What is a purpose-driven business?
What is a purpose-driven business?
If you know anything about me you know I believe starting a purpose-driven business is one of the best gifts you can give your future customers, this world, and yourself if you want to live a meaningful, fulfilling, harmonious, and impactful life.
When you earn, a full-time income doing work that you love and came on this earth to do, then work, will never really feel like work.
So, what exactly is a purpose-driven business?
A purpose-driven business is started by an individual who is aware of their unique God-given gifts, natural talents, and skills.
These gifts are then used to create a brand, products, and services that serve, solve problems, and better the lives of their customers, and provide them with transformational results and experiences.
Now that you know what a purpose-driven business is, you may be wondering how you can start one. So now let’s go over the exact steps you would need to take to start a purpose-driven business.

How do I start a purpose-driven business?
Step 1 – Discover your purpose (dharma, why)
Start by taking some time to discover your purpose. The purpose of every human being that is born is to learn lessons and grow and serve others.
How you serve differs for every human being based on your God-given gift of genius and personal calling encoded in you from birth.
Your greatest joy is to discover your purpose and share this gift with the world with your company’s products and services.
If you want to start discovering your purpose start by asking yourself what am I here to do? The answers to this question are provided as clues in your life for you to follow as bread crumbs to your path.
Follow your low moments (lessons you have learned from the challenges that you have overcome in life that you can now help others overcome) and high moments (what you are naturally talented at, passionate about, and love doing that you can teach others)
Step 2 – Identify your core values and align them to your business
It is important to be aware of your core values so that you can derive the vision and mission of your business that is in alignment with them.
Your values will, like a road map, help you stay true to yourself and guide all your decisions and actions.
Start identifying your core values by asking yourself what do you stand for? and what is most important to you?
Step 3 – Decide who you specifically want to serve
Choose an audience that you are passionate about helping. Someone who is ready for a transformation or is about to start a new journey.
This person is often in a similar life stage or situation that you used to be before you started your transformational journey or solved your problem.
It can also be someone who is in the same cohort group as one of your loved ones that you want to help.
Step 4 – Decide What Problem you want to specifically solve for this person
Given your life experiences (highs and lows), skills, purpose, and natural talents how can you best serve other people and add value to their lives? What problems can you help them solve? What desires can you help them achieve? Who can you aspire them to be?
It is important that you choose a problem that lights you up and is excited to share your insights and knowledge.
Your enthusiasm will keep you inspired, excited, and engaged to carry you through the challenging times that you may experience while building your business.
Step 5 – Determine the Vision (aspirational future) of your business
Having a clearly formulated and relatable vision for your business will then help guide your business’s mission, goals, and actions.
Star constructing a clear future vision for your business by answering the following questions:
How much revenue is my business making annually? What is my business brand (known for)? What services and/or products does it offer? How does it operate?
Step 6 – Hire People who believe in your purpose
It is important to hire team members who understand and believe in and are passionate about your business’s purpose (why), vision, values, and mission.
Each team member is made aware of the importance of their role to the bigger picture, and fulfillment of the purpose, vision, and mission of the business.
It is easy for everyone to make every business decision in alignment with serving the mission of the business.
Everyone is aware of the purpose, vision, mission, and values of the company, and how their role is important in impacting these are well understood.

Why are purpose-driven businesses more successful?
The committed owner
A purpose-driven business is started by the owner who is fueled by their passion and purpose. They are self-aware and have clarity of their purpose (why, dharma).
The primary reason they start their business is to fulfill their purpose, which is why they are here on earth school.
The owner is committed with their entire authentic being to their greater purpose and creating products to improve and better the lives of their customers and therefore, is much less likely to give up during the challenging times.
Their business allows them to live a meaningful, fulfilling, harmonious and impactful life as they earn a full-time income and live their purpose every day.
A daily morning routine that includes prayers, meditation, and going for a walkout in nature to connect with their creator and receive guidance for their Soul’s calling is very common amongst purpose-driven business owners.
This provides them with the energy and vitality to always serve from their highest self. Business is conducted with ease and flow instead of the hustle and grind.
They live from certainty, belief, faith, and intent and therefore find it easier to eradicate fear, procrastination and worry less about other’s opinions causing them to give up.
Ongoing growth and innovation
Since growth is prioritized and understood as part of their purpose for being on this earth they set time aside for themselves to learn and improve every day.
Their teams are also very much encouraged to do the same.
Customers are surveyed often to make sure they are being heard and served in the best way possible.
There are never short of ideas to improve their products and services to better serve their customers be it from the same industry or another.
They always look for lessons that they can learn from every challenge and every failure is seen as feedback to innovate and improve.
Loyal and engaged customers
The customers feel the owner’s vibrational, loving energy that created the company’s products and services to help and provide them with the best solutions and outcomes to improve their lives for the better.
Since customer’s opinions are listened to often and are very much welcomed, they feel attracted, connected and they stay loyal to the brand. They feel heard, understood, seen, and accepted by the owner.
This makes the competition irrelevant. Customers become raving fans and understand the value they are receiving and therefore are willing to pay, become repeat customers, and stay customers forever.
Treating their employees well and giving back to their communities and environment is a practice that is followed by a lot of purpose-driven businesses.
Customers admire this trait and are drawn to purchase from those brands and feel good that part of their money will be going towards the greater good of the community, society, or the world.
Marketing and Sales are easier
The owner considers their duty and obligation to market their products and services which are needed and better the lives of their customers.
The more customers who become aware of the business and its products, and services, the bigger the impact they can make. In fact, not marketing would be considered selfish.
Sales become easy as they are seen as service which is necessary to get the helpful products into the hands of as many customers as possible so that they can improve their lives.
More engaged and loyal employees
Purpose-oriented businesses have higher productivity and a more satisfied and engaged workforce who stay with the company longer.
Transparency, inclusivity, respect, and leading with empathy are some of the other valued traits of a purpose-driven business that employees are attracted to.
People want to work for companies with their shared values that are focused on the greater good of the community, society, and the world.
Easier to attract investors
The owner’s passion and enthusiasm for the business make it very easy to attract investors who are willing to become partners, provide funds, and profit from the business.
The energy, intent, belief, certainty, faith, and commitment of the entrepreneur is felt every time they talk about the business.
The investors value the culture of constant growth and innovation and feel assured that the business will adapt to any changes that may take place in the market or Industry.
Having more engaged employees and loyal repeat customers also helps make it enticing for the investors to come on board.
In conclusion, I believe if everyone would focus on their why(dharma) and start a purpose-driven company this world would be a very happy place to be.
We would be able to solve all the problems, improve humanity, live a legacy, and make a multi-generational impact.
Let’s break the cycle of doing work that:
Does not give you joy!
Someone else told you to do it!
Not aligned to your purpose and values!
Are you ready to do your part?
Start a purpose-driven business that you love?
Take- action now!
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