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What Is Meant By The Term Generosity?

What Is Meant By The Term Generosity?

One of the biggest secrets of success and fulfillment in life that I have discovered is generosity and service to others. We have been trained by society to focus on our own needs because you are valued and considered to be successful and important if you have a big role and title at work, and acquired a lot of material things in life.
It is an ego-centred, me-first life. When you aspire to live a purposeful, soul-led life, it is easier to think of serving others and being generous. Generosity is one of the qualities of your soul. So, what does it mean to be generous?
It is giving and sharing what you have freely with others like your time, money, attention, advice, and expertise. It leads to better health, mental well-being, peace, joy, meaning, abundance, and fulfillment for you.
Generosity is contagious, makes the receiver feel happy, encouraged, grateful, and inspired to be their best true selves, and extends generosity towards you and others. It can start a chain reaction and cause rippling effects of generosity that will be eventually felt by our society and communities.
Next, let’s discuss the benefits of generosity practised in a business.

What Are The Benefits Of Generosity In A Business

Generosity is who you are by nature and the more you incorporate that into your business, and life, the better your results will be. Your business should never only be focused on making profits over everything else and selling things to people that they do not need so you can make money. 
Focus on being compassionate, caring about people and only selling them what they need to transform and better their lives. This is the only way to have a fulfilling, and successful business. There is no success in business without fulfillment. Here are some further reasons that you should incorporate generosity and selflessness in your business.

Law Of Reciprocity

The more you give and help other people, the more the universe will provide you with the same experience in return. In other words, you reap what you saw. This is a universal law that always comes true. So always keep your focus on treating your customers, team members and others well.

Well Liked Content

Your content will be liked and resonate well with people because you took the time to research and know what problems your customers have and need help with. Come up with topics for your both free and paid content based on that so that you can serve them better. Do not just make content that is important to you to talk about.
Constantly survey and ask them questions about your products and get feedback from them so that you can improve your products and serve them in bigger and better ways. Serve your customers fully by creating content that they need within your niche and scope of business. It will be easier to sell your products to happy and satisfied customers.

Your Growth And Improvement

As you research, learn to build your business and make content to serve your customers. You will grow and improve in all areas of your life. You will learn skills like how to create content on different platforms, marketing, selling, and lot of other business skills.
Starting your own business is one of the fastest ways for self-development and growth.  It is the ultimate purpose of every human being to grow and serve. The more you grow the more you will see opportunities to serve your customers in bigger and better ways. 

The Constant Demand For Products

Your intention to help others will lead to the creation of products that solve your customer’s problems so that they can better and transforms their lives. The research and feedback from your customers will help you with this too.
Your products will be in high demand and you will have no problem therefore in selling them. You will always have ideas as to what suite of products to offer your customers as they become your customer and begin their journey to improve and better their lives in the particular area that your business serves.

Better Relationships

You will be able to build new and better relationships with others, your customers, your team, and your competition by being generous. Treat your competition like a friend, collaborate, and refer to them as your customers.
Your “competition” is no competition for you because you will not be able to serve everyone with the problem you solve. After all, not everyone will be attracted or resonate with your method and message. 
There are more than enough customers for everyone to serve within your niche and industry. Always remember your purpose is not unique to you as other people are meant to work on the same cause and purpose. But, how you fulfill that purpose is based on your unique gifts.

Happy Customers

You will have raving, satisfied, grateful, and happy customers because they will be heard, understood, seen, and accepted by you. They will love and get joy from your products because they would be filling their needs and solving their problems.
They will refer your products to their family and friends because of your generosity and your selflessness will be felt and more and more people will talk and rave about your business and you.

Lead To your Happiness

You will feel, excited, good, happy, and your life will have meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. You will have a reason to wake up, begin your day with gratitude, think clearly and serve your customers every day as you continue to see examples and hear about your products making an impact and improving people’s lives every single day.

Sleep Better

You will sleep better and less likely to have disruptive sleep because you will be at peace, experience less stress, and know that you matter and are here for a reason, which is to do your creator’s work which you are doing and living a life of purpose.
You will stop worrying, doubting, and thinking negatively because you will know exactly what content and products to make that are needed to transform people’s lives.

Improve Your Self-Esteem

Your self-esteem and confidence will increase and improve because you will know that you are enough, your products are appreciated, need and are improving and bettering lives. The more you grow and serve the more your customers will rave about you the more confident and competent you will feel despite your colour, size, and body.
You will know your body is perfect for what your soul is here to do and will not feel the need to compare yourself to others or value their opinion of you over your own.

Lead To Prosperity

When you are generous, add value, and make service and generosity towards others, your number one priority the universe will reward you with prosperity. The more you serve the more you’ll be served with prosperity by the universe. That is how it works.

In conclusion, you now know that generosity is giving and sharing what you have freely with others like your time, money, attention, advice, and expertise. It leads to better health, mental well-being, peace, joy, meaning, abundance, and fulfillment for you.
It is contagious, makes the receiver feel happy, encouraged, grateful, and inspired to be their best true selves, and extends generosity towards you and others.
It can start a chain reaction where the rippling effects of generosity will be felt by our society and communities. Let’s start a movement of generosity that continues forever.
You also know the benefits of practising generosity in your business which are the law of reciprocity, liked and in-demand content, better relationships, happy you, happy customers, better sleep, increased self-esteem, and prosperity.
Next read: What is a Spiritual Entrepreneur? to continue with your building a generous and selfless business journey.

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