Can Confidence Make You Attractive?
Can Confidence Make You Attractive?
Everyone should learn how to be confident to live their authentic and best life. You can not design your own life of purpose and meaning if you do not have the confidence to set out your course in life and not worry about somebody else’s opinion and plans for your life. Does that make you less attractive and liked by others or can confidence make you more attractive?
Yes, confidence most definitely can make you more attractive. People feel your energy, aura, and charisma, and get intrigued, inspired, and drawn to you when you exude self-confidence. It is contagious and makes other people want to be around you with the hope of eventually modelling, emulating, and knowing how to be a confident individual like you are.
So, you may be wondering next, what are some other reasons that confidence makes you attractive? Let’s discuss that next.
Why Does Confidence Make You Attractive
It makes you attractive because in most cases it equates to you having a good self-image, esteem, and self-assurance. You care about yourself, and your appearance, carry yourself well and have a good posture. You sit and stand more upright, occupy more space, talk to people while maintaining eye contact, speak with authority, and are more believable.
So how can you be confident? Let’s now discuss some ways a confident woman is different from others.
12 Ways A Confident Woman Is
A confident woman does not let her life, and what she does with it be dictated to her gender and the expectations of others and the society that she lives in.
Here are 12 ways that a confident woman lives differently from any other woman.
Knows Herself
She knows she is a soul that is having a temporary human experience. She is an extension and individualized expression of her creator (higher power). She can connect, and tap into her creator’s divine strength, intellect, and guidance anytime. She believes in herself and always knows that she is bigger than any problem or challenge that she may face.
Not Afraid To Shine Her Light
She is not afraid to shine her light and speaks with certainty because she knows that she is here to serve a purpose, inspire, and help others or she wouldn’t be there. The more she shines her light, the more she lights the path for others to do the same.
So, she does not have an issue shining her light and using her unique gifts despite others’ opinions and judgement. She was born to fulfill her soul’s calling and purpose and nothing will stop her from doing that.

Knows Her Worth
She knows that her worth is not determined by her gender or tied to her different roles, titles, and social status. She feels worthy because she is here or she wouldn’t be here. There is nothing wrong with her if she does not like doing the chores that society dictates a woman should be good at doing like cleaning, cooking, having and looking after her children, etc.
She knows she is here to fulfill a purpose within this body, colour, and race and is not afraid to be judged or not understood by others. She is here to impact the world in a way that only she can with her unique gifts and natural talents.
Takes 100% Responsibility
She takes one hundred percent responsibility to create her own life and does not cast blame on someone else. She knows that if she wants to create her own authentic life then it’s up to her to create it. She can create her best life and not rely on someone else to give her that lifestyle.
Nobody else is responsible for creating that life for her and she’s well aware of that. She can design her life by intentionally choosing her identity, beliefs, and thoughts that she thinks to make her feel a certain way, words she speaks, and actions she takes which then lead to her habits and destiny.
Takes Care Of Herself
She takes care of herself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The more she takes care of herself, the more she can serve in a bigger and better way from the overflow. She knows her creator has given her inner wisdom and a life with infinite possibilities. She takes care of her body which houses the soul by exercising, eating healthy foods, etc.
She also has rituals to keep her connected to her creator for guidance and for mastering her mind and emotions. When you are aligned to your soul and are peaceful, joyful, and feel abundant, you are more inclined to want to fulfill your purpose and serve others.

Does Not Compare
She does not compare herself to others and robs her joy. She knows she is here on her journey to live an authentic inside-out life and not the other way around. The only person she compares herself to is herself and as long as she is growing and becoming a better version of herself then she is happy. She does not feel any need to seek attention and approval from others.
Emotionally Independent
She is emotionally independent. She knows that she is not a victim. Nobody else can determine how she feels unless she gives them the power over her to do so and reacts to them. She knows her feelings stem from her identity, thoughts, and beliefs. She lives her life from the inside out and chooses to respond to the outer circumstances rather than reacting.
Responsible For Own Happiness
She knows that she is responsible for her happiness. She knows what makes her happy and intentionally spends time doing the things that give her joy. She is content and derives pleasure and satisfaction from her accomplishments. She never relies on things outside her control to make her experience happiness.

Always Improving
She always challenges herself to improve and grow every day. Every human being’s purpose is to grow which would enable him/her to then serve others in a bigger and better way. She is aware that challenges will happen in life so that she can learn and grow. She never casts blame or judgment on someone else.
Manages Her Own Finances
She manages her finances instead of relying on someone else. She knows the more she learns the more she can keep, invest, multiply, and give endlessly. She uses her skills to make all the money she can make so she can continue to give and help others. The better she manages and grows her money, the more she can be trusted by her creator to grow and share with others.
Designs Intentional Life
She lives an intentional soul-aligned life by design. She knows what she wants in every area of her life. She aligns her desired life with her work instead of the other way around. She creates that by her thoughts, identity, beliefs, feelings, and actions.
Sets Healthy Boundaries
She sets healthy boundaries and demands respect. She has boundaries for herself as to what she’ll say yes to and what she’ll say no to in alignment with her values. She also determines how other people treat her and she has boundaries for that as well. She knows she doesn’t have to spend time around toxic people who judge her or who do not appreciate and support her.
In conclusion, you now know that confidence can make you attractive. People feel your energy, aura, and charisma, and get intrigued, inspired, and drawn to you when you exude self-confidence. It is contagious and makes other people want to be around you with the hope of eventually modelling, emulating, and knowing how to be a confident individual like you are.
The reason confidence makes you attractive is because in most cases it equates to you having good habits and beliefs about yourself. You most likely have a good self-image, esteem, and self-assurance. You care about yourself, and your appearance, carry yourself well and maintain a good posture.
You sit and stand more upright, occupy more space, talk to people while maintaining eye contact, speak with authority, and are more believable.
You also learnt 12 ways a confident woman is different from others. She knows who she is, is not afraid to shine her light, knows her worth, takes 100% responsibility, takes care of herself, does not compare, is emotionally independent, responsible for her happiness, always improving, and takes care of her finances, designs her intentional life, and sets healthy boundaries.
I hope you found yourself to have those qualities because they’re important. It’s your life and you’re only here for a short time so live your best life and it’s up to you to do that. Good luck on your confident inside-out best life journey.
Next, read how fear and self doubt keeps you stuck and how to over come it to help you continue to improve and live your best life!