What Happens When You Focus On Lack?
What Happens When You Focus On Lack?
It is not surprising that most of us feel like we are missing something in life based on the expectations set by our society for what defines a successful life, measured by how many titles we have acquired and the material accumulations we have amassed.
As a result, we waste so much of our precious time focusing on what is lacking in our lives. What happens when you focus on lack?
When you focus on lack, it expands, and you attract more of it into your life, which leads to more stress, worrying, suffering, and the resulting negative effects on your mind (mental health) and body (physical health).
It is one of the universal laws that your energy goes to whatever your attention is on, and it will cause it to multiply and flow into your life in a much bigger capacity.
So, how do I stop focusing on what I lack so that I can begin to attract abundance into my life instead of more lack? Let’s discuss 10 ways you can begin to do that next.
How Do I Stop Focusing On Lack?
The more you focus on what you do not have, the less you will ever have and so here are 10 ways to begin to change your focus on lack so that you can attract abundance in your life starting today.
Understanding this is the key to unlocking the abundant life your Creator has always wanted for you. This isn’t just about the mindset it’s about a profound spiritual truth.
Focus On What You Have
When you focus on what’s missing, you’re inviting fear to take the driver’s seat. Fear blocks creative energy which is the exactly what you need to manifest abundance.
Instead, use your energy to focus on the fact that you are a powerful soul that has unique gifts (one of the aspects of creativity from your creator) so that you can create solutions for the people that you are here to serve. Do not live in fear instead live from Joy, love, peace, connection, and contribution.

Practice Gratitude
You cannot feel truly grateful when all you see is what’s missing. Gratitude is the frequency of abundance, and focusing on lack tunes you out of it completely.
Have a daily gratitude practice and journal about all the things that you have to be grateful for. Every time you find yourself thinking about what is lacking shift your energy and vibration right away by thinking about all the many things that you have to be grateful for.
Think About What You Have
Your mind amplifies what you dwell on. Think about lack, and you will see more of it everywhere. But the reverse is true too focus on abundance, and watch your world transform.
Know Abundance Is Your Birthright
Your Creator did not make you to live in lack. Lack convinces you are separate from the divine provision, but abundance like everyone else is your birthright.
You have, deserve and are worthy of abundance like everyone else. Your creator loves you unconditionally and has made this abundant world for you to enjoy.

Stop Comparing
When you focus on lack, you compare yourself to others and think that they have more. This only steals your joy and creates division.
Always remember every soul is on its journey and path. There is no need to compare yourself with others because you are here to fulfill the purpose that you were perfectly created for.
Focus your energy on discovering, developing, your purpose and deploying it in service of others.
Know Your True Power
Living in a mindset of scarcity convinces you that solutions are out of reach. It blinds you to the power and resources already within you.
You are a powerful and wise soul who is here to live a life of infinite possibilities. You can also connect with and access your creator’s divine intelligence, strength, and power for your and other’s greatest good.
Embody Abundance
Abundance does not start with what you have; it starts with who you are. When you embody abundance, it naturally flows into your life.
Stay Committed To Your Purpose
Your purpose is bigger than your current circumstances. Focusing on lack distracts you from the mission your Creator designed for you.
Know that you have been created for a bigger purpose otherwise, you would not be here. Do not waste your energy focusing on lack, and not feeling enough instead discover your purpose and start serving others and pleasing your creator before it is too late.
Thrive Not Survive
You cannot thrive when your energy is consumed by survival. Thriving comes from aligning with abundance and trusting the divine plan.
Always remember that you live in a very abundant world that has been created for you to live a purposeful life of infinite possibilities.
Remind yourself every day if you need to I am abundance, I have enough, and I always have more than enough.
Open The Floodgates For Blessings
Resistance blocks miracles. When you let go of lack and surrender to abundance, you open the floodgates for blessings.
Know without a doubt that abundance is your birthright and your creator has created this abundant earth for you to enjoy.
Stay aligned with your soul qualities and all of its and your creator’s loving guidance and live a beautiful, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life that you were created to live.
In conclusion, you now know when you focus on lack it will expand and you will attract more of it into your life which will then lead to more stress, worrying, suffering, and the resulting negative effects on your mental and physical health.
It is one of the universal laws that your energy goes to whatever your attention is on and it will cause it to multiply and flow into your life in a much bigger capacity.
You also know how to stop focusing on lack by focusing on what you have, practicing gratitude, thinking about what you want, knowing abundance is your birthright, stopping comparing yourself to others, knowing your power, embodying abundance, staying committed to your purpose, thrive not survive, and opening flood gates for blessings and miracles.
Your Creator wants you to live a life of abundance, joy, and peace but it starts with you. You can’t solve lack by obsessing over it. Instead, shift your focus. Start seeing the blessings already around you.
Lean into gratitude, faith, and purpose. When you change your mindset, you will open the door to miracles you cannot even imagine.
Next, read what does financial abundance mean for further tips and insights.