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Is Spending Money Bad?

Is Spending Money Bad?

Money is a tool that helps you sustain the mission, purpose, and lifestyle that you desire to live. It is neutral, but we give it our biased energy and charge which is dependent on our relationship with money.
Your relationship with money is influenced by your beliefs, thoughts, and programming which are formed in our childhood based on how we witnessed our parent’s and caretaker’s relationship with their money. You may love to spend money or you may be scared to spend your money.
Which one is better? Is spending money bad?
No, it is not bad to spend your money. However, it is important that you do so consciously, intentionally, and not buy things because of societal or peer pressure. It is good to have a spending plan in place because it provides freedom and guides you to save for tomorrow, invest for the future, and spend some for today based on your needs, and wants and in alignment with your values.
So, you may be wondering, why do you feel guilty and have regrets after spending your money? Let’s discuss that next.

Why Do I Regret Spending My Money?

One of the most common reasons you may feel guilty after spending your money is that you did not do so intentionally and were pressured or influenced by someone else to do so especially if it was not aligned with your values. You felt fear of missing out and bought what you think you shouldn’t have.
You may also feel guilty because you think you are not worthy and deserving enough to purchase that particular product or service. Fear of not having enough money, it running out, and scarcity thinking are other big reasons that you may not feel good about after spending your money. 
Let’s discuss the thoughts that are good for you to think when spending your money instead of the ones that cause you to feel guilt and regrets.

7 Good Money Spending Thoughts

These 7 thoughts mentioned below would be good for you to adopt, incorporate, and make a part of your habitual thought pattern every time you spend your money, especially when paying bills. They will help you change from feeling guilt, regret, and experiencing tightness, and uneasiness in your stomach to feeling good and abundant.

Thank You For My Money

Always be grateful for all of the money that you are blessed and trusted with by your creator. You can now spend it, pay your bills with it, and do not feel bad to let it flow to other people.

Thank You For The Opportunity To Serve

Express gratitude for your creator giving you the means to serve others with your money. You can give back and donate some of your money to different causes and charities that need it and matter to you.
You can also serve others by paying your bills because the owner of the company then uses your money to pay their employees and buy food and other things for their families. You are letting the money flow from you to other people again, participating in the economy, and being of service to other people.

There Is A Lot More Where That Came From

Always remember to tell yourself that there is a lot more money where that came from because we are living in a very abundant world. Most of the time we block the abundance that is our birthright by our identity, limiting money beliefs, and thoughts.
You attract what you believe, think about, and focus on so be aware and choose to think abundant thoughts and have the right beliefs to keep the money flowing to you.

There Is More Than Enough To Go Around

There is more than enough money to go around. There is an abundant amount of money for everyone and it can never be depleted. Do not feel bad about having and spending your money because it does not mean that someone else will have less or go without.
It is up to them to take the responsibility to work on their money mindset, acquire the right skills, serve others, and earn the money for themselves. Even during a recession, money does not disappear. It simply flows to people who have the right identities, beliefs, thoughts, and actions to take to attract and manifest this money.

I Am A Money Magnet

Remind yourself that you are a money magnet. Align with the frequency of abundance by right identity, beliefs, and thoughts and attract more money into your life. Discover your purpose, take the right actions, and be of service to others with your unique gifts and natural talents and money will be attracted and flow to you.

The purpose of every human being is to grow and serve others. The more you do that and align with your soul and your creator the more blissful, meaningful, abundant, and fulfilling your life will get.

I Can Create More

You are a powerful being and your life has infinite possibilities. You can create more money and whatever you desire provided it does not harm anyone else and is aligned to your soul, creator, and purpose. You are pure, loving, peaceful, compassionate, abundant, kind, and powerful by nature.
You are an individualized expression of your creator and therefore you can tap into your creator’s divine intelligence, strength, and mind for assistance at any time. The more you create, the more you can give to others in an unlimited capacity. Time is limited and so there is only a limited amount you can give in service to others.

I Feel Good When I Spend My Money

You should feel good when you spend your money because you’re letting the money flow from you to others who need it. Money likes speed and when you hoard it gets stagnant. You deserve to feel good when you spend your money on yourself, family, friends, and charities and to pay all your bills.

In conclusion, you now know that it is not bad to spend your money. However, it is important that you do so consciously, intentionally, and not buy things because of societal or peer pressure.
It is good to have a spending plan (budget) in place because it provides freedom and guides you to save for tomorrow, invest for the future, and spend some for today based on your needs, and wants and in alignment with your values guilt-free.
You may feel regret and guilt after spending your money when you did not do so intentionally and were pressured or influenced by someone else to do so especially if it was not aligned with your values.
You may also feel guilty because you think you are not worthy and deserving enough to purchase that particular product or service. Fear of not having enough money, it running out, and scarcity thinking are other big reasons that you may not feel good after spending your money. 
Some of the thoughts that are good for you to think when spending your money are: thank you for my money, thank you for the opportunity to serve with my money, there is a lot more where that came from, there is more than enough to go around, I am a money magnet, I can create more, and I feel good when I spend my money instead of the ones that cause you to feel guilt and regrets.
Next, read: Why it is so important to start investing for some ideas for where it would be good to start investing your money. Enjoy!
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