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Does Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired?

Does Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired?

Spiritual awakening is one of the best experiences and journeys you can go through because you become a better version of yourself, live a life that is in alignment with your soul, and be guided to fulfill your purpose which is why you are here on earth.
It is one of the best gifts that the Universe could give you. However, it is not an easy journey to go through. Can it make you tired?
Yes, it can. There is a lot of movement of energy within you as you awaken. As a result, you may experience sleep disruptions, fatigue, and tiredness as you become aligned with your higher self.
One of the best ways of staying in balance and getting your energy back is to meditate, connect with your higher self, and your creator for support, guidance, and an unlimited source of love, light, intelligence, and strength.
So, you may be wondering: “What are some other things that I may anticipate, expect to go through, and possibly learn to avoid as I go through my awakening journey?” Let’s discuss that next.

What To Avoid When Spiritually Awakening

The spiritual awakening journey is not easy to go through and is a lot of work. However, it is completely worth it. Here is a list of some of the things that you will experience as you awaken and how to avoid some of the things that are not good:

Judging Yourself

It is normal to not understand what you are going through initially and judge yourself harshly. If you have never experienced it before and have not heard anyone else go through it, you may feel like you are losing your mind.
Be kind to yourself, spend some time in the quiet, and meditate for guidance as you go through your spiritual awakening journey.
Know, trust, and believe this process and that the universe is guiding you into going through this awakening journey, so that you can fulfill your purpose on this earth. Spiritual awakening is a blessing because you’re becoming the best version of yourself.
Let your soul take the driver’s seat and guide you in your life. Your soul is very wise and knows exactly why you are here. You are going through this awakening at the perfect time so you can connect with your higher self and serve your life’s purpose in a bigger and better way.

Rejecting Your Feelings And Emotions

You may not want to feel the feelings and emotions that come up, process and work on them and try to avoid them because it is hard work. Know that they are coming up now for a reason.
Try to understand where they are coming from, why, acknowledge, work on them, and let them go. If they stay in your body as stuck energy, then they block your loving messages and guidance from your creator from getting through. Your guidance must get through so you can do the work you were born to do and fulfill your purpose.

Get stuck In The Past Or Future

Do not get stuck in the past or the future. Learn to experience the present moments and accept the guidance that’s coming to you in the moment.
Fully experience, enjoy, and live each moment like new, appreciate, have gratitude for all the things and people around you. Feel the connectedness with others and nature.
Learn to be present and listen to your creator’s loving guidance and don’t worry about the past or the future. The past happened because you were meant to learn something from it.
Do not worry about the future. It is okay to plan for the future but don’t get attached to the plan and its timing. Everything that will happen will be in divine order as per the intelligent universe.

Comparing Yourself To Others

Stop comparing yourself to others and letting it steal your joy in life. Everyone is on their own soul journey. You do not have to understand why they live the way they do and not have to go through what you are going through.
They also may not understand your path and that is okay. Your path and purpose are between you and your creator.
When you start comparing yourself to other people, you are not enjoying the present moment and you are not being or feeling joyful. So, know that you are on your own journey and path, so, focus on that. Spend your energy on appreciating what you have and feel lots of gratitude for whoever you are and whatever you are becoming.

Regretting The Past

Do not regret your past. Everything happened for a reason. Learn from it and know that you are here to grow and expand through experiences. Chances are you are not who you used to be yesterday. Your morals and ideas will change as you grow, experience life, and learn things.
The universe is here to guide you to learn and to grow. We are here to grow and then to serve in a bigger and better way. So, if you are not growing, you cannot help anybody else, so, don’t regret the past. Forgive those people who did you wrong, and yourself for everything that you went through in the past because you were meant to learn lessons from it and help others.

Staying Around Negative People

It is hard to stay on this spiritual awakening journey if you are around negative people who are constantly judging you. Know that other people won’t understand your path and they don’t need to. You are here to do your work and fulfill your purpose and whether they understand that or not should not matter.

Their opinion of you and your path is none of your business. You know why you are here and as long as you stay steadfast on that path, your creator will guide you. You are here to do the creator’s work.
If the negative people are family members, reduce your contact and association with them. If the negative person is not family then stop associating with them altogether.
Forgive and let them go from your life.  Remember, some people are not meant to stay in your life forever. People who are meant to stay in your life will respect, support you, and not judge you even if they do not understand what you are going through.

Overindulging In Certain Foods And Drinks

Overindulging in certain foods and drinks which are not good for you like alcohol, flouride and sugar can affect your spiritual awakening journey.
Alcohol can take control over your mind and actions which means that you will not be fully aware of what you are doing. This can delay your journey because when your mind is not in your control, you do not act as your higher self. You wouldn’t be available to listen to the guidance, messages from your creator, and live as your higher self.

Overexerting Your Self

If you are always busy, overexerting yourself, and over-committed, you will not have the time, energy, silence, or space to honour and allow your true awakening to take place.
So, make sure you are creating that time and space for you to get the guidance so that you can fulfill your purpose. Spend some time in the quiet and listen to your guidance.
Allow some time for the most important thing which is to fulfill your purpose before you go from this world and nothing else is more important even though we make other things more of a priority. 

Getting Attached To Your Goals

Do not get attached to the goals that you set for yourself. It is okay to dream, plan, have a vision, and set goals for the future. But, do not get attached to the expected results.
The universe always has bigger and better plans for you. You may not see these opportunities and possibilities for yourself. Always learn to accept that if things don’t go your way, there’s a bigger and better plan for you out there. You have to trust that that plan is unfolding. So, don’t get attached to the goals.

Hurrying The Awakening Journey

You try to hurry through the awakening journey and you want it to finish quickly. Know that your growing and awakening journey will take time. It is a journey, not a sprint. There is no such thing as a specific time frame. 
This profound journey and experience will continue as you seek and discover your deeper levels of truth while here on earth. In fact, your soul’s journey will continue beyond this world. 

In conclusion, now you know that the spiritual awakening can make you tired. There is a lot of movement of energy within you as you awaken. As a result, you may experience sleep disruptions, fatigue, and tiredness as you become aligned with your higher self.
One of the best ways of staying in balance and getting your energy back is to meditate and connect with your higher self and creator for support, guidance, and unlimited source of love, light, intelligence, and strength.
Next, read: “What does meditation mean and What is a spiritual awakening articles for further insights, guidance and knowledge”.

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