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What Are Good Morning Habits

What Are Good Morning Habits?

I believe to have an exciting and meaningful life, one must have a future vision for their life based on their purpose. 
Our vision and goals put us on a chosen path in life however it is our habits that keep us on that path and create our destiny. 
So, what exactly are habits and what do we consider to be good morning habits?
Habits are actions we perform repeatedly that eventually become automatic and controlled by our subconscious mind. 
Our brain always strives to make all our repeated actions efficient by forming neural pathways, so that they consume the least amount of energy as they run automatically. 
That is why most people drive to work without actually consciously thinking about it and remembering the actions they took.

Good morning habits are consciously created by you, so that you can start every day intentionally, proactively by design so that you can have a peaceful, joyful and meaningful day that is in alignment with your purpose and soul (true nature).
You may be now wondering, what would be some good morning habits to develop. Let’s discuss that next.

18 Good morning habits to develop

Here are some good healthy habits that everyone should develop to experience an optimal day.

Wake Up Early

Wake up early and experience the silence, peaceful energy and the quiet before the rest of the world wakes up. You can connect with your creator and ask for guidance before getting distracted with your worldly obligations and responsibilities.

Positive Thoughts

Smile and think positive thoughts as soon as your eyes open, such as “good morning god”. “I am grateful and excited for this wonderful day that you have gifted me with”. “I will be your instrument and do your work, live my purpose, bless, serve and help others who cross my path”.

Positive Talk

While you brush your teeth, look in the mirror, talk to yourself, and say “I love you, I am a powerful soul, I am a peaceful soul, I am a loving soul, and I am in perfect health and have a strong body”.

Small Win

Accomplish your first win of the day and gain some confidence by making your bed.


Drink warm water first thing in the morning. You can also add some turmeric, honey, and pepper to it. 
Your body and all your organs, especially your spine and brain, require water after 7-8 hours of rest and repair to start functioning optimally again.


Spend some time praying and connecting to your creator.


It is a proven fact that meditation has a lot of health benefits.
Practice sitting in silence and concentrate on your breath.


Taking in deep breaths helps your brain get the influx of oxygen that it needs to function well. 
Take a deep breath in as you count to 4, hold your breath and count to 4, and release through your mouth as you count to 4. Repeat this cycle 4-6 times.


In your journal write down all the reasons you are grateful for today, what you are excited about, what you are going to create today, who are you going to give and serve today, how you are feeling and why.


Read something positive to set your mindset correctly for the day. Your attitude will determine how you experience the rest of your day.


Learn something new. The more you grow and expand your knowledge the more you can serve your family and friends and others in a bigger and better ways.


Repeat empowering affirmations to yourself and change your physical and emotional state to a more positive one.

Send Blessings

Picture someone you know, send them blessings, and wish them an amazing day.
Send blessings to a loved one who has passed away.

Move Your Body

Exercise helps your blood circulate better along with lots of other both physical and mental benefits.
Go for a brisk walk out in nature for 20-30 minutes. If that is not possible due to the weather conditions or lack of time, then put on your favourite dance music and move for 10 minutes.


Take a cold shower to help your blood flow, circulation, optimal body functioning, and vitality.


Have a healthy breakfast to nourish and fuel your body, so it can function well. Have green smoothies and other healthy alternatives.

Review Goals and To-Do List

Review the goals that you wrote at the end of the previous day and tasks to be done for the day. Have a daily 1-3 tasks to complete. Start with the hardest task.


Visualize having a perfect day and achieving all your goals of the day for your and others greatest good.

8 Bad Morning Habits to Get Rid of

Change the following habits at all costs, because they are not good, and will influence how the rest of your day goes.
For example, if you are running around and stressed out in the morning, then the rest of your day will also be hectic as you will be less tolerant and more reactive to the unpleasant circumstances and people that you may encounter throughout the day.

Snooze Button

Stop hitting the snooze button and opting to stay in bed longer.
This signals to the universe that you are not excited about the day that’s been gifted to you, by your creator and you prefer to be in bed, rather than be excited about the day so that you can fulfill your purpose and serve others.

Negative Thoughts

Stop complaining about the way you look when you see yourself in the mirror as you brush your teeth. 
Stop saying oh my god why do I look like that, oh my god look at the bags under my eyes because again that’s not respecting who you are your creator created you in his image and thinks you are beautiful.

Taking a Hot Shower

Stop taking a hot shower in the morning, because it will relax you and make you sleepy. 
It is better to take a shower with lukewarm water or cold water because that will energize you by improving your blood circulation.

Having Coffee

Stop having coffee first thing in the morning instead of water. Your body needs water.

Unhealthy Breakfast

Stop having breakfast with lots of carbohydrates and sugar. They do not fuel your body with the nutrients it needs.

Checking Your Phone

Stop checking your phone first thing in the morning, because it can lead to you following other people’s agenda as you see emails and texts demanding your response.  
It can also cause you to be upset and anxious when you see your photo, or a post not getting enough views or likes.

Not Having a Morning Routine

Stop starting your work day right away without easing into it with a morning routine to take care of your mind, body and soul.
In conclusion, it is a good idea to intentionally and consciously develop good morning habits like the ones mentioned above so that you can have a peaceful, joyful and meaningful day every day.
Get rid of all the bad morning habits that are not good for you as they will influence how the rest of your day goes. 
You will be more reactive and less responsive to the unpleasant circumstances and people that you come across.
Now that you know how to intentionally design and influence your day by developing the right morning habits it is time to find out next how to design and live your best life.

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