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Can Emotional Healing Make You Tired?

Can Emotional Healing Make You Tired?

Emotional healing can be tiring and exhausting. It can potentially take a long time because your therapeutic healing process will involve you opening up and being vulnerable about your past traumas.
You will have to put your attention on past traumas and wounds, understand them, re-feel the wounds, and experience all the emotions associated with these traumas which have been stored and buried deep within you before you can work on them and release them.
So, you may be wondering why emotional healing takes so long and why it cannot be done faster. Let’s find out the answer to that question.

Why Does Emotional Healing Take So Long?

I found in my experience that emotional healing can take a long time for several reasons and it is a very complex and not a straight or linear journey.
There are lots of ups and downs on this healing path and a lot of patience is required as you go through it. Here are seven reasons why your emotional healing can take a long and does not happen instantly.

Deep-Seated Traumas

Your healing often involves deep-rooted traumas, beliefs, and emotions that take time to process. In most cases they have been forgotten, become part of your identity and therefore quite challenging to rehash and work on.
It takes time to address, and process these traumas and it can be too overwhelming to go through quickly. You will require a lot of patience and compassion towards yourself and allow your healing journey to be as long as it needs to be so that in the end you can live your very best fulfilling life of purpose and meaning.

Your Traumas Are Unique

The traumas that you experienced are unique to you and therefore your healing path will be personalized and unique to you as well. How long should healing take according to the guidelines, textbooks, or what other people say should not matter at all.
Do not compare your healing journey with others instead keep your focus on progressing by taking one tiny step at a time and taking all the time that you need to heal.

Healing Can Be Interrupted

As long we are on the earth school chances are high that your healing and progress can get interrupted and derailed by unexpected challenges in life.  Your focus gets temporarily diverted to something else and you lose momentum in your healing journey.
Accept this situation to be normal and commit to continuing your healing journey once you have dealt with and addressed your challenges.

Holistic Healing Takes Long

The healing journey needs to be holistic meaning your mind body and your spirit have to be all aligned. This can sometimes take a long because you have to work on your mind, body, and soul to align all three and have them all going the same way again.

External Environment Is Not Supportive

Your external environment and support system can impact your healing Journey and your staying on track. For example, if there is a worldwide pandemic, or a family member who is suffering from a serious illness or going through something difficult.
You could also have people around you who are unavailable emotionally, not very supportive, and do not understand what you are going through which can cause your healing Journey to be interrupted or progress very slowly.
Accept your situation, have faith in your ability, and be confident that you can persist and resume your journey at a later date. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be on this healing journey right now.

Having Unreasonable Expectations

Sometimes your expectations can hinder your progress and make you feel stuck on your healing journey. It can lead to disappointments for example, let’s say you expected to heal in a few weeks and it’s taking you longer you may feel disappointed and you may feel like you’re not healing quickly enough.
Do not set unrealistic expectations for your healing and know that it is okay to give your healing journey to take as long as it needs. Everybody is different and so embrace and focus on and go through your healing Journey your way.

Effects Of Past Trauma Resurfacing

The effects of your past trauma can resurface and re-trigger you and cause you to spiral in the opposite direction. You may feel like you’re doing a lot worse now. Know that it is normal to feel that way.
Continue to make progress and work on your healing. Remember your healing is a journey and your progress is never going to happen in a straight or linear fashion. You might have to take a couple of steps back and then you will be able to resume moving forward.
Practice a lot of self-love and compassion towards yourself and know that as long as you are working on your healing you are good.  Focus on growing and getting better so that you can fulfill your purpose and serve others in a bigger and better way.

In conclusion, you now know that emotional healing can be tiring and exhausting. It can potentially take a long time because your therapeutic healing process will involve you opening up and being vulnerable about your past traumas.
You will be required to put your attention on past traumas and wounds, understand them, re-feel the wounds, and experience all the emotions associated with these traumas which have been stored and buried deep within you before you can work on them and release them.
You also know that emotional healing takes long because it is a very complex and not a straight or linear Journey. There are lots of ups and downs and a lot of patience is required as you go through it.
The reasons why your emotional healing is not linear and can take long are your deep-seated traumas take time to process, your traumas are unique, healing can be interrupted, holistic healing can be difficult, unsupportive external environment, unreasonable expectations, and effects of past trauma resurfacing.
I hope you will be more patient and compassionate towards yourself as you go through your own emotional healing journey no matter how long it ends up taking. Be open to helping others who are just starting their healing journey.
Next, what does emotional healing mean? read for further insights and tips.

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