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Is Self-Love Important?

Is Self-Love Important?

Our society often views too much time and energy invested in your self-love and care as a very selfish act, especially if you are a mother or a parent. Is self-love important?
Self-love is vital for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It helps you improve your self-worth and enables you to have better, healthier, and thriving relationships.
So, you may be wondering how do you know without a doubt that you are practicing self-love. Let’s discuss that next.

8 Signs You Love Yourself

Loving yourself is not just about spa days and positive affirmations. It is about how you show up for yourself every single day.
Here are 8 signs that prove you have a deep, unshakable love for yourself.

You Set And Enforce Boundaries

You set and enforce boundaries if you love yourself you do not let people walk all over you. You set boundaries and stick to them not out of anger but out of self-respect. You know your worth, and you will never settle for less.
When you do not set boundaries, you can get depleted by others’ needs and expectations. You will constantly be distracted and might not have the time or energy to fulfill your purpose. You have to protect your time and energy which are limited.

You Speak Kindly To Yourself

You speak kindly to yourself because your inner voice is your closest companion. When you truly love yourself, you replace harsh self-criticism with encouragement. Instead of saying: “I am so stupid”, you say “I am learning and growing”.
Notice and become very aware of your negative self-talk because all transformation begins with awareness first. You are special and have been created, and trusted with a purpose. Otherwise, you would not be here. 
Your creator loves you unconditionally so begin to love yourself unconditionally. Repeat mantras like “I am love, I am peace, I am Joy, I am divine, I am powerful, I am wisdom”. Love yourself and be kind and compassionate towards yourself.

You Prioritize Your Mental And Physical Health

You prioritize your mental and physical health so that you are well enough to fulfill your purpose. Your body is housing your soul and you need it to fulfill your purpose.
Self-love isn’t just about feelings it’s about actions. You take care of your body, mind, and soul because you know you deserve to feel good.
Consume and listen to positive and inspirational content, express gratitude, spend time in the quiet, spend time out in nature, pray, meditate, and connect with your soul and creator.

You Don’t Chase, You Attract

You do not chase, you attract when you work on yourself. When you love yourself, you stop chasing validation, relationships, or success. Instead, you focus on becoming the best version of yourself, and the right things naturally come into your life.
When you begin to vibrate and resonate with your higher self, those are the kind of people and things you will attract to yourself because your energy will be vibrating, resonating, and tuning in the abundance, love, kindness, peace, and joy that you deserve.
The more you align with what you are by nature, the more you will attract that into your life.

You Forgive Yourself And Let Go Of The Past

You forgive yourself and let go of the past because self-love means understanding that mistakes do not define you. You learn, you grow, and you move forward with grace. You do not carry past guilt, you carry wisdom.
We are all here to grow so the more we learn from our mistakes, the more we can serve our purpose and others in a bigger and better way.

You Accept Yourself Fully (Even the “Flaws”)

You accept yourself fully even though most people struggle with this. Loving yourself means embracing all of you not just the highlight reel. You don’t hide your flaws; you own them because they make you who you are.
Always remember that you were perfectly made for your purpose so accept and love yourself fully even though you may have some quirks.
When you love and respect yourself fully, you teach others to love and respect yourself fully too. Know without a doubt that you’re worthy, enough, and matter.

You Celebrate Your Wins

You celebrate your wins and do not wait for others to validate you. You validate yourself. Big or small, you celebrate your achievements because you know how hard you worked for them.

You Choose Relationships That Align With Your Worth

You choose relationships that align with your worth. When you love yourself, you stop tolerating relationships that drain you. You surround yourself with people who respect, uplift, and inspire you.

In conclusion, you now know self-love is vital for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It will help you improve your self-worth, and enable you to have better, healthier, and more thriving relationships.
You also know signs to prove that you are practicing self-love setting and enforcing boundaries, speaking kindly to yourself, prioritizing your physical and mental health, attracting not chasing, forgiving yourself and letting go of the past, accepting yourself fully, celebrating your wins, and choosing relationships that align with your worth.
I hope you found some or all of these eight signs in yourself. It is also okay if you need to start working on some of these.
Self-love is a journey, not a destination!
Next, read is it selfish to set boundaries for further helpful insights and tips.

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