What Are Universal Signs?
What Are Universal Signs?
The more conscious, awakened and open you are to receiving this guidance the more easily you will notice it and correct course if needed.
Create space and time to spend time in silence and solitude to strengthen and connect with your creator every day.
Ask for personal guidance to understand signs that you may be confused and unsure about.
Here is a list of some universal signs that you receive and their meaning
How To Interpret Universal Signs
We are blessed and lucky as human beings because we have been given free will so that we can create and experience the type of life that we desire and fulfill our purpose.
In reality, we are never left completely alone because our creator’s light is within us and universal signs are also always available to us.
What exactly are universal signs?
The Universe (our creator) is always giving us signs, nudges, and loving guidance while we navigate through life on earth school.
We are given signs to remind us whether we are living a life that is in alignment with our soul’s calling, mission and purpose, or not.
Now that you know what universal signs are and their purpose you may be wondering how exactly we interpret these signs when we experience them.
Let’s discuss that next.
If you feel happy, good, and you are experiencing emotions such as love, joy, abundance, peace, and compassion then you are most probably living life on purpose and following your soul’s calling and mission.
If you are feeling sad and you are experiencing emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy, and resentment then you are most likely are not living a life on purpose and not following your soul’s calling and mission.
You are most probably living an ego-centred life.
When you experience illness or pain, pay attention to its location in your body. A type of illness and the exact location of the illness often indicate an issue with a specific area of your life.
Investigate what your body needs and ask for further guidance from your creator.
Pay attention to the message when certain words or phrases jump out at you or if you keep hearing them on a reoccurring basis.
Are you attracting the same kind of people and/or going through the same adversarial experiences over and over again because you have not learnt the universal lessons?
Take some time to figure out what lessons you have to learn from these unpleasant experiences so that you do not have to repeatedly experience them again.
A pattern of repeating numbers may hold a special meaning for you. Look up the angelic guidance associated with the repeating number patterns that you constantly see such as 11:11, etc.

Your dreams are universal messages sent through your subconscious mind. These messages are accessible because your conscious mind is quiet when you are asleep.
Figure out the meaning of the dreams to decode these message(s).
We talk to our creator via prayers and intuition which is how your creator talks to you. Learn to trust your gut feeling and listen to your intuition for guidance.
Coincidences and synchronicities are never an accident. Have you ever been thinking of someone and they reach out or you bump into them in person?
This is the universe’s way of confirming that your thoughts align with your future manifestation and reality. This is a signal from the universe that you are on the right path.
Do you remember a time when you had lyrics of a song stuck in your head? The universe is trying to convey an important message to you. Are you listening?
If you lose or damage an object the universe is trying to tell you that you are getting too attached to the material things or your past. You have to let it go so you can make room for new things to enter your life.
Have you ever met an ideal person to help you with your current challenges?
This type of occurrence is the universe confirming what is or isn’t the right path for you to be on depending on the answers received from the person you just met.
When you come across certain scents that remind you of someone, it is the universe reminding you of that person.
Spirit animals are always relaying a message from the universe. It is up to you to stop and notice them and learn from them.
You may have noticed the same types of animals over and over again.
These animals protect and support us on our purpose, paths, and journey. They give us strength, hope, love and comfort if we are open to receiving it.
Here are some common spirit animals and their meaning.
When you see a butterfly, it means that you are about to go through a transformation and a profound change in your life.
A butterfly emerges from a caterpillar in the same way you are about to give up your old self and emerge as your new higher, lighter and freer self.
Spiders remind us to create our desired best life. Spiders create intricate webs and that is why they symbolize creativity.
Crows are masters at shape shifting both physically and energetically. Crows teach you how to mould your aura, and your power into the shape that supports manifestation.
One of the most important messages of a crow as an animal spirit is to not fear change. Whenever you want to see a higher perspective, call on a crow for aid.

An owl represents wisdom, deep connection, and intuitive knowledge. It symbolizes transition or a new journey.
Owls can see beyond deceit. You will be able to see beyond the illusions created by your mind. Invoke owls when you are ready to face shadows, find wisdom in silence, and need to see the truth.
A Hummingbird symbolizes and reminds you to pursue your dreams more aggressively and that the joy is around the corner. Seize the manifestation as quickly as possible. The only obstacle is yourself.
They also remind us to try to connect with joy, enjoy life, and not take things so seriously. They also remind us to be playful and that connection with loved ones or higher power is what matters.
They can help lift you from negativity and show you that everything happens for a reason. Instead of trying to control outcomes, adapt to surroundings.
Hawk represents courage, self-awareness, truth, and a heightened perspective. It also indicates that you tend to use your vision, inner wisdom, and intuition.
It encourages us to see situations from a different and higher perspective.

A grasshopper symbolizes abundance, good luck, prosperity, and whatever is blocking your way to success can be removed. It also means freedom, balance, creativity, and peace.
You are being asked to take a leap of faith if you see a grasshopper. They are innovative and move forward in life.
Eagles represent expansion, strength, a higher perspective, loyalty, victory, power, foresight, vision, and manifestation.
They show up when you have sights on a goal, aspiration or challenge.
They signal time to connect with your spiritual path, listen to our hearts, and not rely on our minds. It is time to bridge the spiritual and physical world to bring your spiritual aspirations into reality as a process of evolution.
Spiritually they represent transformation, manifestation, power, and inner strength. It is time to align your actions with your spiritual values. Tap into your inner strength and carve out the reality you were destined for.
In conclusion, I feel lucky and blessed that we get continued loving guidance, signs, and nudges while we are on this earth school from our creator (Universe).
We are given timely signs as to whether we are living a life that is in alignment with our soul’s calling, mission, and purpose or not.
If you are ready to discover your soul’s calling, live your purpose, serve others with your god-given gifts, natural talents, and start a business that lights you up, then start by downloading the 3 secrets below.