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Why Is The End-Of-Year Ritual Important?

Why Is The End-Of-Year Ritual Important?

We on this earth for a very short time and yet most people are living a very distracted and unintentional life. They are not living the purposeful life that they came here to live.
They do not understand that they have the power to create a life of their dreams by having the right habits, routines, and rituals.
One such important ritual is the end-of-year ritual. Why is the end-of-year ritual important?
An end-of-the-year ritual is important because it provides scheduled focused time, space and opportunity to pause, examine, and bring awareness to the type of year you have had, and the experiences you were able to have.
Acknowledge the lessons that you learned and measure the progress that you potentially made as far as your yearly goals and life vision are concerned before you transition to the new year.
This ritual will prevent you from blindly going into the new year and repeating the same mistakes that you made.
It will also help you live a more intentional, conscious, mindful, purposeful, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
Next, let’s discuss the five specific things you must do to end your year if you want to be successful in intentionally creating a life of your dreams.

5 Things You Must Do To End Your Year

Make it a habit to repeatedly schedule and do these things at the end of every year so that you can have a better new year.
Ideally, you want to do this exercise somewhere where you feel inspired like out in nature if possible. Here are five things to include in this exercise.

Count All Your Blessings

Take some time to reflect on the type of year you have had and count all your blessings.
Write down all the people who you are grateful to have in your life and all the things that you are grateful to have like a home, family, food, friends, car, career, love, peace, abundance, etc this year.
List all the experiences that you have been able to have this year. Did you become more spiritual and improve your relationship with your creator?
Did you feel more joyful because you prioritized self-care, and improved your mental and emotional health? Did you start a new job? Did you travel with your spouse/family? Did you buy a new car? Did you start a new job?
Did you improve your physical health because you exercised more often?  Did you successfully heal from a physical ailment because you took better care of yourself?
Take the time to write down things that you are grateful for in each area of your life.

Evaluate And Review Goals And Vision

Evaluate and review your achievements in different areas of life this year. Did you accomplish your goals for the year for each area of life like health, family, career, financial, spiritual, personal growth, and social relationships? 
Did you move forward and closer to your life vision? Did you grow as a person? Did you have nice experiences with your loved ones? Did you serve and make an impact?

Create A Plan For The New Year

Decide what you want to accomplish in the new year and give it a name for example it is a year of breakthrough, action, contribution, experiences, healing, etc.
Figure out what outcomes you want to achieve in each area of your life. what experiences do you want to have? and what contributions do you want to make?
Come up with 1-3 goals in every area of life. Create habits and progress goals to meet the outcome goals that you set for yourself.

Identify Barriers And Obstacles

Identify the barriers and obstacles that can prevent you from achieving the goals that you set for the new year.
It can be internal like your emotional wounds, mindset, limiting beliefs, identity, thoughts, lack of actions, habits, self-esteem, and confidence, or external circumstances, situations, or lack of talent, skills, and knowledge.

Make A Personal Growth Plan

Find ways to overcome these barriers and obstacles like healing your emotional wounds, identifying your limiting beliefs, and letting them go.
Always focus on sharpening your skills, knowledge, and talents by creating a personal growth plan. When you grow you can serve in a bigger and better way. Ultimately the purpose of every soul on this earth is to grow and serve. 

In conclusion, you now know that an end-of-year ritual is important because it provides scheduled focused time, space and opportunity to pause and acknowledge, examine, and bring awareness to the type of year you have had.
All the experiences you were able to have, lessons that you learned, and the progress that you potentially made as far as your yearly goals and life vision are concerned before you transition into the new year.
This ritual will prevent you from blindly going into the new year and repeating the same mistakes that you made this year. It will also help you live a more intentional, conscious, mindful, purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling life.
You also know the five things you must do to end your year which is count all your blessings, evaluate and review your goals and vision, create a plan for the new year, identify your barriers and obstacles, and make a personal growth plan to overcome these barriers.
I hope you have realized how important the end-of-year ritual is and will do it and enter every new year more intentionally and mindfully going forward. Best of luck!
Next, read What are Life Goals for further helpful tips and insights.

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