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Is It Important To Teach Self-love To Your Child?

Is It Important To Teach Self-love To Your Child?

Most of us have a habitual negative internal dialogue and say things to ourselves that we would never say to a friend. We do not realize that we are often not very loving and very hard on ourselves.
We then end up raising kids, who see us as role models, that are not very loving towards themselves. Is it important to teach self-love to a child?
It is very important to teach self-love to a child so that they can live a conscious, self-aware, soul-aligned life, have a loving healthy relationship with themselves, and have a positive self-image, and self-esteem to confidently live their true, authentic, meaningful life, and fulfill their purpose.
They will also be able to attract closer, accepting, loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationships.
So, you may be wondering how do you teach your child to love themselves. Let’s discuss that next.

10 Self-love Lessons To Teach Your Child

Most children have not been taught to love themselves and therefore end up having a low self-image and esteem. They also suffer both physically and mentally because they do not love themselves..
This is unfortunate because our children are our future generation who may someday choose to raise their kids. Here are 10 important self-love lessons to teach your child and empower them.

Self-Acceptance And Love

Teach your children to love and accept themselves as they are. Make sure to remind them that they are an individualized expression of their creator.
They are enough, matter, and are loved by their creator unconditionally and their value does not diminish based on what they go through in life.
They were created in their creator’s image who is very loving and powerful. Don’t let society and other people dictate what they need to look like and be. 

Created Perfectly

Tell them not to compare themselves to others and let it rob their inner joy. They were perfectly created for their purpose and have a unique genius, natural talents, and gifts that they were given to fulfill it.
Teach them to be proud no matter what they look like because their soul is in the exact right body, color, and gender for the purpose that they have come here right now to fulfill. 
Ensure your child knows that their purpose is between them and their creator and that no one else needs to approve of it.

Self-love Journey Is Not Linear

If they are not used to loving themselves then the self-love journey is not going to be linear, and a rapid process. It will take time to form the habit of loving and catching your inner sabotaging self.
If they keep focusing on making progress and intentionally reminding themselves who they are and why they are here then they will eventually get to a point where loving self will become natural.

Self-love Is not Selfish

Make sure they know self-love is not selfish even though our society may have them believe to be so. Tell them to spend some time doing what gives them joy every day so that they can serve others in a joyful true state.

Self-love Is Necessary

Make them understand how important and necessary it is to love themselves and know what gives them joy so that they can better teach and make others understand how they want to be loved and what gives them joy.

Practice Self-compassion

It is important to teach them to practice self-compassion and forgiveness because if not it will lead to their suffering and health issue.
Make sure they know it is okay to make mistakes and grow and learn so that you can then serve others in a bigger and better way. 

Follow Your Intuition

Teach them to value, honor, listen to their inner loving guidance, and intuition and follow their heart and joy as a compass for guidance on what to do in life.

Live An Intentional Life

Show them how to practice mindfulness and live their intentional authentic, soul-aligned life instead of following someone else’s plan for their life.
Make sure they know that their soul knows why they are here and learn to spend time in the quiet so that they can hear their soul’s whispers.
Teach them to start a morning routine where they spend some time in the quiet, meditating, journaling, and reminding themselves who they are which is a soul with a body, and why they are here.

Show Up For Yourself

Make sure they know how to protect and show up for themselves by setting healthy boundaries. Teach them the importance of boundaries for their self-love and to remove people who they do not feel safe and happy to be around.

Practice Self-care

Make them understand the importance of practicing self-care regularly. It is not selfish especially if you want to serve your purpose in a bigger and better way.
It is crucial to take care of yourself, put your oxygen mask on first, fill your own cup before so that you can pour into others from an overflow and not an empty cup.

In conclusion, you now know that It is very important to teach self-love to a child so that they can live a conscious, self-aware, soul-aligned life, have a loving healthy relationship with themselves, and a positive self-image, self-esteem to confidently live their true authentic life, fulfill their purpose.
They will also be able to attract more closer, accepting, loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationships.
You also know the 10 self-love lessons to teach your child which are accepted and love yourself, you were created perfectly, self-love is not going to be linear, not selfish.
It is necessary for better relations, the importance of self-compassion, following your intuition, living an intentional life, have healthy boundaries, and importance of practicing self-care regularly.
Next, read can parents help their child’s mental health for further helpful tips and insights.

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