always know that this is temporary and it will pass. Life happens for you, you’re going through this for a reason. Look for the lessons in it and know life happens for you and loves you.
You are probably meant to be with someone else (if your relationship ended) who is better for you or perhaps you are meant to be independent that’s why the loved one left you. Be grateful that they were a part of your life however long they were a part of your life.
In conclusion, you now know that sadness can most definitely make you sick. It affects both your mental/emotional state and physical well-being. Your body and mind are connected and therefore cannot exist, function, or be treated in isolation.
Sadness can affect you mentally by making you feel unhappy, have a low mood, depressed, anxiety, and also physically like tightening feeling in the chest, irritable bowel, insomnia, fatigue, and headaches.
You feel sad because of your perception, stories that you make up, interpretation, and assumption about an event, circumstance, or other person’s actions/behavior that you make up which then leads to your resulting negative thoughts, unpleasant feelings, unkind words, inappropriate behavior, and actions.
You discovered the 10 reasons why you may be feeling sad like too much consumption of negativity, scrolling and comparing on social media, lack of sleep, fresh air, exercise, social connections, hope, water, loss of a loved one, and too much fear and worries and how to overcome these.
Next read what to do when you feel unhappy for further helpful tips and insights.