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Can A Single Parent Raise Successful Children?

Can A Single Parent Raise Successful Children?

I am sending a lot of love to all the single parents out there who are raising their children on their own. The single parenting journey has its many challenges and is not easy.
It is a journey that comes with many physical, emotional, and mental challenges and has its fair share of many ups and downs. Can a single parent raise successful children?
A single parent is equally capable of raising successful children in comparison to a two-parent household provided that they stay strong, are committed to doing so, and make their relationship with their children a priority.
Single parents can often be more successful. They are more relaxed and confident when it comes to making important household decisions because they do not have to consult with and hear anyone else’s opinion.

They have a closer relationship with their children because they have more time and energy available to invest in spending quality uninterrupted time in the absence of a partner who also can fight for their attention.
So, you may be wondering what are some tips that a single parent can use to make raising successful children their own reality. Let’s discuss that next.

8 Tips For Single Parenting Success

Implement the tips that we are about to discuss and you can create a beautiful environment and experience for your children who are growing up in a single-parent household.
Here are eight tips that would be helpful for any single parent.

Believe Your Children Will Be Okay

Be kind, and have a lot of compassion and love towards yourself. Believe without a doubt that your children will be fine and know that you are not going to shortchange your children in any way. 

Life always happens for you, not to you. You are not a victim so stop asking yourself why is this happening to me.
Learn to look for blessings and lessons from every challenging situation that you go through in life. You are also always given what you can handle.
Know that no matter what everybody else tells you can raise your children successfully on your own. You create your life from your identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behavior, and habits.
You will eventually get to a point where you’ll have gratitude for your single-parent journey, what you had to go through, and who you have become as a result of this experience.

Be Grateful

Start a daily practice of gratitude and teach your children to practice gratitude as well. Do it first thing in the morning, in the evening, and any other time that you feel the need to raise your energy and vibration. 
Make gratitude part of your regular life. You can also do it as a family at dinner time, and bedtime with your children.  We all have a lot of things to be thankful for no matter what we are going through in life.
Gratitude will help you change your vibration, who you are, and the energy of your home for the better.

Have A Daily Spiritual Practice

Take care of yourself and have a daily spiritual practice to stay grounded and strong instead of turning to addictions that are not good for you like drinking and smoking.  Say prayers, meditate, listen, or read a spiritual religious book.
Connect to your creator and ask for guidance because that’s where your power will come from.  Remember you are a powerful divine soul that is having a temporary human experience. You always have access to your creator’s strength, intelligence, and power.

Trust Everything Will Be okay

Trust that your kids will be okay. When you work on your spirituality, energy, and vibration you will be able to impact your children positively just by being in their presence.
Also, trust that you have been blessed and trusted with your children by your creator for a reason. They are here to fulfill their purpose and therefore have the wisdom within them to fulfill their soul’s calling.
They are a soul with a body as well. They can be an older Soul than yours that is here for the benefit of your soul’s growth. Make sure you tell them how powerful they are, who they really and where they have come from.

Encourage Open Communication

It is very important to have an open and honest age-appropriate communication policy in your household and to make sure that no subject is off the table with your children. Make them feel comfortable to come to you and talk to you about anything.
Make yourself emotionally and physically available to them. They should feel comfortable coming to you, someone who has had more life experience with any questions than a friend. Make them feel heard, seen, understood, and accepted.

Show Affection

Make sure to have a deep emotional bond, show affection towards your children, and make them feel loved. Make sure they know that just because they did something wrong or disappointing does not mean that you do not love them.

Have A Healthy Way Of Resolving Conflict

Implement a healthy way to talk about and resolve any conflicts between you. There will be things that you don’t agree upon so is important that you have a process to work on it.
Remember your kids are here to teach you as much as you are here to teach them. We are all equal souls despite the bodies that we are in and we are here to learn, grow and serve

Have Family Routines And Goals

Make sure you laugh and have fun together by having routines, rituals, and goals as a family.
For example, saying prayers together every evening, scheduling frequent game nights, playing a sport, vacation once or twice a year, having a big Sunday dinner, and having a family meeting once a week.
These routines, rituals, and goals will allow your family to be more united, and close and increase your emotional bond towards each other.

In conclusion, you now know that a single parent is equally capable of raising successful children in comparison to a two-parent household provided they stay strong and committed and make their relationship with their children a priority.
Single parents can often be more successful. They are more relaxed and confident when it comes to making important household decisions because they do not have to consult and hear anyone else’s opinion about it. They have a closer relationship with their children because they have more time and energy available to invest in spending quality
Eight helpful tips to be successful as a single parent are to believe your children will be okay, be grateful, have a daily spiritual practice, trust everything will be okay, encourage open communication, show affection, have a healthy way to resolve conflict and have family routines, rituals, and goals.
I hope you found these tips helpful and will begin to implement them as a single parent.
Best of luck and I wish you well on your single parent journey!
Next, read why do parents never say sorry? for further insights and helpful tips.

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